Mature / Thirty+

FTL-15...Faster Than Life.

FTL-15…Faster Than Life.

Chapter 15

I guess that part of me wants to say that like any good girlfriend I pined away and mourned our relationship and the parting of ways. But I guess there was still too much of the old me still lingering in the fringes of my head and the first thing I did was go back to our cabana and packed my things and went and rented a single.

I just couldn’t face the rest of my time here in the place we had so much fun in and made love in so many times.

Duty Calls chapter 17-33+

The next morning I arrived at work early. My ensemble was smart, relaxed. I was wearing levis, sneakers, a dressy blouse and the faux-rabbit fur jacket I’ve had for a couple of years. My hair was up in a pony tail. I gathered a few kidding wolf whistles from the old hands who had also come in early and some stares from the few newbies who were going to be a part of the detail during the following two weeks. I heard a familiar threat given by one of the old hands to a couple of the newbies, “You want to keep your jobs? Don't make passes at the boss.”

Salty Vanilla.

Salty Vanilla.

There’s people that say that salt and chocolate go together.

I guess that’s true, but it’s not really my kind of thing anyways. No I’ve always had a thing for vanilla.

And that’s why I’m here waiting…I’m out of my tree, scared and happy and nervous. If you’d ask anyone who knows me they’d be surprised I’m this edgy but honestly I don’t think that anyone really knew me.

Not like they did.

Gina's New Beginning (A Sissy Story)

Sissy has really turned around. A new name for her, and now Gina is making her debut into the world. This is a continuation of Sissy's Saga.
Gina's New Beginning
By Maid Joy



Synopsis: A seemingly normal man suddenly feels strongly attracted to women’s lingerie, and has very vivid and erotic dreams of having sex as a woman. His psychologist traces his feelings to when he was in the Army, and begins to unravel a deeply guarded and strange mystery.


There are times when we have dreams so real that they conflict with our memories. Which are the memories, and which are the dreams? Sometimes, it gets confusing. Sometimes, we have to wonder whether the memories really are memories, or if they are something else covering a deep dark secret…




Synopsis: The first astronauts on Callisto have a close encounter of the fourth kind - without knowing it. Now the crew is starting to experience some very unusual events in the ship. They have to unravel the mystery to see if the encounter is a threat to the rest of them - and to humanity.

[email protected]

The Revenant - Part 2

The Revenant - Part 2

In which Marty begins to discover who he is but how and why?

Having been shot, or did he dream that, Marty wakes up in a very new body and seeks to discover his/her new world. Who is she, what is going on? Did he die or dream?
Read on gentle reader but there are other chapters to come...


I wrote this poem in the winter 1991 - 1992. I had recently moved out on my wife, at the time, and in with my first Tgal lover. I'd started HRT in June '91 and had my GRS with Dr. Stanley Biber in Trinidad, Colorado scheduled for June '92.

I had met my first M2F TS in January 1990 and realized I was TS later that year. In 2 1/2 years, I was going from being in denial about my true self and seeming like a "normal guy" to most people, to being post-op. Sometimes things seemed to be going so fast that I felt like I was on a rocket sled. I wanted to transition so much and I felt that I had wasted so much time; there was nothing to do but go as fast as possible, but still my head was spinning from all the changes.

Operation Rescue: Origins

Operation Rescue: Origins

by Elrod


A pro-life couple laments that they can't do more to prevent abortions.
However, since he directs a lab doing biomedical research, the husband looks for ways to help.


Extra Time 37

Morning, cold and dry, a skin of hoar frost on the tent’s fly sheet. I did the necessary after the night’s beer and found my wife emerging for her own dash as I returned to the nest. Jan was already up, a pot of tea brewing in what could only be called the dining room.

“Hangover, Jill?”

“Not really. Sore feet. Going on a walk and then trying to dance in silly shoes, not good for the sole”

Duty Calls chapter 16-33+

The next time I managed to revert even marginally to my senses we were in a different store. I presumed it was Macys but didn't recognize the area which I immediately presumed was Women's lingerie and more. I didn't shop for my things here, but I guessed that was going to change in the near future. Looking about I noticed a large number of small packages surrounding me presumably either some of which just having been or still awaiting purchase. Just then the strait jacket I was only beginning to realize was wrapped around me made it’s presence known by cinching a little tighter. I discovered upon inspection that it didn't reach all that much above the nipples of my breast forms. I also both noted the increased difficulty in breathing and the stark contrast of my old breast forms against my chest.

