Mature / Thirty+

A Visit to Canada

A Visit to Canada

I bring to you a transcription of my conversation with a visitor to my country:

Alien Visitor (AV): Greetings!

Me: Welcome to Canada. You’ve arrived at an exciting time. We’re having a federal election.

AV: Ah, yes. I’ve heard of these. You’re picking your head of state.

Me: Nope.

AV: No?

Me: No. Would you like to know who our head of state is?

AV: Lay it on me, sister.

Me: The queen of England.

AV: Are you pulling my leg?

Me: Honest.

AV: How does that work?

The Easter Story

The Easter Story

by Maggie O'Malley

Chatroom friends all over the world meet in real life for an Easter celebration which includes an The Easter Story by Maggie O'Malley

It had begun as a cyber-dream over three months ago. No one remembers who actually started the whole thing, but everyone wished there was a way to make it happen. Sadly though it was impossible or at least impossible in the real world; so they thought.

Ride On 73

It is as strange as I hinted, how Christmas passes like a train in the distance when you are working, but we had managed to distribute some oddities and soddities to our friends, and Ginny and Kate, Stewie and Sally, made it for an unChristmas Dinner on an off day, for which Ginny and I prepared a Thai banquet with some Vietnamese twists, including spicy omelette eaten wrapped in lettuce leaves with fresh lemon grass. Well, that was as unChristmassy as we could imagine.

Die Sagen von Misrah 2 - "Der Kreislauf des Lebens" (german)

Die Sagen von Misrah - "Der Kreislauf des Lebens"
The tales of Misrah - "The circle of Life"


by Misrah

Der junge Zauberer, der sich mit seinem Rucksack in einer Ecke des Airports abwartend niedergelaáŸen hatte, hob aufmerkend den Kopf als er já¤h aus seinem Nachsinnen geriáŸen wurde als die wohlklingende Stimme einer Frau á¼ber das Lautsprechersystem den nahen Start seines Fluges anká¼ndigte. "Ladies and gentlemen, the passengers of the flight number 235 to Dublin, Ireland, please may come to..."

Ride On 71

We found the house, in the end, after a couple of false starts, and it was in a quiet back street in Horley. Not the most wonderful of areas, or houses, not at all like the one Steph had inherited, but it had three bedrooms, a very large garage, a reasonably spacious conservatory and a garden shaded by some huge mature horse chestnut trees. Only five miles from work, as well, for both of us, the route identical as far as the nick.

Hellgirl: Aww Crap (Part 6)

Hellgirl: Aww Crap (Part 6)
Lilith Langtree

Have you ever woken up on a slab in the morgue and wonder how in the world you wound up there, with no memory, and with a coroner about to make a Y-incision in your chest? Neither had Gemma Saunders.
Revelations come at a price.

The day Samantha caught the train (part two)

The day Samantha caught the train (part two)

What Samantha did not know was that her new parents had arranged for a hotel for the night as they knew that the last train would have left before the party had finished.

Transition: Of Love and Acceptance

Where to begin is often the most difficult thing to sort out, but sometimes the best way to begin. For as long as I could remember, and having my first thoughts of why I wasn't like the others was when I hit puberty, or around twelve years old. I seen girls and saw how pretty they were, with long hair and breasts and somehow I knew I was plain jane as it were and could not catch their attention. I wanted to look like them, to have a body like theirs and be pretty

The day Samantha caught the train (part one)

The day Samantha caught the train was the start of a whole new life for her. You see Samantha is a sweet adult little girl who loves to be dressed all pretty. The only problem is Samantha is a man of 33 and is on the big side. This does not her from being who she when she every gets a chance.

Bridges 18

Bridges 18

Chapter 18

It’s been two days since Cass said she’d move in with me. It’s been a busy time with getting the house ready for Christmas and moving things around and tossing out more stuff or putting it my garage for storage.

Brandon and Ryan, Steve and Bobby have been great fixing up my garage and stuff since it was really kind of getting old and there were things falling apart inside of it. Some new beams, new shelves and fixing up dad’s old work bench and even getting in space heaters to redo the old floor in there with a new one of set bricks in concrete.

FTL-2...Faster Than Life.

FTL-2... Faster Than Life.

Chapter 2

I’ve never been in Suspension before…I wake in pain, not pain, pain but this hurt, my lungs aren’t happy with the change in my breathing or the adjustment to room temperature. My skin prickles with waking sensations pins and needles like the entire surface was asleep and there’s dry mouth and a nasty headache.

“Good morning cadets, please get your belongings and get ready to transfer to the Apollo.”

It's You I Like - the Novella

It's You I Like!
The Novella

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Dedicated to my sweet Mother-in-Law
Natalie Elizabeth
1928 - 2009


Strong Caution: Adult Themes;
Recovery from sexual abuse as a child depicted; Suicide depicted.

The story features characters from the series; The Secret and Providence.
Andrea DiMaggio in this story is second cousin to her namesake from the Home that Love Built Series.

The Stroke Prevention Program

The Stroke prevention program by allexcited69
This is another story that deals with Femdom, Chastity, Mind Control, Tease and Denial. It’s a ceremony for the limp-dick dreamers that long for beautiful Mistresses. All names have been changed to protect the Innocent and that of the beautiful Mistresses and their maid-servants. This is their story and is meant for reading by adults open to new possibilities and life-styles.
..’’To the man who only has a hammer. Everything he encounters begins to look like a nail...’’
Abraham Maslow

Galactic Marshal III - Chapter 2

Galactic Marshal


After the shuttle landed and I rented a vehicle, we headed toward my home. I, hesitantly, turned to Karen.

“Uh, there is something I should tell you before we get there. I was essentially a girl before puberty.”

FTL-1...Faster Than Life.


Faster Than Light…

Faster Than Life…

It’s a saying a parable of sorts from the old days. It used to be you’d be dead and gone and your great grand kids would be the ones arriving to where you used to be heading. Then came the great invention of FTL space flight. The basic theory of it requires the ship involved to have a man made micro-singularity as the engine core. It creates its own gravity and when you jump it’s using a particle beam to link it to another gravity well or a star and your ship is attracted to the larger field.

The Last Letter

The Last Letter



To whoever finds this letter,

By the time you find this I will be dead and believe it or not I am actually welcoming death as a friend, my only friend.
You most probably are thinking I`m mentally unbalanced but,believe me when I tell you I am writing this after my eyes have been truly opened by so called humanity and their damned religions.

Ride On 59

Den just said, with a flicker of his eyes, “I will tell you a story one day, yeah?” and was off. The night was absolutely dead, work wise, and I spent large chunks of it nattering with Jim. I had, of course, noticed the civilian support staff flicking glances at my girls, but nothing worrying. Jim was at least open about things.

Down to Earth - Part 21

Down to Earth
Departings and Arrivals!

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio
Consider the flowers of the field in their beauty
More lovely than even the clothes of a king
Consider the birds of the air
Flying high, flying free
You are precious to me

Draehoidel - The Practice of the Old Arts

File this one under “Give Me That Old Time Religion”

As is my late afternoon habit I tuned into the local, talk radio station, yes that one that in the low 600 kilohertz region of the dial.

File this one under
“Give Me That Old Time Religion”

By DreamMaker


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