Mature / Thirty+

Jasmine Takes Charge

Jasmine Takes Charge

James and I had been doing more role playing lately as a way for him to get to know his softer side a bit more. Jasmine shad been out of the house a few times and I was hopeful that she would be ready to spend more time out together, rather than hiding in the shadows of dark restaurants, then rushing to the car and home.

Bikini Beach: The Runaway, Part 2/3

Bikini Beach: The Runaway Part 2/3

A young boy has run away from home. Breaking into Bikini Beach in search of food, he is caught trespassing in the morning and given a week's worth of community service. Why did he run away in the first place? Something has prevented Grandmother and Anya from seeing his past. Maybe a detective who is the great grandson of someone from Grandmothers past can help unravel the mystery.

The author is grateful for the help, ideas and editing done by ElrodW. Without his help and support, this story may not have been possible.

Catburglar 5: Fantoccini’s Feline

Fantoccini’s Feline
By Paul Calhoun

A certain someone mentioned that I don't do sweet/sentimental/positive sex scenes. Simple answer to that: it's usually my clients who want the hardcore stuff and I like to go the discreet path in my more upbeat work. However, I figured Kelly and Reg getting together was a really special occasion, so enjoy some sex scenes in which everyone is happy, knows who the partner is and is having a blast.

Kelly gets the Blue Fairy Treatment and we have spoilers/foreshadowing for the Allie series.

A Study in Satin - Part 2 - Chapters 1 - 4

Unable to defeat the addiction-withdrawal syndrome of Moriarty's youth potion,
Holmes is running out of the drug, and faces madness and a horrible death.
Unwilling to concede victory to the Professor, he leaves England
in search of the one person who might still best Holmes' archenemy -

"THE Woman."

A Study in Satin
Part II: Veni, Veni, Vici
Chapters 1-4

by Tigger

Copyright © 2002,2013 Tigger
All Rights Reserved.

Kellly Bundy's Sex Mutant Pesticide

Kelly Bundy’s Sex Mutant Pesticide

Synopsis: To prove the safety of her company’s pesticides, Kelly uses Bud as an unwitting volunteer. The first change anyone notices is that Bud grows breasts. But the changes don’t stop there. Is Kelly the biggest slut in the Bundy household? And what is Marcy doing with the pesticide sprayer? (This is a takeoff of one episode of Married With Children. In my opinion, a lot of TG could have been done here. They dropped the ball. I picked it up and ran.)

When I saw the episode of Married With Children where Kelly’s pesticides made Bud mutate and grow breasts, I knew that there was potential. But the episode dropped the ball. So I decided to continue the feminizing mutations of poor Bud. And of course, Marcy sees this as another way to torture pool Al…


Duty Calls chapter 31

Lynn continues her secretarial duties at James’ exhibit booth:

All this was becoming very interesting. I was beginning to understand there was some ‘cause and effect’ going on here. Shortly after I typed in a certain string of information and pressed the key which completed my inquiry, some activity could be seen and about a minute later the big printer would spill out a sheet or two of information. I looked at what I was presently typing, finished it, and then pressed the extra keys James told me about before walking over to wait for the printer to do something. A minute later it printed a page of material.

Nora Brought Out the Best in Her

Nora Brought Out the Best in Him

By Jessica C

(This is a different story for me, but one that underlies those who wait for others to give them direction or make decisions for them. Hopefully, in time each of us accepts who we are and learns to live with ourselves.)

The Disposal Room

The Disposal Room

Welcome to a place where things can mysteriously go missing. Does anyone out there have anything to lose?

NOTE: Comments are enabled but I won't be reading them. Kudos and private messages are always welcome.

Extra Time 52

I was being pulled in so many directions at once I felt I might tear down the middle.

“Stop fussing, Neil. It’s a bloody wig; they don’t get ‘conditioned’, OK?”

Mam was sat at the dresser doing things to herself while Larinda shepherded the girls next door, but Nelly just HAD to help me, as he saw it. I turned to face him, taking his hands.

“Girl stuff, pet. We take our time but we get there in the end, aye?”

Rianna's Voyage - 7 of 7

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“I….” Chris put his head down; ashamed of his neglect over so many years for some many foolish reasons in so many horribly displays. His shoulders began to bob up and down as he sobbed; a confession of sorts that he had loved his child all along with complete and utter conditional expectancy. Any child would have been nearly destroyed; that Chrissy had survived was miraculous, to say the least. But the mercy that was woven into the moment overwhelmed Chris as he realized he had been given a chance that few receive when they hold onto their own wants and needs with a tight fist. He had finally let go, and the blessing of knowing his daughter for the first time was too much to bear without being swept away in a flood of gratitude.

