Mature / Thirty+

The First Queen in the Village 14

The First Queen in the Village 14

by WannabeGinger

Astrid has had a wonderful afternoon with Heidi. Christopher, likewise, with Bev. Armed with ‘information’, both aim for home at the end of the day and Christine prepares to explain her plan in detail to Andy.

There are some explicit details contained early on in this chapter, so, though it’s mild, there’s a need for CAUTION.

Chapter 14 — The plot is hatched!

Through the years: Two against the world part 12

“No. I'm following up on an investigation and I need to ask you a few questions.”

“What investigation?” Molly asked, wondering what juicy information she could get out of the conversation.

“I'm here concerning threats being mailed mail to the work place of Maggie Patterson and called to her house.”

Molly's blood began to boil and she rolled her eyes. “What did that little freak and his family claim!?!” She yelled.

“Ma'am, please stay calm.” The Deputy held up a hand to stop her tirade. “I was informed that you were at their residence over the weekend and threatened them.”


Big thanks to Djkauf for the Editing

More of the saga of Tracy Patterson


Understanding Rachel, Part 6

Understanding Rachel Part 6

Rachel bounced into her living room, finding herself giggling at every turn. Bit by bit, it was really coming together. Soon, she would be totally “out” with the last person who mattered in her life - her daughter Sally.

She’d been carefully broaching the subject of gender with her daughter, slowly building up the idea that some people are born in the wrong body, and need to get that fixed, and that Sally’s dad was one of those.

That Rachel was her true self.

The Ballet Dancer

The Ballet Dancer

Fiction by Johnny Cumlately.

This brief biography is based on a diary discovered in the archives of the Russian National Ballet.

Boris was born on 30th April 1958 in Moscow in Soviet Russia and even when very young, his parents took him to see the Bolshoi Ballet. It was not surprising, therefore, that he soon declared that when he grew up, he wanted to be a ballet dancer. He did well at school and later won himself a place in the prestigious Bolshoi Academy.

Boyfriend Helps In College Assignment

Boyfriend Helps In College Assignment

By Terry Hansay
Story line — A boyfriend helps his girlfriend in a college project. She needs to get human reaction to a shock factor in life for her thesis. The boyfriend (already a closet crossdresser) helps by wearing a bra in public under a shapely feminine top and ends up loving it and wanting to wear all “the” clothes forever.

Chapter One

Come fishin'

Come fishin'
by Charlotte Dickles

fishwalk lodge.jpg
When Kevin's boss, Rick, suggests a walking and fishing weekend, Kevin little realises he will have to act as a decoy for Rick's latest girlfriend.



Fiction by Johnny Cumlately

I've always been a risk taker and this has sometimes got me into trouble and for many years I have been an active transvestite. I am also something of a loner and in view of what has happened, perhaps that was just as well.

Extra Time 13

It was a morning of groans and shamed faces. Karen was particularly smug for some reason, and I collared her as I poured tea and she worked on eggs and bacon, sausage and mushrooms, ready to tweak a couple of hangovers.

“Oh, isn’t it obvious? He owes me one now, so I can hold it over him like a Swiss Army Knife of Damocles or something”

“You what?”

“Well, haven’t decided what my options are, yeah, or what he can do to make up for it”

FTL-13...Faster Than Life.

FTL…13 Faster Than Life.

Chapter 13

There was part of me that wanted to stay in bed.
Maybe, just maybe get as far as the chaise out there on the sand.

But Patrick had started to massage me with coconut oil all over and was straddling me giving me this wonderful massage and it had gotten better…

Very surprising but better when he slipped back and he sank into me from behind and dammit he made love and he kept massaging me.

Worse yet?

Covered Bridges-6.

Covered Bridges-6.

Chapter 6

It doesn’t take long before John and I are in a cab and heading to my hotel. He really is a good kisser and once we’re in the cab and sitting down it’s very much about the cuddling and him kissing me and his hands moving over my body.

I know…

I know I talk about a lot of sex but it’s just something that really is part of me. I was a hooker, escort, porn actress…stripper for a long time and you form certain likes and habits.

Understanding Rachel, Part 5

Understanding Rachel, Part 5

Rachel looked at her phone in shock as though it was responsible for what just happened. Her best friend Tayna had screamed at her, and then hung up on her.

Rachel began to feel the wetness of tears run down her cheeks, as she replayed the conversation over in her mind, and began to chastise herself for her behavior.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 6.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 6.

