Mature / Thirty+

Extra Time 9

“All rise !”

It was finally our day in court, and I had done my level best, together with help from Rach and Larinda, to present as neatly and femininely as possible. Will was beside me, with John Wilkins, as we waited for the formality of the plea.

“Aneurin Wynford Prentice, you are charged…”

Understanding Rachel- The other end of the line.

The rain droned on endlessly outside. The darkened basement broken by flashes of lightning.

"Blasted stupid internet provider they cannot get anything fixed properly, I told them like 8 times already that it wasn't working whenever it rained."

The now dead line to Rachel was no use listening too. The phone click signaled the hang up, unlike the old days of rotary phones with the handset today it was just a simple click of a button and you were done. The conversation replayed out in her head.

"Why does Rachel Insist I am a girl?" was said outloud.

Understanding Rachel

Understanding Rachel

The phone rang, making Nancy Carmichael jump. The old woman glanced at the call display, and then shouted out, “Rachel! Its for you!”

A moment later another person bustled into the room, took up the phone, and started to talk.

Nancy shook her head. “Who would have thought I would have a teenage girl living in my house at my age? Especially when the girl was born a boy?”

Rachel just smiled at her mother, and kept talking.

The First Queen in the Village 9B - caution!

The First Queen in the Village 9B

by WannabeGinger

If you’re of a sensitive disposition, and maybe explicit description of the joy that a crossdressed husband and his crossdressed wife can have in intimate love-making is not to your liking, then please return to the series of chapters that make up the story of Andy, Christine, Astrid and Christopher.

Extra Time 8

“I beg your pardon?”

She wasn’t like that Sergeant, Kirst, Kirsty…I was having a little trouble keeping my thoughts straight. They had me on some pain-killer or other, and while it was seriously good shit, as my junkie friends might put it if I had any, I needed to keep my concentration to get this right.

“I said no statement. Do you know who exactly is behind this?”

Covered Bridges-4.

Covered Bridges-4.

Chapter 4

I let John kiss my hand because he’s doing it right and when a guy does it right and not too over the top or sloppy it’s just one of those things that’s kinda nice and kinda timeless.

I smile and take my hand back and set my book away into my bag. “I’d prefer something red John I ordered the duck.”

The First Queen in the Village 8

The First Queen in the Village 8

by WannabeGinger

It seems that Heidi will be central to whatever happens in Christine’s plan for Andy and the extra time she wants them to stay in the village as Astrid and Christopher.

Chapter 8 — The plot thickens

In Penny Lane there is a crimper showing photographs
Of every head she's had the pleasure to have known
And all the people like to come and go,
Stop and say hello
(with loving appreciation of Lennon and McCartney)

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 5.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 5.

Chapter 5

It takes me awhile to get myself under control under Rudy’s watch he did set me down in a lawn chair and he got me a cup of the pretty decent coffee he had made for breakfast and I sipped at it while getting to watch him work and actually just kind of let this place sink in and sort of displace some of the stuff that’s been built up inside.

Through the years: Two against the world part 10

“Mama?” Tracy's voice cut through her solitude and Maggie fought from giving a shriek of fright, as she jumped in her seat. When she looked up she noticed Tracy had managed to make it all the way to her chair without being heard.

“What's wrong, Tracy?”

“I had a bad dream and couldn't go back to sleep.” Tracy stated. “Not after today. Not after those ladies came here, or that call.”

“I'm sorry. You want to try some warm tea or milk?”

“No...I....” Tracy swallowed as she looked down at her feet. “Mama? Am I an abomination?”


Edited by Djkauf with some input and advice from Rev. Anam Chara

It's time for a bit of character building. A glimpse into how the Patterson's see religion and One of Maggie's darkest secrets. I have the rating up a bit due to subject matter.


journey of discovery

Journey of discovery

my boss had arranged a party to start the summer vacation
the theme he came up with was "dress-up"
not being a party type I had no idea what to dress in
my wife suggested going as a woman.

I looked her straight in the eye and said do you make a joke huh
no she answered , every party people go to they always do the same thing
do something else for once.

I wasn't really looking forward to it dressing up as a woman
but through the persistence of my wife I agreed
but I told my wife I choose the outfit as I didn't want to go as a maid.

_elf Storage | Chapter 5

Monday morning Colin strutted into work with his head held high. He entered the mechanic’s bay through a side door by the employee’s parking area. For the first time ever he’d left his cap at home. Yesterday at the mall he’d stopped at a salon and got his hair cut in a funky spiky style with soft highlights that framed his face.

