Mature / Thirty+

The QT Diaries -- The Lab Rats

The Lab Rats

The QT Diaries

The Lab Rats

by Janet Nolan Miles

There is sabotage on the Space Patrol Research Ship Ponce de Leon and the targets are a pair of researchers. Who is trying to stop research into the Quantum Transformation Syndrome? Is it possible to live forever?

From russia with love - part 1

From russia with love - part one

by Misrah

I walk down the hallway. My boots give of muffled noises on the this carpet with it's ridiculoussly old fashioned golden braids. I wear the black boots of a russian commander. No immitation. The real thing. Just to mention. Let's just say he won't need them no more anyway. As well as the rest of his uniform. The great grandparents on my mothers side of the family had been ukrainians, so thanks to them, even my looks match the role I'm playing right know.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 21

“Yeah. He was in a funk, wasn't he.” William agreed. Vance only nodded. “How are you handling the whole Tracy thing?”

Vance smiled at his dad. “Well, her having cute girlfriends helps.”

William smiled and shook his head. “Figured you’d go with that first.”

“Well, Sage is hot and that Stacey is kinda cute too.”


Thanks once again to Djkauf for the editing

Just another part to Tracy in Sacramento with her Mom and her brother and Father back home.

NOTE: I have raised the rating due to subject nature, but it's not too bad.


The Registry - part 2

The Registry .part2 by Allexcited69

This is a work of fiction that deals with a simple future. In it, most people, if they were numbers, were now simple people with simple ideas and very simple needs. Harsh language is used and this story includes descriptions of sexual behaviour that may be considered disturbing to some.

Too Little, Too Late? 26

That had been a hard one. Alec was clearly switched on, which I had expected, but it had come almost as a shock to realise how much he actually cared. I had expected the usual NHS assembly line treatment, where all the right things are said from a mask of compassion put on for each patient in turn, but he had made me realise how lucky I really was.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 20

“Why?” He asked again, wiping at the tears in his eyes. His pain had become frustration, which was quickly boiling over into anger. “WHY?” He pushed back against her and forced his tears back long enough to scream. To him it was a simple question. But his mother couldn't answer it, she had failed in the past. He pushed against her and sat up on his own. “WHY!!!” He bellowed.

“WHY DID I HAVE TO BE BORN LIKE THIS?!?” He glared at her. “WHY DO I HAVE TO HAVE THIS....THIS THING BETWEEN MY LEGS?!? WHY CAN'T I BE A NORMAL GIRL!?!” The floodgate that held back the tears shattered, causing the young boy to bend slightly and sob uncontrollably.


The rating for this episode is slightly higher, due to the content within. I felt it was time for "the Talk"

Please bear with me, this one wasn't edited by an outside source, mostly because I am an impatient fool.


There was a point ...

There was a Point …

Once upon a time, a little girl fell under the spell of an evil man. We don’t need to record the details, but suffice it to say he broke her, until she no longer acted, or even thought and felt for herself, but just did what she was told.

Then one day, by luck, the evil man went away, and she was free, but there was a problem. She hadn’t acted or thought or felt for herself in so long, she no longer knew how.

Murder at the Vicarage - Part 4 of 5

Murder at the Vicarage
or Who Killed Sally Brown
by Charlotte Dickles

When Sam finally discovered the house where his mother lived and died, he thought it would be the end of his search. He little realised that events would soon plunge him into the search for his mother's murderer. Even less did he realise he would have to stand in for her in the re-enactment.

The complete story has been serialised into five parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Murder at the Vicarage - Part 3 of 5

Murder at the Vicarage
or Who Killed Sally Brown
by Charlotte Dickles

When Sam finally discovered the house where his mother lived and died, he thought it would be the end of his search. He little realised that events would soon plunge him into the search for his mother's murderer. Even less did he realise he would have to stand in for her in the re-enactment.

The complete story has been serialised into five parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


The QT Diaries -- Episode IV -- A New Hope

The QT Diaries

Episode IV: A New Hope

by Denise Miles

Detective Grant Stone is forced to take vacation after years on the Space Patrol. On the way home his cruise ship is attacked by pirates and he's forced to escape in a faulty rescue pod. As his life support fails, he prepares for death. Little does he expect what happens next.

