The Making of Heather

The making of Heather, The making of me

Brian had just gone through a messy divorce caused by his ex wife not understanding his cross dressing habit, calling him a pervert and gay, after the divorce his ex-wife spreads rumours about Brian, so he moves to another part of London and meets a group of girls who bring out the woman in him.

This is my first attempt at inserting pictures, please be gently with me

The making of Heather, The making of me


This is me, and my two favourite people in the whole world, Rachel in the red and Becky in the blue,
they helped me in becoming the real me, I’m Heather, the buxom blond.

“Come on heather” Becky my best friend and flat mate shouted “Rachel’s here” I grinned and shouted back “Ok, Ok I’m nearly ready”. I smiled happily at my image in the mirror.
I admired my full curves, I stood 5’ 6” with 36EE breasts my blond hair fell over my shoulders in loose curls, my make up was for a night clubbing, I wore tight black satin ankle grazer legging which displayed my ample figure, my full definitely female bum and thighs, I wore a black bustier which held my wonderful breast firmly in place, as much as you can contain 36EE breasts, the bustier had tassels so when I moved it seemed like I shimmered.
As I applied a final coat of lip-gloss I just couldn’t have been happier, but it was not always like this.

Just over twelve months ago I had just gone through a humiliating and expensive divorce, there I was 22 years old, short and overweight I felt my life had ended, my wife found out about my ‘hobby’ ridiculed me and instantly filed for divorce saying and I quote ‘ I’m not staying married to a pervert like you’.

Not only had she said this but soon my liking for female clothing was common knowledge amongst our so called ‘friends’. So I was treat like a leper!
Of course the stories soon gravitated to my work place and soon I was hounded out of my well paying job as a stockbroker.

The divorce was my wife’s ultimate revenge, luckily we had no children so our assets were shared, a somewhat bitter sweet event during the divorce was that my wife’s assets were thrown into the settlement pot, as she was an investment banker she earned more than I did and saved more, my earning were used to pay for the everyday costs, so in truth I had little money as savings whereas she had a lot in the bank! So even after paying costs I still had a decent amount of money in the bank.

However my now ex wife was somewhat upset at me coming out of the divorce with anything let alone some of her money so she spread more rumours about me being total depraved and a homosexual – I was shocked and somewhat saddened by her vindictiveness.

So to get back to my life, I moved to a two bedroom flat in a cheaper part of London and built up my life, and now I was able to my wardrobe.
The male me was 5’ 6” in height, a bit of a runt, really overweight at 180lbs my hair was a muddy blond not long, but after the divorce I started to let it grow, I had little body hair and only some wispy facial hair.

After I had moved into my new flat and sorted myself out, I got used to the area I was now living in and decided to have a night out, so Saturday night found me in a local pub, which had a band playing and was packed out with people, both groups and couples with a few singles like myself.

The atmosphere was brilliant, and the drinks went down smoothly, after a couple of pints of lager I decided that I was going to have a good night, so I went onto vodka and coke, my eyes were drawn to a group of girls at a table, they were having a great time, they were large girls, none of them under 170lbs I would have guessed, all had wonderfully big boobs and bodies to match, I was a size 22 (UK) and at a guess all these were of a similar size.

I found myself watching them while the drinks slipped down, I was wishing I was one of them, wearing nice party clothes, make up on with my hair dyed blonde and shoulder length enjoying myself with those girls.
I was immersed in my thoughts when I noticed that one of them was crossing the dance floor heading in my direction, as she was carrying glasses I assumed she was going to the bar.

As she approached I moved to let her into the bar, she smiled her thanks and to my surprise asked me “Hi, are you the guy who’s just moved into number 32?” shocked I stammered “err well yes, how do you know?” grinning she answered well I live next door and I’ve seen you around”
I smiled at her and she said “you want to smile more often, you have a pretty smile, but here you are looking like you have the whole world on your shoulders”
I thought the word ‘pretty’ was a strange choice but said nothing about that, instead I sighed and quietly blurted out “maybe not the world on my shoulders, but I’m afraid I’m not very good company at present”.

“Garbage” she snorted, “look come and join me and the girls, we’ll make you forget your troubles”.
She ordered her drinks and looked at me and pointedly said “well are you joining us or not?”
What the hell I thought, I’ve been wishing I could look like one of these girls all night, so why not get the next best thing and pretend so with a wry grin I told her “thanks, I could do with cheering up” She gave a beaming smile and replied “great, I’m Becky, and you are?” “Oh I stammered I’m Brian” I stammered in response.

