The Second Happiest Day, Chapter 1

Kara Jenkins is an attorney whose life is going well apart from one thing, she doesn't have someone to share it with. Until one fateful day she meets Madison Roberts in the park. The two hit it off right away, and it feels like a case of love at first sight. Will their feelings for each other be enough to hold or will Kara's past keep them apart?


This is the happiest day of my life. Adam Jenkins stood at the altar watching his bride to be walking down the aisle toward him, a smile that was so big it looked almost painful decorating her face. She looked radiant in her white gown, her golden blonde hair capped off by a white veil. He didn’t look half bad himself, standing there in his tux, his red goatee perfectly trimmed and his hair combed with the part perfectly straight. How did I get so lucky. Adam’s smile was as big as the one sported by his soon-to-be wife.

She joined him at the altar, the small gathering of family and close friends, only about 15 people, looking on as they held each others’ hands. The two stood eye to eye, her height aided by the heels she was wearing bringing them both up to an impressive six feet. They made for a very striking couple.

They had known each other since they met as members of the quiz bowl team at their high school in Ohio. They started dating in the fall and quickly fell in love. Adam had graduated from high school a year before Jessica, so he went off to college while she finished up high school. It had been hard for them that year, spending so little time together, but in the end, the struggles only made them closer. After Jessica graduated, Adam proposed, and now a year and a half later, on a cold and cloudy New Years Day, they were finally getting married. At the young ages of 20 and 19, they knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that they would be together for the rest of their lives.

Chapter 1

Nine Years Later

Great, another miserable day to suffer through, thought the tall redhead as she found herself being pulled into wakefulness. At least I don’t have to go to work. Kara sat up and stretched, relishing in the pleasure she still got feeling the way her breasts moved as her arms reached as high as they would go, working out the kinks in her back from another restless night spent tossing and turning. I’m so sick of being single. She had been alone, apart from a few brief flings, since her last relationship ended 3 years prior. Not for the first time, she idly wondered how her life would be if she had been a man, or if Jess had been bi or gay. But no, I just had to fall in love with a straight woman. She and Jessica had been best friends since high school and all through college and after. And Kara had always been in love with the beautiful blonde. But she knew that would never again lead to anything but heartbreak and misery for her. Besides, Jess was getting married in two months to Bill Evans.

She got out of bed and pulled on a cream-colored silk robe, loving the way the cool, smooth material glided across her skin. She went downstairs and pulled a Diet Coke out of the fridge, thankful for the caffeine it provided. She liked coffee, but not enough to go to the trouble of making it every morning. She preferred the sweetness and convenience of a cold can of pop from the fridge every morning.

As she went through her daily routine of showering, drying her hair, putting on just a small bit of makeup, and taking care of the other requirements of the human body, she thought about her life and the way it had been going. She wasn’t exactly miserable, the way she had been just a few years earlier, before she faced the truth of who she really was, but there was nothing in her life to bring her the happiness she truly craved. More importantly, there was no one to bring her that happiness. True, there had been other women besides Jess, but none of them had captured her heart and her soul the way that Jess had. Add to all of that her unique challenges in the dating world and she sometimes wondered if she were going to be alone forever. With a jolt, she realized that it had been 18 months since she had so much as kissed another woman, and while she had been on dates with others, she never felt that elusive spark that she had felt the first time she met Jess, all those years ago.

She first chose a matching deep green bra and panty set before slipping on a sleeveless green silk wrap blouse, tying it carefully around her waist and a light gray skirt that came down to just a few inches above her knees, exposing a couple feet of her wonderfully toned, muscular legs. She sat on the edge of her bed and thought about shoes, finally selecting a cute pair of black flats, since she planned on going downtown and spending the day out of the house, just having fun. That meant a lot of walking, and while she loved her heels, she saw no reason to wear them on this beautiful day, seventy degrees and mostly cloudy. It had been raining all week, but today was dry and the clouds were just starting to break up, though she would be sad to see them go, as the sun was never kind to her pale, freckled skin.