Beyond Galactic Marshal - Chapter 3

Beyond Galactic Marshal


I did not pass out. There just was no light at all or else I was blind. I called out to Tinker but received no answer. I stood still for a few minutes trying to figure things out. It could just be a power outage. With my suit on, I would not be able to hear anything and, with no power, no one could contact me by radio. I eased out of the gate. As soon as I crossed the threshold, light popped on. I got the shock of my life.

The Revenant - Part 1

Perhaps not my final choice of title, indeed for obvious reasons “Life on Venus” sprang to mind. “Gene Hunt” is of course not my creation although perhaps “Jean Hunt” may appear?
Be gentle, this story is the first I have written in a very long time.
I will try to add additional chapters as I get around to writing them but have no idea where I want the tale to go yet. My muse and the storyline are still arguing over the teacups!

Extra Time 36

We worked our way through the graveyard, following the old habit of looking for the oldest stone, the youngest and most tragic death. There, on the edge, in a clearer spot, was the one I wanted to see, the shape and pattern so, so familiar.

“This was Alec’s, Stewie’s friend, yeah?”

“Aye, pet. Thought, you know, pay some respects. I mean, all of this here, it sort of comes from her, aye?”

My wife nodded. “You do too, I suppose. This lot, they pulled you out of the crap”

I turned to her, and kissed her gently. “I rather think you had a lot to do with that, love”

“I don’t like to blow my own wotsit---no, don’t even think about making that joke!”

Extra Time 35

Why did I agree to sleep in a tent, in December? I was awake for one very simple reason, and that had been the impact of my wife’s sub-Arctic knees against the backs of my thighs. I had thought uncharitably about the impermanence of modern marriage till she pointed out that she had brought tea for both of us.

It was warm in our nest of duvets, though, a pale light leaking through the sides of the tent.

“Tea, love?”

Decade of Big Busts Stories - Just a Dusty, Old Suitcase

girl with suitcase.jpg

The discovery of what appears to be a sex doll whilst Bill and Lucy help their friend Gemma to move into her new house provides a weekend of fun and games for all three of them


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Travelling Hopefully


Synopsis: The woman awakening in the empty rental cottage hadn't a clue how she'd got there or even who she was. However, as she tries to discover her identity and how she got there, she quickly realises how much she really enjoys sex,.

The story is set in England and is a longer length story, so sit back and enjoy. Caution: Contains explicit sex and some sexual abuse, as well as humour.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Duty Calls chapter 15-33+

Our flight turned out to be uneventful. Two hours and one stop later we showed our identification, retrieved our cases, and walked out the deplaning ramp into the terminal where we each found a restroom so we could extract our weaponry from the cases and place them into the appropriate holsters, sheathes and, in one case, a 9mm went into my purse. With two hours to kill, an early lunch was in order, during which we discussed strategy.

Beyond Galactic Marshal - Chapter 2

Beyond Galactic Marshal


I heard a noise outside and looked out a window. A ship was lowering what I assumed to be the gate. I guess that I was expecting something like those star gates in an old movie I remembered. This was nothing like that. In fact, it had a strange resemblance to a certain device I had been in 3 years ago although about ten times larger. I guess this confirms where the technology came from: the ruins. That was why Mary and I are here. It seems the ruins were built by an ancient civilization that for some reason I have a similar genetic makeup to. This allowed me to operate the devices found in the ruins and no one else, at least so far. Looking at the gate, I had a bad feeling.

Bridges 32

Bridges 32

Chapter 32

Mornings are getting to be really wonderful things. It’s been about two weeks since our wedding and the amazing reception and the gathering together of friends and family. We’re taking this time as our Honeymoon because Cass just got reassigned to do some special security work down in Vancouver with the whole twenty ten Winter Olympics.

It’s a special duty thing since she’s pregnant and this’ll be more organizing stuff than patrols and field work. That’s good less stress is always good for the baby and the Mommy.

I wake with a smile and my arm around my wife.

Snakes and Ladders-23

Snakes and Ladders-23

Chapter 23

I push myself up to my feet and it takes a dozen staggering steps before I’m picking up speed and the soreness is going away from my muscles warming up. Dammit I’m just getting started I think and I know already that I’m going to be sore when this is over.

I snag a blaster from one of the fallen elves it’s bigger than the one that I had but I think I can use it. It’s this sort of a ceramic wheel lock looking weapon with a rectangular barrel instead of a round one and there’s a large red crystal set into the tech-magic circuits where a clip would get put in with a gun from home and it’s about six inches shorted than a pistol gripped style shotgun.

I go with that, I know shotguns pretty well.



A teenage boy and his mom are in an accident that links them together in a strange way and sets them on the path to becoming super heroes. This story takes place in my Legacy Universe.

