Mature / Thirty+

Too Little, Too Late? 18

It was Neil who drove me to the airport in the end, Mam eased into the front seat of his car, and it was an emotional farewell in the car park as I insisted she didn’t walk into the terminal building. I wanted to be in control, and tears were not something I wanted photographed at the security gate.

FTL-6...Faster than Life.

FTL-6 …Faster than Life.

Chapter 6

I wake up feeling well…I’m not sure? I’m in the tank and I feel Patrick’s arms around me still and him pressed to me still holding me, still floating together spooning. My breather mask is still on my face and I …sort of feel at peace.

Which is a welcome thing from the replaying of everything that has been going on in my head since the battle against that Technarch killing machine. The girls sent Patrick my way and while it wasn’t the way that I pictured losing my virginity…it was still better than I had imagined.

Looking for peace

copy right yada yada may be posted on any free site as long as i get the credit for it. Must be of age in your area to read
This just some thing i did late one night hope you all like it , comments welcome

The tears were coming fast as I placed the nail tip on my finger.
Here I am.How has it come to this?My struggles for most of my life,
being an outsider,being different.
The compulsions and desires to be a woman.Always there under the surface,in the shadows and the realm of dreams.

Too Little, Too Late? 16

I took Ian’s old bed that night, as my room was now her sewing and craft room. It was a better evening after the confrontation, and I noticed how much effort Mam was putting into how she addressed me. It was almost as if she had forgotten I was ever called Rob, and that simple act did so much to bring me back from the pain and hatred that Bell had triggered.

Bikini Beach to the moon

Bikini Beach: To the moon ,
A story by Allie Elle

My thanks to Elrod for creating this universe and for Miss E Dauber for creating the guidelines, I will try and do the Beach Justice, with the A E touch......

To the Moon,

Victor stood stooped over the eyepiece of the refracting telescope he had bought with the last of his money before being made redundant. At 40 he sighed as he stared at the moon, he wished to step foot on that alien surface. Tearing his gaze away he looked at the young student that stood next to him and smiled. The teenager was dressed in a preppy style and had a set of thick rimmed glasses perched on her nose and was holding out a small stack of 20’s.

“Sir I can’t thank you enough for the chance to buy the telescope from you” Jacqueline smiled.

“Honey it’s a case of needing the cash,” Victor replied “dreams don’t fill a stomach.”

Too Little, Too Late? 15

We sat for a while, talking. That sounds banal, but it wasn’t, not at all. This wasn’t passing the time, but rather the first time I had ever been able to tell my mother who I was, a moment I had fretted and worried over, and at the same time dreamt of. She got straight to the point.

“What are we having for tea?”

Too Little, Too Late? 14

I paused for an attempt at thought. All my plans were collapsing around me, and it was as if I was in a river taking me where it wanted to go, regardless of how hard I swam. She sat there in Her Chair, a dumpy old woman, close-cropped grey hair giving back almost as much light as her glasses.

Incompatible: Birth of a Spellbinder

Of A    Spellbinder

Ragnarok Image

Ragnarok Rising
0b_part.png    0b_i.png


The world is not without irony, as evident by my life. I was born Thurston Olaf Steenberg and grew up hating the Spellbinders and all that they stood for. It was only by becoming what I hated most that I was able to transcend my humble beginnings and do good in the world. The following is the story of my origins. It is not the story of my birth, but of my rebirth. It the story of how I became Aryanna Morgana Le Fey.

Too Little, Too Late? 13

Von was back in Hampshire a couple of days afterwards, so I had to fit in a trip down on the Monday, a day she wasn’t at work and I was able to squeeze a day’s leave in. I walked out of the Harbour station, HMS Warrior bulking beside it, and round to Gunwharf Quay, where I found her sitting in one of the coffee bars.

Santa's Gift to the World

Santa's Gift to the World

by shalimar

Note: I wrote this little story because of things that I have observed at the end of 2001. I don't usually write Christmas
stories. That is why I wrote it after Christmas.

Too Little, Too Late? 10


She turned to look at me, naked, absolutely unashamed, a slightly puzzled look on her face.