The Fishing Trip

When Phil McNierney agreed to be a guinea pig for Andy Hoffmann’s new serum, he didn't know what the serum, a little hypnosis, and his own mind would get him into. Still they were best friends, and didn’t Phil trust Andy?

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A voice came from off to Chris’ right. He turned to see a plain if nice looking young woman standing in the kitchen archway. She wore jeans and a black tee. Her hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail at the base of her neck, revealing her fairly-scrubbed face. Just a hint of eye shadow and lip gloss ‘betrayed’ her gender.

In virtually every way, she resembled her ‘predecessor;’ the sister in a set of metaphoric fraternal twins, in a way. But her expression and her demeanor were all Christina. No hint of Christopher other than the same reluctant half-smile borne of insecurity and hope. Chris looked at his daughter; perhaps for the first time, in a way and sighed.

Out of the Blue Part II: Into the Fray-Chapter 2

Out of the Blue Part II: Into the Fray
By Drew Miller

Up until now, the lingering question has been, are there other's like Karen Shaw out there? Now, in chapter two, the reader will finally find out when Karen is transferred to a remote military base where she will be safe from the chaos that has descended upon the United States, indeed the rest of the world. But she may not be as safe as she initially perceives.

A pair of themed pairs

A pair of Themed Pairs
By Paul Calhoun

I felt like riffing on a couple of ideas without making a big series out of them. Two love doll stories and two prehensile limbed alien stories. Sweet doll, stuck doll, exploited alien, opportunistic alien.

Adult for when you work out what the words 'venerate' and 'gratify' mean. Oh, and sex dolls. But really those two words are a hell of a lot dirtier in context.

Rianna's Voyage - 5 of 7

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...she felt the gentle breeze echo her and she could almost swear she heard a soft flutter, as if a bird had hovered over her. She closed her eyes, failing to notice the woman standing just off the beach on the path. The woman was tall and handsome and appeared to be surrounded by a very large if over-sized mantel. And a second later, the wrap unfurled once again, as if she had been hugging herself. She walked over to Rianna and said something softly, heard above the gentle breeze but almost unspoken as well. Her hand touched Rianna’s face gently before she disappeared like so much fog on an ever-clearing morning….

Catburglar 4: The Catburglar Who Came in From the Cold

The Catburglar Who Came in From the Cold
By Paul Calhoun

Kelly spends Christmas with Reg's family and Reg tells Kelly what he's known for awhile now. Also, Kelly continues to adjust to life as a female with a loving family. A few scenes that don't advance the plot added because I thought they added character.

The Morpheus Collective

The Morpheus Collective

This story was published way back about 1999 on another site. It's repeated here for the first time, and hopefully, everyone will find this as entertaining as I did when I wrote it.

Resistance is Futile. Prepare to be Assimilated ...


FTL-17...Faster Than Life.

FTL-17…Faster Than Life.

Chapter 17

I’m scared really as I’m sipping at my water and trying not to feel like I’m about to go through a great deal of pain. Sipping is important because if I drank a lot of water then there would be some or rather more of it in my stomach waiting for Corporal Armstrong to beat out of my in a spray of eww.

Before the likely sprays of blood…

My teeth…

Everyone’s ready but me and that includes her outside the ring with some of her people and she’s kicking this big pad one of them’s holding and the heavy "thud" is audible.

And she's staring me down with a savage grin.

Catburglar 3: Foxy Catburglar

Foxy Catburglar
By Paul Calhoun

I was going to do the discovery, but I like to give my characters a vacation every so often, so here's some gratuitous fursuiting and romance. As if there's such a thing.

I've had this idea kicking around ever since I read a most excellent story about a girlfriend pranking her boyfriend by feigning injury and when he runs out to the car, she does a quick change into a werewolf costume and chases him around. Go read it, it's great:

She of the Jade Skirt - Part VI

She of the Jade Skirt


Sleethr & Draflow


Dani makes some plans and buys some hardware for her favorite hobby, blowing stuff up. Melody checks them into a hotel so they can dress for success and spend a ton of money shopping. The Navy SEALS make their own plans.

