Mature / Thirty+

Summer Sun and a few sweet chords.

Summer Sun and a few sweet chords.

It actually wasn’t Summer time or anything close to it. It was late fall actually and she was tired…just so tired from everything that happened in her life. She was in her late forties now and while her life hadn’t exactly been a train wreck it hurt.

One Good Turn

If you're browsing here, you're familiar with all the body-swap story mechanisms, and then what's interesting is how people deal with the result. This has a familiar theme if you've read 'Sometimes Justice Just Works', but I was pleased with the variation and where it went, and finally decided to let it out into the world anyway.

I, Messalina

I, Messalina by Janet Baker

This short story is a vile little postscript to the life of Messalina, Empress of Rome. The story ventures into bestiality and thus the reader is forewarned.

According to Wikkipedia;

Roman sources claim that Messalina used sex to enforce her power and control [over] politicians, that she had a brothel under an assumed name and organised orgies for upper class women, and that she sold her influence to Roman nobles or foreign notables.
Juvenal is also highly critical of her in his Satire VI translation by Peter Green.

Elf Storage

Elf Storage

by Janice Dreamer

Colin creeped through the EZ-pass lane onto the Chesapeake Bay bridge. He swerved around a minivan crammed with beach paraphernalia whose driver was too distracted by screeching kids to move when a gap opened in front of him. He automatically cursed all the Balti-morons who created summer traffic hell in his rural stretch of Maryland nestled between the bay and the ocean resort towns. Especially on his homeward commute after a grueling workday. On Friday afternoon. On the Fourth of July weekend.

Party Time

Party time

Richard glanced at the calender, and sighed. It was the day before his fortieth birthday, and it was an occasion he dreaded. But not just for the usual reasons - the idea of getting older rarely appealed after twenty five, but for a more complicated reason.

Richard had never really felt “right” as a male. Sadly, it had taken him far too long to realize there was actually something he could had done about that, and so he approached forty no further along toward being a woman than he had at twenty.

Black Majik Woman.

Black Majik Woman

*** Takes place from roughly Evanescence 8 until present day.

It’s taken more time than I’d have liked for the better part of the pain from getting shot in the leg to fade. Majik’s a wonderful thing but getting hurt it can really suck. There’s only a few types of mages that self heal well and I am not one of them. Plus I’ve a nice scar from the Demon Rapture shooting me with the .357 his meat-sack was wearing.

Riding Home 17

Of course they had to come round the next day for dinner, and that had to be arranged for a restaurant as we simply didn’t have the room, which meant a LOT of telephone calls to find somewhere that had space for well over twenty folk, and only the Parson’s Pig had space enough among all the office parties.

Alternative Release - 4

Alternative Release Chapter 4
By Kerry Brown

Kerry has a pain in the most unwanted region but finds release of another part of the old life
A blind date makes her jump into the next stage of her transition
Things get easier as she develops friendships rather than work colleagues.

FTL-4...Faster Than Life.

FTL-4...Faster Than Life.

Chapter 4

Two weeks later…

There’s yelling and screaming as the drill kicks into gear in the middle of our sleep cycle. The lights kick off and the gravity goes off and the ship drops out of sub-light cruising fast and then there’s this horrible sick feeling of the ship going end over end.

Mediterranean Slave Dreams

If it be your will.. and other Mediterranean dreams

The story deals with offensive language and coarse subject matter , is purely fictional and is restricted for an Adult Audience. It deals with topics like Chastity, Mind Control, Longing, Femdom, Cuckolding , Penis Envy And Other Mind Games between a Mistress and her Slave.

Riding Home 12

I rode into the school yard, looking at the surprisingly small number of bicycles in the stands. This was yet another of those schools that had decided that they preferred dozens of cars fighting for space outside the gates to children arriving healthily under their own steam, all in the interests of “road safety” as they saw it. Bizarre.