Chapter 6

It’s funny how fast things go. I mean especially if you are having a decent time of things and I’d been getting the house straightened around and sorted and the guys have been working pretty darned hard with things all week and I was getting used to being here.

I’ve still been cooking for the guys but like the third day in I asked Rudy if he could build up a proper BBQ pit are and I had the money or rather I had the credit to get the things that we needed and wanted or rather that I wanted.

The First Queen in the Village 13!

The following posting should not be taken seriously! It just reflects my inability to create visual images in electronic form! This is, in fact, a morning's work, creating a map of the Village - now named "MUCH HUMPING IN THE MARSH". The formatting is totally messed and none of the detail is readable. But I thought you all might have a laugh!! What I am to do - without a CD friend with computer art skills, I have no idea!! I'm gonna get back to writing!!!! Love you all! Ginger xx

The First Queen in the Village 13

by WannabeGinger

Through the years: Two against the world part 11

Sunday had passed without much excitement. The phone was ignored for most of the day, unless William was the one to answer it. Tracy had finished up her cleaning of the house the day before and was at the kitchen table with her mother, going over all the jewelery in her mother's jewelery box. Each piece she pulled out came with the story of how she got it.

“This necklace...I remember this one.” Maggie smiled as she held up a very thin gold chain. “This was the first piece of jewelery that your father gave to me. I think it was at our sixth month anniversary.”

“Really?” Tracy asked as she looked at it.

“Yeah. He was so nervous.” Maggie chuckled. “And this....” She sighed as her hands pulled out a bracelet made with silver chains. “This was one of the pieces he got me on our wedding day.”


Editing by Djkauf

More of Tracy and the pictures from hell!!!


How I became Clarisse

All started by a nigth event organized by a couple of friends for a costumed party with " you and its opposite".

being a male with some fantoms, I choose to transform me in femme while my wife, who's quite discrete choose to fake a Lady Gaga style.

Understanding Rachel, Part 4

Understanding Rachel Part 4

Rachel plodded in the door, her eyes still wet from tears. She carelessly threw her coat over a chair, and kicked off her work shoes. Her little dog Snoopy came bounding toward her, wagging her little tail furiously.Rachel picked up the small dog, and went to a couch. She stroked and cuddled with the dog for a few minutes, and then went to grab her phone.

“Gotta call Tayna.”

She let the phone ring, and when Tanya said “hello” she said, “Hey girlfriend" her voice was crackling as she spoke.

Extra Time 12

In the end we took up one corner of the bar at the Sun, as James made his way directly to Darren. Some connection had clearly formed between them, and James seemed to bloom each time they met. What was important, though, was that some of the openness clung to him afterwards. I rarely saw him now in lockdown, hardly ever saw his hands shutting off the world beyond his face.

FTL-12...Faster Than Life.

FTL…12 Faster Than Life.

Chapter 12

I’m really focused on scan now that we have real live alien VIP’s on board I have visions of something coming after us because of it and thankfully I’m wrong and the one thing I do notice is.

Nav-Command didn’t treat us any differently than any other VIP shuttle. We’re treated with the same respectful indifference. I know one thing and that’s I’m glad I’m not flying. There’s a lot of pressure I can imagine.

Understanding Rachel, Part 3

Understanding Rachel, Part 3

Rachel bounced home, feeling giddy. She slipped out of her unisex pants and shirt, and put on a pink robe , reveling in how it felt against her growing breasts.

“I have to call Tayna with the good news.” She thought, and so picked up the phone.

"Hello?" she heard

"Hey girlfriend." Squealed Rachel.
"Oh hey Rachel and its Martin. I am a boy can't you tell?"

"Oh my god!" Rachel giggled.

Dropping to her normal voice Tonya replied" What's so funny?"

“That voice. Is that supposed to be a butch voice?”

“Well, pilgrim, sure.”

The First Queen in the Village 12

The First Queen in the Village 12

by WannabeGinger

After setting forth into the unknown, both Christine and Andy have been unmasked very early on in their afternoon encounters. Bev and Heidi proved to be more perceptive than even the two Lovers expected. But what will they reveal to them in return?

No explicit details are contained in this chapter, so no need for CAUTION.

Chapter 12 — The afternoon that Bev and Heidi……really did!!

The First Queen in the Village 11

The First Queen in the Village 11

by WannabeGinger

After a morning’s relaxation (??!!) Christine and Andy have dressed for the afternoon’s encounters

No explicit details are contained in this chapter, so no need for CAUTION.

Chapter 11 — The afternoon that Bev and Heidi……did!!

The First Queen in the Village 11B - caution!

