Mature / Thirty+

The Story's the Thing!

The Story’s the Thing!

I’m a writer.

I’m not super-famous like Grishim or King, but there’s a good chance you’ve seen one of my books in the paperback section. Based on my royalties, quite a few of you have bought one - “for a friend” maybe, because I’m not the kind of author people seem happy to admit they read.

I’ll take the money regardless.

Moonlight Queen

Moonlight Queen


By Karin Beyaert

Alex has a very special hobby he keeps secret to everybody. But of course sooner or later somebody has to find out about it. How will his best friend react when she does…?


If you liked the story, there is a sequel: Candle Light Dinner.


Shofteem - slightly revised

Shofteem - slightly revised

by shalimar


An Assistant District Attorney gives the final summation to the jury against the accused murderers of Susan Milano, a transsexual. Based on a true story.

WARNING: Rape is mentioned.

A Tapestry of Stars

A Tapestry of Stars

The first thing that drew my attention when I came into my local Pride center for the first time was a large tapestry with gold stars covering it. Above the tapestry was the the words “We remember” in large glowing letters.

I went over to one of the staff and said, “Wow. That represents all the gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans people who have lost their lives?”

“Actually, that’s just for the Trans people. We need a book for the others.”

Too Little, Too Late? 42

He sat down, and nodded round the table.

“Some of you know me, like, so let’s get that bit out of the way. What we are talking about is over thirty years ago, and I don’t know about people changing, but me, it’s more like waking up. What I was…I think these two lads…this lad and this lass know what I was”

Snakes and Ladders-17

Snakes and Ladders-17

Chapter 17

She’s yelling at me and I was getting up but I stop partway and move my feet through the muck until my feet dig into something that gives me a grip.

“Come Erendae! you think you can just show up and slight me!, My family! Women, Real women! And I wouldn’t take you to task!”

“I am a real Woman.” It just comes out of me and there’s something in me that honestly claims that. I actually think it’s the first time that I’ve ever said it out loud with absolute truth.

A letter to my mother

Dear Mom,

This is probably the hardest letter I have ever written.

First, I love you very much. I love you and I honor you for everything you have done for the family I have now and the family I had when I was young. I’m so very sorry that I made all that so much harder for you. I hope recent years have made up for all the hard times I put you through during my teen years.

Too Little, Too Late? 41

Marsden is still a lovely place, a chaotic jumble of sea-stacks and tidewrack, sand and pebbles, with the deafening sound of kittiwakes screaming their name in case they forget it. We spent a while skimming flat stones, and exploring the caves under the Rock before returning to the Grotto terrace, where Mam, Neil and Ralph were ‘hevvin’ a bit tab, like’

Transfigured: Ascension of a Spellbinder (revised)

Of ASpellbinder

Ragnarok Image

Ragnarok Rising    0b_part.png    II


NOTE: This is the revised and expanded version of this story and is my preferred version.

As I seek to find a means to halt Ragnarok I find allies in the unlikeliest of places. New enemies present themselves and I learn of the cruel experiments performed by the mad Doctor Mengele. He claims he can grant men the ability to use magic, but at what cost?

Are Those Yours? -3-

And so this little Ad Hoc tale continues. There won't be any more for at least two weeks, I'm afraid.

Are Those Yours?

by Penny Lane

Chapter 3

The name tag said Shirley. Underneath that, in smaller type, it said Foundation Fitter and underneath that again it said Supervisor.

"Dave? Dave Shepherd? You remember me, don't you? Shirley Boothroyd from school, only I'm Shirley Parsons now. What are you doing in here?"

The man standing in front of her reddened and looked extremely embarrassed, as well he might, since they were standing in the Ladies Underwear department of Maddens, a top department store. They had decided to travel to a nearby city so that he wouldn't meet anyone he knew, and as luck would have it...

Shirley decided that it was more than simple embarrassment that had upset an old school chum. There had been nothing between the two of them to cause any problem so why..? She looked briefly at the two young women with him, and then back to Dave, raising an eyebrow.

"I, um, need to be fitted for a bra."

Too Little, Too Late? 40

We joined the rest a little later, somewhat more relaxed, and over breakfast we planned the day’s campaign. The morning and early afternoon for Will at the college, while three of us did the rounds of the shops, and then Neil and Mam would meet us with the cars for a drive out to the coast and an early tea. Back home, change, and into the town again for our night out.

Groans From Timbuctoo: 1. Like A Big Pizza Pie

If I felt uncomfortable before, once we passed the midway point... "Let me put it this way," I said to van Els, "If you look up the word uncomfortable in the dictionary, you'll see my picture next to it."

"I'm sure it would be a lovely picture," one of the doctors told me. It might have been a nice compliment if he hadn't had his hand inside me as he said it.

