Mature / Thirty+

Bridges 25

Bridges 25

Chapter 25

I’d like to have been able to be one of those people that say that things just went great once they made their decision to transition and I’ve kept my head pretty low really. I really, really wanted to feel complete ever since I came face to face with who I really was. Counseling and research and the daydreams and fantasies are all totally out the window right now.

Cass comes over and she presses her body up against mine and she starts to kiss me…which is awesome but torture too. She smells like her pancakes, sausage and coffee. Tastes like it too. Me…I haven’t had anything but water.

Today’s the day.

My SRS surgery and oh god I’m flat out scared.

A Letter to My Ex

A Letter to My Ex

Dear Sharon,

I’m writing this, not necessarily to send, but so I can get my thoughts in order before I talk to you. See, I’ve been keeping a secret, and its beginning to feel like lying. I’ve gone back and forth on when I should tell you, with one part of my brain saying “confess! you are sinning against her and against God by not being honest with her!” The other part is saying “Wait! You’ll only hurt her and yourself if you tell her now!”

Through the years: Two against the world part 7

Emily May looked to Mary Beth and shrugged. Both girl pulled their blankets up to cover themselves and Mary Beth called out. “Come on in, Wally.”

The boy walked in. He was Emily's twin, but looked nothing like her. His hair was a light blonde and he stood half a foot taller then she did. He was also their father's favorite, but that was because he was the only boy. He stopped just inside the door and let it shut lightly. “I was, um...I was wondering, is it true?” He asked.

“Is what true?” Emily May asked.

“There were some pictures around the school and some kids were talking, plus I heard Dad telling mom that a picture was sent here.” Wally leaned against the door. “They said they were of Vance Patterson's brother, right? Wearing a dress?”

(in)complete control

[ Note: contains scenes involving the aftermath of violence. If that sort of thing is at all triggering for you, do please move along. ]

I felt like I was on fire when I woke up.

In my head, I flung back the sweat-damp duvet and pivoted up and sideways on one hip. In reality, I managed to push myself half-upright before discovering I couldn't even lean against the bed properly and so slithered gracelessly to the floor. My legs didn't want to work the way I expected and I had a weapons-grade headache. That was when I remembered the stabbing pain in my leg while at the metro station the day before. I twisted round as best I could and found what looked like a serious insect bite.


It was the sort of thing that happened to other people - usually in the more excitable media.

Too Little, Too Late? 52

They weren’t that noisy, in the end, but I found Rachel slightly out of sorts the next morning. I had just filled the kettle to do my wifely duties, and she joined me in the kitchen. Her hair was all over the place and, to be blunt, she really needed a shower, but there was a slight edge to her expression.

“You OK, Rach?”

You Are The Target: 2. Reality Check

"You live alone too," I countered.

"Yeah," she said, "but not the way that you do. You're like that girl in the movie.
You've got a shadow behind you. There's some guy out there in the dark who worries you."

[ part two of three ]

First time 24.......

First time…..
Musings from WannabeGinger

With renewed apologies for having to censor my last chapter, for the truths revealed were too recognizable, I continue! “Wishing for what might have been”…. So it is for me. What happened with the Agency had an effect on many things in my life. There’s more pure sex in this chapter — no apologies — but my dressing will return!

Chapter 24

Too Little, Too Late? 51

It was the start of things, and to my surprise I wasn’t rushing into things the way I had assumed. Larinda and Rachel had got Jill out of the nest, and all of the stories I had read on that particular website had been full of the same trope, the same repeated concept: that once the plunge was taken, the ‘new’ woman never looked back. That wasn’t true, and, in fact, without constant prodding by my lover and my friend, Jill would have remained a purely domestic goddess. Things came to a head after our first Christmas together.

Snakes and Ladders-19

Snakes and Ladders-19

Chapter 19

We head to the breakfast together arms linked and I’m feeling just awash with wonder at her. Hell with the whole thing, this world and all of it but mostly because Shaya loves me and thinks I’m beautiful.

Feeling beautiful has done huge things for my soul.

What is my transition about?

What is my Transition about?

What is my transition about?

Well, it might be easier to start with what it isn’t.

Its not about sex.

