The Second Happiest Day, Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Madison woke to a gray morning with the sound of rain outside the window. As she came into consciousness, she remembered the night before, and all that had transpired between her and Kara. She smiled at the memory of her lover’s talented tongue and fingers. She looked down, seeing Kara still nestled tightly against her side and couldn’t resist placing a kiss on the top of the still sleeping head. Kara’s thigh was across her hips, the weight pressing down on her bladder, making what would otherwise merely be an uncomfortable situation almost unbearable.

Madison slowly slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom. Coming back into the bedroom, she saw that Kara was still sleeping and had now curled herself around the king size pillow that Madison’s head had rested on the previous night. Deciding that breakfast was in order, Madison picked Kara’s robe up off the back of the chair in the corner and slipped it on, tying it as she walked downstairs.

Looking through the contents of Kara’s fridge and pantry, she decided that bacon and pancakes sounded like a good breakfast. Once the food was ready, the smell of fried bacon filling the house, Madison looked around for a tray to carry the food up to the still sleeping woman. Not seeing what she was after, she improvised by grabbing a half sheet pan and carefully balanced the plates and glasses of milk and the small jug of syrup on the ersatz tray.

After one last look around to make sure she had everything, she noticed that Seymour needed food and water, so she filled the dog’s dishes, giving him a quick scratch behind the ears before taking up the tray and carrying it into Kara’s bedroom. She sat the tray on the nightstand and gently brushed the fine red hair out of the sleeping woman’s face.

“Come on, sweetie, wake up. I’ve got breakfast,” Madison said softly, rubbing Kara’s arm to try to rouse her.

“The Cylons have to kill the radscorpion first.” Kara softly muttered, her eyes still closed tight, her arms squeezing the pillow tighter to her chest.

Madison stepped back in surprise, a bemused smile on her lips. “The what have to kill the what?”

“Cylons have to kill the radscorpions. The whole plan is stupid.”

Madison laughed and reached out, shaking Kara’s arm now. “Sweetie, wake up. I’ve made breakfast for us. So unless you want me to eat your bacon, you need to wake up.”

Kara’s eyes finally blinked open and she looked around for a moment, seemingly confused. Finally her eyes settled upon Madison’s and the blue-gray eyes lit up, finally remembering what had happened. She smiled at the older woman before leaning over and placing a soft kiss on Madison’s cheek.

Lifting herself up to a sitting position, she said, “Something smells really good. What did you make me?”

“Pancakes and bacon. Still sound good?”

“Sounds like my favorite. Did you manage to find everything okay?”

“Yup, no problems.” Madison climbed on the bed beside Kara and the two women went about fixing up their pancakes, both going with the classic butter and maple syrup approach. “So, what would you like to do today?”

“You mean besides you?” Kara asked with a smirk.

“That’s exactly what I meant. But seriously, is there anything you need to do today? Want to go anywhere? Anything?”

“I am perfectly content to lie here in this bed all day next to you and simply listen to the rain. Or we could go downstairs and watch TV and cuddle. Mainly, I just want to stay as close to you as possible today. I don’t want to let you out of my sight.”

Madison set her plate down and leaned over, wrapping the taller woman in her arms and placing a soft kiss on her cheek. “I don’t much want to let you out of my sight, either.” She smiled at the now blushing redhead, finding the blush to be simply adorable. “I love you, you know,” she said before letting go of Kara and returning to her pancakes.

“I love you, too.”

After they were done eating, Kara gathered up the dishes and ran them back down to the kitchen, a smile on her face when she saw that Madison had already taken care of Seymour. She dropped the dishes in the sink and ran back to her bedroom, taking the stairs two at a time. She quickly climbed back under the covers and molded her body against Madison, sighing deeply as she inhaled the older woman’s scent. There was no place in the world she would rather be than where she was right now.

Madison kissed the top of Kara’s head and pulled her tighter to her body. “This feels so right. Your body pressed next to mine like this. I love you Kara.”

Kara sighed with pleasure as she closed her eyes, relishing the feel of her lover’s skin pressed against hers. Madison shivered as Kara’s breath blew across her nipple, causing the dark flesh to peak and harden. She ran her hand through the silky red strands, loving the way the fine hair slipped between her fingers. She began to trace abstract patterns on Kara’s pale freckled shoulders as she felt her libido begin to rise. The brunette’s breathing became quicker as she felt the skin on her stomach become covered with goosebumps, the downy fuzz standing on end as a reaction to the touch of her lover, Kara’s fingertips gliding over the lightly bronzed skin.