It was still early, only nine, so she went back downstairs scratching Seymour, her black and tan mutt, behind the ears before she fed him and gave him fresh water. While Seymour ate, she prepared herself a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast with jelly. Once her food was ready, she sat at the table and began to eat while checking her email like she did every morning. Her routine and stomach both satisfied, she got up and cleaned up her mess from breakfast, picked up her purse and a cardigan and headed out the door.

She finally found a place to park around 10:30 and got out and began to walk. Since she was near the park, she went there first, sitting on a bench in front of the fountain as she pulled her book out of her purse and started reading. She was lost in a romance novel, the two women had finally admitted their love for one another and were about to make love for the first time, when she felt someone standing near her. She looked up, slightly annoyed to be interrupted just when she was getting to the good part, and became even more annoyed when she saw a tall, decently good looking guy standing there with a grin that said he thought he was god’s gift to women plastered on his face.

“Hi, mind if I sit here?” the man asked while sitting without waiting for an answer. “My name’s Eric, by the way. And you are?”

“Well, Eric, for the record, I do mind if you sit here, but if you must know, my name is Kara.” She turned back to her book, deciding that if she ignored him, the asshole would move along.

“What’s a beautiful woman like you doing just sitting and reading by yourself?”

Great, an asshole who can’t take a hint. “Exactly what you just said, it’s a nice day, I felt like being outside, I felt like reading, and I didn’t feel like standing while I did it, hence I’m sitting and reading.”

“Well, that takes care of the sitting and reading portions of my question,” he continued, undeterred by Kara’s cold tone and closed of body language, “but does nothing to answer the by yourself bit. Is your boyfriend at work or something?”

“Or something,” she answered briefly, her eyes never looking up from the page in front of her, though the words she was reading, about two women sharing their bodies for the first time weren’t nearly as enjoyable to her with Eric refusing to leave her alone to enjoy her book.

“So what are you reading?”

She lifted the book so he could see the cover, still reading as she did so.

Eric waited a couple minutes for her to say something else, but she just continued reading, occasionally turning to a new page.

“It must be good. What’s it about?”

“Two women who meet and fall in love and live happily ever after.”

“Why would a pretty woman like you be reading something like that?”

“Because I like things like that.”

“What, lesbians?” He laughed at this, making Kara even more uncomfortable.

“Well, since I am one, yes.”

“Well, you just haven’t met the right man yet,” Eric slid closer on the bench as he said this, putting his arm around Kara, who visibly flinched away from the obnoxious man’s touch.

“There you are, sweetheart, I’ve been looking all over for you!” This exclamation was addressed to Kara by a gorgeous brunette wearing a pair of faded blue jeans, a black silk tank top and ankle boots that looked well worn. Kara instantly smiled at her, dropping her book in her purse, she stood and quickly moved to wrap the brunette in a hug.

“Thank you so much. You’re an absolute lifesaver. I’ve been trying to get rid of him for 10 minutes, but he just gave me the ‘haven’t met the right man yet’ line.” She whispered in the brunette’s ear as she felt her warm body pressed up against her.

“Ugh, sounds like I got here just in time then,” the brunette whispered back.

“Hey, Kara, aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” Eric asked as his shit eating grin grew wider.

“I’m Madison, Kara’s girlfriend, and since we have lunch plans, we’ll be on our way.”

“Wait, you’re her girlfriend? Well which one of you is the man?”

“Neither of us. If we wanted a man, we wouldn’t be lesbians. C’mon sweetie, we’re going to be late,” Madison took Kara’s hand and led the redhead away from the bench and out of the park.

“I can’t thank you enough for rescuing me from that arrogant bastard. Men like that always give me the creeps.”

“No need to thank me,” Madison said, still holding onto Kara’s hand. “If you’d like to join me, I really was on my way to lunch.”