Extreme Makeover

The following all started by accident.

“By accident?” I hear you say. “How can something like that be accidental?”

It’s simple actually.

It all stems from that old adage: “be careful what you wish for” and for Gary Jones, no truer words were e’er spake.


Murder at the Vicarage - Part 2 of 5

Murder at the Vicarage
or Who Killed Sally Brown
by Charlotte Dickles

When Sam finally discovered the house where his mother lived and died, he thought it would be the end of his search. He little realised that events would soon plunge him into the search for his mother's murderer. Even less did he realise he would have to stand in for her in the re-enactment.

The complete story has been serialised into five parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Too Little, Too Late? 24

I woke up once more with Larinda’s weight on me, and the knowledge that the Von problem was, if not exactly sorted, at least on a different plane. She knew, that was all. I didn’t think she was likely to torch the flat or boil lagomorphs, but there was a temper behind her Valleys persona that could burn hot or simmer slow and deep.

Bishop: Keeping The Faith

Bishop stands just outside the food court in the Renaissance Mall. Two hours have passed, and she’s frustrated and just a bit angry about how totally wasted those hours turned out to be. She’s wandered through six women’s clothing stores plus an upscale department store, and so far she’s managed to come up empty.

‘Not for lack of trying,’ she thinks bitterly. ‘Or of choice. How many different kinds of clothes do women wear, anyway? It’s crazy. And when I did take something to the dressing room to try it on, it didn’t look right. It all looked too old, or too young. Some of this stuff makes me feel like a clown. Worse, some of it makes me look like I’m for sale. God, I HATE this. I feel so helpless ... useless. Bateau said I used to walk into a room like I owned it. Now I can’t even pick my own clothes?’

Bishop: Keeping The Faith

by Randalynn

Copyright © 2011 Randalynn. All Rights Reserved.
This is a sequel to Bishop: Baptism, which can be read here.
However, Bishop: Baptism is a sequel to Bishop: Born Again.
So if you want to go all the way back to the beginning, click here.


Murder at the Vicarage - Part 1 of 5

Murder at the Vicarage
or Who Killed Sally Brown
by Charlotte Dickles

When Sam finally discovered the house where his mother lived and died, he thought it would be the end of his search. He little realised that events would soon plunge him into the search for his mother's murderer. Even less did he realise he would have to stand in for her in the re-enactment.

The complete story has been serialised into five parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Transfigured: Rise of a Spellbinder (original version)

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Ragnarok Image
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NOTE: I have posted a heavily revised version of this story. I highly recommend skipping this and reading the newer version. This version has several flaws that have been fixed with the revised version.

As I seek to find a means to halt Ragnarok I learn of the cruel experiments
performed by the mad Doctor Mengele. He claims he can grant men the ability
to use magic, but at what cost?

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 19

“Okay. How about this. Girls first, then the eldest kids.”

“So that's Angie and Troy?” Alex asked.

“Alex!” Amber snapped.

“Look at his hair Mom. He has girl hair.” Alex pointed to his cousin. Troy smiled and fluffed his hair, then he leaned back in the loveseat and hammed up how comfortable it was.

“That's enough young man.” Leonard said to his son. “Let's just get through the presents without you being more of a pest then you already are.”


Big thanks to Djkauf for the editing again.

Part two of the family meal and a little time with Tracy


The secret of the lamp

The secret of the lamp

by Misrah

Hank picked up the rusty saber. "This comes right in time." They had to act quickly and skilled if they wanted to get this ugly big harem guard down for good. "Try to get behind him." he yelled over to his friend Jules, while he had a hard time fighting of the first massive strike of the ogre's huge war hammer.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 18

Troy smiled at her and gave a slight wave as he took a seat at the table. “Hi.”

Angie came over to him and her eyes seemed to glow with delight. “ know...” She rocked on her feet as she rambled in front of him, trying to find her words. She bit her lip, then just blurted out what was on her mind. “Were those your clothes I found on Thanksgiving, you know? The panties and nightgown?!? It looked like it could fit you!” Troy's cheeks were a bright red and he fought the urge to just run out of the room in fright. Olivia turned and looked at him with both eyebrows raised.

