Once in a Lifetime part 1

Brad was a seasoned agent but events would conspire to change his rather lonely life. Ask to take on an assignment he really didn't want at the time, it turns into a journey of discovery that will change his life forever.

Chapter 1

The sound of gun fire and glass breaking sent me sprawling to the floor. The heavy gym equipment would shield me from the bullets for a few minutes. I had been through this before, more than once. I knew in a matter of minutes the coup would be in full swing and I had very little time to make my pickup site.

My pistol was sitting under the cash register and I moved along the floor till I could reach for it. By then they were gone and I had a cut on my left hand from the glass on the floor. I popped the register open and quickly took the money from it.

I left a few bills and some change scattered on the floor. That, along with my blood, would make it look like a robbery and the blood would make them think I was dead. At the very least, injured and taken somewhere else and then killed. The lack of body would not stop the new government from pronouncing me dead.

It was in their own best interest to do it that way. I was the one that had given them the information they needed to pull off the coup. If right about now you're guessing that I was a spy, give yourself an A+.

I had just been pulled out of a long term operation. I had been a gym owner and personal trainer for the rich and famous in South Africa. That might not sound like a big deal, but if you're working to break the back of the Apartheid style of government, then you know I was in the right place at the right time.

After almost three days of debriefing I was finally free to do as I pleased for a while or at least till my next assignment came along. I was hoping that would be more that just a few days, too. I had friends and family I hadn't seen in over a year.

As I made the rounds catching up with them here and there, I also found out my old girlfriend wasn't seeing anyone at the time either. I spent a whole weekend with her trying to light the fire we once had. She knew I was a spy, more or less, and in the end she blew me off. Long term relationships with spies never seem to work out well.

I had long ago learned to live with disappointment.

I had a beach house in South Florida and the weather in D.C. wasn't the greatest this time of year, so I headed south.

The house had belonged to my parents and being an only child, now that they were gone, it was mine free and clear. Sitting on the deck in my shorts, letting the sun bake on a fresh tan was about as relaxing as anything I could do at the time and that was what I did.

Mom and dad didn't come to Florida till they retired, so I was never around much. Nobody around here really knew me, as I used the house as a getaway most of the time. Our family lawyer was probably the only person around that knew me on sight. Here I could be Brad Holden, the real me, and, yes, that is my real name.

While I was trying to enjoy a little R&R time, back in D.C. the director was making plans for me.

"I understand, Mr. President."

"That being the case I take you have someone and some plan to cut off this pipeline," the president replied.

"I have two men who know the region well, but a woman might be better suited for the job," the director replied.

"That's true, for sure. Either of the men ever been undercover as a female before?" The president asked.

"One, but it was very short term and I am not sure he is likely to try it again, Mr. President." The director replied.

"Give him the number to my secure line and have him call me. I can make him a deal that you can't. He need not know anything more than I asked for the call," the president insisted.

I was just getting accustomed to the sea breeze and rather warm fall air when the director of the company called. He gave me a phone number and said I should call it after hours. It was about an operation, but that was all he would say.

Around seven in the afternoon I dialed the number. As soon as the man answered it, I knew exactly who it was.

"Thanks for the call," Mr. Holden.

"I take it there is a reason the director gave me your personal number," I replied.

"How much do you know about South America, say Columbia and Brazil?" He asked.

"Well, Columbia is the cocaine capitol of the world. Brazil is often used like a back door to get there. Word of late is that drugs aren't the only thing that has been coming out of that area," I added.

"So you have been briefed about the Transsexuals that are filtering through the same pipeline they use for their drugs," he stated.

"Fully briefed," I replied.

‘Well, let me tell you the rest of the story. Many of the people using this pipeline are murderers, thieves, felons, in general. Our border patrol has caught more than a few of them trying to cross the border from Mexico and many of them were using the transsexual thing to avoid the authorities," he added.

"I was unaware of that part, sir," I replied.

"Some have had extensive surgery, including having their face altered in an attempt to get by our facial recognition software," he paused.

"I believe they call it facial feminization surgery, sir," I spoke quickly.

"I understand you did some time undercover as a female?" He asked.

"I did, sir," I replied. "Not something I would care to do again," I added.

"I'm prepared to offer you early retirement, as in as soon as the operation is over and we will pick up any and all related medical expenses," he stated flatly.

" I would have to give that offer some thought before I answered, sir," I stated just as plain.

That ended the call save some small talk and now the decision was up to me.

