Mature / Thirty+

Changes Book 2 - Final Chapter

The alarm went off–no it wasn’t a clock type alarm, it was a baby one.

‘Your turn,’ said Abby sleepily, turning over and then almost immediately snoring as only she can–loudly...


Changes–Book Two

A Penmarris Story
Final Chapter

Bad Moon Rising-2.

Bad moon Rising-2

Athena/Andrea’s part…

Rick who I’d been undercover with for awhile now and had even had sex with and slept with, who had found out about there being real para-normal forces out there in the world and that I am a goddess.

Was kissing me…

He’s never kissed me like this before; on the job he was never this good. I’ve got the bible still in my hands and he’s kissing me. His tongue is playing naughty things with mine and he’s kissing me like he used to study scrolls with Venus.

Funny Business - Chapter 18, The Truth, the Whole Truth and Everything..

Funny Business - Chapter 18, The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth


Samantha Michelle Davies (SamanthaMD)

Well, here we go. This is the final part of my story. I hope that all the loose ends get wrapped up. This is quite a long piece so please bear with me and read through right to the end.

Jake was waiting for Liz and Charlie when they arrived at JFK. His limo took them to a ‘safe house’ that was used by the magazine when important people came to town.

Funny Business - Chapter 17, Breaking Ground

Funny Business - Chapter 17, Breaking Ground


Samantha Michelle Davies (SamanthaMD)

Liz was totally surprised to see Charles Sr in front of her.
He came up and kissed her on both cheeks.
“Hello Liz”

“What are you doing here?” she asked still stunned from seeing her ‘father in law to be’.
He grinned.

Funny Business - Chapter 16, Coming Clean

Funny Business - Chapter 16, Coming Clean


Samantha Michelle Davies

Charlie drove a very apprehensive Liz out the Reservation. They parked at the centre where they’d met Billy on the two previous occasions they’d visited the Reservation.

As they opened the door to go in, the doors burst open and a man in a Wheelchair came out.

“Sorry”, he said as they leapt backwards.

“I’m still getting used to this bastard contraption”

Healing Mishap -15-

Healing Mishap -15-
By Lanzaq

Arric brushed himself off. “Hello earth to Kate! You just teleported a 10 ton giant golem four miles into the air! You need to heal everyone so we can get out of here, like now!”

Kate sniffled brushing tears from her eyes. “ I-its fine, even if the golem had strong enough magic to hold itself together there is no way that it could actually hit us.”

“well whatever if you say we are alright, however wrong I feel this will be, I guess we are safe.” Arric said. “But still it does our friends no good to lie there unconscious.”

Funny Business - Chapter 15, There is Trouble Ahead

Funny Business - Chapter 15, There is Trouble Ahead


Samantha Michelle Davies (SamanthaMD)

A very happy and relieved Liz was waiting for Charlie when he arrived at Reno late that night.

After a nice hug and a welcome home kiss, she asked,

“I saw you on TV. You scrub up pretty well. Perhaps you should do it more often? Say in a Courtroom?”

He laughed.

“The first & last time I’m afraid but thanks for the offer”

Healing Mishap -14-

Healing Mishap -14-
By Lanzaq
“I heard from a very reliable-”

“And drunk.”

“source that one of the last few remaining artifacts are located in this ruin.” Arric said with a small interjection from Raleigh. “And that it is only guarded by two golems and a gargoyle.”

“Stone creatures...ew.” Ash said feeling the blades on her sword. “Stone isn't nice to blades.”

“Gargoyle?” Kate said half lost in cloud-observation. “Its like a stone dragon right?”

Bit of a shock

I came home from work, ready for a weeks holiday. I had a nice quiet week
planned, some DIY, some resting and possibly some dressing up.

All my plans were shattered as I walked in my front door and saw my
very determined wife, arms crossed in front of her, while she sat
in front of the computer.The screen showing what I had thought were
my private files, containing stories and fantasies about cross dressing.

Funny Business - Chapter 13, A warm welcome on a cold day

Funny Business - Chapter 13, A warm welcome on a cold day


Samantha Michelle Davies (SamanthaMD)

From here to the end of the story, I am going to need some 'artistic license'. I'm no expert on Native Americans and their lives etc. I fully accept responsibility for factual errors. I hope those that do appear won't affect your reaction to the story

Funny Business - Chapter 12, The Happy Day and a new Beginning

Funny Business - Chapter 12, The Happy Day and a new Beginning


Samantha Michelle Davies (SamanthaMD)

Fully refreshed & relaxed, Liz & Charlie flew back to New York a week later.

They arrived home only to find that Charlie’s Mother was still on the warpath. For the time being, his Father was managing to keep her under control but not until she had fly posted their rented home with flyers exposing Liz to all their neighbours.

This single event only made it more imperative that they get out of town as soon as possible.

Funny Business - Chapter 11, Revelations

Funny Business - Chapter 11, Revelations


Samantha Michelle Davies (SamanthaMD)

The couple flew from New York two days later to the Caribbean Island of Barbados. Charlie had rented a villa overlooking Admiral Flower Bay for a couple of weeks in the hope that the sun and fresh air might lift the air of depression caused by the virtual end of the project and Charlie’s Mother’s appearance.

Ride On 9

That was really not a complete surprise. I knew some of the background of her death, of course. I had been aware of our odd resident, as I had sent a couple of lads past her place a few times after the graffiti, and I remembered that she had something to do with the local security scene, but I had never dug into her background.

Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 20

Galactic Marshal II

CHAPTER 20 - The Final Chapter

I awoke to find the doctor standing over me. She helped me to sit up. I immediately felt the absence of anything hanging from my chest. The doctor noticed where I was looking.

“Yes, the transformation was mostly complete.”

Funny Business - Chapter 10, Charlies Mother (not his Aunt)

Funny Business – Chapter 10, Charlies Mother (not his Aunt)


Samantha Michelle Davies (SamanthaMD)

To say that Liz was stunned by the appearance of Charlie’s Mother would be an underestimate to say the least.

She was left standing there on the doorstep looking rather silly while his Mother was dashing between the rooms of the house looking for Charles.


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