Kara’s face lit up in a brilliant smile, feeling genuinely happy for the first time in weeks, if not months. “I would absolutely love to join you, but only if you let me pay as thanks for saving me from that jerk.”

“I told you,” Madison began, with a slightly shy smile, “no thanks are needed.” She took a deep breath. “But if you want to make this a date I wouldn’t be opposed.” She blushed as she looked down, afraid of Kara rejecting her overture.

My god, not only is she drop dead gorgeous, she’s also cute as hell. “I would definitely like to make this a date. So, if we’re making this a date, I should properly introduce myself. My name is Kara Jenkins.”

“Madison Roberts.”

“So Madison, how did you know I’d need rescuing and that I’d go along with your plan?” Kara asked playfully as they walked toward the bistro Madison suggested. “I mean for all you knew, that asshole could have been my boyfriend.”

“Well, your body language was more than a bit closed off, which made me think you wanted him to leave you alone. As for knowing you’d go along with my plan, I saw your pendant and book. Straight women don’t tend to wear a labrys around their necks or read lesbian romance novels. That’s one of my favorites, by the way.”

“Well it’s about time that thing came in handy. I bought it a little while after I came out and my last relationship ended. I figured since I’m pretty femme, it’d be useful to have an indication that I like the ladies in case some cute girl wanted to talk to me but couldn’t figure out if I was gay or not.”

Madison smiled at the redhead’s openness, her nose crinkling up as she let out a lilting laugh that Kara felt in the pit of her stomach. They stood there, just looking at each other, smiling and feeling comfortable with the silence.

“So, on to the restaurant, then?” Madison prompted Kara, breaking the silence.

“Yes, absolutely.”

The two resumed walking, enjoying the comfortable temperature and the slight breeze that ruffled their hair, blowing it into their faces. Calm and peaceful in each other’s company, they walked along toward the small bistro that Madison had recommended.

“How long have you lived in Indianapolis?” Madison asked Kara.

“About 6 years now. You?”

“All my life. I did leave town to go to IU for college, though.”

“Bloomington’s a nice town, but I haven’t spent a lot of time there. Just went down for beer fest one year while I was in law school.”

“So you’re a lawyer then?”

“Yup. Have been for 3 years now.”

“How do you like it?”

“It’s okay. Not the most exciting job in the world, but I’m good at it and it pays the bills, so I can’t complain. What about you, what do you do?”

“I’m a professor of history at IUPUI.”

“That’s so awesome! I was a history major in college. What kind of history do you teach?”

“European, mostly. I usually teach from the end of the Middle Ages to the present. I usually have a focus on Continental Europe. Germany is my favorite region, though.”

“Okay, this is just getting eerie.” Kara was laughing her hand resting on Madison’s arm. “That was my favorite area of study.”

“You’re joking.”

“Not at all. Germany is fascinating in that time period. Europe’s battleground, the rise of Prussia, the decline of the influence of the Holy Roman Empire, all of it just enthralls me. My undergrad was a bit on the small side though, so my classes tended to have a more Anglo-centric focus, but I absolutely love the subject.”

“Well, then I may have to bore you with some of my lectures at a later date.”

“You most certainly wouldn’t bore me. You have such a beautiful voice I think I’d be enthralled even if you were a math professor,” Kara said, feeling a hot blush creeping up her cheeks as she said it.

“Well thank you. By the way, I think that blush is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” Madison’s face lit up with the brightest grin Kara had ever seen as her face grew even redder.

“Anyway, this is the place. Shall we?”

“After you,” Kara said, as she opened the door in front of which Madison had stopped. As Madison walked through the door, Kara took her time to evaluate the older woman. She looked to be in her early thirties, maybe thirty-two or thirty-three. She was tall, but not as tall as Kara’s 5’11”, probably 5’8” or 5’9”. Her glossy, dark brown hair came down to just past her shoulders and was slightly wavy and thick. Her hips were full and womanly, and her ass perfectly filled out her obviously well-worn jeans. Moving down, she took note of Madison’s shapely long legs. That ass is a work of art, Kara thought, as the full, round flesh again captured her attention. She felt the flush that already colored her cheeks move to turn her freckled chest a matching shade of crimson. This woman is incredible.