Snakes and Ladders-12

Snakes and Ladders-12

Chapter 12


He stared at the battlefield anger simmered through his veins. The minions of Dorian The Pretender had been saved by the turn coat Shaya. Illian had been a knight of great skill under the rightful King Lyam and to do this…it angered him beyond measure. The fact that they were transformed into the stupid bitch that she was now was just more proof that Dorian The Pretender was dragging all that was pure and good of their race into the levels of the beasts that he was forced to work with.

Riding Home 11

That was all I needed from that weekend, but not all I wanted. Ideas came thick and fast, promises followed behind, and Arwel astonished me by promising to sort out the flowers. It was only later that I discovered the sly old bugger had relatives with a flower shop.

Our second night was spent in the pub, as is only natural, but this time Merry had gone home, and it was a much more sedate evening. Alice had her foot firmly on the brakes with her husband and stepson, and I suspect the hangover hadn’t been forgotten by Eric.

The Sniper

James Mason was a man on a mission. This was not his first and probably not his last but a great many things would change along the way. Lies, deceit and treachery the likes of which he had never known would cloud his path. Can he find the truth amongst lies? Will the truth brings the answers he's looking for? "Remember the first rule of assassination is to kill the assassin. ***Warning*** explicit sex scene although consensual hence the R rating.

Real Wizards Don't Wear Pants -1-

Real Wizards don't wear pants 1


By LanzaQ

Furst struggled against the bonds that the mage before him had woven around his frame. “Chiao! I thought out of all the councilors you would be the least apposed to joining us. We are achieving something you have been screaming about!” He continued to struggle until the magic that had woven itself around him dissipated. “Saving the future. The non-magic people don’t care about their children born with magic, in fact they see them as a curse. You and I know that!”

First Flight


As the plane was nearing cruising altitude, it hit an air pocket or some such thing and took a 'hop'. My hand gripped the armrest like a vise and I furiously chewed the wad of gum in my mouth; it had lost all of its flavor almost an hour before.

"It's okay, miss. You don't have to worry." The voice on my right spoke softly. I turned to see the most beautiful blue green eyes I had ever beheld. He was staring at my hand.

A Fortunate Change of Events

A Fortunate Change of Events
by Katelynne Perry

I hear my doorbell ring as 'CSI:Miami' is about to end. As I get up and out of my chair to answer the door, things seem a bit different all about my apartment. My light-beige walls now seem brighter and glow in a pinkish hue I am certain isn't of my own intent. About the room are mementos of a feminine nature I have never seen before.

Alternative Release - 1

Power to Change
Written by Kerry Brown

Mahatma Gandhi Quote
There are times when you have to obey a call which is the highest of all. The voice of conscience, even though such obedience may cost many a bitter tear, and even more a separation from friends, from family, from the state to which you may belong, from all which you have held as dear as life itself. For this obedience is the law of our being.

This is a follow on from my autobiography, A Tale of Release chapter 1

The Crescent Crusader- Chapter 2

The Crescent Crusader
Chapter 2

By Bethany Starr
Thanks to Lilith Langtree for all her help editing and improving this work. This story wouldn't be anywhere near as good as it is now without her help!

All rights to the characters belong to Marvel Comics



The story is a fabrication of my mind. All names, sites, venues, although they may seem familiar to you are fictional. Only the expression of human emotions, the hardship, the pleasures and frustrations are real. This is the story of a wannabee slave and his circuitous route from attorney into a new reality involving chastity, body worship, humiliation and a new station in life.

Beyond Fury Road

Beyond Fury Road
by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Mad Max(ine)

A broken world. A future in free-fall. A man destroyed when a savage and senseless attack tears everything of value from him and leaves him with nothing but hate and the hope of revenge.

He will do anything to gain vengeance. Anything. But will he find the answers he needs on Fury Road, or do they lie somewhere beyond?

Caution: This isn’t a particularly pleasant story. Read with care. Further caution, I am British and given to understating things.

Embers Dying, Spark The Flame.

Widow Waits.GIF
Embers Dying, Spark the Flame.
By Way Zim.

A brief explanation;

This story is a mixed vision, fantasy and reality, the core of which was a dream I’ve experienced on and off over the years.

Within this work of fiction are many truths merged with make believe including idealized representations of people I know and respect.


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