Mature / Thirty+

Riding Home 38

I have already said that no matter how careful one plans and prepares, there is always that collection of ‘little things’ that make themselves known right at the last minute, and in this case it was courtesy of Stewie. His old Roller, the wedding present that he and Sally were lending us for the day, along with a couple of other cars, had a visit from the Faery Folk en route to our house.

'Daydreams Can Come True' Chapter 2

‘Daydreams can come True ’
Julie Dawn Cole

Well I guess I should carry on. At least for a while.

My wonderful new friend was called Susie and she had her own photography business but she was working as a paid employee doing physiotherapy. Mainly the patients under her care were infirm or mature but they all loved her. As she’d passed through her thirties she’d calmed down a lot and was not so wild anymore.


This is a very short story told to the author by a man who liked women --
liked them whether they were real women or transgendered.

Laura by Janet Baker

Jason met Laura that fall evening at a bar noted for its acceptance of unconventional lifestyles. The bar was filled with celebrants, the Twins having finally won a game. Jason scanned the crowd trying to determine whether the colorfully dressed habitués were real women or cross dressers or transsexuals.

Snakes and Ladders-13

Snakes and Ladders 13.

Chapter 13

I lower Shaya’s hand and I smile and pull her into a kiss. I really love kissing this woman. So I make it long and slow and sweet just kind of pouring all that lover, and that whole soft sexy girl on girl thing into it. I’ve had a long time with the fantasies that have been in my head most of my life and while Shaya’s had them too there’s a lot of her buried under the hammering that being Illian had done to her soul.

“Come on let’s go find Bhlaze.”

Riding Home 35

What is there to write about Channel crossings? The Portsmouth route is interesting for a while, as you pass sea forts and the Isle of Wight, but soon you find yourself in the middle of ocean, no land in sight at all. That fascinated the kids, as so much else did on the trip. They had never been away from Britain, never mind on the high seas, and everything was fresh and new.

Confederation Book 1 Epilogue

The Confederation, a group of independent worlds bonded together for mutual trade and defence, have a dirty little secret in how they make their trading ships - hijacking the souls of dead transgendered. Please follow one subject's rebirth into the Confederation.

Universe is now open if anyone else wants to write in it, but for the moment if you want it to be canonical you need to run it past me because there's some bits I haven't told anyone. :-)

Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 6 of 8

Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 6 of 8
by Charlotte Dickles


Just who was it who'd suggested the title for the next performance of the amateur dramatic group? Because when the lead actress drops out, it leaves a vacancy for a big-busted woman to prance naked on the stage, which nobody wants to fill. Fortunately, being a lead actress is not all work and no play.

The complete story has been serialised into eight parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Confederation Book 1 Chapter 5/5

The Confederation, a group of independent worlds bonded together for mutual trade and defence, have a dirty little secret in how they make their trading ships - hijacking the souls of dead transgendered. Please follow one subject's rebirth into the Confederation.

Epilogue to follow.

Riding Home 34

We began a series of those last-minute preparations that always remain last-minute, no matter how many aeons in advance you start them. So much to get ready, so much to sort into little boxes of my attention span. What the boys called “The French Ride” with audible capitalisation was almost on us, there was no way we were going to miss Shrewsbury at the end of the same month, we had some large social event or other a week and a bit later and Polly had apparently stolen a march on everything by starting the documentation for moving Darren’s status forward.

Bridges 20

Bridges 20

Chapter 20.

It’s a messed up drive for the first part of it with me thinking about Cass’s mood if there was something behind it or if she was just having a day or if it’s something that’s going to come up in our relationship. She is the most awesome woman I think that I’ve, no I know that I’ve ever had in my life but still it’s a relationship and I’ve not had the best of track records.

Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 5 of 8

Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 5 of 8
by Charlotte Dickles


Just who was it who'd suggested the title for the next performance of the amateur dramatic group? Because when the lead actress drops out, it leaves a vacancy for a big-busted woman to prance naked on the stage, which nobody wants to fill. Fortunately, being a lead actress is not all work and no play.

The complete story has been serialised into eight parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Confederation Book 1 Chapter 4/5

The Confederation, a group of independent worlds bonded together for mutual trade and defence, have a dirty little secret in how they make their trading ships - hijacking the souls of dead transgendered. Please follow one subject's rebirth into the Confederation.

A return to some action!

Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 4 of 8

Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 4 of 8
by Charlotte Dickles


Just who was it who'd suggested the title for the next performance of the amateur dramatic group? Because when the lead actress drops out, it leaves a vacancy for a big-busted woman to prance naked on the stage, which nobody wants to fill. Fortunately, being a lead actress is not all work and no play.

The complete story has been serialised into eight parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Confederation Book 1 Chapter 3/5

The Confederation, a group of independent worlds bonded together for mutual trade and defence, have a dirty little secret in how they make their trading ships - hijacking the souls of dead transgendered. Please follow one subject's rebirth into the Confederation.

Sorry, no space battles this time, only social disasters.

Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 3 of 8

Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 3 of 8
by Charlotte Dickles


Just who was it who'd suggested the title for the next performance of the amateur dramatic group? Because when the lead actress drops out, it leaves a vacancy for a big-busted woman to prance naked on the stage, which nobody wants to fill. Fortunately, being a lead actress is not all work and no play.

The complete story has been serialised into eight parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Confederation Book 1 Chapter 2/5

The Confederation, a group of independent worlds bonded together for mutual trade and defence, have a dirty little secret in how they make their trading ships - hijacking the souls of dead transgendered. Please follow one subject's rebirth into the Confederation.