Kara followed Madison inside and they followed the hostess to their table. The young woman told them about the specials, assured them that their server would be right with them and then returned to the front of the restaurant. They sat across from each other, which allowed Kara to make a thorough assessment of the captivating woman’s face. The first thing she noticed were the thick dark eyelashes framing beautiful hazel eyes that sparkled in the sunlight streaming through the window. Her nose was straight and delicate and she had very fine features. Her lips were lush and full and simply captivating. Kara realized that she was staring at those lips and hadn’t heard a word that her companion had just said.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that, my mind kind of wandered off for a minute.”

“That’s okay. I was just saying that if you like seafood, their shrimp scampi and linguine is excellent.”

“Thanks, that sounds like a great choice.” Saves me from having to read the menu, which would require me to stop looking at you.

“So what kind of law do you practice, Kara?”

“Criminal. I work for the public defender’s office. It’s not the easiest job in the world, but I like what I do.” As she said this, she found her eyes falling to the slight curve of Madison’s breasts under her top. There was no visible cleavage, as the top was cut too high for that, but her breasts looked firm and perky, though on the small side. Mouthwatering.

“How are we doing today, ladies?” The waiter picked that moment to show up, startling Kara, who seemed incapable of seeing anything but the woman sitting across from her. “Can I start you off with something to drink?”

“I’ll have a Sun King witbier,” Kara said.

“That sounds good; I’ll have one as well.”

“Alright ladies, I’ll get that right out to you.”

The waiter walked away and Kara and Madison turned their attention back to one another.

“How long have you been teaching?”

“Well, counting while I was getting my advanced degrees, about 11 years. I’m 33, to save you from doing the math.” Madison laughed as she noticed the blush that covered Kara’s face yet again. God she’s so cute when she blushes. I’m gonna have to think of ways to keep making it happen.

“Was I that obvious?” Kara smiled. “Well, while we’re on the topic, I’m 29. I went to college for 5 years, majored in history and political science. Three years of law school here in Indy and here we are.”

“Here we are. And just for the record, you have the most adorable blush I’ve ever seen. Along with those freckles. So very, very cute.” That did it. That blush is so adorable.

The waiter returned with their beers and took their orders. They both went with the shrimp and linguine.

“Where did you go to school for undergrad?” Madison asked.

“I went to a small Christian college in the south. You’ve probably never heard of it.”

“A religious school, really?”

“Yeah, when I was young and in the closet, I thought that by going there the religious teaching would make me straight and a good Christian. It didn’t really have that effect in the end. After I had been there three, three and a half years, I started to question a lot of what they tried teaching me, and I ended up rejecting most of what they force fed us. Unfortunately at that point, so many of my credits were non-transferable that it didn’t make any sense to leave. I just kept my mouth shut and went to class and bided my time until graduation. Still, I didn’t end up really coming to terms with who I really was until I was well into law school.”

“Wow, I can’t even imagine what that must have been like. I came out freshman year. In Bloomington, it wasn’t that big of a deal, even though it felt like it was the most important thing to ever happen in the history of the world when I was going through it.”

“I know what you mean. I came out during my last year of law school. I felt like the world was going to end when I did, but nobody around me really seemed to care all that much. It was more of an ‘oh, good for you’ kind of reaction. Kind of anti-climactic.”

“So I noticed you ordered the Sun King. That’s a good choice.”

“Yeah, I’m a big beer lover. I even homebrew every now and then. Right now I think I’ve got about 8 cases of various kinds of beer at my place. Beer is basically my hobby and passion. Another thing my undergrad disapproves of, by the way,” she raised her glass to her lips and took a sip of the fruity, yeasty brew, smiling at Madison over the rim of her glass as she did so.