He was wearing his new 501 boyfriend jeans and a new tight fitting tee shirt emblazoned with a butterfly that read “Get out of your cocoon and PLAY”. An inch of creamy smooth midriff was revealed above the waistband of his jeans. He wore a sports bra and bikini panties under it all.

_elf Storage

by Janice Dreamer
Copyright 2012




The Ram 41.

This is the last Chapter.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 41.

Briony Davies Nee Lewis ... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Davies... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby)... Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)

_elf Storage | Chapter 4

It was a bit unsettling how much he’d changed in such a short period. He’d lost nearly 20 pounds. His blood pressure was down significantly. His heart rate was slightly elevated. And strangest of all, it seemed he was an inch shorter. Which was ridiculous -- the researcher must have misread the rule.

It didn’t matter anyway, he hadn’t felt this good in years.


_elf Storage

by Janice Dreamer
Copyright 2012


The First Queen in the Village 7

The First Queen in the Village 7

by WannabeGinger

A new character, one who is especially well-connected in the Village is someone that Christine feels that Andy should meet.

Chapter 7 — Through the looking glass

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective: A Chance Encounter Pt2

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective
This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Two
by Trapper Jock McIntyre

Masters is the name. Cindy Masters. I'm a detective. I get $50 a day and expenses, $75 if I can get it.

The Ram 40.

Coming close to the end of this story now, this might be the penultimate or 2nd penultimate chapter.

The Ram 40.

Briony Davies Nee Lewis ... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Davies... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.

_elf Storage | Chapter 3


Colin glanced up. He calmed his mind, preparing himself for what was to come. He was very familiar with the syrupy, slightly wheedling tone Dee was using. She wanted something and didn’t want him to realize he was being manipulated. She would be mortified and loudly deny she ever did such a thing if he were to make the mistake of mentioning it to her.

_elf Storage

by Janice Dreamer
Copyright 2012


The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective: A Chance Encounter

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective
This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part One
by Trapper Jock McIntyre

Masters is the name. Cindy Masters. I'm a detective. I get $50 a day and expenses, $75 if I can get it.

Past made Perfect

Past made perfect

“So lets assume I wanted to make a man dress and act like a woman. How could I do it?”

“Against his will?”


“Well, if you were being crude, you could kidnap him, drug him, and use threats of rape or other bodily harm.”

“I would rather something more subtle.”

“LIke what?”


“Not terribly effective, or so I’ve heard.”

“It depends on how they’re used. For example, did you know it was possible to plant a memory? To make a man remember spending his childhood dressing up?”

“Like I did? Sounds far-fetched.”

The Ram 39

This chapter describes the births of the babies and the preparations for the wedding.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 39

Briony Davies Nee Lewis ... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Davies... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.

Thanks Dad for Being There - 5 - More Family or Not

Thanks Dad for Being There — More Family or Not
Chapter 5

By Jessica C

"Never thought of the possibility that my Dad could have been a rocker... When I told my Mom about wanting to take up the guitar and form a girl band; Mom said talk to your Dad... It was unlike my Mom to be indirect, but it was like a loud NO! ...Then she showed me an old guitar and amplifier; she was serious about me talking to my Dad, 'Ordinary Joe.'

Wow, how I thank the day Jenn took up the guitar and we got to see the other side of Dad. I am not saying I want Dad to be Jaz 24/7, but I am girly and I have enjoyed the change. I have not enjoyed the negative comments, but I can’t say Jaz has been embarrassing to me.

The Trans-stone Dilemma

The Trans-stone Dilemma

by Terry Volkirch

How well do you truly know yourself? Well enough to know how you'll look after touching a trans-stone? Go on. Touch the stone and change your body to match your true self. I dare you.

NOTE: Comments are blocked but kudos and private messages are welcome.

truth or dare

Truth or dare

My name is Caroline Jensen.

I’m a reasonable good looking woman and for over a year I visited the local fetish club.
When I go to the club I always dress myself completely in leather so I fit in,
With the rest of the customers.

Once every month there is a truth or dare competition.
I’ve been asked a number of times and always answered truth.

Tonight however if I’m being asked I will dare them.
After being for almost an hour in the club and was offered drinks on many occasions,
The truth or dare started a number of men and women went before me and the night,

the mirror

The mirror.