Let’s make something really, really clear. I don’t fancy boys. Never had a crush on one as a kid, never had butterflies in my tummy about talking with one, never dreamed of having one kiss me.

So put aside any thoughts about me making myself more attractive to men. Its just not the case.

Candle Light Dinner

Candle Light Dinner


By Karin Beyaert

Alex has a very special hobby he keeps secret to everybody. But his best friend discovered his secret by accident. She wants to know all about it, and invites him for a candle light dinner and a demonstration.

The sequel to Moonlight Queen, but written in such a way that it can also be read as a stand alone story.


A Change in Lifestyle chapter 11

A Change in Lifestyle
Chapter 11

We both laughed together because I didn’t mean what I said I meant I’d like the trip to the salon.’
So Fran left me to decide for myself where to start and she went into the den to make appointments at the hair salon.

The Tryst

The Tryst

A lifelong dream and desire to bring to life my alter ego, Sarah, is realised in this autobiographical story. All events herein happened very recently, and has resulted in a different type of story for me. This story is complete.

Dedicated to Lucy, a lifesaver xx

The Tryst
by Pyrite

Part 1. Dressing Up

Let me dress you.

“Let me dress you.”

“Let me dress you.”

My spouse and I were discussing sexual fantasies, and when they said this, I was utterly surprised. I’ve heard of being undressed but being dressed?

“Its an exercise in trust. I’ll get the outfit, and put you in it. Will you?”

I thought about it for a moment, and said, “If its about trust, I trust you completely. We’ll do it.”

So my spouse carefully took measurements, and then I waited. Then one day, my spouse asked, “Tonight?”

And I said, “Okay. Tonight.”

A Change in Lifestyle chapter 10

A Change in Lifestyle
Chapter 10

‘What will Helen think when she wakes up. She is going away for a few days so I won’t have chance to explain that this was all a mistake. Oh Helen what have you done to me? Why?
I must have fallen into a deep sleep after that because I never stirred until the sun was shining through the window. I’d no idea of the time and I reached for Helen but she had already got up.

The Ram 12

Here is chapter 12 of The Ram Happy reading,

The Welsh Mountain Ram 12.

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby) Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’
Cledwyn. Farmer further down the valley (Neighbour.)

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 3.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 3.

Chapter 3

You’d think that I’d never been in an Airport before but I’m here. I’m actually here and I can’t help but look around…smell the air, it smells completely different here. I mean there’s the city smells, diesel and gas, cars, pavement and all the other stuff but the sea so close, and different grasses and bushes and trees. This is a country where broad leafed plants actually grow out in nature and not in an atrium somewhere.

I get my luggage and get stopped at customs and there’s of course a thing about my gender on my ID but it’s not as bad as I though it might get and I’m still listed as male on my drivers license and passport even though my photo’s don’t match anything remotely being a guy.



Author’s note: This one is quite dark, and a little rough. Reader discretion is advised. For some reason, I wanted to try it in second-person perspective. We’ll all just have to see how it goes.

You make your way to room inside a concrete bunker, having been checked, rechecked, searched, stripped, hosed and put into a hazmat suit. You wait while a door slides open, letting you into a small chamber. After the door behind you closes, the door in front of you opens, and you can see into a room.

In the middle of the room is a girl.

A Decade of Big Busts Stories - No 1 - BIG BUSTS, the start of it all


My very first Big Bust story was published in 2002, and products from the Big Bust shop have continued to feature in many of my stories ever since. Set in the fictional English seaside town of Seacombe, Big Busts products are considered state of the art by men who want to look like women, even when naked.

To celebrate Big Busts' tenth year, I have decided to republish all my Big Busts' stories which are not already on Big Closet, which I'll do at intervals throughout the year, starting with my very first Big Busts' story, explaining how the store started up. It was originally published under the authorship of Marianne Nettes, but rather than causing confusion, I have now switched to the name I have used since 2004.

It's worth saying that the vast majority of my stories are meant to be out and out fun (and I don't think there's enough of it on this site) often combined with mystery, sex and mayhem. Whether you're a new reader of my stories, or you have read them before, I hope you sit back and enjoy, without becoming too serious about it all.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


A Change in Lifestyle chapter 9

a short Chapter.....the change begins...

