Mature / Thirty+

Love and Old Books...Part 3

Love and Old Books…Part 3

I shower and get ready to go and pick up Valerie for breakfast. I’m nervous as I scrub really hard and stuff to get cleaned up and a bit more shampoo because I use head and shoulders I’m exposed to enough stuff working in the shop or outside that dry scalp is a problem sometimes.

I mean is this a date?

Should I be date nervous?

Do you wear cologne to a date that’s breakfast?

Okay that one I’m going with…no.

Rianna's Voyage - 2 of 7

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Her hand had shaken enough to frighten her; she wanted this neat and easy, and the gun in her hand could never be ‘neat,’ nor was it as easy as she expected. Something in the back of her mind recalled a presence that seemed to steady her hand … was that it? Hold her hand? Still, she had the sense that it was finished; ironic enough as she remembered the last word ….Tetelestai…the task is accomplished...

Catburglar 1: Pussy Catburglar

Pussy Catburglar
By Paul Calhoun

A sneak thief sees a movie about a glamorous sexy femme fatale in a movie and starts to wonder whether a beautiful woman would make the best distraction.

Ships that Pass in the Night


Synopsis: A short story about two people who meet aboard a cross-channel ferry. Even ships that pass in the night can be affected by the other's stern waves.

Author’s Note
: This story is a little darker than my usual stories.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Rianna's Voyage - 1 of 7

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The vista, while not terribly impressive, still managed to reveal much of the campus despite the heavy fog. Some newer buildings that poked out of the mist seemed out of place when compared to the older parts of the campus that sprawled all over the hill. The older buildings were almost fanciful in their size; like so many quaint model railroad houses. And from above, many of the trees seemed to resemble lichen in that their foliage was thick and very, very green.

“This is where…”

She looked out to glimpse Howard Bay; soft clouds obscured most of her view. The song, fitting it seemed for the moment, bounced around her head; her resolve sharp and focused, as if to push her along. She stepped forward and expelled a frustrated breath. She looked at the gun in her hand and shook her head; not to deny, but to lament what she was about to do. She raised the weapon to her head and pulled the trigger....

Tabloid Tales: Memphis Interlude

Tabloid Tales: Memphis Interlude
By Ellie Dauber
Copyright 1999

This is the second of my two stories about Twentieth Century icons. Except for this one, all the “Tabloid Tales” stories were written by a very fine writer named Pyrite, whose work I heartily recommend. The stories are part of a VERY long line of tales set in a pub, bar, or other drinking establishment by authors ranging from Lord Dunsany to Spider Robinson. In the Tabloid Tales, the characters are all writers working at tabloid newspapers, the sort of paper sold in the checkout line in grocery stores. Since they write about the odd and fantastic, they’re willing to listen, at least, to any sort of story told by one of their own. In this story, it’s a fellow named Billy McNeil, who has a KING-sized tale to tell.

Extra Time 49

We flew back two days later, work calling for most of us, and Ian due his ‘moderation meeting’ with Ellen and her shark. It had been a heated discussion, Von setting her stall out in front of her son and, to my delight, his new friend. This was Von as I had seen her that day at the Quay, full of fight and passion, but this time for good reason.

Love and Old Books...Part 2

Love and Old Books…Part 2

I head to do some running around after I bought my books and head home to my place and after I set out the ones that her blurbs and quotes made me want to read first I get myself ready for a good sit down and reading session.

Now for me that’s actually a nice pot of tea. I make a good sized pot of Red Rose and grab my favorite mug and turn on my radio to the town radio station. I like local radio, it tells me what’s going on more and more thee days and they play the real stuff that people are listening to.

Bikini Beach: An Affair to Remember

Bikini Beach: An Affair to Remember

A man who's having an affair would love to leave his wife for his best friend and love. The problem is that the wife has the power to ruin him if he tries. He needs help — magic help of the kind that Bikini Beach specializes in. But the results aren't quite what he was thinking.

