A Friend in Need Part 2

A Friend in Need Part 2

The Beginning

By Christina H
This is the continuation of the story where two friends find a way through magic to solve the problem that their lives are giving them.
It has some dates in it to add some context to the story (I hope) the TG and mild sex starts late in this chapter.

Dedicated to Christina, who gave me her name and taught me how to be a woman

March 2013 – Mothers Day

After giving my baby a cuddle I rearranged the towel over my shoulder to protect my blouse as I hoped to be going out in this later, took little Chloe and put her on my shoulder to bring up any wind before I continued feeding her, while I was doing this my mind again drifted back to the beginning.

November 2010

After delivering the solution to our problem changing places I was stunned and it must have shown. "Tony" Chrissie said smiling "close your mouth and say something".
"Eh? Oh yes" I managed to stammer "that is some idea but I can see three main stumbling points to the plan". "And what are these" she calmly enquired.
By then I had managed to get my thoughts together "Well" I continued "One I'm over twice the size of you; two I am nowhere as good looking as you and three you may have failed to notice but I'm a man!"

Chrissie just looked at me shaking her head "Tony once we are finished you will look talk and act just like me and I will look talk and act like you." She could see I had a million questions so she stopped me asking them by saying "Look its 5 o'clock, I'll phone Celia to see if she can start her shift early, then order a take away and we can talk some more – OK". This stopped the conversation dead even though my mind was working at a million miles an hour. By then she was on the phone talking to Celia, who was one of her barmaids, as she hung up she then phoned the local Chinese and ordered a takeaway to arrive at 5:45.

"Come through the back" she said "sorry about the mess but things got a bit heated earlier". When I walked into the living area it was a scene of near devastation "what the hell happened here" I asked. Chrissie shrugged her shoulders and sadly muttered "Jim did some to prove his point then I lost it and started throwing things at him until him and the little cow he was with fucked off"
"Wow you have some temper for a little un!" I said grinning; "You better believe it" she said also grinning "and if we do change you’ll also have it".
I was about to start asking questions when she suddenly said "I must look a mess, just make yourself comfortable while I re-do my make up" saying this she picked up her make up bag and while I watched started repairing the damage done when she had been crying.

Without seeming to think about it Chrissie worked with eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara and soon those big blue eyes were perfectly framed, a touch of lipstick and lip gloss a brush through her blond hair and she was perfect. "Right" she said all business "I'll get out the front, open up and wait for Celia and the food, while you make yourself at home".

With that she was gone, I looked around the bomb site that once was her living room; I started tidying the room as best as I could.
I was lost in thought when Chrissie's voice brought me back "You needn't have done this, but thanks; the good news is the takeaway's arrived and Celia's happily behind the bar so we can eat and talk and I can answer your questions – if you have any that is".
If I had any! Only about a million, but I helped her set the table, open a bottle of wine before we sat down to the food.
"Right" I said wanting to get in first "what were you on about when you said we change places?" "It's simple" she said grinning "you become me and I'll become you, so we both will get what we want"
"Yes" I said, "I have managed to figure that out but how do you propose to go about it?"
She sat there grinning like a Cheshire cat "I have certain powers that my Grandmother taught me which means I can change the two of us, and while I'm doing it I can take 20 years from the both of us so you become a 28 year old me and I end up a 42 year old you, so you get the life you want and I get the change I want".

I was stunned "you're really serious about this aren’t you" she nodded I carried on "How does it work? How long do you want to change for?" Looking serious she said "how it works I don't really know but it works as for how long – well for you it's for the rest of your life you will be Christina Holbine.
For me in your body I don't know. It depends how I like being a man, if I don't like it, I'll find a taller woman who has a desire to be a man, there are plenty about I would imagine. But one thing as well as enhancing during the change I can also miss things out so if, your body returns here in a few years time it my not be me in your body BUT whoever has your body would have no knowledge about you changing with me” she stopped, thought for a second then asked; “would be worried if it was not me inside your body?"

I murmured "I wouldn't really care as I would have your body and life --- if we changed".
By then we had finished the food and were sat sipping the wine. "I thought you would have had more questions" she said. I looked at her and ruefully said, "when you put what was going to happen so simply, all my questions were answered.”

"Look Tony you go home and think about it and once you have decided we'll talk again and organise things – or not depending on your decision" she said as we started to clear up.
"Yeah" I said thoughtfully "I have a lot to think about so I'll get going and give you a call tomorrow". "Tony" she warned me, "take your time this is a big decision."