Madison moaned when she felt the younger woman place a soft kiss on her breast. Madison arched her back, trying to increase the contact between Kara’s lips and her breast. Kara kept her kisses light, teasingly touching the skin on the older woman’s breast, carefully avoiding the hard, pebbled nipple. Madison’s moans increased in volume as her skin became heated from the passion she felt for the woman beside her. Finally, she couldn’t take the teasing anymore and placed her hand on the back of Kara’s head, her fingers sliding through her lover’s hair and moved the unresisting head right where she needed it. She sighed loudly as Kara began sucking on the hard nipple, her tongue rolling over the hard nub, occasionally nipping at the flesh. She slid her hand across Madison’s chest to take the other breast in her hand, her long fingers gently squeezing the soft, supple skin, feeling her lover writhe beneath her touch.

“Kiss me, baby,” Madison whispered, hearing a slight popping sound as Kara pulled her mouth away from her sensitive breast.

Kara pressed her lips against Madison’s and suddenly found herself on her back, the older woman having rolled them over, her body straddling Kara’s waist. Madison ran her hands over Kara’s shoulders and down her long, freckled arms, entwining their fingers and placing their hands on either side of Kara’s head.

As Madison placed gentle kisses and teasing bites along Kara’s throat, feeling the tall body writhe beneath her, she asked, “Those condoms you mentioned last night? Where are they?”

Half-lost in a sensual haze from Madison’s attentions, it took Kara a moment to realize she needed to answer. “In the nightstand, top drawer. I don’t know if they’re still good, though.”

“Well, let’s just look and see if there’s an expiration date then.” She leaned over, still astride Kara’s waist and opened the night-stand drawer and immediately saw what she was looking for, a blue painted foil square. She grabbed it and sat up, carefully studying it to find the expiration date. “Bingo. Looks like the expiration date is December this year. I don’t want to push you to do something that you’re not comfortable with, but I’m curious to see what this is like. I’ve been on both the giving and receiving ends of strap-ons and I really like it, so I’m more than willing to give this a try. What are your thoughts?”

“Well, I’ve always made the comparison to beer.”

“Really? Beer?”

“Yeah. It’s like this: I’m a beer snob, I only order good quality beers when I’m out. If there isn’t anything good on tap, I’ll get a Diet Coke. But let’s say I’m at a party where they’ve got a keg of something atrocious, like a Bud Light or something. That’s the only booze they have there. Everybody’s drinking and having a good time and I want to join in the festivities. So I go over to the keg and get myself a plastic cup full of crappy beer. It gives me a buzz and after a couple, they don’t taste so bad. It’s not my first choice, or even my twentieth, but it still facilitates a good time. That’s how I view intercourse. It’s not what I want in an ideal world, but until I have the surgery, it still feels good. When done right it feels very good.” She wrapped her arms around Madison’s neck and pulled her down to plant a kiss on her lips. “So, are we about to have a party?”

Madison grabbed a nearby pillow and hit Kara in the face with it. “That was a terrible joke,” she said, planting a kiss on Kara’s pouting lips, “but we are definitely gonna party.” The time for talking was over as she redoubled her attentions and began to hungrily attack Kara’s neck and breasts, teasing the soft flesh and avoiding her hard nipples for the time being. She slid a hand south over Kara’s pale stomach and began to slowly rub the redhead’s inner thighs, savoring the feel of the incredibly soft smooth skin, careful not to touch Kara’s rapidly swelling member.

“You are so beautiful,” Madison whispered as she planted soft kisses on Kara’s jaw and ran her left hand over Kara’s breasts, loving the way her hard nipples brushed against the palms of her hands. She kept her touches and kisses light and teasing until Kara was gasping for breath and writhing beneath her with need. “Tell me what you want, sweetie,” she whispered in the taller woman’s ear, giving the lobe a tug with her teeth as she did.

“Take me, Madison. Make me yours,” she answered, her eyes dark with need and desire, her flesh hard and engorged. Madison grabbed the condom from the nightstand and tore open the foil, pulling out the circle of latex. She slid down Kara’s body, the redhead’s eyes never leaving her as she slowly rolled the condom over her lover’s long shaft.

