Crossdressing / TV

Hawaiian Retreat - 8

Hawaiian Retreat: 8

by Clara
Copyright©2020,2024 Clara Schumann


A quick honeymoon, then back to the harsh reality of a late winter in New England,
the prospect of a new job and life as Mitch's wife.

Hawaiian Retreat - 5

Hawaiian Retreat: 5

by Clara
Copyright©2020,2024 Clara Schumann


Donnie has to work through his fears and self doubts as he struggles to make a lot
of decisions about his life, his sexuality, his career and Mitch.

One last Note - the ending of this chapter may seem like the end of the story. It's not. There
is still a little more of Donnie's story to be told.

Hawaiian Retreat - 3

Hawaiian Retreat: 3

by Clara
Copyright©2020,2024 Clara Schumann


Last minute preparations and lots of doubts as Donnie gets ready to go to Hawaii
with Mitch. Finally, the day arrives and Mitch gets to find out if all that money
he spent was worth it!

I cannot thank you enough for the great comments I have received about this story!
I am so happy that it is being well received and I particularly appreciate the
critiques I get as well.

For the Love of a Girl

John Wesley was everything but average. Having lost his soul mate and love of his life, he embarks on a ten year journey that will eventually bring her home. He will come close to paying the ultimate price only to be saved from the brink of death. What would you do for love?

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