This time we get a variety of action, and the bad guys hinted at last time are revealed.

Lessons from a Park Bench Conversation

Lessons from a Park Bench Conversation

The first thing I noticed, was she had pretty feet. I know, I know, as soon as someone says that, everyone thinks you’re a perv. All you have to do is do a search on “foot fetish” online, and you’ll see stuff that would make your head spin. But I’m not like those dudes. Its just … when a girl has pretty feet, I notice, that’s all.


A journey that started so many years ago
A journey that I learned from as I grew
I never chose my path in life, my path chose me
As I walked alone looking for happiness
All I could find was a world of hate
Maybe someday things will change
But my destiny will remain the same
To find true friends who really care
In this day and age is really rare
It always gets better, so they say
But first I must know how to make the pain go away
It’s been a long battle
One that many will have to travel
I remember what someone once said to me
Keep your head up, always be proud

Great Writers

Roland and DiMaggio in...
Great Writers

Voice Over: (Jennifer Brock)
Just starting on Oxygen now, ' Halfelven', the inspiring tale of the simple authoress who worked her way up to become Queen of America and Empress of the greatest publishing empire the world has ever seen. But right now it's time for 'Great Writers', introduced as usual by Andrea DiMaggio.

Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 2 of 8

Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 2 of 8
by Charlotte Dickles


Just who was it who'd suggested the title for the next performance of the amateur dramatic group? Because when the lead actress drops out, it leaves a vacancy for a big-busted woman to prance naked on the stage, which nobody wants to fill. Fortunately, being a lead actress is not all work and no play.

The complete story has been serialised into eight parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


Confederation Book 1 Chapter 1/5

The Confederation, a group of independent worlds bonded together for mutual trade and defence, have a dirty little secret in how they make their trading ships - hijacking the souls of dead transgendered. Please follow one subject's rebirth into the Confederation.

Apologies in advance, this one's mostly setup. Thanks to Bailey Summers for test reading (but not editing - all mistakes are mine), sorry I couldn't implement all of your suggestions.

Well-Stuffed Melons - Part 1 of 8


Just who was it who'd suggested the title for the next performance of the amateur dramatic group? Because when the lead actress drops out, it leaves a vacancy for a big-busted woman to prance naked on the stage, which nobody wants to fill. Fortunately, being a lead actress is not all work and no play.

The complete story has been serialised into eight parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Only The Lonely...

Only the Lonely….

It was the song that was playing on the radio when she woke up in the morning and already saw the start of another hot day. That became a promise as she slipped out of the sheet she had draped over herself last night and had tried to curl up to another night alone.

Could I have this dance?

I had this story kicking around in my head for the past couple of days. It's short, but sweet. Enjoy


She was a beauty. Sure there were other women in that room at the time, but none had the beauty and happiness that radiated on her face. Her dress was a sight to behold. The lace that run up the sides was exquisite. Her hair was done up with flowers on one side. And that smile never left her lips.

Riding Home 31

Naomi rang the following evening. We had sorted out everything we thought they might need in addition to what we had packed in haste the day before, and Simon once more had done the shuttle run, accompanied by Merry. His face had lit up when he saw her, and I got a sly look of guilt when I winked at him over her shoulder as they embraced. Naughty vicar.

Days and Nights on Old Haven Road-1

Days and Nights on Old Haven Road.

(The idea for this was inspired by Laika. Who thought maybe a look at some of the other people and such who lived up on Old Haven Road might be something people might like. This is a story about two of those people.)


by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — L337

1337 words according to Word and a manual count (don't trust OpenOffice) from below the break.

Come on, that's short enough you shouldn't need a synopsis.

A little note.

Please see notes at end

It’s another sad day for the sky is filled with dark clouds.
It’s been like this for many days, and the rain just never seems to go away.
Oh how I wish I could go out and play, but what fun would it be anyway.
I no longer laugh and I can’t smile, why must I live a life of denial.
Ashamed of what others might think, the pills still in my hand ready to swallow.
Some people told me to pray, but why bother, god hates me anyway.
Some wish I was dead, others want me to move ahead.
As the pain becomes too much to bear, I find there is no end to the fear.

Riding Home 28

Kate was waiting at the station for us, and I was touched by the way Shan hugged her as a greeting. Whatever steps the two women had been taking with Chantelle, they seemed to have done immense good in her life. There would always be a shadow behind her eyes, which was something I myself could never shake, but she had opened out and relaxed immeasurably.

Riding Home 26

It wasn’t a bad Summer, all told. There was an awful lot of adjustment to fit in and fit ourselves to, and I have to admit I did miss Tabby. She had been my confidante, my only friend, for as long as it took me to find out that the last wasn’t true and never had been. I said goodbye to her properly, and packed a few outfits for her in her new home with the girls.

Riding Home 25

It was a good job the others were late back, because our clothes took a little while to find. I grabbed one of my ‘Tabitha’ nighties after a rinse of, well, just there, and joined my lover in our bed, where he had already settled himself after making two cups of tea. He took one look at the nighty, and simply shook his head.

A Kiernan Family Interlude

A Kiernan Family Interlude

This Sunday, July 17, marks the second anniversary of my first story here, The Secret.
To celebrate, and as a thank you to all of you who have loved and cared not only for me but for my 'children,'
I give you this brief interlude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


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