Never Asked, Never Told

Never Asked, Never Told

This tale of courage, heroism, and sacrifice was written to acknowledge the recent, official repeal of an Act of Congress known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

The story is posted on this Veteran’s Day to celebrate the service and sacrifices made by any and all who have worn their nation’s uniform—and also by their families—regardless of which uniform…

Too Little, Too Late? 39

It had ended up as a happy evening, with just the one slight shadow as Will broke away to call goodnight to his mother. The soft southern ears seemed to be tuning in steadily to the odd vowels and vocabulary, and once the rough and tough Northerners had played enough of their little game of confuse-a-visitor they did their best to communicate. Communication was clearly on Jim’s mind that night, especially where Rachel was concerned, and towards the end of the night a plate of sandwiches was brought over as a welcome. Rachel sniffed carefully at one.

Snakes and Ladders-15 & 16

Snakes and Ladders-15 & 16

Chapter 15

If you told me at anytime is my old life that women wake up just as horny as a man does I honestly would’ve doubted it. But it’s worse, it the first time for me but its worse…or…it could be who I’m sleeping with. My smooth female skin on Shaya’s and she’s not just a girl she’s Sylvan. The tiny pores in her skin make her so smooth, and she’s a warrior so as silky and soft and sensual I feel the muscle underneath.

Through the years: Two against the world part 3

But no voice could be heard on the other end, just heavy breathing. She listened for a moment, in case they had a mouth full of food or something, then hung the phone up. “Weird.” She stated and went back to her book. A few moments later, the phone rang again. She looked at it as she considered if she really wanted to pick it up. There was a good chance that her mother could be calling, she picked it up once more. “Hello? Patterson's residence.”

The person on the other end breathed heavily again. “Okay, this isn't funny.” Tracy said into the phone. "Either say something or don't call. So what do you want?”

It was quiet for a moment or two, then a voice spoke. It seemed to be a teen's voice, possibly older, one she didn't know. “I know.” Was all it said.


Thanks to Djkauf who did the editing

Back with more Tracy.


Too Little, Too Late? 38

We finished off our drinks, and after a quick nod of thanks to Jim we set out for the Club. Rachel was smirking.

“That was clever of him”

I had to ask, and she explained.

“Look, we’re off somewhere else, yeah?”


“Licensed premises, that have lower prices than his pub, yeah?”

“Well, aye”

Are Those Yours? -2-

My muse simply insists that I develop this tale. There will probably be five or so parts, and at extremely random intervals. But there's a solid tale there, and I have to write it. Enjoy.

Are Those Yours?

by Penny Lane

Chapter 2

Pling Plong.

Dave groaned and forced one eye open. He had fallen asleep on the couch again, his head at a painful angle to the rest of his body. In the corner the television flickered and danced with some daytime quiz program he'd never seen before. He was lying at a low angle, obviously having fallen over as he drifted off. He attempted to straighten up, wincing as his neck assumed its proper orientation. The weights on his chest moved alarmingly, travelling around of their own accord as he sat up, finally assuming their normal hanging position. He yawned.

Another Side of My Life - Chapter 4

Another Side of My Life
Chapter 4
by Julie D Cole
Then he turned to me and said ‘Since I told you this is my sister Debbie and not some girlfriend how about you tell me a bit about this fiancé of yours?’
He took me back a bit and I must have looked surprised. So he followed up and asked how long I’d been engaged. I just said the first thing that came into my head and told him ‘ 3 months.’

Sweet Dreams-20...In the Main House.

Sweet Dreams-20 … In the Main House.

Chapter 20

He walked back outside after he had handed her off to his son. Adam only paused to grab the pint of Johnny Walker red label out of his golf bag and up capped it and took a swig and lit up another cigarette and paced in the driveway still keyed up and on edge from the heated exchange that the had just had.

He took a sip of the scotch and let it burn slide down his throat as he did he followed it up with a drag of his smoke and another and another until when he exhaled it was vaguely dragon like.

Too Little, Too Late? 34

He looked drained, and for the first time ever I saw him look uncertain, and I wondered if he had actually been following us or just stumbled into our group as he rounded the corner. He had a copy of the Helm “Shorebirds” open in his hands, so I assumed that it was the latter.

“Hello John”

Through the years: Two against the world part 2

“Troy, I told you before, if you need to talk to me, you can.” Mr. McCoy said.

“I know, sir.” Troy answered back.

“Are there problems at home? Problems with your brother, or parents?” The teacher asked, probing for a clue.

“No sir.” Troy looked up. “They've all been great, it''s personal and I don't feel comfortable talking about it here.”

Mr. McCoy nodded slowly. “It has to do with your injuries after Thanksgiving, right?”

“In a way.” Troy answered. “But I don't want to talk about it.”


Big thanks to Djkauf for the Editing.

It's back to School time for Tracy. Or is it Troy?