“Are you ready for me, baby?” Madison asked as she leaned forward to capture Kara’s lips in a tender buss, full of love and desire. Kara meekly nodded and mixed in with the want in her eyes was a large dose of fear. “There’s nothing to be scared of sweetheart,” Madison whispered, stroking her pale freckled cheeks, flush with passion. “I love you, and I want you. I’ve never done this before, but if I don’t like it, I’m not gonna freak out and leave you. I’m here, so don’t be afraid.”

Kara took a deep breath and blew it out before nodding. “I love you Maddie. I’m ready for you.”

Madison wrapped her slender fingers around the base of Kara’s shaft to hold it steady as she slowly lowered herself onto the younger woman’s hard flesh. She slid lower inch by inch, her lover’s hands resting on her hips, until she was fully filled by her lover. She opened her eyes to look at Kara and saw that the pale woman’s eyes were tightly closed and her breaths were coming in ragged gasps.

“How do you feel, sweetheart?”

“Good. God, so good. I’d forgotten how good this feels.”

“Then open your eyes,” Madison whispered as she leaned forward to kiss her love, her hands cupping Kara’s flushed and firm breasts as she began to roll her hips sensuously , savoring the way Kara filled her.

Kara’s eyes fluttered open and she took in the vision of beauty hovering over her, Madison’s breasts swaying as she rode her, her hair falling down and covering their faces like a tent. She began to move her hips to meet Madison’s, the enhanced sensation making both of them moan louder as their passion grew.

Madison captured Kara’s lips with her own, lightly biting them as she continued to ride her lover’s throbbing shaft. The way she felt being filled by her lover was so unlike being filled by inanimate silicone, the heat of it almost burning her, the way the younger woman responded to her movements, enjoying the sensation they were sharing. It wasn’t better or worse, it was just different.

Without warning, she felt her body go rigid as her climax washed over her, her head thrown back and eyes screwed shut as colors burst across her vision. She felt Kara’s hands clutch her shoulders desperately, pulling their bodies together and heard the taller woman cry out as she was struck by her own peak of pleasure. Kara’s hips surged upward to push herself more fully into the brunette, her face buried in Madison’s shoulder, her breathing completely stopped.

After a short while, both of them slowly came back to reality from the other-worldly pleasure they had just experienced. Madison placed soft, gentle kisses all over Kara’s face and brushed her sweat-plastered red bangs away from her forehead. No words were spoken as Madison felt Kara slip from her, both of them spent. Madison rolled off the younger woman and stretched out on her back on the cool sheets.

“Be right back,” Kara whispered, placing a kiss on the exhausted woman’s cheek, slipping out of bed. Madison watched the sensual movements of her shapely ass and firm calves as she walked into the bathroom. A few moments later, she was back and Madison stretched out her arm to the side in an invitation.

Kara climbed in and laid her head on her lover’s shoulder, sighing as she felt the older woman’s arm wrap around her and pull her closer. Madison listened as Kara’s breathing slowed and deepened to where she thought the young red head was asleep. She placed a soft kiss on the top of her head and whispered, “I love you so much.”

“I love you, too.” Madison shifted a bit, surprised that her lover not only heard her, but answered. “That was the most incredible thing I’ve ever experienced. You were so beautiful when you came that it pushed me over so suddenly I didn’t know what was happening.”

“I hope you know I feel the same. I’m never letting you go,” Madison said, tightening her hold on the tall woman in her arms.

“Good, cause I don’t plan on ever going away.”


When Kara woke a couple of hours later, she realized the bed was empty. She listened for any hint of the woman who had captured her heart, but the house was silent. She pulled on her glasses, the world coming into sudden focus. She looked around, failing to see Madison’s bag or the clothes she had worn the previous day. “Madison? Sweetheart? Are you here?” Hearing no response, she wrapped her arms around her legs and pressed her face against her knees and began sobbing piteously. She couldn’t figure out why she was surprised, after all, this wasn’t the first time a woman had made love to her and disappeared. I thought she loved me. The tears flowed down her cheeks as her shoulders shook uncontrollably.