A Change in Lifestyle
Chapter 9

For a few moments I was stunned. Something inside me wanted this experience but at the same time I felt that I shouldn’t. I was feeling mixed up inside and any tingling sensation in my groin was now gone.

I couldn’t let Helen make love to me. That’s supposed to be my responsibility.

‘Helen this is wrong. I can’t. Please I can’t.’

She whispered to me. ‘Come on Robyn you don’t need to be frightened. I won’t hurt you.’

I’d never seen Helen like this before.

The Ram 11

Here's chapter 11 of The Ram.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 11

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave. Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby) Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’
Cledwyn. Farmer further down the valley (Neighbour.)
Blodwen Cledwyn’s daughter.

First time 23.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

“Wishing for what might have been”….. So it is for me. The story of many of our lives, perhaps - my succession of “First times” has gone on, and on. Returning to my theme of “First times…”, there are a number of events that are difficult to place in a real time-line. Life-changing moments, many of them, the next one I recall was talking with a Lesbian about making love to a woman.

The Ram 10

Here is chapter 10 of The Ram

The Welsh Mountain Ram 10

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave. Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby) Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’
Cledwyn. Farmer further down the valley (Neighbour.)
Blodwen Cledwyn’s daughter.

A Change in Lifestyle chapter 8

A Change in Lifestyle
Chapter 8

I looked at myself in the full length mirror standing with tear filled eyes. Mascara runs on my face and hair still styled in a pony tail and so I took out the hair band to let my hair fall. I brushed it out again with a centre parting and looking at it I decided that I would let Fran shape and style it. I wanted to see if the girl that i could now see in the mirror could go one step further to look even more convincing.

Gregory's Gift

Gregory's Gift

by Maeryn Lamonte

My brother Greg has had a sadness about him for longer than I can remember, especially at Christmas. It's only recently that I've begun to suspect the reason for this, and now I have a plan to reach out. It means taking a risk, and that scares the shit out of me, but I think that if I can give him the right present this year...

The Importance of Wings

When Andrew Cawood's life begins to unravel an unlikely angel offers him a choice.

In life choices are never as easy as we would like them to be.

Part 1 of 2

Groans From Timbuctoo: 4. How Many Peas Are In a Pod?

"Do you think he'll be alright?" Tubinger asked. "He argues and objects at every step."

"He signed the release," van Els replied. "As long as he doesn't walk away, or tell us Stop or No, he's deeply committed to the program, as far as I'm concerned."

At that, Tubinger scurried away, wondering how much he could pretend to not know, if the whole thing went sour.

Death of a Soldier

Death of a Soldier

The singing echoed around the compound on this Christmas morning

Silent night, holy night,
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon virgin mother and Child.
Holy Infant, so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.

Silent night, holy night,
Shepherds quake at the sight;
Glories stream from heaven afar,
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ the Savior is born,
Christ the Savior is born

A Change in Lifestyle chapter 7

A Change in Lifestyle
Chapter 7

I leaned forward as much as I could to watch the car disappear and Helen go through the front door.
OMG should I go home and face her or let her worry about me?
I waited for a while not knowing what to do. I liked to feel appreciated by Fran and I liked the day I’d had and I wanted to feel like this again. Maybe again and again I don’t know. Yes I do. I like it!!

The Ram 9

Here's chapter 9 of The Ram.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 9

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave. Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’
Cledwyn. Farmer further down the valley (Neighbour.)
Blodwen Cledwyn’s daughter.
Rachel Daphne’s TV friend.

Groans From Timbuctoo: 3. The Easy-Bake Oven

"I've been told that my face would scare a dog out of a butcher shop."

He tilted his head and looked at my face — as if considering whether it might be so. It sent a chill through me.

"Do you know," he said, "I might be able to help you."

Wish Upon A Christmas

Christie made her way to the eighth floor of the Cancer wing with a sense of dread and a heavy heart. Dr. Fischer had called her that afternoon and told her that she needed to get there to see her mother as soon as she could. The cancer had spread to her liver and pancreas and she only had a short time left. She stepped into her mother's room where she was greeted with the all too familiar sounds of the monitors beeping. Her mother looked like she was asleep, but then as Christie approached her mother replied weakly"Hello dear, It sure isn't the way to spend Christmas Eve is it?"