As I walked home in the cold winter evening my mind was in turmoil, as Christina said, this was what I wanted, a dream come true but as she also said this was one hell of a big decision. I arrived home and was greeted by Reggie and Ronnie, these were two Jack Russell dogs – with an attitude problem.

I got their leads and we went out for our walk. While walking I asked the dogs if they would mind living with Chrissie, and being dogs they seemed happy with the idea, after an hour we arrived back home, I fed the dogs and made a list of the pros and cons of the change – needless to say the pros won so I then made a list of what would need to be done for me to change. Tell my daughters and sister, sell the house and put the money into my bank, give my solicitor power of attorney for selling the house, clearing the house of all furniture etc. etc.

After doing all this and drinking half a bottle of wine I headed to bed to sleep no it, it was a strange nights sleep, considering what I had to think over but I slept well considering.
My mind made up I made breakfast then too the dogs out, I then phoned my solicitor and made an appointment for later that day, contacted an estate agent for them to come over and value the house and put it up for sale.

By then it was 10 in the morning and I phoned Chrissie. As the phone was ringing I was nervous "Hi Chrissie here" she chirruped "hi Chrissie Tony" I answered "I've come to a decision". Silence then very quietly she said, "are you certain whatever your decision is"
"Chrissie" I have never been more certain of anything". "Well" she shouted "what have you decided are you going to tell me or do I have to drag it out of you". I took a deep breath "when do we change places".

Complete silence then quietly she asked, "are you certain, positive" "yes" I affirmed.
We talked for a while I told her what I had done so far saying that I was going to see my daughters and sister this afternoon and tell them I was going back packing around the world, leaving very soon as I had had enough and needed a change.
We talked for a while and decided to change this evening as it was Chrissies evening off her parting words were don't forget the dogs and their things as they would be living with me (the new me that is) and bring some clothes and toiletries for a few days for me (Chrissie) to wear after the change.

The rest of the day passed in a whirl I arranged for power of attorney to go to my lawyer put the house on the market, arranged for the house to be cleared contacted what there was of my family to tell them I was going away – none of them seemed surprised so
I arrived at Chrissie's just before 8 and parked close to the door to the private living quarters of the pub.

Chrissie answered just after the first knock and hugged me, giving me a kiss in the process. "I saw you arrive" she explained "now are you completely certain you want to go through with this". Laughingly I said, "yes, yes a thousand times yes". "Well" she said smiling as long as you are that sure let's get started, there is a lot for you to know before we get started with the change".

After her showing me where the guest bedroom was and her bedroom where I would wake up We fed the dogs then got down learning the stuff I had to know this was.

Once we had put 5 drops of blood in the potions, sound dramatic I commented. I would take the one with her blood needless to say this would be a pink colour, she would take mine and we would need to drink it within the hour for it to work.
Then we would fall into a deep sleep while the change took place, once changed we would start remembering all about out new lives but still remember our old lives – weird. And the final thing was that for some reason it takes longer for her to change into a man so I would sleep for about 6 hours and wake up as Christina while she would sleep for 10 hours or even longer and finally wake up as Tony

All this left me stunned and for the moment lost for words after a couple of second I managed to say "this is some potion we are about to take".
“Yes you aren’t kidding there, having second thoughts?" she asked. I shook my head "No way in fact I just can't wait to get on with it.”

I followed her into the kitchen looking with interest at the skirt she was wearing, as I would be probably be wearing it tomorrow it was black faux leather, tight around her cute bubble butt it's finished about 3 inches above her knee, well --- the thought that I would be wearing that same skirt in the morning feeling it tight around my cute bubble butt nearly drove me over the edge.
When we got into the living room we settled down on the sofa with a can of coke each watching a chick flick. I grinned at Chrissie "I'll probably appreciate this type of film after tomorrow". "You better believe it” she said.

About 11 she got up from the sofa and went into the bar to start clearing the few remaining customers out. I really did not expect her back much before midnight but much to my surprise I heard her saying goodbye to Celia just after 11:30.
She came into the back and said to me "if you are quite sure about what's about to happen, let's get started". I'm ready and certain, but what about you? Are you certain" I asked. She cocked her head on one side and stared at me "I've been ready for a change for a couple of years now – so yes I'm certain, we'll talk more tomorrow".