Image Credit: photo_5466834 from


Altered Fates: The Boss

This is a VERY dark Altered Fates tale. It contains obscenity, the rape of two girls (males transformed by the Medallion), and the ravings of a very sick mind. (Not me, the narrator, and no wisecracks, please, about not being able to tell the difference.)

This was an experiment; a thought piece to see what would happen if a truly nasty man found the Medallion and decided to use it for his own purposes.

Catburglar 2: Seeing Double

Seeing Double
By Paul Calhoun

Kelly and Reg have been dating for awhile, but Ned is starting to worry that the elusive Starling is becoming too notorious. He's also worried that he and Kelly never show up in the same place. He can decrease the number of heists he pulls as Kelly, but she'll need her boyfriend's help to fix the second. The only problem is that she'll have to get him to do it without him knowing why!

Rianna's Voyage - 4 of 7

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But if they had a contest between the three women at the table as to who was the most insecure, it might have been a dead heat. The girl felt so badly about herself that she had given into hopelessness. The woman who loved her felt overshadowed by a woman whose only fault was that her husband had built her up into a hero of mythical proportion, even in death. And the woman sitting across from them witnessed the love between the two, feeling entirely unworthy and inauthentic; as if being herself was some mere phase of life rather than the huge struggle she had endured with much success.

Love and Old Books...Part Five The Finale

Love and Old Books…Finale

It changed everything that weekend and I mean it changed everything…

I will remember that night forever but the next day too. I woke up and it was chilly even with it being summer but the smell of the water coming in off the beach was still heavy in the air and there’s nothing like it really the smell of salt water that close. It mixed with the sounds of the waves hitting the beach and the smell of us, of Valerie sleeping there beside me.

I rubbed some more thankful, so thankful wetness from my eyes with my thumb and then I rolled over and spooned her wrapping an arm around her and the blankets and just holding her.

Smelling her skin, her hair.

There are some perfect moments in this world.

Jigsaw Pieces

Jigsaw pieces
by Maeryn Lamonte
jigsaws.png   A trip to a shopping mall. A sympathetic shop assistant. A chance to be who I am inside just for a few minutes. Will it end when I step out of the changing room or is there the possibility for more?

Rianna's Voyage - 3 of 7

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Victorianna Pentangelo stood on a hill overlooking Lake Ewuana. She trembled at the thought of what she was about to do. Looking down at her right hand, she felt the weight of the gun pulling at her; beckoning in a way. She breathed a deep sigh and put the gun to her right temple. As she did, she said a quick prayer, seeking forgiveness for the unforgiveable...

Bishop: Sins of the Flesh

Bishop smiled and Bateau returned her smile. “Always remember, for Francesca it is just a game, one she is very, very good at playing. He is the mouse to your cat, nothing more.”

Bishop: Sins of the Flesh

by Randalynn

Copyright © 2013 Randalynn. All Rights Reserved.

Hell of a Wedding

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Synopsis: Ben's sister, Bev, and Joe were planning to have a quiet wedding with hardly anyone present. But when Joe's mother hands down her wedding dress to Bev it creates a big problem — for unknown to Joe's mother, Bev is highly pregnant and the mother mustn't find out.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



I, Vera

Love and Old Books...Part 4

Love and Old Books…Part Four

It was a few days before we saw each other again. We kept talking online about work and books and breakfasts some was on my computer but I wanted to be able to talk with her whenever so…I broke down and I bought a phone with texting…that was just.

I was at the Parker Place Mall after just getting my phone and I’m trying to text Valerie back with my big mits on this teeny tiny phone when hear her giggling.

“Oh My God!” She exclaims her hand over her mouth and giggling.

“What?” I’m hunched over still trying to hit the right keys.

“You look so cute trying that.” She smiles this sweet smile and comes over and looks upside down at my screen. “Who are you texting?”

“You, or I was. What are you doing here?”

Extra Time 50

That was a seriously odd arrangement. I mean, there were so many tents outside the church it looked more like some sort of festival than the wedding of a vicar, or of anyone else, come to that. For just an instant, I felt completely at sea among so many people, unable to focus on individual faces, and then people started to emerge from the background, rather like one of those hidden object puzzles.

Bridges 35

Bridges 35

Chapter 35

I’m smiling as I make it over to the house as quick as I can and stumble inside and kicking my boots off at random the thuds making her giggle on the other end of the phone.

“You’re home?”

“Yes baby I’m home.” I smile into the phone as I’m trying to climb stairs and she clothes at the same time.

“I head the door and your boots.”


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