The I-Magi-nary Gifts

The I-magi-nary Gifts
By Dawn DeWinter

One hundred and eighty-seven dollars. Eight of her bankcards she had already maxed out. Three times Josephine read the statement. One hundred and eighty-seven dollars. That was all the room she had left. And the next day would be Christmas.

There was clearly nothing to do but flop down in front of her 50-inch television set and sniffle. So Josephine did it. Her life also had its share of sobs and smiles, but sniffling she did best.

18 - Legacy of the Seven

Legacy of the Seven

When a super hero team is destroyed by an enemy, their mascot survives the attack but is drastically changed.
Soon afterwards, he uses everything his friends left behind to seek revenge.
This story takes place in the Legacy Universe.

Ten Years Gone

Ten Years Gone

Author's note. This is the counterpoint to my last story, "Five years Gone." Its a little bit more hopeful, I hope you like it.

Well, well, well. I just looked at the membership file, and I can’t believe its been a decade since I became a member of this site. Boy, has a lot changed in that time, huh? Especially for me. Who would have believed the scared person who still believed she could “cure” herself of wanting to be a woman would be where I am now?

The Ram 8

Here's Chapter 8 of The Ram.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 8.

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month-old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave. Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’
Cledwyn. Farmer further down the valley (Neighbour.)
Blodwen Cledwyn’s daughter.
Rachel Daphne’s TV friend.

I'm In Your Head

I'm In Your Head

by Kris


Have you ever wondered what it might be like to have God talk to you?

The Usual Disclaimer:
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of the characters to any person or God living or dead is coincidental.

 © 2011 All Rights Reserved

Through the years: Two against the world part 6

Troy leaned back and watched the scenery pass by. After a couple of miles, he spoke up without looking at his mother. “Mom, is it wrong?” He asked, then he slowly turned his head to face her.

“Is what wrong?” Maggie asked as she drove.

“Being Tracy, I mean. All of this, these pictures, the phone calls....should I just stop?”

“Baby, like your grandmother said, you should never let anyone make your choices for you.” Maggie patted her child’s knee. “And if you stop being yourself because of some asshole and his pictures, then you're letting him make a choice for you.” She turned onto their road and kept driving.

Five Years Gone

Five Years Gone

Author’s note: this is a story of a possible future, and a bleak one at that. Take care reading it.

Hey guys, its Dot. Sorry its been so long since I’ve been on, but I’ve only just recently been allowed Internet privileges, and it took me a while to convince the Powers That Be to let me have the time away from therapy to post this update.

I look around at this place, and I can’t help wondering how the heck I ended up in here. How did things go so bad, so quickly?

Groans From Timbuctoo: 2. Would You Kiss Her?

"Well," I said gruffly, blushing, "I'm not sure that I came up with it, but I call it the Kissing Test."

"Everyone seems to think it came from you; you might as well take credit. It's rather elegant... cuts through self-deception, political correctness, through what people believe that they believe..."

"Basically," I said, chiming in and warming to my subject, "it shows whether a person really considers Sammy to be a woman. While they might like to look at her, while they may want to touch her, while they might even want to have... ah... intimate contact with her, the one thing that *really* shows whether they regard her as a woman is if they say *yes* when you ask, Would you kiss her?"

The Ram 7

Here's the next chapter of The Ram

The Welsh Mountain Ram 7.

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month-old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave. Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’
Cledwyn. Farmer further down the valley (Neighbour.)
Blodwen Cledwyn’s daughter.
Rachel Daphne’s TV friend.

The Ram 6

Here it is.

Part 6 of The Ram

The Ram 6

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month-old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave. Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’
Cledwyn. Farmer further down the valley (Neighbour.)
Blodwen Cledwyn’s daughter.
Rachel Daphne’s TV friend.

The Pain of Others

The Pain of Others

Mark Johnson is a 42 year old man who has suffered in his life. From the loss of his soul mate to what seems like protecting innocent people from pain. Is there a reason for this ? Will he come to grips with what seems like his reality as it starts to slip around him?


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