“Oh god, baby, what’s wrong? Did something happen? Are you okay?” Madison’s voice sounded panicked as Kara continued to cry. Madison wrapped her arms around the taller woman and held her tight against her body. “Sweetheart I’m here. Whatever it is, I’m here.”

Kara let out another sob, this time one of relief as she clung desperately to the brunette. “When I woke up, you weren’t here,” Kara whispered against the side of her lover’s neck. “I looked around for you and then called out, but you didn’t answer me. I thought you’d left. I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have jumped to that conclusion.”

“Shh, baby, it’s okay. It’s okay. Like I said before, I’m not going anywhere, but I can see it’s gonna take some time to make you really believe that. The rain stopped, so I was out in the yard playing with Seymour. You looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you up, so I went outside to run around for a little bit. I should have realized after what you told me that I shouldn’t have let you wake up alone.” She planted a kiss on the top of Kara’s head and felt the younger woman begin to relax in her arms.

Kara felt the fear and the sadness leave her body as she took in the scent of her lover and sank into her warm embrace. She’s not going to sneak out like Adrianna did. She’s not like that. She loves you. “I love you so much. Is it crazy that I feel so much for you so soon?”

“If it’s crazy, then I’m crazy, too, so don’t worry about it sweetheart. How about you get up and I’ll make us a late lunch.”

“Depends on what you’re fixing,” Kara joked, trying to regain her equilibrium. She jumped in the shower and washed before pulling on a robe and heading downstairs where the smell of lunch being prepared filled the air.


Jessica sat at her table, her laptop open in front of her as she looked over scenes from her life stored on the device. The pictures of her and Adam goofing off in their first apartment, playing with Cat all those years ago. Pictures of them together on their graduation day, standing side by side in their caps and gowns, their arms around each other. She remembered how she had felt back then, how safe and comforting it was to be beside Adam. She couldn’t think of a man who she had felt comfortable with before she met him. She got up and pulled out an old shoe box full of photos from high school and flipped through them, reminiscing over the past they shared.

She thought back to the first time Adam asked her out. It was a Thursday evening in late October, the chill of fall already in the air. They had an evening practice session for the quiz bowl team that night and she usually arrived a few minutes early. When she pulled up, she saw Adam had already arrived and was sitting in his Bronco. When she got out of her car and started walking to the school, the tall, gangly redhead climbed out and quickly caught up to her.

“Hey, Jessica, I was just wondering if you were free tomorrow night.” His face was flushed and she could tell he was nervous, and she felt sorry for him because she knew she had to work the next day.

“I’m sorry but I have to work tomorrow.”

“Well, how about Saturday?” he asked hopefully, and she could tell that he was deathly afraid that she wanted nothing to do with him.

“I’m so sorry, Adam, but I’ve got to work all weekend.”

“Oh, I understand. Is there some night that you’re free so I could maybe take you out to dinner or something?”

“How about Monday?”

She could see the tension leave his body as he suddenly realized that she had accepted his offer of a date. The smile that split his face warmed her heart and she knew then that she was going to have a good time on Monday.

As the days grew shorter, the two spent more and more time together. Within a few weeks they were madly in love and spending every free second with each other. She smiled as she remembered the snowy day in January when they spent the entire day in Adam’s living room on a makeshift bed in front of the fireplace, making love for the first time. After they had both calmed from their passion, she cried tears of joy and was surprised to see the young man crying along with her.

She sighed heavily. She never thought that she would spend her life with anyone other than Adam, but then Adam changed her name to Kara and started living her life as a woman. When Jessica thought back on their early days together, the thing that she liked most about Adam was that while he may have acted like a stereotypical blustering ass of a guy around others, with her he was sweet, kind, thoughtful, he remembered anniversaries and birthdays and went all out to make those days perfect for her. He listened when she needed to talk and was there for her, crying right beside her when her dog had to be put down.

Then everything changed. Adam began spending all of his time as Kara and the passion between them dwindled. Jessica was terrified of going out in public with her spouse, afraid that someone would see them together and think she was gay. Every time she pushed Kara away, she could see the hurt in her wife’s eyes, but her fear overrode her compassion and she finally had enough. Was I wrong? She wondered as the tears continued to roll down her cheeks.