“Wow. I must say I’m impressed by a woman who knows her beer. And it certainly sounds like you know beer. Any favorite styles?”

“Well, that’s a tough question, because I like just about any style of beer, except American light lager. But if I had to pick one right now, I’d say kolsch. We’re on the cusp of summer, the weather is warm, and there’s nothing as good in warm weather as a crisp glass of kolsch. How about you?”

“Interesting choice. You really do know your beer. That’s a style most Americans don’t know much about. For me, I’ve got to go with a wheat beer. I know, I know, it’s a girly choice, but what can I say.”

They laughed and sat there looking at each other for a moment, both women liking what they saw in the other. Kara spoke first, blushing as she said, “Lucky for you, I like girls.”

“Very lucky. And very lucky I happened to be walking by that particular fountain earlier.”

“For more than one reason,” Kara agreed.

The waiter came back, and recognizing the chemistry that was flowing between the two women, sat down their plates and left after receiving assurances that they didn’t need anything else. Kara twirled a piece of shrimp and some pasta on her fork and swooned when the buttery, garlicky sauce exploded with flavor on her tongue. The shrimp was perfectly done and the pasta was just al dente.

“My god, you were right, this is divine,” she moaned, quickly taking another bite, deciding then and there that she’d try any food that Madison recommended to her.

Wow, if that’s what she sounds like when she gets some good food, I can’t wait to hear what noises she makes in the bedroom. With that thought, Madison’s face broke out in a positively wicked grin, thinking about the various things she wanted to do with the taller woman in a decidedly more casual setting.

“Somebody is thinking about something very interesting, unless I miss my guess,” Kara said, seeing Madison’s grin and knowing what it was, since she herself had had the same one as they entered the restaurant, thinking about how wonderful Madison’s ass would look free of her jeans.

This time it was Madison’s turn to blush. She knew she’d been caught, so she tried her best to cover. “I was just remembering something that happened to me a while back.” Ouch, that’s the best I could come up with? Nice cover, Madison.

“I see. I take it from your earlier grin combined with the fetching red color that’s taken over your face that I should just let it go.”

“Yes, please,” Madison giggled, causing Kara to join her. “So I think it’s a safe bet that you enjoy your shrimp?”

“God yes. Excellent recommendation. And the wit compliments it nicely.”

The two women returned to the easy conversation and get to know you stuff typical of a first date. The talked about favorite TV shows, discovering that they shared a fondness for the works of Joss Whedon, especially Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly. Madison expressed a love of horror and thriller movies, while Kara preferred mindless comedies and romances. Kara liked classic rock and some pop music; Madison’s tastes ran more toward classical and jazz.

The waiter came and went, taking empty plates from the table, replacing their empty beers with waters, while the pair continued to talk. Finally, Kara looked at her watch and realized they had been sitting at the table for four hours.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe how long we’ve been sitting here.” Kara signaled the waiter over and asked for the check.

“Wow, I completely lost track of time. You’re an excellent conversationalist. I can’t remember the last time I had such a pleasant afternoon. Do have anything you have to do right now?”

“Nope, I am blissfully free until Monday morning. Why do you ask?”

“Well, I’d kind of like to continue the date if you’re not opposed?” Madison blushed as she asked, surprised at how quickly the tall redhead had completely captivated her.

“I’d love to. What do you recommend we do?”

They decided that they would walk around, just talking, until either of them came up with a better idea or they settled on something to eat. They walked around finally going in to a pub to grab another beer. They sat facing the sidewalk, so they could people watch while they watched the crowd and sipped their ales.

“So Madison, do you make a habit of rescuing damsels in distress?” Kara jokingly asked.

“Only when they’re cute and trip my gaydar. And you are definitely cute.” Madison reached out and laid her hand on Kara’s forearm, feeling an almost electric surge flow through her body at the contact.