The First Queen in the Village 11B - caution!

by WannabeGinger

Taking things easy, Christopher and Astrid were enjoying their day of research into the proclivities of their neighbours in the village. Coffee had set them both up, as had the talk about having sex. Unsaid, both resolved that they would fore-go lunch and head for home before the joys of the afternoon.

Explicit details are contained in this chapter, so CAUTION if it might offend you.

Covered Bridges-5.

Covered Bridges-5.

Chapter 5

It’s just really more than nice to actually get the full nine yards with a guy that’s with you even knowing the full deal and he’s no pervert but just being a decent guy that’s seen enough of the world to be open.

John opens the gate of the fence the bistro uses and does that ladies first thing and his hand sort of slides in behind me to guide me trough in that old way. I love the flirty touch of his fingers there just at the small of my back and just almost grazing my bottom and I love it because it’s old school manners.

Understanding Rachel, Part 2

Understanding Rachel part 2

Rachel ran when she heard the phone ring. She looked at the number, and realized it was her friend Tanya, and smiled as she picked up the phone.

“Hi girlfriend!” She sang.

“Who is this girlfriend? I’m a boy.”

“Sweetie, nobody buys that. You look like a girl, act like a girl, dress like a girl, sound like a girl, everyone treats you like a girl....”

“My dad calls me by my boy name. Proves I’m a boy.”

FTL-11...Faster Than Life.

FTL-11…Faster Than Life.

Chapter 11

I sit back in the seat and I stare at the thing well…the ship that’s waiting for us as it comes into view.

I’ve never seen anything like this. I’m not an expert but there are a whole range of things that are very similar about all starships.

This was sleek.

Now most people don’t do bother with sleek designs not for starcraft. There is usually anti-gravity gear in place and while there’s some streamlining it’s usually about function than being something pretty.

Star yachts the rich owned things are pretty.

The Ken & Barbie Virus

Ken & Barbie Virus

The world is fine. The world is perfect, thanks to perfected biotechnology, genetic engineering and the like. Pollution is a thing of the past genetically engineered microbes dissolve waste and convert it into usable fuel products. The oceans are pure of toxic waste once more. Even the greenhouse gasses are being reduced.

Humanity no longer suffers from diseases, cancers or the like. The world is perfect — except when it is not.

I am about to become one of the unlucky not.

The First Queen in the Village 10

The First Queen in the Village 10

by WannabeGinger

Andy and Christine spent the evening before their ‘day of research’ just relaxing in the glow of an early evening bout of love-making. Andy remained in his Astrid mode. Christine relapsed into her married-woman-with-CD-husband mode.

Her Turn

Her Turn

At long last, it was her turn, and she woke the Body early, bursting with energy like a kid on Christmas morning.

She got up, and looked at the Body in the mirror, and frowned as she felt whiskers on the face. She went and grabbed the electric shaver, and put it to the face, but then the hands started shaking, and she cried to Him for help.

He sighed, and said, “Let me.”

He took the hand and steadied it, and then shaved the face with practiced ease, and then gave the hands back to her.

Emotional Appraisal

Emotional Appraisal

by Kristina L S

Strength or weakness is sometimes an elastic concept. It's easy to judge at a distance. Should you try to hold on to that fleeting bubble of beauty and joy or human warmth despite the pain that may accompany it?

The Mercy Seat -1-

Author's note-the song is not mine and I make no money from it.

It all began when they took me from my home
And put me on Death Row,
A crime for which I am totally innocent, you know.

Not Death Row anymore, but Swap Row, but many prisoners prefer to call it
by the old name, as the result is the same. When you go to the swap chair
, also known colloquially as the "mercy seat" you may not be fried as in
the electric chairs of old, but you'll still die. A total identity death
with all your memories changed to that of your victim and your very body

Extra Time 10

My phone rang, just then, typically before I could make any sort of coherent reply. I checked the number: Karen.

“How’s it going, girl?”

“Just finished. Beaks asked for reports, but we’re all out. Gone for a coffee, like, with the brief”

“Where away?”

“Costa’s. just over the road”

“We’ll be there in five”

Snakes and Ladders-20...part one.

Snakes and Ladder-20...part one.

Chapter 20

She’s well ahead of me as I’m trying to wrap my head around that last part. Thief? Shaya?

“Hey! Waitaminute!” I head up the stairs after her and she’s laughing and she does that elfin light-footed thing up the stairs like they’re not really there. Me I’m in better shape and with having two legs now it’s still a luxury to me but I can’t keep up. “Shaya!”


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