Return to Sender - Part 15

Return to Sender

by Jennifer Christine

“Jibe Ho.” The boat swung hard to Port and the sail spat the wind and the boom smacked across. Suddenly we were going in the opposite direction. Just moments later I looked and Claymore had suddenly ripped to Port not quite jibing, but heading straight into the water we’d have been in. They WOULD have collided with us.

“The trajectory looked like they were going to hole us amidships ma’am.”

*Radio transmission Helen — from Claymore to Air Support.* Molly interjected.

*Go ahead Molly.* I queried. The twins were agog, it wasn’t so much innocence as incredulity.

“There’s a helicopter mummy, coming out from Bowen” Paul shouted. He pointed — I looked but it was invisible as yet.

“Make all speed back to Airlie Andy… no wait.” I thought about the next phase.

*Molly, block transmissions from the chopper and the boat so they don’t have comms.*


*Andy, ease the sail without making it obvious that we’re slowing on purpose.*

I picked up the mike. *Molly make sure I can communicate with the Claymore.*


“Claymore, sorry to shear off like that, I’ve just had a satellite transmission from my company, bit of an emergency have to return to port. Safe trip. Out”

“I copy Kookaburra safe sailing, out.”

*Knock off their comms again so they can hear the chopper but can’t signal them.*


Presently Ruth pointed toward the West and a spot had appeared on the horizon heading swiftly toward the two yachts.

“looks like their little plan was foiled but what was it?”

“We were all going to be rescued by the chopper after we’d collided.” Paul said. “Like it was a coincidence that they were in the area.”

“They have medical equipment aboard.” I could see Ruth concentrating.

*Molly download their data aboard and analyse intent, ASAP.*

*Kidnap, inside ASIO but not ASIO ordered. This is a secret black ops team.*

The helicopter was audible now and still bearing down as was the Claymore, who had given chase. No comms from the helo to the boat or vice versa was possible, so they were independently operating to overhaul the Kookaburra. They were going to try to take us anyway.

*Molly, increase our speed a little then transport a container into the water for the Claymore to run over. I want them concentrating on the chase not the water*

A few seconds later, the speed of the kookaburra increased and the sails filled hard the boat lay over like a Maxi Cup yacht on the annual race to Hobart.

The Claymore struggled hard to haul the sails in a little tighter and they seemed to edge a little faster - suddenly the bow lifted out of the water and the mast snapped as they hit something in the water. A hole appeared as the sunken container sheared through the bow and pulled the boat to a sudden and cataclysmic halt — the pair in the cockpit were thrown forward to be stopped by their safety harnesses — and before the had a chance to get to their feet, the hull settled and began to slide beneath the water. Within seconds they were trying to get free from their harnesses as the boat staggered lower and the cockpit went under.

The helicopter flared and turned to help their stricken fellows and Kookaburra churned on. *Fuel blockage I think Molly.*


The helo suddenly went quiet and dropped like it had been stomped on. The instant loss of power dropping the aircraft straight onto the stricken yacht and their crew.

The blades struck the water and the helo instantly rolled over and sank — forcing the yacht beneath, it in a lover’s embrace to the bottom.

Kookaburra churned on, *no survivors* Molly confirmed. But those on the Kookaburra already knew that. The minds they were aware of before, were no longer.

“Straight back to Brisbane I think …. Belay that, head outside the islands to Whitehaven we’ll anchor off the beach and wait and see.”

“Very good Helen,” Andy said affably. As if we hadn’t just murdered 8 people.

*Molly, monitor radio and cellnet traffic for word of this. Keep me informed*

*Will do, will you be visiting tonight?* Molly asked.

*Yes, as soon as we’re established at Whitehaven, we’ll be there.*

Andy called me up to the cockpit as we anchored off the beach in 20 feet of water. Far enough out to protect and far enough in not to be a casualty of a passing freighter (or submarine).

There was no way they could really get close enough to do damage anyway, but it paid not to get too cocky.

I presumed that the coastguard would know we were there and approach us when they had someone in the area. They weren’t in on it. Had they been, they would not have returned the firearms. Unless….

I went to the locker and checked the guns for serviceability. They were fine. I wonder what would have happened had the shit hit the fan and I’d produced them to defend myself. Maybe they didn’t know I had them — but that seemed unlikely.

I checked the ammunition — it looked ok. I test fired the rifle — click. Shotgun click handgun click.

So they’d been onto the boat a lot earlier and duffed the ammo.
I checked the secret locker which was not accessible without molly transporting the guns out of the sealed compartment. They and the ammo were fine.

Curioser and curioser.

*Did you know the ammo had been tampered with Molly?*

*No, I hadn’t considered it a possibility as it was easily replaceable.*

*Who has been on the boat since I got the stuff?*

*Only the customs at Manly dock before we left.*

*So someone in their service is a plant?*

*It would appear so Helen.*

*Monitor comms from personnel, I’m going to phone the coastguard and tell them we decided to camp here instead of run to Townsville.*

I sat phoned the coastguard so they wouldn’t miss us.

“Have you been in company with a sailboat called Claymore? It is missing.”