Kara felt the warmth rush through her body at the touch and marveled at the effect the older woman’s touch had on her. Despite feeling like her skin was on fire where Madison’s hand was resting, she shivered and felt the warmth make its way to her center. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been so turned on from a simple touch.

Feeling a little uncomfortable, Kara tried to steer the conversation back to neutral ground, moving the arm Madison was touching to pick up her beer and take a big swallow. “Would you like to get something to eat?” She asked the older woman, seeing Madison’s eyes light up at the unintentional double entendre. “Don’t go there. I was thinking maybe we could walk over to Bazbeaux and split a pizza.”

“I have no idea what you’re inferring, madam, but a pizza sounds delicious.”

The women settled their bill and left the pub, heading down Massachusetts a few blocks, enjoying the weather and each other’s company. Summoning up her courage, Kara reached out with her left hand, and took Madison’s right in hers, twining their fingers together. “Is this okay?”

Madison gave her hand a gentle squeeze and said, “More than okay. I’m definitely not afraid of PDA. If others don’t like two women holding hands, that’s their problem.”

“I’m so glad to hear that. I love holding hands and being physically close. I mean, obviously I wouldn’t try this in Martinsville,” referring to the town to the southwest of Indianapolis with a reputation for bigotry, “but here on Mass Ave . . .”

“Exactly. Believe me, I’m a huge fan of physical contact myself. There’s nothing quite as nice as being close to another woman who feels about you the same way you feel about her. And I firmly believe in being myself. I won’t censor my behavior just to make others happier. If it’s a matter of safety, then sure, but as long as I feel safe, I have no problem holding a woman’s hand.”

By that point, the couple had reached Bazbeaux and since it was still early, only 6:30, they were led straight to a table. They decided to split a bottle of Saisson and a sausage pizza, both women happy to find that it was the other’s favorite topping. They set the menus to the side after making their decision and continued their flirtatious banter while waiting for their server to appear and take their order.

Kara’s hands were resting on the table and Madison reached across, taking them in hers. The women smiled shyly at each other, both feeling the intense connection between them.

“I’ve got to say, this is probably the greatest first date I’ve ever been on. You make quite the impression, Dr. Roberts.”

“As do you, counselor. This is definitely the best date I’ve ever had.”

The waitress came by then, a short blonde woman, no older than twenty-two, with spiky hair and several piercings. She smiled at the two women, noticing their hands still clasped across the table. She took their orders and left the women to themselves.

“So what do you like to do for fun?” Madison asked, as the waitress walked away.

“Well, you pretty much saw what I like to do this morning. I love to read, and as long as the weather is pleasant I really enjoy doing so outside in the fresh air. Unfortunately, that is often taken as a sign that I want the company of the opposite sex.”

“Well, I’m glad to find out you appreciate the company of the same sex. I very likely would have interrupted your reading myself if I had got to you before that guy had.”

“And that would have been a most welcome interruption. You can feel free to interrupt me whenever you like and I promise I won’t be annoyed.”

“Oh, you say that now. Just wait till you know me better. Then you’ll be chasing me away with a fly-swatter.”

The women laughed at this image, finding it easy to picture themselves spending many days together in the future. Once again, the women were amazed at how quickly they were becoming so incredibly close. Kara believed in love at first sight, having experienced it once before in her life, but because of the heartbreak she had gone through with Jess, she was wary of those feelings surfacing so soon with Madison.

The couple finished eating, managing to split a large between them, with no leftovers. They both laughed at the others healthy appetites.

“What can I say,” began Madison, “I love a good pizza.”

“I can tell. And as you can see, that’s something we both have in common. Want to split another beer?”

“Sure, that was a really good pick. The tartness paired with the cheese really well.”

Kara blushed at the compliment, happy to see that someone appreciated the same things that she did. To be complimented on her looks or even her intelligence wasn’t something that held much meaning to her. Finding a woman who actually liked that she knew a thing or two about beer, and was willing to compliment her on it was something that meant a lot to her.

