Mature / Thirty+

I Was A Craig's List Trophy Wife -- Marc's Story

I Was A Craig's List Trophy Wife — Marc's Story


Lesley Renee Charles

I don't know what is was that night but I decided to read the advertisements in Craig's List. After the messy, painful divorce from my ex-wife I have not been looking for someone.

Ride On 92

The next morning was the usual post-party nightmare of half-eaten food and filthy glasses, not to mention a mild hangover. The Woodruffs had stayed over, and the girls, but everyone else had made their way home by cab or shanks’ pony. There were things to do, and fortunately there were young people to kick out of their sleeping bag who could be made to do it. I don’t think I look terrifying in a pair of fluffy pink slippers and a terry dressing gown, but I did my best.

I Was A Craig's List Trophy Wife -- Charles' Story

I Was A Craig's List Trophy Wife — Charles' Story


Lesley Renee Charles

I don't know what is was that night but I decided to read the ads in Craig's List. After the painful death of my wife I have not been looking for someone.

Between One Step and the Next, Part 1

Between One Step and the Next, Part 1

Sam Wells sat on a bench and tried not to cry. He had just come from a frustrating meeting with a government agency and was debating in his head what he should do next. Months of underemployment had left him on the edge of losing his home, but nobody seemed able to help him.

Yes, Dear

Author's note: This one has some strong themes that might upset more gentle people. Reader discretion is advised.

Yes, Dear

Joseph Fournier was finishing his evening tea when his wife Mary suddenly shouted at him, “Slave!”

He stiffened, and became still. Mary came up to him and waved a hand in his unblinking face. He made no movement, and she smiled. “”Tell me, whose slave are you?” She said.

“Yours” he replied in a monotone.

“It worked!” she laughed. “Go put your cup in the sink, and then come back here.”

Galactic Marshal III - Chapter 8

Galactic Marshal III


“I don’t like this one bit. We are heading to a dog and pony show. No one is going to listen to us or care what happens to us.”

Karen nodded.

“I don’t know what Tinker proposes to accomplish by our presence. I still think there is something else going on.”

Hermaphrodite orgy

Remove May 16, 2010
hermaphrodite orgy

So off we
went until we finally arrived at her farmhouse way out in the middle of
no where.
"So dear, how do you like my place?" she asked me.
"It's really nice." I responded. "Do you live here alone?"
"I don't have a husband, if that's what you're interested in finding
out. I'm kinda more interested in girls than in boys. Does that bother
you?" she wanted to know.
And then before I could answer she took me by the hand and led me into
the bedroom and started to undress me. Then we just started to cuddle until we got eachother excited.



by shalimar

Rose White took the next specification sheet off the pile. She looked over the information on the form.

‘This is going to be a fun one to make,’ she thought. ‘A Fabio face with chin a dimple al la Kurt Douglas. Humm 6’ 3” and ALL muscle.’

“Maybe I’ll keep this one myself,” she said out loud to no one in particular.


by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Henry Harrelson's Custom Fit Boots

Rupert is a successful bank manager and, as his fortieth birthday approaches, he’s hopeful that he’ll be offered a place on the bank’s board of governors.

His wife buys him a generous gift: A pair of boots from Henry Harrelson’s — boots made to fit your feet and your personality. Only these aren’t the sort of boots a bank manager might wear, and the kind gesture promises to turn into a crash and burn career wise, not to mention the affect it might have on his marriage.

Can Rupert salvage anything from the wreckage?

Die Sagen von Misrah 4 - "Reise, reise..." (german)

Die Sagen von Misrah - "Reise, reise..."
The tales of Misrah - "Reise, reise..."


by Misrah

"ICH VERLANGE, DASS SIE MIR SOFORT IHRE LIZENZ ZEIGEN! HABEN SIE MICH GEHá–RT?!" Das aufgedunsene Gesicht von Larry Ramirez war zornesrot, wá¤hrend er den jungen Mann auf der anderen Seite der eichenen Verkaufstheke anbrá¼llte.

Der lie០sich jedoch nicht weiter aus der Fassung bringen sondern erhob sich fast betont langsam aus seinem abgewrackten, knarzenden Drehstuhl.

Snakes and Ladders-11

Snakes and Ladders-11

Chapter 11

Raw naked fear and heart thumping adrenaline.

I guess kind of is a good grasp of just the feeling that seeing the three hundred or so yards of ancient or twisted forest just exploding into chunks, splinters, sawdust and fire. I stare at it like seeing a terrorist bomb going off.

Ride On 80

It was too easy to get lost. All I had to remember, really, was that if he was a big man, and its name didn’t start with a D, he was from Sarah’s entourage. Her husband included, they really were stupidly big, and I could see where Elaine got her looks from. She wasn’t fat, just square, and apart from the look around the eyes and mouth, Sarah was very different. I have to admit that I lost track of the names of the kids.

The Unplanned Adventures Part 6 - Uncomfortable Generations

Uncomfortable Generations

By Paul Calhoun

Dear readers: I started this in February expecting to be done by Easter. These stories are just getting longer and longer than expected. I thought it'd be short. Anyway, Mike's extended family visits, teaching Jane and Susan not to call their family weird. Here is a PDF with all the stories to date in their proper font, leading and with all the paragraph indentation intact.


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