“You’ve obviously got, or had, a partner, but I can’t see her wearing clothes in size 14 as well as size 22. I know I have the odd binge and diet sort of thing, cycle, yeah, but this is silly. What…ah”

Too Little, Too Late? 9

There were, it turned out, more than a few sites that dealt with what I wanted, but most of them, to be honest, were either weird or simply not for me. I didn’t want some Japanese snuff-buddy, nor advice on how to exit with dignity and a terminal illness in Switzerland. Some parts of that country have struck me as a terminal illness in their own right, but never mind.

SRU - The Big Mall

SRU: The Big Mall

Edmonton isnt the first place you think of when you think “tourist destination” But there is one site that brings people from all over the world to see it - The Big Mall. Its real name is West Edmonton Mall, but nobody calls it that. Its always just been - The Big Mall. At one time, it was the biggest in the world, and I think its still in the top three.

Snakes and Ladders-14

Snakes and Ladders-14

Chapter 14

Evander nods. “She is one I have heard of, fire haired and very angry, a lot of temper in that one.”

“Is she any good?”

“Oh Yes, she has to be. They very much frown on women having too many uses on Skywood.”

“I’ve been hearing it’s something like that. It’s not that way with the Rymora?”

Too Little, Too Late? 6

She left me with a hug, and I wondered how this was happening so fast. I hadn’t started out that day with the intention of telling anyone else at all, and there I was spilling my guts to the leading light of both Debt Management and Gossip Central. Some small voice was telling me, however, that this was one piece of gossip she could and would contain.

Brownie Magic

Near the Threshold

Near the Threshold

Ever had an “ah ha!” moment? Where everything you think about changes? I had one. It started in an very odd place - my local swimming pool. I had just finished my swim, and I headed for the change areas when I made a simple mistake. I turned left instead of right, and walked into the woman’s change area. In my defense, I can’t see well without my glasses, and I was tired from my swim, so I missed the sign, and just went in.

The End

The End


I`m ready now , got my best dress and new lingerie on, I sit down and take up my journal continuing where I left off.

I'm writing this while I'm still able to think clearly, I know I don`t have long to go but felt that I needed to do this.

I`m living in the middle of nowhere in a weather worn and well used tent, my two loyal companions ,dogs Badger and Georgia died yesterday, they`d been with me since they were pups 16yrs ago.

Bridges 21

Bridges 21

Chapter 21


It’s really yet to hit me. I’m staring at the papers in my hand and I’m walking and the only reason I’m not walking into people or things is the fact I’m really familiar with the base. I’m carrying the folder they gave me and…reading it my box with medals under my arm it's why the commander wanted to see me. There's going to be a ceremony once I'm "back" but that was about it. But it's nothing compared to these, this, my papers and I’m still reading the letter over and over again.

It’s happening…it’s really happening!

Too Little, Too Late? 3

I walked with them as far as the bike cages, Karen staying close by me. There was a little bit of eye language, and Terry disappeared into the toilets with James. I gave Karen as hard a stare as I could manage.

“You’ve told him, right?”

“He’s my husband. I know you have a problem with that, but if there is one person I will trust, it is the man I took my vows with. You have a problem?”

'Daydreams Can Come True' Chapter 5

Daydreams can come True ’ Chapter 5
Julie Dawn Cole

I remember looking up at the huge arrivals board and still 40 minutes before the flight was expected to arrive and then maybe another 30 minutes at least or even more if it was busy through passport control. So time for me to buy a gift or even to escape.

My tummy was full of butterflies and it was churning so much after a while that I seriously considered whether or not to make a run for it and go back to my apartment. I tried to stay calm and consider the best and worst scenarios.

Too Little, Too Late? 1

The weather had held fine for once, with just a hint of a drop of rain as I left home and none at all by the time I rode down past the speed humps to the Barnes reserve. The lockers were waiting, steel-mesh cages perfect for locking up the Galaxy complete with panniers, and as I changed shoes I felt almost happy.

Are Those Yours? -1-

Sometimes my muse ambushes me with odd little things like this. I hope you'll like it.

Are Those Yours?

by Penny Lane

Chapter 1

"Here's your tea, love," the girl said, putting the mug down on the table.

The man carried on eating his Full English breakfast, only nodding briefly to thank her. After a short while he became aware that she was still standing beside him and he paused, knife and fork in mid-air.

"Do you mind if I ask you," she said softly, "are those yours?"

He knew exactly to what she was referring and nodded again, keeping his head low.