The following Monday, Kara sat behind her desk, drafting a motion for a pre-trial conference in a drug possession case but found herself unable to focus, her thoughts drifting to the weekend she had spent with Madison. The two had spent the entire weekend in bed, taking brief breaks to eat and sleep, awakening only to feel an insatiable longing for each other’s bodies. She was amazed how easily the older woman adapted after the long string of disappointments she had suffered before finally giving up on dating altogether.

That morning, she had reluctantly pulled herself out of bed and away from the warm body beside her. Madison was so exhausted from their activities that she hardly stirred when Kara kissed her goodbye. She left a note on the bedside table telling the older woman to make herself at home while she was at work and to give her a call when she woke up.

She found her reminiscences interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone, which was resting on her desk. “Kara Jenkins,” she answered, snapping back to reality.

“This wouldn’t happen to be the same Kara Jenkins who rendered me unable to walk this past weekend would it?”

Laughing, she replied, “It would indeed. This wouldn’t happen to be a gorgeous, tall brunette hopefully lying in my bed, would it?”

“How’d you guess? So what are you up to?”

“Just trying to draft some motions I need to file this week. You want to do something tonight? I might be a little late coming home, since someone didn’t let me get any work done this weekend.”

“Yeah, let’s have dinner and spend the evening together. I can’t stand to let you go just yet. I need to run a few errands and go by my place to pick up a few things, so how about I pick us up something and come by your place around seven, seven thirty?”

“That could work, you sure you don’t want me to come over to your place? I really don’t mind.”

“Nah, my place doesn’t allow dogs and I think Seymour would be a little put out if he had to spend the night alone.”

Kara felt her heart melt a little more at that statement from the older woman. “You make me fall more in love with you every day. The fact that you care enough about Seymour’s comfort … you are simply incredible.”

Madison blushed slightly from the praise. “Yeah, well, he’s a good dog and I don’t want to deny him his mommy. Anyway, I think I should let you get back to work and get started on my stuff. I’ll see you this evening, sweetheart. I love you.”

“I love you, too, baby. See you later. Bye.”


She had just resumed typing when her phone rang again. Without looking, she picked it up and said, “Hey gorgeous, you forget to tell me something?”

“Well, thank you for the compliment dear, but I think it’s you who’s been forgetting to tell me much of anything the last couple of weeks.”

“Mom! I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else.”

“Well, that explains the first part, but what about not calling me the last couple weeks? As far as I knew, you fell off the face of the earth.”

“I’m sorry mom. I’ve been pretty busy with work and then I’ve also been seeing someone.”

“Really! What’s her name? What’s she look like? Have you told her about your history yet? Wh-”

“Hold on mom, one question at a time. Her name is Madison Roberts and she’s a history professor at IUPUI. She’s about 5’9”, hazel eyes, brunette, absolutely stunning. And yes, we’ve talked it out and everything is fine.”

“Well, when do I get to meet her? I haven’t seen you in nearly a month now. Is there any way you could bring her over for dinner?”

“I’d have to talk to her and figure out when she’s free. I’m actually kind of slammed at work right now. That part is definitely true.”

“I still don’t understand why you insist on defending criminals.”

“Mom, we’ve been over this. Everyone is entitled to a zealous defense. If my client did the crime and the prosecutor can prove it, then justice will be served. My job is to make sure the prosecutor follows the rules so I can protect the innocent people who have been charged with crimes.”

“Fine. We’ll just have to agree to disagree. Talk to your girlfriend and let me know when I can meet her.”

“Alright mom, I’ll talk to you later. Love you.”

“Love you, too, Kara. Have a good day.”

“You too, mom. Bye.”

On ending the call, she took several deep breaths. She wasn’t sure that she was ready to introduce Madison to her mom, but she knew it had to happen sooner or later.


When she got home that night around seven, Kara’s face broke out into a smile on seeing Madison’s car parked on the concrete pad next to her garage. She walked quickly through her backyard toward the house, her heels clicking on the concrete sidewalk she and Jess had had put in not long after they bought the house.

Opening the door, she was hit with a blast of sound, Madison was singing along with Robert Johnson, asking if someone wanted to go back to that sweet home Chicago. Her smile grew wider as she quietly closed the door and set down her briefcase and purse on the dryer before slipping out of her heels, leaving her barefoot and much quieter in order to sneak up on her lover.