It was Friday and I had the day off from work.
I was driving through town when I saw a sign 'garage sale'.
I stopped the car and walked towards the crowd who were looking through the pile of stuff for sale.
Nothing really interested me and as I turned to leave my eye's singled out something interesting.
Resting against the garage door stood a full length mirror and from the looks of it, it was Victorian style.

As I stood before the mirror I thought that for a moment a woman in a long leather skirt was looking back at me.

_elf Storage | Chapter 2

...he was willing to sell it all to be with Dee. It was just *stuff* after all.

Dee was... different. She was the first woman he’d allowed himself to become friends with. Dee was one of the most beautiful women he’d ever met. But she was much more. She was incredibly smart. Funny. Interesting. Lovable. Colin did love Dee; she was the first woman since his sisters that he loved.

_elf Storage

by Janice Dreamer
Copyright 2012


Extra Time 5

I looked up from the boys, and realised Terry had disappeared. Karen caught my eye and nodded towards the exit, and I walked out into the cooler air just as some other reedly-deedly thing started up. It took me a while to find him, as he was tucked behind a small extension to the front bar, sitting on a picnic table. He was crying; his tears reflecting the streetlights on the road by the pub.

“Terry pal, you all right?”

The Ram 38.

Daphne meets the rest of Briony's family and inevitably the wedding list gets longer.

When I am old, I shall wear purple and be disgraceful!.jpeg

When I am old, I shall wear purple and behave disgracefully.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 38

Briony Davies Nee Lewis ... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.

The First Queen in the Village 6

The First Queen in the Village 6

by WannabeGinger

After the interval, or chapter 5, the author returns to her keyboard having enjoyed a couple of weeks’ “R&R” away from it all. Some development of the storyline has been conceived in her mind and she hopes her readers enjoy getting further into life in this sleepy, but quietly boiling, English country village! Some readers’ comments have helped a lot!

Chapter 6 — back in the bar, and beyond

The Ram 37.

Daphne's first encounter with Jean Lewis, Briony's mother.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 37.

Briony Davies Nee Lewis ... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Davies... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby)... Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)

Another Martian Princess

Another Martian Princess


Melanie Brown

Copyright  © 2012

This story was started a week or so before Amberlynn Kain submitted her Barsoomian adventure. Unfortunately, the basic plot is similar. So here is another take on a Martian Princess -- Ed.

The Ram 36

This chapter describes Daphne's meeting with Briony's father. It doesn't go well. briony later meets her mother but Dapne hangs back.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 36

Briony Davies Nee Lewis ... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion ... Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Davies... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.

Through the years: Two against the world part 9

“Come here, Baby.” Maggie said with a warm smile. Tracy came in, wearing a skirt for the first time since the pictures had been passed out. She walked over and Maggie put an arm around her. “I noticed something in my Jewelry box today and I felt you needed to see it too.”

“I swear, I haven't been in your jewelry.” Tracy said with a worried look on her face.

“I believe you. I'm not saying you were, but it's time I showed you something.” Maggie held out her hand and showed Tracy the necklace. “This is yours.”

“It's mine?” Tracy shook her head slightly. “I only got the necklace from Peter and the few things you bought me at Christmas.”


Thanks to both Djkauf for the Editing and Rev. Anam Chara for help with the religious stuff
Tracy's back and the heat is still on.


Are Those Yours? -4-

A nagging loose end that needs attention. I really don't like leaving things unfinished. Expect one more part after this, but it'll come when it is ready. And when I find the time. Sorry, you'll have to read back through for this to make any sense.

Are Those Yours?

by Penny Lane

Chapter 4

"This is madness!"

The two women looked at their companion, who was neither a man nor a woman, exactly. They were standing on the half-landing looking out over a sea of brightly coloured racks, the Women's Floor of Maddens Department Store.

"I just can't do this! It was crazy of me to ever think I could!"

Shirley looked at the speaker and came to a quick decision.

"Right. Cafe, over there." She pointed to an area of shiny chrome chairs and tables in front of the plate glass windows overlooking the square. "Let's go and sit down for a moment. And have a nice cup of tea."

Extra Time 4

I get lost with police ranks above Inspector, and the man we eventually went to see was a Superintendent. I sat outside with Den for a while as John was put through the mill. The Sergeant seemed keen to talk.

“So you knew him at school? Small world”

“I didn’t know him at school, that’s just the point, aye? I knew his fists and feet, like, but then I sort of knew a lot of lads’ extremities, if you see what I mean”


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