Right lets get to the blood letting" she joked
After the blood was in the potion Chrissie screwed the caps on the bottles, gave them a shake and as she handed me the pink bottle she said "right lets get to bed – see you in the morning Christina". "I sincerely hope so" I said adding "Tony" we grinned at each other then made our way upstairs to bed.
After I had done the usual cleaning of teeth and going to the toilet, thinking that this would be the last time I would do this standing up, I turned the bedside light on made sure my phone was on and ready.
After about 5 minutes my phone rang "Hi Chrissie it's Tony, ready to drink to potion" she said, I said I was ready, she continued "remember you have to drink the whole lot in one go and it doesn’t taste nice – so ready steady drink". As I chugged the potion I knew what she meant – it tasted foul. Over the open line of the mobile I heard Chrissie cough "right she said that all mine down and I assume yours has gone I'll see you in the morning".
With that she ended the call, I settled down turned the light off – then I was asleep.

I had an excellent nights sleep but some weird dreams. However as I came to I knew it had worked as I had one hand between my legs with the other tangled up in my hair and I was now lying on the satin sheets I had noticed last night.
The hand between my legs started exploring through the soft downy triangle of hair to my soft slit, my fingers entered and BOY did that feel GOOD, I moved my finger and stared to play with my new clitoris.

The gentle motion of my finger was electrifying I simply couldn't help the moans I made, I moved my other hand down to my breasts and started playing with them tweaking my nipples and massaging my boobs this intensified the feelings between my legs and I was soon moaning and squirming as my first organism washed over me.
I could feel it coming my moaning became more intense and the squirming became a grinding at my climax hit me OHHHH MY GOD I squealed Uggggggg; the feeling was out of this world I took a second to get over it and was about to continue when I felt the overpowering need to go to the toilet. This really pissed me off; here I was about to have more fun and ----- I needed a damn pee!

As I swung my legs over to sit on the edge of the bed I noticed that it was 7 am as I sat there my feet were just off the floor as if to emphasise my new height, I looked down my body as I sat there my long blond hair was like a waterfall down each side of my face, travelling down my body I saw for the first time my breasts, perfectly formed with a prominent pink nipples surrounded by a darker pink areole, looking between my boobs I saw my feminine stomach and the little triangular patch of downy hair leading to my 'little tush' as Christina (now me) called the female part between my legs sometimes my pussy; I also called my breasts, breasts or boobs, and I absolutely hated the 'c' word and people calling my breasts tits! It seems I am accessing my Christina thoughts. Speaking of thoughts, the need for the toilet became intense so I had to scamper to the en-suit and relieve myself!

As I sat there all sorts of thoughts were invading my brain, my morning beauty routine, other mundane things and what was in the top drawer of the bedside cabinet, this in my heightened state of arousal was most interesting to me.

Back in the bedroom I searched the top drawer and found a somewhat large vibrator, well it was about 9" long and I could just about get my small hand around it was an exact copy of a man's dick, complete with veins and a fine set of balls at the base.
I sat on the satin sheets imagining this deep inside me, thinking that gave me a delicious shudder as a small orgasm made me gasp and shudder, "right girl" I said to myself "lets have fun". I switched it onto slow speed and ran the vibrating tip over my breasts, my nipples responded and soon they were hard sending wonderful electric shocks all over my body and down to my pussy.
My head thrown back in ecstasy, I revelled in the delicious sensations running through my new body, a thought went through my mind wondering if Tony could make me feel like this.

I fell onto my back across the bed and my spare hand started playing with my engorged super sensitive nipples while the vibrator ran up and down my inner thighs. MMmmmmmm, Uggg I moaned as another orgasm hit me.

By now I was grinding my hips wanting more, As the tip of the vibrator touched the lips of my gorgeous new pussy I turned it to high speed and nearly swooned with the waves of pleasure that surged through me, shuddering, I hit another orgasm, moaning and whimpering writhing and wanting to scream but worried about waking Tony especially as it was his name I wanted to scream. I moved the vibrator deeper into myself bucking my hips, moaning and writhing until I felt the balls against the lips of MY TUSH!!!

"Tony Oh God Tony" I moaned in absolute ecstasy as yet another and another orgasm coursed through my body. All I wanted was for this plastic dick to be replaced by Tony's warm man shaft.
Continuing to have orgasm after orgasm I finally managed to stop pleasuring myself as I laid there I was trembling covered in a sheen of sweat having what seemed like mini orgasms as I came down from heaven, I simple could not describe the sensations that were coursing through my body it seemed that my whole body was one erogenous zone my skin was super sensitive my breasts and nipples super, super, super sensitive they were so sensitive they ached.

Mothers Day 2013

Back in the present with a satisfied grin on my face I had finished bringing my babies wind up and released my other breast from the confined of my nursing bra, wiping it and massaging the area around the nipple I rearranged the towel and offered my breast up to my little daughters mouth, as the took in a mouthful of breast and started to suckle the feelings of motherly love coursed through me.

To be continued………………………….

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