She walked carefully, being sure to miss the one floorboard in the kitchen that always squeaked a little when stepped on and walked up behind the brunette, who was setting the table with Indian take-out. She quickly wrapped her arms around Madison and pressed her lips against the shorter woman’s temple, feeling the toned abs flinch in shock as her hands pulled Madison closer against her.

“Jesus, Kara,” Madison said, relaxing into the redhead’s embrace. “You scared the crap out of me.”

She spun around in the younger woman’s loose hold and placed her hands on her flushed cheeks and pressing her lips firmly against Kara’s. “I’ve missed you today,” she said, after finally pulling back from Kara. “How was your day? Get everything done you needed to?”

Madison continued to busy herself setting the table, spooning out rice onto the plate before covering it with plenty of spicy lamb tikka masala, one of Kara’s favorites. Kara shrugged out of her jacket and draped it over the back of her recliner in the next room before sitting down at the table.

“Everything went fine at work today. I was able to focus and dig in and get stuff done after our conversation. Well, after the conversation I had after that, actually.”

“What do you mean?”

“My mom called me just after we hung up, did the whole make me feel guilty for not calling her often enough thing and I told her I’d been swamped with work and that I’ve been seeing someone special. You can bet she latched on to that fact like a pit bull. She wants to meet you sometime soon for dinner or something.”

“Oh. Well, what are your thoughts on that? I mean, it’s your family, I’ll take my cues from you.”

“Well, I’m sure that I’m in this for the long haul. I mean, we haven’t made any formal commitments or anything yet, but I definitely feel like what we have is the real thing. With you, I feel so completely right that it sometimes blows me away. As far as meeting my mom, I’m ready for that step. I’m ready to introduce you to the people who are important in my life and tell them just how important to me you are.”

“Well, in that case, I’m free pretty much anytime you want to do it. Where does your mom live, anyway?”

“She’s on the north east side of Indy, near Fishers.”

“That’s a pretty nice area.”

“Yeah it’s not too bad. She got this place when she and my dad split up several years ago.”

Kara lifted the fork to her mouth at that point, loaded with rice, marinated meat, and sauce. Her eyes sliding closed, she moaned in pleasure as the flavors burst on her tongue. Not too long after the food entered her mouth though, her nose began to run and her eyes began to fill with tears as the capsaicin laden dish exploded like a thermonuclear warhead in her mouth, searing out any fluid hiding in her sinus cavities.

“Oh my god, Madison, this is so amazing. Did you get spicy as well?”

“No, I went with a milder variety tonight. I love heat, as you know, but theirs is too much for me. I’m actually kind of surprised you enjoy it so much. Doesn’t it hurt?”

“Yeah, but I figure within a couple minutes, I’ll release endorphins to counter it and I’ll start to feel a little buzzed. It’s an interesting sensation, but I really enjoy the flavors that come with turning up the heat like this.”

She took a sip of the glass of double IPA that Madison had set her place with before diving back into the meal, savoring every bite, while making small moans of appreciation. Eventually, she looked up to notice that Madison was staring at her intently.

“What is it? Is my face covered with snot and tears?”

“No, just thinking that listening to you eat a good meal is almost the same as listening to you when we make love. If anything I’m getting turned on listening to you eat.”

“As much as I want to make love with you anytime sweetheart, I don’t think you want my tongue anywhere near your clit after I’ve been eating something this spicy. I don’t even want to think about how much that could hurt you.”

A grimace marred Madison’s features as she thought of how badly the capsaicin now coating Kara’s tongue would hurt on her own anatomy.

“You may have a point.”

“I know. Trust me, my lips hurt from eating this. You don’t want me going down on you for a while, and I don’t know if I got any on my fingers, but I think I have, so let’s just wait a few hours, okay baby?”

Madison laughed. “Yeah, that sounds like the prudent course. I love you.”

“And I you.”

“You know, on our first date, I had the thought that if how you sounded when you ate was any indication, I would love hearing you in the bedroom. I was right.”

The flush on Kara’s face now had little to do with the searing pain and subsequent rush of endorphins produced by the food, but was now a result of her lover’s words and the look of desire that was directed toward her. She wiped her face with a napkin before tucking her hair behind her ears and taking another sip of her beer.

“So to shift gears, what would you like to do after we finish dinner?”

“I was thinking we could take Seymour for a walk around the block, then curl up on the couch and watch something for a bit.”

“Sounds good to me.”

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