Becky too charge and ordered me to carry some drinks for her and took me across to where they were sat.
As we approached I could see the girls looking at me, as we got to the table Becky said “Girls, this is my new neighbour Brian, he’s just moved in and I thought we’d get to know him better”
One of the girls said, “that can’t be his name – you know the Saturday night rules Becky”
For a second Becky looked confused then she turned to me and explained “is there a girls name you like?” Without even thinking I blurted out my alter ego, my fem name “err Heather, I’ve always liked Heather”

“That’s it then, girls this isn’t Brian, its Heather” they all cheered and greeted me calling me Heather.
Now it was my turn to look confused Becky explained to me “we have a Saturday night rule, no blokes, it’s girls only”.
Startled I started to apologise and get up to go when Becky and another girl who I got to know as Gail put there hands on my arm and made me sit saying “look tonight pretend you’re a girl called Heather – ok”

A shiver passed through me, this was my dreams, in a way for the rest of the night I was to be called Heather and accepted as a girl – what a weird evening this was turning into.
I was introduced to the girls


My New Friends Elaine in the purple, Debbie in the gorgeous red dress and the foxy lady in the scarlet blouse Gail.

Just then another girl joined us, she was introduced as Christina, by far and away she was the thinnest girl there, but about 5’ 10” tall and I would guess a size 18!


This is Christina, a girl after my own heart, we have grown very close and apart
from Rachel and Becky she is my very, very special girlfriend.

Toni was a blond with hair well past her shoulders, she was dressed in a royal blue gathered top with a black mini skirt and navy kitten heel shoes, when she spoke I noticed that her voice was husky also when we greeted each other her hands were larger than mine.

She smiled broadly and said to the table in general, “another special person girls?” they all burst out laughing and Becky spluttered “we don’t know yet, its up to Heather”
I was about to ask what she meant but the girls had passed onto another topic and were chatting away, I was in heaven, they treat me like a girl, included me in their conversation, even when talking about the guy’s in the pub.

Becky leant over to me and asked “you feeling better Heather?” I’m feeling great, you girls are just what I needed, I hope I can see you all again after tonight” I replied happily.

Rachel must have heard us because she nudged Becky and in a stage whisper said “do you think we better tell her?” Christina butted in saying “it’s only fair girls after all you told me straight away, and I agreed”.

By now I was really intrigued “please tell me, I’m bursting with curiosity, for god sake tell me”
Laughing Toni said “I’ll tell him girls” they all were giggling Christina looked at me and said “I think you have read me, haven’t you Heather, you see I’m was a transvestite, now I’m a pre-op transsexual, we girls have a rule that only girls go out together on a Saturday night, so if you want to meet us again you have to be one of us!”

I was elated, I managed to stammer “y, y, you mean if I want to see you again I’ll have to dress as a girl?”
Christina nodded and commented “have you any problems with that? I never though twice and immediately answered “ a problem? No, I’ve no problems at all, but I think I’ll need help to carry it off” Becky, Rachel and Christina came around the table and hugged me telling me not to worry they would help me.
Christina told me “look Heather you are smaller than me and you do look quite feminine so there should be few problems” Becky then said, but you’re going to need some clothes and a set of boobies, to fill your Bra’s, and from you build you’re going to be a big girl” I was well flustered by now.

Gail then shocked me saying “let’s hit Oxford Street tomorrow and get her some clothes, I’m sure that between us we can get her something to wear” very quietly I admitted “I already have some clothes”. YOU WHAT Becky screamed this is great, let’s go shopping what you say Heather?”
Christina smiled broadly saying “a kindred spirit, at least there will be two very special girls, I’m not alone anymore” Gail snorted and told her “you never were alone, you always had us.” With tears in her eyes Christina quietly conceded “I would never have survived without you girls”

This caused another babble of conversation, I was in seventh heaven, these girls have dragged me out of a bad place into a very exciting happy place, I must talk to Christina a lot more.
The rest of the girls danced a lot, I sat at the table deep in thought, at one stage Christina and Becky took hold of my hands and Becky said “we’ll help you all we can”
Christina added “and I’m here to talk to any time you need me Heather – is that your en fem name?”
I admitted it was and she smiled saying “well Heather it is from now on, as a friend I’ve got to tell you that once you start acting and dressing the part, you may feel totally different about life, I’ve certainly found my life with these girls is totally different and so, so uplifting”

I smiled wryly and gave the two of them a potted history of the past few months, again they both hugged me and I started crying. They hugged and stroked me and I must admit I really felt at home and loved.

We left the pub about midnight and headed home Becky, Rachel and I lived in the same street, and could walk home, the rest took cabs home, Christina kissed me on the cheek and said “I’ll see you tomorrow and we’ll make you beautiful” I gave a weak smile and said “that’ll take some doing” Becky snorted “Nope, you’ll make a great girl”

As we walked home Rachel looked at me and said, “the next time you walk down here you’ll be in heels and a skirt, how d’you feel about that” without thinking I blurted out “it’s something I’ve always dreamed of”.

