Mature / Thirty+

Galactic Marshal III - Chapter 12

Galactic Marshal III


“Before we go find Gina, you need to read this.”

Tinker handed me an electronic tablet. As I read it, my eyes grew wide. I looked up at Tinker.

“You mean to tell me that Jonnie has been suspended down there in a pod for three years.”

FTL-3...Faster Than Life.

FTL-3 Faster Than Life.

Chapter 3

“Get up cadet! Get you’re butt moving! You’ve got to be faster than that! If this was combat you’d already be dead by now! A class three venting would have taken you out! Class three venting what’s that cadet Stone?!”

Empty Cups

Empty Cups

She put on her bra, and sighed . It didn’t fit, couldn’t fit, because she had nothing to fill it with. She could still remember the first time she had wore one as a young boy. She had snuck into her mother’s room and put it on. She realized she had the same problem now as she had then, nothing to fill the empty cups. The only outfit of her mother’s that had looked “right” was her bathing suit, as it had a padded top.

Healing Mishap -18-

Healing Mishap -18-
By LanzaQ

She smiled at Darrius, masking her own apprehension. "C'mon then," she said as she lunged at him with the sword, only to watch his terrible daggers easily deflect the rapier. "Or perhaps I need a little more weight?" She twirled the sword as it grew into a large flat-bladed gladius.

Home of the Brave

Home of the Brave

For 'Drea, just cause.

She finished the story, and turned off the computer with a sigh. It had been a good story, having some of her favorite elements. Her favorite stories were about girls who even though they had been forced to begin life as boys, had taken the steps needed to live as their true selves.

“She was so brave....” she sighed to herself, thinking again of the heroine of the story she’d just finished. “..She had to overcome so much, and yet she didn’t let that stop her.”

Taking the Chance

Taking the Chance

by Kristina L S

Do you take the chance on love and what exactly does that mean here.
…... a follow on to Take a Chance, quick and rough, but why not.

Idiosyncratic use of English and rough wordage still present, but hey, let's see how thing's go.

Take a Chance

Take a Chance

by Kristina L S

Love and desire. Risk a friendship perhaps by baring your soul. Take a chance on love.

If you can't handle bouncing viewpoints and my possibly idiosyncratic use of English that gets a pinch rough now and then, well might be best if you read something else. Just a thought. An Abba song? Oh get out. Love story? You tell me.

Agent Orange - Chapter 3

Agent Orange - Chapter 3

by Misrah

"Here. Take my hand." The Sarge smiled at him thankfully and took the hand Jake offered him to make the huge step over the rocks. Jake pulled his comrade over; it was surprisingly easy. The man seemed to weigh almost nothing. The only problem the young soldier had to face was getting a good grip on Sarge’s hand because the sleeves of the man's uniform seemed to hang loosely and several inches over his hands.

Between One Step and the Next, Part 4

Between One Step and the Next, Part 4

Well folks, here is the conclusion of this story. Sorry it took so long, and sorry if its not up to my usual standards. As always, comments are appreciated.

When Sam woke, she had an inexplicable feeling of joy coursing through her heart. She floated into the bedroom, grabbed some clothes, and went to have a shower and get changed. After she was dressed, she came out and started making breakfast.

Tina came out of the bedroom, and said, “Something smells good …. Sam?”

Agent Orange - Chapter 2

Agent Orange - Chapter 2

by Misrah

When 'Rabbit' awakened hours later, he needed a moment to remember what had happended. But it soon came back to him. - They were dead... Hawkins, Briel... All of them...

But he heard the Searge breathing besides him. So, thanks to god, he was not completely left alone in this hopeless situation, this green hell.

"Searge?" the young soldier whispered. "Searge." He shook the man's shoulder.

My China Cross Dress Cure -an update

I've tidied the original version a little mainly to correct some minor mistakes. But I was sorely tempted to expand it to a longer version.
I wrote it for the Summer Romance competition and I could have easily extended it that I might do if the story was of interest.
In really didn't know if it was a suitable story for this web site or not and I can't tell if I made a mistake or not since a single story is hit whether its of interest or not.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


Mirror, Mirror

“Stop that.” my wife said “why do you have to look in every mirror we pass?”

“Looking for someone who's never there.” I thought to myself. “Why does it bother you so that I do it.” I asked. “You know why I'm looking. You know what I'm looking for.” She did not reply. We walked along in silence.

“It seems silly” she said “'What you are looking for is not going to be there. You aren't going to change into a woman walking down the mall. Wearing panties is about as far as you are going to get. Did you see that dress in the window?”

The Crescent Crusader- Chapter 1

The Crescent Crusader
Chapter 1

By Bethany Starr
Thanks to Lilith Langtree for all her help editing and improving this work. This story wouldn't be anywhere near as good as it is now without her help!

All rights to the characters belong to Marvel Comics.

The hot Indian sun beat down on my head as I crawled through the dessert.

Firefly: Changing Course | Part 1: The First Mate

This is a fan fiction set in the Firefly/Serenity universe created by Joss Whedon. It takes place after the events in the television series and the companion motion picture that followed, and is also the first part of a sequel to Firefly: Double Booked, which was in turn a sequel to Firefly: Connecting Flight. This means it has SPOILERS, folks, and major ones at that. So please don't read this unless you get the chance to see the series and the movie -- and read my first two Firefly stories.

In the first part of FIREFLY: CHANGING COURSE, Wash thinks about where she came from and what she's going to do now, and gets advice from an unexpected source.


Part 1: The First Mate

by Randalynn

Continuing Release 1

Continuing Release

By Kerry Brown

or Whatever happened after the Ball?

This is the follow on from A Tale of Release, most of the characters are back just moved on by nine months.
How would you feel if your boss made an offer that was too good to refuse?

Galactic Marshal III - Chapter 10

Galactic Marshal III


It had been 3 days since we had left Prowhiness. Neither Jonnie nor the aliens had made contact with us. I was now officially worried sick. When Karen came into the galley for breakfast, I confronted her.

“We have got to go back to Prowhiness. I feel that Jonnie’s in trouble.”

Healing Mishap -17-

Healing Mishap -17-
By LanzaQ

He whirled around quickly catching Lanzerus' mace before it met with the back of his head. “I have analyzed every strike, every pose and every little nuance of you. I have been watching from the very beginning when you first walked into my families general shop and told me to come with you or lose out on something great.”

My China Cross Dress Cure


My China Cross Dress Cure
By Julie D Cole

As our plane touched down at HongQiao airport in Shanghai I looked out of the window. It was early May and the weather was grey and miserable and visibility was poor. I remember thinking ‘A typical grey day in UK’. It put me in mind of the mists and fogs we used to encounter years ago in UK.

Between One Step and the Next, Part 3

Between One Step and the Next, Part 3
Here is part 3, everybody. I'm hoping it hasn't been so long you guys cant remember what's gone on before ...

“I’m sorry Sam. You know how that sounds.”

“It … doesn’t matter. I guess I might as well go home with you.”

Tina stepped forward to help Sam up, and stumbled, She reached out, and grabbed one of the poles of the arch for support. and her eyes went wide. She started to fade from view, and Sam shouted “No!” and grabbed her hand.


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