And the Winner is

James Thompson was more than just a bad boy, and the government used that to good affect. He wasn't proud of his past and went to great lengths to hide it as best a person can. Now a civilian, he hoped to forget it all, but the past hasn't forgotten him by any means. Vengeance and justice seldom go hand in hand and the burden of truth will fall squarely on his back. Can he escape the evil plans laid out for him and his partner? Read on and lets see.

Just Swimmingly

Just Swimmingly

Mary reached the door of the change room, and hesitated. She stood there, rocking back and forth from one foot to the other for several minutes before Alice came up and took her hand.

"What's wrong, hon?" Alice asked.

"I can't. They'll all see ...." Mary said.

"They wont notice a thing. Come on. "

Finally, Alice took Mary's hand, and led her into the change room. Once inside, Alice began taking of her street clothes, while Mary watched. Alice looked at her, and said, "what, hon?"

FTL-5...Faster than Life.

FTL-5 … Faster Than Life.

Chapter 5

………………. Six months later.

“Easy peezy it’s going to be just a short trip. Recruit Stone; please feed me the nav-vectors so we’re know where we’re going. Alright Takari run your checks and take us out.”

Holy Moses

Holy Moses.
By Angharad.

ה לֹא-יִהְיֶה כְלִי-גֶבֶר עַל-אִשָּׁה, וְלֹא-יִלְבַּשׁ גֶּבֶר שִׂמְלַת אִשָּׁה: כִּי תוֹעֲבַת יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ, כָּל-עֹשֵׂה אֵלֶּה. {פ}

5 A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto the LORD thy God.
Deuteronomy 22.5 (Wiki)

'Daydreams Can Come True' Chapter 3

‘Daydreams can come True ’ Chapter 3
Julie Dawn Cole

‘Yes you are different and that’s why I’m coming. You are special.’

Does she suspect? These words stayed with me for a while as I checked the flight schedules from Zurich. Susie would be arriving late afternoon the following day.

So what to do to get out of this mess. She was about to spend a lot of money to fly to Hong Kong and she was staying in the Langham hotel that is very expensive.

Through the years: Troy's Story part 18

Sage led Tracy down the street as Rachel passed them in her mothers van. Tracy felt bad for being able to still have fun, but she wasn't that religious and Rachel's mom refused to push her beliefs on her. Rachel waved and the two girls waved back.

“So was it fun?” Sage asked.

“What? Waving?” Tracy replied, looking at her new friend. She had gone over some of the stuff that Sage had said the past few days, things were slowly wonder what Sage's true story was.

Sage began to chuckle. “No you goof. A sleepover? Heck Two sleepovers?”

“That was great. You two are so much fun.” Tracy said. “I kinda wish I was a real girl like you two.”

Sage laughed. “Tracy, I'm as much of a girl as you are...well maybe more, but the way you act? The way you carry yourself? Total girl.”


Through the years: Troy's Story part 17

William woke up around seven on Sunday morning to a quiet house. He went through the usual morning routine. Bathroom, breakfast and he was now sitting in front of the TV, feeling slightly unnerved from the silence his house had. He needed to talk to his wife and son. But they were no where around.

He sat there for what felt like an eternity, till he finally stood up and got dressed. A few minutes later he was standing on the porch to his parents house. He knocked, unsure if his parents were awake. He waited for a minute and was about to leave when the door opened up. His mother looked out at him and smiled. “Hello Son.”

“Hey Mom.” He replied, slumping his shoulders as he did.

“Everything okay?” She asked. She knew that Maggie had told him about Tracy. So she knew the battle he was having in his mind, at least she thought she knew.

“Nah. I....” He sighed. “I don't know. But I was going to see if you could have Dad keep an eye on my place. I need to talk to Maggie and Troy and they're in Livermore.”


As promised, a little time with William and a glimpse at Modines house.


Sammys Tail

A thoroughly modern story with a bit of an old west twist thrown in for good measure. The times may change but outlaws never do. Sammy knew well enough who was who and what was what. Too bad the Parson boys didn't know that. Charlie has lost the love of his life and when he realizes the family farm is in trouble too, it time to get back to his roots

Confederation Book 2 Prologue

The Confederation, a group of independent worlds bonded together for mutual trade and defence, have a dirty little secret in how they make their trading ships - hijacking the souls of dead transgendered. But are there other dirty secrets piled into the mess?

This one gets around to explaining the jarring sex scene in the first chapter of book one, and sets up the question - who really are the bad guys?


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