“Yes, this morning we left with them and sailed as far as Cone Island then turned East when they turned West, at about 1300.”

“Very good, Kookaburra. Thank you for letting us know where you were. We thought maybe you’d had an accident with them. We saw you leave together from Airlie Beach.”

I trusted that their radio men had picked up the transmission that we were headed back before the ‘accident’. It appeared they had. Otherwise they’d have been all over us like a rash.

As soon as we moored, we adjourned to Luna base and enjoyed a nice meal and a relax.
Andy stayed on the boat and pretended to relax with a beer before turning in.

“There’s a boat mooring near your yacht,” Molly nudged me awake.
“Righto — beam us back to the yacht thanks.” It was 6am local.

I went up on deck where Andy was hosing down the salty decks. It was a lovely time of day off one of the most pristine and beautiful beaches in the world.

I looked across at the yacht moored closeby, a 50 foot sloop. Very nice. If that belonged to the secret service, they were being paid too much.

There was only a deck hand above deck sipping a coffee and enjoying the morning.
I slipped into his mind to find intent.

I almost recoiled — dirty minded so and so! I plastered on a fake smile and waved. He leered back.

“Home James.” I said to Andy.

“Yes ma’am.”

When we arrived back at Manly, customs came aboard again and confiscated our weapons again (well some of them at least) I decided that I wouldn’t sail with them again. I had my own hidden stuff if I needed it and I had proven that my backup was sufficient to reap the wind.

I told the customs my intention to dispose of them and they told me I was very wise (red tape idiots). They did a cursory check of the boat and let us free.

*Caravan time Molly — let’s go straight to the outback and get away from the bad guys.*

*Surely they will be able to track you more easily in a caravan Helen?*

*Well maybe that’s not a bad thing, I may be able to get to the bottom of this and find out what their problem is*

I’d bought a fifth wheel caravan a few months back and it was in a lock up near the docks so it was a simple job to buy a Ford F350 with the setup wedge and head out to pick it up — it didn’t need provisions as we could import anything we needed as we needed it. We also didn’t need fuel — as that too could be directly injected as we needed it.

The ultimate travel vehicle — and the van was luxury - more so than even the yacht.
What’s more it also had a compartment for firearms that wasn’t openable — sure you could cut a hole but that wasn’t the point!

“Mooney highway Andy” — It was only two days after we’d landed and I’d gone home packed some different clothes and pretended to sort my stuff and left again.

The flat looked the same but Molly said someone had been there though they were anonymous — no ID or phones on them. The wards had told of the intrusion but it had seemed a simple maintenance check and scheduled. Molly had subdued the bugs to the point they were showing life but didn’t transmit info — someone was definitely on to us.

I decided to junk them and open the bidding.

The caravan had a couple too and they mysteriously fell off when we went over a bump and ended up stuck to another car. There was nothing inside as it was undisturbed.
Molly removed one that activated only when the tow vehicle was attached. Fed from the power off the charge line. It was embedded in the fiberglass panel and polished over — practically invisibly.

We’d been out of town an hour or two and just passed Warwick when I realised that the car behind us ( a good way behind us) was not gaining — which in Oz is pretty bloody unusual if you’re hauling a van. Something about Aussie men makes them overtake vans at the earliest opportunity.

*Molly, can you trace the vehicle behind me please?*

A short pause then, *ASIO, driven by a female from that organization passenger is her superior.*

“Andy can you find a parking spot please in about 20 mins — we should be well clear of the town by then.” We’d passed Warwick and it was several hours til we reached the next large town

“Very good Helen.” Andy nodded and looked in his mirror.

*Recommendations Molly?* I asked, suddenly very calm.

*Not really Helen, too many variables.* Molly sounded absorbed as if recalculating constantly.

A little later a truck park came up and Andy pulled into it. The ASIO car pulled in close to the exit like they were just another car stopping for a break.

I let the kids out and primed them to wander around closing in on the Government car.

Ruth waddled in front of the car and sat down. I pretended to panic and ran over to her, “Ruth you silly girl, you musn’t sit in front of a car, it might move and hurt you.!” As I passed the window of the car where the occupants were studiously ignoring us, I reached in an pulled the keys from the ignition before the girl could react.

“Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” The guy got out his side and the girl got out hers. Both were unsure of whether to escalate or defuse the situation. I whizzed up the windows and slammed the doors and locked them before they could react.

“Come on children, time to go.” I chivvied them gently. Suddenly the guy lost his bottle and ran for Paul to head him off and maybe use him as a hostage. He immediately tripped on an invisible stone and fell on his face. The girl started to draw her pistol — a Glock 9mm I noticed. I ignored her and continued to walk to the van as the two got circled round. It was obvious that they knew they’d been sprung and it was obvious that my reaction wasn’t expected. I didn’t cower or try to protect my children, I was totally unconcerned.

The Guy yelled, “Stop!!” just as I reached the back of the van. - I didn’t even break step.
“I am agent Brown, I am armed, and will shoot!” He furthered his cause, as I heard the Glock he had being drawn and cocked. I reached for the children’s hands as they walked beside me.

“You’d shoot an unarmed woman with two babies? You call yourselves a force for good?” not waiting for an answer I turned and walked round the back of the van before they could react or answer.