Too Little, Too Late? 33

I looked at him, the puzzlement plain on his face. Every minute I spent with James was a surprise. At times, he came across as mentally damaged, in the sense of speaking like a small child or someone of profoundly limited intelligence. Other times it took the appearance of OCD, especially in his persistent need to number things, or to say everybody’s name as a greeting. And then…and then there would be a break in his walls, usually when his sense of threat had faded, and there would be a bright, clever boy who very simply couldn’t get past his own mouth. Those were the times when I could see why his current Mum loved him.



Chapter 3

I’m looking at that first text message and I can’t breathe…I can’t think…I can’t breathe…

“Kelly!!!” It comes out a scream, a shriek of pure denial and fear and desperation and I blank out.

Everything I’ve help sacred to my heart for over half my life is gone. The void is huge and it swallows me without so much as a fight.

I wake up and I hurt.
My heart…
Oh god my heart…

Nothing is supposed to hurt like this is it?

Its grey here, England…of course it’s grey, goddamned fog.

Once in a lifetime Part 2

The story continues and our Hero/in realizes she/he now truly has a seat of power to work from. When the operation goes south people outside the agency are there to take up the slack. Not only will she live to tell the story, but she get some justice for those have mistreated her. Self acceptance and love, come to ease her battered heart. (if you survived the first part without the tissue box handy, part 2 is much easier)

Too Little, Too Late? 32

He was pushed right up against the window, a camera with a stupidly-long lens to his eye, and every now and again I saw his elbow give a dig to someone who had just knocked his arm. He wore a Bluetooth earpiece, and the shape and weight of his satchel suggested a number of heavy books. I leant over to Rachel and whispered in her ear.

The Registry - part 4

The Registry ...part 4 by Allexcited69

This is a work of fiction that deals with a simple future. In it, most people, if they were numbers, were now simple people with simple ideas and very simple needs. Harsh language is used and this story includes descriptions of sexual behaviour that may be considered disturbing to some.

It was now 10 am and the Sarah and her group were in the woods, not far from the road when they suddenly heard dogs. They started running away but the dogs ran faster and quickly caught up with them.

FTL-7...Faster Than Life.

FTL-7…Faster Than Life.

Chapter 7

By the time the second shot is into me Stillwater’s strapping my sword to my hip. I’m not used to drinking and these shots are this stuff called reactor core which doesn’t bode well for me. It burns and kind of sucks the breath out of me.

Home alcohol isn’t a popular choice having gone seriously out of favor with most people since we all started having On-Body-Computers it and most drugs don’t mix well when you live in the networks and stuff so much.

Here though it’s different, there’s a cultural thing with being in the military itself but also there’s all the other colonial cultures where it’s see and used differently. Home it’s a smattering of light beers and a decent amount of wines and very little hard liquor.

This stuff I’m drinking is some kind of hot pepper and agave fermented product from Aztekina colony. I’m not sure why each time we do a shot of it people are yelling “Ole!”



Chapter 2

I’m so not used to this; it’s so unreal running on all fours in wolf state and having part of my conscious mind trying to process that. Then there’s the smells too and then there’s the fact that well…I’m a wolf running through the streets of London.

I love the speed that I can go though and I have the advantage of being able to run through and around things that are slowing the Vicar and his three biker goons down. Honestly the traffic in this city is the shits.

And the place smells funny.

Through the years: Two against the world part 1

She squeezed Mr. Cuddles the bear tightly, putting her mouth against his soft fuzzy body and let out a low squeal. She wanted to scream it from the highest mountain. She had been kissed! The only people to kiss her so far had been relatives. Her parents had sent them to bed shortly after the new year was rung in. Her father hadn't said anything about the kiss, but she could tell by the looks he was giving to both her and Peter, he wasn't happy. She lay there, thinking about how that kiss made her body tingle.

She heard movement from her parent's bedroom and a moment later, her father poked his head out of the curtain that was their bedroom door. He looked at her and she gave him a wave of her fingers, then his gaze swept around the room, as though he was searching for something. Or someone.

“William.” She heard her mother say. “You don't need to check up on her every ten minutes.”


Editing by Djkuaf. Thank you once again.

Post New Year fun with Tracy and Family


Too Little, Too Late? 28

I slept the sleep of the just that night, the just-ravished, for Larinda had been true to her word. She had lain on my shoulder, afterwards, while she went through options for William’s future, almost as if he were her own.

“What?” she demanded.

“Just, dunno, you seem to be taking charge, almost, with Will”

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 22

Both of them looked at Tracy, standing there in her bright pink nightgown, her hair done up in pigtails, as she stood there. When she spoke, her voice trembled. “Please stop fighting.” She pleaded.

“Tracy, we...we are not fighting.” Her mother started to say.

“You were both yelling.” Tracy's eyes filled with tears and it could be heard in her voice when she spoke. “Vance and I both heard you.”

“You're right, we were fighting.” Her father agreed. He gave a big sigh and moved to his youngest, and put an arm around her. “There are times that parents will fight. But that doesn’t mean that we hate you. Or Vance.”


Once again, the big thanks for the editing go to Djkauf



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