This is an all-new Bikini Beach tale which grew out of an e-mail conversation I had with Ellie. Thanks to ib12us and Sir Lee for their suggestions and help editing, especially in improving the ending.

Duty Calls chapter 30-35+

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Upon checking with the agents I learned the cooks had only just finished bringing everything over to begin organizing for tomorrow. Once again I went out to check the heaters, wind generators and battery charges which were still pretty low. Okay, four generators and only half heat for the walks and driveway. We would need plenty of juice for the cooks tomorrow.
We opted for simple for the evening matching Cathy’s chanting. Piling into the limo again we drove to a local pizza joint one chase car in tow. There the limo caused a bit of a stir for a minute before no one recognized us and the commotion died a hurried death.

Love and Old Books...Part 1

Love and Old Books…Part 1

It’s the computer age right? E-mails and Facebook, Twitter and e-books. I guess I’m as techy as most average people but for me.

For me there’s nothing like a good book.

Even the smells, actually especially the smells. There’s nothing as brain tickling as the smell of books, especially old books. Not like old aged books but like the smell you get when you walk into an old bookstore.

The Winter Romance of Bernice Crocetti

by Andrea DiMaggio

There are so many of us who find we can have faith that moves mountains, just not faith for our own sake. We see the best in others while seeing so little of worth in ourselves. Life can be hard when you’re stuck that way, but Bernice was about to find out that someone had faith in her.

Bikini Beach: Surrogate Mother

Bikini Beach: Surrogate Mother

A young couple struggles with infertility after a botched operation left them rich but unable to have children. To cheer up his wife, the husband takes her to Bikini Beach. There, he hatches a unique idea to overcome their problems.

Note - This story was previously published on another web site, but this is its debut on BCTS. Hope you enjoy it.



By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006

According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke’s wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye.

During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther’s men killed Gorlois that same night.

This is my TG version of what happened. No, the characters DON'T speak standard English. They are living in the sixth or seventh century, speaking two separate Germanic dialects that were distant ancestors of what we know as modern English.

A Study in Satin - Part 1 - Chapters 11 - 20

Sherlock Holmes, old, sick and at best tolerated by the leadership in London, has decided his reason for living has ended.
Enter Professor Moriarty, returning once again from the dead,
with a uniquely Victorian vengeance to wreak upon his old arch-enemy

A Study in Satin
Part 1: Semper Cogitus
Chapters 11-20

by Tigger

Copyright © 2000, 2013 Tigger
All Rights Reserved.

Extra Time 48

My eyes went straight to Von, and I saw her stiffen. Reading her mind wasn’t necessary just then, for everyone who knew her would understand what it was she was facing. Her left eyelid twitched just once, and then she buckled on her smile, her shield.

“Hello, Eddy. Is… is my boy treating you well?”

I could almost smell the fear coming off the young men, and I admired Will just then; loved him, in fact. Eddy coughed.

An Innocent Affair

An Innocent Affair

This story was inspired by a co-worker and the ‘what-if’ question. As always, I welcome commentary. Your feedback helps me improve my stories. Please take a moment to let me know what you think.

This was posted to another site a long time ago. It is its first posting to BCTS.




Authors Note: I couldn't sleep last night. Once again the nightmares and the fear of them got to me. I decided it was time to write it all out in an attempt to give myself some closure. This is the events of the past year and a half in my life and while there are some happy times this is far from a lighthearted tale. Please don't read if you're not prepared for it.

Duty Calls chapter 29-35+

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When I reached Cathy’s room I poked my head in and announced, “It will be supper soon, you two, so no starting a new story when you finish that one.”

Cathy pouted then smiled accepting my statement, after all Mommies know best. James smiled and nodded his head, “about a half hour?”

“About that, maybe forty five. Be certain she washes up before coming down.”

A Deal for My Friend and a New Life for Me

I was nervous... My friend wanted me to be his girlfriend for his Mom. I don't look like a girl, but I like the money plus room and board he offered me. "How could I be your girl?" I asked. Bob said "Sally will help, you will make a perfect girlfriend."


