Scenes of violence

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-17.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-17.

Chapter 17


He gets up and pulls a knife and comes at me and I switch my bolt to a ball of shield and think rubber and fire whacking him between the eyes with a “rubber” energy bullet laying him cold.

I lower the shields and say to the people here. “Every please just remain calm the police will be here to arrest this man and to take your statements.
The squad van isn’t too far behind either.

That’s something that we’ve got here that home you’d never see and that’s the police have an entire force of guys that all they do is come and take and transport the perps and log in the arresting officers badges and all the reports and stuff is filed at the end of their shifts and the actual officers on patrol go back on patrol instead of having to run in the crooks.
I just get my badge scanned in and leave them to it when I get another call of officer down.

I give the guys a nod and they just point go and I blast off into the night sky.

*And Now…

My Super Secret Life...Villain-5

My Super Secret Life…Villain 5

Chapter 5

Thankfully I passed out at some point as I was crying myself to sleep and there was the distinct sort of feeling that someone had shot me up with something fizzyly and bubbly and hurt like hell.

Really hurt like hell and right now it doesn’t feel much better.

My guts hurt.

My insides hurt and it’s like someone is grabbing them and squeezing and twisting.



Chapter 6

I see red…

It’s like the hottest rage I have ever felt run through my body in my life. You get like that in combat or you can, you shouldn’t but it’s one of the things that happens. You go there into that spot where everything is going in slow motion and you can hear your own pulse in your ears louder than you can with the bullets you’re firing.

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