As we reached our houses we parted Becky said she would be at my place about eight together with Christina and that I should be totally shaved as smooth as possible.
I went to bed elated, excited and a little scared. I wondered if I had imagined the whole thing, as it certainly was too good to be true, what a weird night that had been.

I set my alarm for seven and all too soon it was dragging me into wakefulness, I laid there for a minute then remembered last night, I shot out of bed knowing that I had a lot to do before the girls came, I looked at my body, I was frankly fat, there was no easy way to say this, while my face was plump, I didn’t have a double chin, my arms were fat but my wrists and hands were quite small, I had man boobs, and longed for full woman boobs, my belly had a good covering of flab, as did my bum and thighs, but my lower legs were slender leading to my size seven feet, they would have their work cut out with me I thought.

As instructed I shaved everywhere I could reach, as I said before I didn’t have much body or facial hairs, I then went to my wardrobe and laid out some clothes I thought would be suitable, black bra and panties, a spanx firm control panty girdle pink wet look leggings and a tight strapless tunic dress that came to about 3” above my knees. On my feet I had decided on black ankle boots with a fringe of leather round the top. I realised that I didn’t have a jacket; I would have to wear a cardigan. As I laid these on the bed I hoped the girls would approve.

It was nearing eight as I put the kettle on, I had put my panties on and slipped on a floral satin kimono style robe.
My entry buzzer sounded and I opened the outside door, butterflies were churning around in my stomach, what if this was an elaborate hoax, I would be devastated, nervously I opened the door and there was Becky and Christina, both dressed as girls would for a days shopping, as well as handbags, Christina had a carrier bag and Becky had a couple of jackets on a hanger.

We greeted each other and by way of an explanation Becky told me “I didn’t know if you had any jackets so I’ve fetched a couple” Christina added “and I have some breast forms you can borrow and some hip pads, but today if Heather is staying with us I know a place where you can get what you need”.

I hastened to assure them that Heather was indeed here to stay, in fact I went as far as telling them that I was thinking about Heather being around permanently!

They both gasped at this and hurriedly told me to seriously reconsider this, as it’s a huge step.
I must admit where this came from I had no idea, but the more I thought about it the more I was certain that this was what I wanted, a complete change.
And you really couldn’t get more of a complete change than this! They still remonstrated that I was going too quickly, but I think I managed to convince them that this was something I had dreamed of doing, that I honestly felt that I should be the woman I wanted to be, not the man I was forced to be.

After arguing Becky said “come on let’s get you ready” “About time” I jokingly replied, “I’ve put some clothes on my bed, see what you think”
They looked at my selection and agreed that it was ok for the day, Christina grinned and told me “now let’s see what we have to work with, take your robe off girl? I loved being called girl and willingly slipped my robe off, they looked at me and Becky commented, “looking good, you’ve shaved well let’s get you dressed.

Instead of my spanx, Christina handed me a high waist panty girdle showing me the pads that would give me a more feminine shape, as I squeezed into them and settled them into place I looked into the mirror, pleased with the results as I now had sort of child bearing hips and a definite womanly bum, next came my black strapless bra, I put it on and Christina gave me the breast forms, saying they’re a double D, but I think you need a bigger pair for your shape” as I took them I was surprised by the weight, they had realistic pert nipples, Chrissie said “we won’t use adhesive today, in case you decide to buy a pair for yourself” I nodded and told her “I’m definitely doing that, I want my own” I put the breast forms into the cups and my bra filled out wonderfully, creamy white and overflowing, a shudder ran through me, they sat me down and started to apply makeup to my face, for the day they used simple make up, finishing with red lipstick, Becky commented that my hair was long enough to have extensions, and if I was serious I should consider them, but until then they had a shoulder length blond wig, as they fastened it to my head, the transformation took place I looked in the mirror I saw reflected Becky, Toni and another girl, yes I really looked like a girl, my breasts overflowing my strapless bra, face made up, blond hair over my shoulders, my hairless arms looked totally feminine, Heather was born!


The first picture of the new Heather taken by Chrissie on her phone.

To say I was pleased was a understatement, I was over the moon, ecstatic, joyful and now seeing myself for the first time determined to remain like this, after all no one knew the male me around here, so Heather could easily live in this flat!

I looked at the two of them and breathed, “you’ve done it, I actually look like I know I should” then as doubt hit me I stammered “d, d, d, don’t I?”
They both grinned at me telling me “you look perfect sweetheart, just perfect”
Tears filled my eyes Christina put an arm around me and said “Heather, if you are determined to stay, you are going to need help counselling and a lot of guts to get through the next few months.

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