By the time they ran round the side of the van both with guns out, I was sat at the table Andy had got out and was being served a nice cup of tea. The babies were sat on the rug at my feet.

“Join me, won’t you?” I indicated to the two empty seats at the table with empty cups and plates.

The two agents looked at each other and de-cocked their weapons, looking very foolish.
As they approached, I placed the keys on the table and pushed them towards the empty places. They drew back the chairs and sat warily eyeing Andy.

“Cough.” I said, meaning, ‘tell me what you’re following me for.’

“Miss Cartwright, we’re charged with following you to wherever you’re going and making sure you don’t do anything untoward.” Agent Brown spoke slightly officiously and with a fair amount of embarrassment.

“I’m presuming you were supposed to do this covertly and not make me nervous?” I stirred my cup as Andy proffered the teapot to the blushing pair. “Please, don’t be so guarded, I’m not dangerous unless you threaten me or my babies.” I smiled indulgently. “Let’s forget you pulled those ridiculous 9mm toys on me. What’s your name then, dear?” I smiled generously at the girl. Her eyes were a bit wild; she was obviously out of her depth.
“Agent Susan Worth.”

“Well Sue, I think you’ve failed your first mission. Covert driver you are not.”

Sue looked over at Dave Brown and gave him a hard stare. “Oh it was his idea to stay back where no Australian would ever drive. 80 yards behind a fifth wheeler on an open road.” I laughed slightly at him. “Dave, you couldn’t stalk a wooden horse.” His eyes went a bit round when I said his first name as he hadn’t given it. “Badge # DS101445C?”

He almost jumped to his feet, “How?”

“Dave, dear boy, I can tell you the engine number on your car without moving.” I rattled off a series of numbers. “Actually that’s not your engine number, it’s your colleagues Visa card number.”

Dave looked at Susan who gulped and nodded.

“Your firearms, take them out and unload them, place them on the table under the napkins if you please, no arguments. There are children here and I don’t want you being silly.”

“There’s no way I’m giving you my gun, Miss Cartwright.” David looked aggressive for the first time, he looked cornered.

“Suit yourself.” I got up and walked round to their side of the table. I could see David’s face go red as he tried to move, but his body was inert. I’d switched it off as far as he was concerned. Autonomous functions were still available — for the present. I leaned over and lifted the gun from its holster and dropped the gun on the table — after slipping out the mag and the round up the spout. I palmed the round back into the mag and placed it out of his reach. I looked into his eyes and then reached for the knife he had on his forearm.
Then leaned over and pulled the K frame S&W from his ankle holster.

“Deary me, you’re quite the little soldier aren’t you?” I almost teased him about penis envy, but refrained. I could see Susan resignedly sat waiting for her turn.
“You just be a good girl and save me the effort please.” I looked into her eyes and she nodded. She only had the one.

“Andy, place these in the car will you? And not where easily visible — we don’t want any undesirables borrowing them do we?” Andy bowed slightly and smiled and said nothing. Just taking the pieces and the keys and heading for the parked Holden.

“Now you two, time for some serious chatter.” They looked resolute. “Now don’t be ridiculous, I haven’t broken one law and you draw a gun on me and my children after you follow me like a pair of kidnappers. You work for the government and you think you’re in charge. Well I’d like to differ. You work for me. I pay your damned wages. What do you know about a helicopter coming out to kidnap me from my boat last week?”

I could see the puzzlement on Susan’s face, but none existed on David’s. “So David, you’re the mole or are just one of a load of them?” He tried to deny it but I still had control. I slipped into his head. One of a load… Damn. This could get messy.

“Why David, what did I do?” I released his voice and he grunted..

When he realised he could talk he started to deny it all, “We’re just keeping an eye on–“
I took back control — and stopped his breathing as well. I saw his eyes start to panic.
“Wrong answer David. You were sent to abduct one or both of the twins. Susan would have been left holding the babies.” I grinned at my weak joke. “I also perceive that you were going to allow me to have an accident too. You’re really not very nice.” I stared at him for a minute or two.

*Another helicopter is on its way Helen. Would you like me to divert it?*

*No let it come, might as well round them up without doing collateral damage. Make sure they can’t open the doors when they land and disable any comms. Better disable any firearms too I think.*

“David, your friends are on their way, would you like to talk to them?” He smirked like it was he who was about to gain the upper hand again.

“Andy, could you drive the unit forward a bit and pop the children inside, I don’t want them to see too much blood.” I continued to sit as the helo noise first became discernable then soon very noisy as it approached. The Camper moved forward exposing me and the two agents. David grinned — obviously looking forward to my immediate demise and the taking of the twins. Soon the backwash from the prop was scattering small gravel and dust from the tarmac. Oddly not a scrap was reaching us — Oddly to David and Susan anyway. I’d actually put a bubble round us — the cloth on the camp table didn’t even flutter as the helo made it’s final approach — Bell Jet Rangers are noisy, but the noise was barely above voice level in my little bubble.
David looked suddenly frightened as he realised I was controlling the space around us.
I smiled at him, that supercilious smile that says, ‘Full House’

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