By Terry Hansay

Copyright © 2013 Terry Hansay

The Jogger in the Mirror

The Jogger in the Mirror


By Karin Beyaert

It was a very beautiful day when John went jogging and got his new full dress mirror completely for free. But even so, he remembers the day with mixed feelings whenever he looks at the mirror and even more when he looks in it.


My Boyfriend and I are the same

This is my first story in a while, It came to me while I was playing free cell. Kathleen is a pre-op TS who is very strong in her being. she likes dating guys and is upfront with them about who she is. She meets Ted and things begin to change.



Here's a nice little Valentine's Day story
to help ease the post-holiday blues, in which
two people find each other and share a
deep connection during a winter storm.

by Drew Miller

Copyright © 2013 Drew Miller
All Rights Reserved.

Bikini Beach: Wandering Eyes

Bikini Beach: Wandering Eyes

A wife notices that her husband seems to be always checking out other women. She finds a way to let him know just how it feels to be on the receiving end of such unwanted attention...

This is another old BB story which is posted here, although it has been posted on other boards and forums before.


Through the years: Trials and tribulations of a preteen girl Part 5

“It's a Valley girl thing. It's getting huge, but it sounds stupid.” Sage replied.

“Is she always like that, being a jerk, I mean?”

Sage, Brooke and Rachel all nodded. Brooke answered. “Always. Her and her friend.”

“So I left Clark and now I get that?” Tracy asked.

“Tracy, mean people are everywhere. That is a fact of life.” Sage stated.


Edited by Djkauf

Tracy and family for some more fun. This time, William debates his choices,and Tracy gets something done that all girls have.


Through the years: Trials and tribulations of a preteen girl Part 4

“I kinda guessed they would, but I was mad.”

“Why were you mad?”

Vance went back to looking at his shoes. “I thought that Tracy had less work to do around the house. I had to help my Grandpa out in the fields, and all she had to do was work inside the house. Then I went over to the back porch to see if Grandma had any more work for me that day and there was Troy, resting on the back porch in a dress, just sitting around and having fun. I just got mad.”

“Anger often shuts down common sense.” Ivan said with a nod. “And thinking a sibling has it easier then you, that makes things bad. Did you ever find out if she had it worse?”


Edited by Djkauf

More of Tracy and her family


Duty Calls chapter 28-35+

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Upon reaching the Mall we pulled into the parking lot to discover the typical early pre-Christmas zoo which generally began around late November. Most of these were people who usually decided to begin just after Thanksgiving so they wouldn’t miss out on anything but this year came out two weeks earlier. I was thankful I hadn’t participated, at least until today.

Bridges 34

Bridges 34

Chapter 34

I am actually more than a little content and happy as we get my things and put them into the back of the truck and we head for home. My place, his place it’s all home to me and sort of fused together nicely.

Brandon looks at me. “That actually has you in a pretty good mood.”

FTL-16...Faster Than Life.

FTL-16...Faster Than Life.

Chapter 16

There’s some nods and some smiles from all of them and one of them takes out a holo emitter and is OBC’s typing and there’s files coming up of people. The competition I think.

“We get to see their files?”

Stillwater shakes her head. “Not files but fleet bios.”


“Officers and staff of distinction get bio pages made with general information. Like a general info file.”

“Oh so they get to see ours too?”

The Tail of the Wolf and the Shepherd

The Tail of the Wolf and the Shepherd
By Paul Calhoun

Something from the list. Done in fairy tale style because it fits.

Sorcerous wolves attempt to seduce a wealthy shepherd turned land owner from his flocks but matters turn against them when he kills their leader and takes his magic hame. Things turn against HIM when his wife finds out.

Extra Time 47

He held up so well I started to believe we were turning the corner rather than hitting the end of the road. Whitsun was good to us, and we had an extended family break at Mam’s, Von now being almost as much a part of the family as the rest of us, and of course Rachel was along, more relaxed now than I had ever seen her.


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