“ANGIE!” Joy glared at her daughter. “What did I tell you about asking questions like that! Now apologize to Troy!”

Angie looked like the typical scolded child. Her head was lowered and she sat in a chair. “Sorry, Troy.”

Tory wanted to say that it was his stuff, but he didn't know how his cousins would take it. “It's okay.” He told his cousin.


Thanks to Djkauf for the editing again. Now for a nice family meal....nothing can go wrong here.


Bridges 22

Bridges 22

Chapter 22

I’m still holding Cass there in the dining room. My arms around her and my hands still on her belly and her hands over mine. I know that I froze for a minute but things kind of start back up as my mind started to process everything.


She sounds scared. “Yeah.”

“Say something.”

It’s not even something I had to think about. I tighten my grip around her until I’m hugging her tightly and pressed into her back. I move my hands over her belly rubbing where our baby is growing. Cass shivers a bit in my grip and there’s a sniffle coming out of her and I bury my face into her neck and her hair and nuzzle her ear.

“I Love You.”

The Most Precious Treasure

The challenge was to steal a rare gem, one that could be the most precious treasure any of them had seen. Nobody was supposed to be in the house that week. Anyway, they each had enough connections to get off if they did get caught. What could possibly go wrong?


It's for Your Own Good

I'ts for Your Own Good

Thanks to 'Drea for the beta test.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your author speaking. Before we step on board this story I must tell you that its a very disturbing and frightening one. Heck, it scares me, and I wrote it. Therefore very gentle readers are advised to read this story with extreme caution. With that warning out of the way, take a hold of my hand, and don’t let go, and we’ll all get to the end of this tale together...

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 17

The log in the stove had begun to burn. It lit up the room through the tempered, frosted glass enough to show him Tracy walking towards him. She had a blanket in one hand and Mr. Cuddles in the other. Her hair was flattened on one side and sticking up on the other. She had on a thicker nightgown and flannel pajamas. He smiled at her as she stopped at the couch. The image reminded him of how Troy looked when he had been younger, before their Dad insisted that boys didn't need teddy bears after a certain age. She looked like a small child, security blanket in one hand, bear in the other. “Can we join you?” She whispered.

“Yeah.” He pulled his leg from off the couch and let his sister sit down. She put Mr. Cuddles against her chest, then put her blanket over her and her bear. Vance didn't know why he did what he did, but he reached over and whispered. “Come here.” Then helped her scoot over to his side of the couch, then pulled her against his side. She leaned against him and watched the firelight dancing on the Christmas Tree. “Sorry if I woke you up.” He said in a whisper.


A big thanks to Djkauf for the editing again.

More of Tracy at Christmas time.

Note: The rating has gone up because of Tracy recalling events at Brooke's place




Chapter 1

The feeling of the slip under the dress I’m wearing is so strange but in this really good way that still surprises me. This silky glide of my legs smooth now when something I never thought about losing is now forever gone. No, I was never really a transgendered person just a soldier, dying years ago diagnosed with lung cancer from too much toxic stuff on the battlefield. Transformed by the Silverbite I went from a mid fifties old soldier to this sweet young thing…Her Majesty’s age, seventeen in body.

Too Little, Too Late? 23

The train rattled and shook its way down the Arun Valley, Arundel castle looming to the right, and I started looking for the Hawker Hunter jet fighter still on its plinth at what had been Ford airfield. It was almost a milk train, stopping at nearly every station on the line, passing three castles, two cathedrals and any number of harbours.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 16

“I had a talk with her yesterday morning. She actually opened up to me and I felt you needed to know about it.” Shelly came out and handed a can of soda to her. Persephone opened it up and took a quick sip. “She's had so much fun the past few days, she's dreading having to be Troy for Christmas.”

“When the family is up?” Maggie asked.

“Yeah. She understands that Troy is a necessary evil, but she hates it. She gets to be who she wants now, but when school starts again, she has to hide herself under the guise of Troy and she hates it.”

“I don't know if there's much we can do for her.” Maggie replied. “If we let her go to that school, as Tracy, the abuse she'd suffer...” Maggie let the sentence hang. The others knew the possibilities.

“How did the meeting with that therapist go before you came down?”