The couple sat drinking and talking, watching the crowd move in and out of the restaurant, barely noticing the passage of time, simply enjoying being in each other’s presence. Finally, the spell was broken when Kara let out a loud yawn. “Excuse me. Don’t think that’s a reflection on the quality of the conversation, it’s just that it’s. . .” she looked down at her watch, startled to see that it was after 10 o’clock. “My god, have we really been here that long?”

Madison checked her own watch at that point, having a similar reaction. The waitress, noticing that the spell had been broken, brought over the check and informed the women that the restaurant would be closing soon. They fought over the bill in a playful manner.

“You got lunch, it’s only fair that I pay for dinner.”

“Yeah, but you were the last to pay for something; the beers at the pub, remember?”

“True, but that was barely anything. Let me get this.”

“How about this, you get the check and I’ll get the tip. Sound good?”

“Alright, that works for me.”

Given the amount of time they had taken up the table on a Saturday night, Kara felt the need to drop a tip that was almost equal to the bill. She stood and held out her hand to help Madison up from her chair. Neither woman relinquished her hold on the others hand as they started for the door and the street outside. They stood on the sidewalk, both trying to think of a way to prolong the evening, but neither coming up with anything that didn’t put them in dangerous territory so early on in their relationship. Kara proceeded to yawn again, pushing the women to say goodnight. They walked to Kara’s car, which luckily was parked a block and a half from Madison’s building.

Standing beside Kara’s car, Madison said, “Well, I guess this is goodnight. I don’t suppose I could ask you for a kiss?” Her eyes sparkled under the streetlamp as she smiled, unable to look away from the taller woman.

“If you hadn’t, I would have.”

They wrapped each other in a loose embrace, their breasts pushing together as their lips met for the first time. It started off as a chaste, innocent kiss, but it quickly built in passion. Kara’s lips slightly parted as her tongue sought leave to explore Madison’s incredibly soft lips. Madison opened in welcome and the two women were lost, standing on the street and exploring one another’s mouths. Kara felt that her heart was about to beat out of her chest as she tightened her hold on the gorgeous brunette. Their breaths were coming more quickly and Madison heard a throaty moan, uncertain which of them it came from.

Realizing that they were on very dangerous ground, Kara began to lighten her kisses and pull away from Madison. Madison, still lost in a sensual haze followed Kara, leaving the strength of the kisses unchanged. The sound of a honking car horn and several people shouting from a passing car was enough to finally pull her out of the passionate mist she had been lost in.

“Wow,” Kara was the first to mutter, as the couple held each other tightly, trying to recover their ability to think and breath after the amazing kiss they had just experienced.

“I’ll say. I had no idea where I was right then. That was the most amazing kiss I’ve ever experienced in my life.”

Kara tilted her head forward so that her forehead rested against Madison’s. “I couldn’t agree more. Words cannot begin to describe.”

“I think I had better go before we make a scene and I start tearing off your clothes in the middle of the street. Cause if we stand here much longer, I have no doubt that that’s exactly what will happen.”

She looked up into Kara’s eyes and at that moment she saw an emotion she didn’t expect: terror. Sheer, unadulterated terror filled Kara’s eyes, causing Madison to step back.

“Kara, are you okay? I was just joking, I have no desire to actually make love to you in the middle of the street. It was just a comment on how low my will-power is right now with you standing so close to me.”

Kara had stopped breathing, but she nodded her head and pasted on a smile, trying to banish the unhappy thoughts she had just experienced. “I know you were joking. I’m okay, just something that I’d really rather not talk about right now. It’s late and I should be headed home.”

She stepped free of Madison’s embrace and quickly got in her car and drove away, leaving Madison standing there completely thrown by what had just happened. One second, I’m experiencing the greatest kiss known to womankind and the next the woman I shared that kiss with is fleeing like a terrified rabbit being chased by dogs. What the fuck just happened? She shook her head, turned, and started the brief walk home.

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