Sunshine...Part 3

Sunshine…Part Three.

I don’t know how long I’m in the darkness but I’m not really all there either…the drugs…I know their drugs are keeping me under…and I sleep deep but it’s ever deeper than the sleep I remember that real sleep was.

I do remember the cold!

Cold unlike anything I can ever describe and it was not just outside of me, but seeping inside of me too.

This wasn’t drugged blackness but a hell I have never known.

Beyond Galactic Marshal - Chapter 1

Beyond Galactic Marshal


Well, we have been on Prowhiness for almost a month now. Mary, my wife, and I are staying at the resort with my sister Karen. It seems that the promised housing at the relic site has not yet materialized. As a matter of fact, neither has the gate. Tinker and Bell have gone back to their home planet. In the mean time, we are basically twiddling our thumbs. I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Jonnie Harper; former male galactic marshal and now female I don’t know what. OK, it’s a long story and involves aliens, a device that will only operate by me as a female, and a bit of time travel. For those interested in more, read “Galactic Marshal”. Anyway, I’m stuck female because of the aliens and, believe it or not, I’m supposedly working for said aliens. At least, that was the plan. But, like I said, I’ve been here with nothing to do. I looked up as Mary walked in holding Raylan, our son.

Extra Time 34

I returned with the three parcels, and caught my wife’s eye as I approached. When I reached them, Hays was partway through a declaration of how old she was and what age Santa was meant for. Ian had been absolutely spot on: she had found a route to grow, to become a person, rather than something left out of sight in a bedroom so as not to irritate her mother.

_elf Storage | Chapter 6

They walked off down the path for a few minutes until they arrived at a little glade with a rushing river cutting through it. The path led to a stone bridge spanning the river.

Colleen saw three goats grazing contentedly over on the opposite shore. Ells led them up to the bridge and stopped. He bowed and gestured chivalrously for Colleen to go first.

She took a couple more steps, again making a clattering sound disproportionate to her tentative footfalls. She noticed the three goats had raised their heads at the sound of her progress and were staring at the bridge. Suddenly the situation fell into place in her mind and she knew what was coming...


_elf Storage

by Janice Dreamer
Copyright © 2012 Janice Dreamer

Extra Time 33

In the end, it was Eric who came through with a result. Kate knew the right administrators to approach, but it was a man I hardly knew who moved and shook the right people to find Ian his bed.

Annie rode over to see us with the news that weekend, and I had to ask how her husband had managed it.

“Think about it, aye? He runs the path lab. Every surgeon, every oncologist, they all have to come through him, so he gets to know them, aye?”

Retracing My Steps

Retracing My Steps

Author's note: Originally, this was going to be my submission for the reconciliation contest. But I couldn't seem to make it long enough, so it just is what it is. If you like it, make sure you leave a comment!

You can go home again, no matter what the old saying says.

Sometimes, its just a longer trip than others.

And on occasion, you can get lost, especially when you havent been in your home town in decades, which is why I was sitting by the side of a road looking at a map trying to figure out where I needed to go.

Extra Time 32

It was Larinda who reacted first, once again showing who was stronger in our partnership. Ian had cut me off to ring Ralph, Neil, any others who he could find the strength to tell, and my wife just took the phone from my hands, looked through a small notebook she pulled from her handbag and dialled a number. We were still in loudspeaker mode.

“Brains’r’Us Undead Deli!”

Softly Zephyr, oh Come Softly chapter 5



I had to really work at keeping the 'predator' part of me from showing too much though I knew I couldn't hide all of it or all the time. So the people in that shelter, or whatever it was knew I was dangerous and potentially deadly.

But they took me in. Even knowing that they took me in.

The First Queen in the Village 23

The First Queen in the Village 23

By WannabeGinger

The party’s over and it’s time to leave. Each partygoer will have their own thoughts about what Christine and Astrid have said. It’s for them now to go home and to decide if they would like to explore, in a very gentle way, the changing of their partners, spouses, and lovers.


What Happened After... (a.k.a. "The Noise")

What I later found out had happened that New Year would be something one would think suicidal on the world, at least I and others who know about it would. The Chinese government thought setting off a nuke right on the New Madrid fault line would do the job nicely in the United States, shattering any metropolis in the ensuing earthquake and the riots that then followed.

Extra Time 30

It seemed my lover had moved things on beyond what she had admitted to me, and rather presented me with a fixed and fully prepared package. She had been in touch with just about everyone involved, tweaking the details and filling in little boxes where necessary.

“Why not somewhere closer, Pet, like Holland?”


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