Mature / Thirty+

Vampyre 7.

Vampyre 7.

Chapter 7

Oh…my eye’s shift involuntarily as I feel Donna’s hot fingers slip into my panties and into me…I’m horny and excited enough from the fighting but for her to have her body temperature hot fingers in me and feeling her pulse in those fingers as she’s fingering me…

I’m not long in kissing her hungrily…needful…

Bloodsenses are kicking it and driving me deeper into the erotic nature of being a vampyre…



I walk through the doors but actually slow up enough to take Justin’s hand and use him to sort of shield me from the aura thing the mana boosting thing I’d been doing that fang has obviously been using as well.

None of the other Were’s I’ve met have been even close to this either and he’s ding this slow inhale through his nose thing that is obviously him doing some kind of magic or wolf magic.

Magnetic Personality - 6

Magnetic Personality - Part Six


Last time: “You saved our asses Lorna, without your abilities, without guns or fancy equipment,” he grinned, “and when you needed help, you sought it out, in the form of Gene. You did everything a good operative should do in a situation beyond her control. We have established in you a good foundation…” James grinned again, “Now we’re going to make you a spectacular operative."

Some of the scenes in this chapter deal with subject matter some readers may find disturbing. I have tried to be as sensitive to the subject matter in question as possible. However, some scenes may frighten or upset some readers. Reader discretion is strongly advised.

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FTL-14...Faster Than Life.

FTL-14...Faster Than Life.

Chapter 14

I can’t help but wonder if we’re being watched?

Command has shown me they’re fond of tests for things and even if this party was one of those military personnel only things and approved escorts and Elle’s people…if we’re being watched as to see just who’s going to say the wrong things. I noticed Elle had glanced at several people in a strange way and I didn’t know those people.

Game Theory: Learning To Play

Game Theory-Learning To Play

Synopsis: Randy invites two friends up to his new vacation home for a long weekend of cards and beer. When he breaks out some magic rings, things take a turn that threatens to effect them long after they return.

The First Queen in the Village 22


The First Queen in the Village 22

By WannabeGinger


The party has begun. The second half is about to begin. Will Christine and Astrid's ideas bring the interest and future involvement that they believe is possible?

Indulgence Revisited

Indulgence Revisited — BOOK 1

by Zoe, a friend of WannabeGinger's life-long partner and Bride

This story is a synthessis of an earlier work - one which, in many chapters, gained a great audience - more than many of my serials - So, in an effort to publish to a wider audience, composition has been made and a further book (2) will follow. For those who resent authors recycling their work - forgive me!

What's in a name?

What's in a name?

Fiction by Johnny Cumlately.

Ann, Barbara, Christine, Delia, … … … Xanthe, Yvonne, Zoe. I've been a closet cross dresser for many years and never bothered to adopt a femme name. But now I'm intending to come out and can't go out with boobs and a dress and still call myself Johnny. You would think choosing a name would be easy but I've been through the alphabet twice already and can't find one which I feel fits my new self.

Extra Time 26

Unless you are peculiarly lucky, work is something that serves to highlight the pleasure of what you prefer to spend your time doing. If it weren’t for work, you think, I could do whatever it is all day and every day. You know, though, in the back of your mind, that it would be like bathing in chocolate. Kinkily nice for thirty seconds or so before it would cloy and repel.

Through the years: Two against the world part 18

“Dad? Do you mind?” Maggie asked her father.

“Not at all. We talked about it this morning. I can help Conner around the property and she can help make sure that everything is in order down there.”

“Also, I haven't seen Shelly in almost ten years.” Bernice admitted. “I've missed her being around all the time, like when we lived in Castro Valley, when you were Tracy's age.”


Big thanks to Djkauf for the edits

A big one this time. Tracy on the day of her departure. William at work. And a surprise visit from Molly Hallmark


Shift Happens Part 01


By Misha Nova


You never know just who holds your key.
Some times acts of kindness and love have far reaching effects that echo and ripple through the lives of all that act touches. And then something magical takes place, A SHIFT HAPPENS

Part 1

Preincarnation: Chapter 1

by AoifeM

I couldn’t hear anymore. I snuck upstairs into my room. Sitting on the foot of my bed, I sat there, thinking about the guilt I’ve caused, the mistakes I’ve made. Nothing made me feel worse. I couldn’t take it. I’ve done counseling, I’ve taken my meds- nothing. What hope did I have left?