Maggie shook her head. “It didn't. She spent most of the time calling her Troy and asking why he had worn a skirt.”

“Maggie? Could I offer a suggestion?” Persephone asked as she leaned back in the couch.


Thanks to Djkauf for the Editing

Last part of Livermore for a while. But not the end of Tracy and her friends

Note: Rating gone up slightly due to a little issue brought in at the end


Magnetic Personality - 5

Magnetic Personality-
Part Five


Last time: “Stop teasing him Lor; you’re as big a geek as he is, if not more,” she smiled and hugged Lorna, “I’ve seen your statue collection.” Roger looked like the existence of god had been revealed to him. “So cool,” he breathed, “another collector on base! Can I see your collection Ms. Dane? I have some stuff here too and DVDs and…” Lorna joined in the conversation. “Yes and you can show me the shops, cause I’m about 8 weeks behind on my books and…” the two began talking back and forth so quickly, often finishing each other’s sentences. Lucy just perched herself in a chair and watched. ‘I fell in love with a geekette’ she thought, ‘and I guess I wouldn’t change a thing.’

A Bedtime Story

A Bedtime story

“Tell me again about Mama, Daddy.”

The first time my son had asked me that question, I hesitated to respond. I thought “What good could come of reliving our grief?”

But then I recalled how the grief and loss I felt when my dad died had been multiplied by the fact that everyone refused to talk about him, as if he had never existed. So I put aside my own grief, and shared with my son, and now it was a nightly ritual.

“Bobby, are you sure you want to hear this again? Its a sad story, remember.”

On and Over

On and Over (1st draft preview)
by Cleo Kraft


Small soft hands opened the door and a cute little blonde girl's head peeked in the room. She bit her lower lip as she looked around for any sign of people around. Her breathing was hurried and panting a bit as she had just ran from the park all the way up Forest Avenue to Dr. Jenning's place.

Cat and Mouse

Catwoman Cat and Mouse
By Maid Joy
Eneimes are everywhere. She can't swing a cat without hitting one or more, and that's a good thing since they will have been well and truly hit at that point.

Detective Comics owns the copyright to Catwoman. This is a retroactive contunity, or a Retcon of the same character.

Why is being transgender so complicated?

Why is being transgender so complicated?

(Based on Avril Lavigne's "Complicated", here's a link to the original:

Uh huh, life sucks like this

Uh huh, that’s the way it is.

‘Cause life sucks like this

And that’s the way it is.

(Verse 1:)

Sometimes, wonder what I’m striving for

‘cause I’ve always failed before

But if you could look in me, you might see

I’d like to be myself at last

no more controlled by my past

This is the message I send

tired of having to pretend


Through the years: Tracy emerging part 14

On her desk was a photo from the year before. It had been taken just around Halloween. She had been focusing on it a lot the past few days while her youngest was off with friends. In it was her husband, looking like he always did. A small smile on his lips and a hand on her shoulder. Then her older child, Vance, had his usual goofy grin on. But her son Troy was another story. She could recall her mother-in-law telling him to look up and smile. After several pleas, he finally did. But anyone could tell the smile was forced and his eyes were still focused on the ground.

She reached into her purse and pulled a newer picture out of her wallet. This one had been taken in Livermore by her friend Shelly. It was just before she had gone to San Francisco for her Doctor's appointment a month before. William was in it, as was Vance. Instead of Troy, the glum looking boy, Tracy stood in his usual spot. Her smile seemed to be infectious. Her husband, son and herself all wore a smile just like it. Maggie rested the picture on her desk and picked up her sandwich. She began thinking about how things had changed when Tracy came out. The confidence, the happy demeanor. She could remember the trip to Livermore, the first one. The young girl had talked non-stop till they reached Tracy, the town. After a few hours of hell, when the child thought she should be Troy while at Shelly's place, Tracy came back and was brighter then before.


Thanks once more to Djkauf for the editing

This time we look into the lives of William, Maggie and Vance


Too Little, Too Late? 19

I was a little slow to work the next morning, which was an office day. I stopped at the coffee shop next door and bought a large filter coffee, which they called by some stupid name or other, and along with that a double espresso, which I intended to tip straight into the large white as soon as there was room.


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