I remembered that pamphlet that strange man gave me. It seemed so appealing now. No, I didn’t believe in these new age religious things, but seeing how my parents felt made me realize how desperate things had become. At this point I’d try anything just to get better.

I couldn’t believe I was about to resort to this…

Extra Time 25

Ellen stood there, jaw hanging open, and that was how it described itself to me in my head, Bethy’s use of cow for her mother seeming so apt. Ian stood up, and embraced Mam.

“We better get ourselves on the road, Mam. Long drive ahead, and best done before more things are said. But they will be, aye? Just not here”

No Matter What - Epilogue

No Matter What - Epilogue

Authors note: This is kind of a follow up to No Matter What. I strongly suggest you read the first part if you want to understand any of this.

Sarah opened the fridge and put the leftover cake away.

“What a party!” she exclaimed to the rest of the group who were helping her clean TAN’s new meeting space.

“I’ll say,” Jose laughed. “Who would have thought that a tiny group of me, Tony, and Amanda would get so popular?”

“Well it helped when PFLAG started referring people to us,” Dorothy added.

The six of the seven people who had stayed to clean up sat down in the lounge area.

“I remember my first meeting,” Dorothy pondered. “It felt like a group of old friends just hanging out at Jose’s house.”

It's Dorothy's fault...again really

Hi ladies and erm others? Hard to actually think about what to call those who don't see themselfs as one or the other.. I think too much!.

Anyways Dorothy and myself were, as usual chatting on the phone when... well you know the muse just got wild.

Todd was gonna be so late! He had tried to make sure every scrap of makeup was removed before he had to leave for work but had almost forgotten about the nail polish, or nail varnish if your from england like some of his or rather her friends.

Extra Time 24

I lay with my lover in one of Mam’s spare beds, the dark heavy on my eyes. I had hoped to come to some sort of accommodation with Ian, knowing that there would be absolutely, no chance of any such gains with Ellen, but everything had turned upside down. As for Von…

“You awake, lover?”

“Aye, pet. Bit of a day”

01 Aliens Were Us.

I was in love. You know how these things can happen. Once second I was walking out the door of my apartment’s lobby hallway into the under-ground garage and the next second my eyes were popping out of my head as this simply gorgeous creature walked in while I held the door for her.

“Thank- you.” she said to me.

“You’re welcome.” I somehow managed to reply.

In Some Possible Future

In Some Possible Future

Author's Note: This little piece was mostly done as an assignment by my councilor, so it's not really in my usual style. I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Sam knocked on the doorframe to get his fiance’s attention. “Can you take a break from grading papers to come have dinner?”

“Of course. Just let me finish this one and I’ll be right out.”

A few minutes later, Kylie made her way to the joint kitchen and dining room to find Sam filling a bowl with spaghetti. When he was finished, Kylie filled herself a bowl and the two sat at the table to eat.

“It’s your turn to start,” he reminded her when she sat down. “How was your week?”

Sam and Kylie had been together for nearly a year, and they’d made it a tradition to check in and decompress over dinner every friday night. Without fail, one of them would cook and the two would sit down and talk about their week.

The Way You See Me - Part 5

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The Way You See Me - Part 5 of 5
by Maeryn Lamonte

“Fucking queer,” he muttered as I passed. I held my tongue in an effort to regain some of my lost dignity.


“Jenny!” Sally yanked the door open and wrapped her arms around me. “Wow, you look amazing.”

Extra Time 22

Of course, we had to make the introductions to the others, and that was when I realised how sharp Ian’s focus had been on me and Mam, as he hadn’t even noticed the Forster brothers. So many explanations, so much history, and so often his eyes would drift as his mind processed such things as Alec’s presence at John’s side.

“My middle brother Ian; John Wilkins, retired colleague and life-saver”

“Oh, don’t, Jill!”

“Well, it’s true…and Von you might have heard Mam talk about. That’s her boy Will over there with Nelly”

Blame it on the Receptionist

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It was all the hotel Receptionist's fault. If she hadn't have confused him with someone else, none of it would have happened.

Blame it on the Receptionist
by Charlotte Dickles


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


My Summer In Remembrance

This is the last of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering.

My Summer In Remembrance

By: Zylux


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