Granted, I had been undercover for a about a month as a girl. That was early on in my career and I had not done it since. It seemed like a real pain at the time with all the stuff I had to do just to look ‘passable', as it's called.

The offer I had on the table was very compelling since I had just turned thirty-six years old. I figured the operation would take at best six months and maybe another six to do the prep work. Assuming I lived to see it through with no real problems, in a year, give or take a few days, I could retire on the company's dime.

While I was in Africa I had begun to do mental exercises to improve my memory. I had even learned card counting as a way to tip the scales in my favor at the local casino. I enjoyed gambling, but I was far from being addicted to it. Word was that many of the South American drug lords were big time gamblers, so that might come in handy.

Before, when I had passed myself off as a female, I did it in a very minimal way. I shaved off the body hair that might show. I cut my hair short and used a wig and avoided high heels, altogether. The idea being to go unnoticed, I didn't dress flashy or any of the other things some transsexuals are known to do.

While I was in D.C. I had one of the agency geeks download the latest encryption to my phone and laptop. They would work as a secure link to the agency now and that is always a good thing to have handy. I hooked my phone to my laptop and logged in so I could review the information on the case or operation, as it's called.

I almost fell over laughing when I read that one of the border patrol agents had dubbed the operation ‘panties'. Seems he caught several of the so-called girls in the pipeline trying to cross the border and none of them were wearing panties. Well, at least he had a sense of humor.

I spent most of the day looking over the files and felt I had a good grasp of the information before I headed off to bed that night. I had already decided to pay a visit to the company doctor tomorrow and see just how far down the road to becoming a real female I would have to go to make the operation work.

The agency has a whole network of doctors and clinics around the world that took care of us free of charge, so to speak. Many are well known and are being hidden from some other country, hence the reason their services to us are free. There was a female here in Florida that had been born a man. She would have first hand information on all the steps I would have to pass through. To make the operation work it would have to seem, at least, that I was sincere about becoming a female.

After my morning run on the beach, I got a shower and dressed rather casual for the meeting with Anna. As Allen, she had spoken out against the government in Russia. Since like many other countries women have virtually no rights in Russia, he was arrested and shortly after became a she. That pretty well insured his/her silence since nobody pays any attention to a female there.

Since this was to be a private meeting, we met at her home. She wasn't very talkative about her own experience in becoming a female, but I left there knowing more than I ever thought I would need to. I would give you more details, but the language barrier was not working in my favor, so I had to read between the lines quite a bit.

There were several things that she told me that made me more than a little nervous about taking the operation on. One was that I would have to take at least some female hormones to soften me up and redistribute my body fat or I would maintain my shape as a man. Another was the long term affects of hormones in my system, female, that is.

Once my body chemistry was tipped to the female side it would be like going through puberty all over again. Small breasts would develop and I would get more fat in the hip area. I had quite a bit of body hair, so a full body shave every day would be required unless I had it removed in some way that was permanent. None of the other changes would be permanent or not to a degree that they couldn't be fixed, save the fact that if I stayed on the hormones too long, I would be sterile. Knowing all this gave me real cause to rethink the whole idea and I did trust me.

Chapter 2 Beginning the Change.

After a long talk with the director and another call to the president, at his request, I marked the day on my calendar that I took the first pills that started me down the road towards womanhood. For the first ninety days I would be on a high dose of female hormones with a male hormone blocker added. This would be all but stopped, as soon as my body started it's second puberty.

Anna would be working daily at removing my body hair with a laser device of some kind. Once I started the low dose female hormones, I would get my breast implants, my prominent jawline and oversize nose would be adjusted to look more feminine and my hairline lowered at the forehead.

These were all the basic steps the people working their way through the pipeline and hopefully into the U. S. were doing. If I wanted to be accepted as one of them, it was needful that I do the same things they had done. I had been given six months to prepare myself and the agency was sending me a tutor of sorts to help me learn what it was to be female.

It only took about thirty days for one of my biggest fears to be realized. I didn't look like a body builder, but I was plenty strong and able to defend myself. Now the female hormones were robbing of that very strength. One of my other biggest fears was the possibility of rape. Other countries look at rape much differently than we do here in the U. S.

I had trimmed all my body hair real close and was at Anna's house for the laser treatments every night. She would work on me till the pain became too much to stand or we both just got tired and sleepy. By the time I realized I was getting weaker, most of the hair on my upper body was gone. My face, underarms and almost down to my waistline, which was getting some definition now.

I had learned long ago to never trust anyone. I told a friend of mine once, ‘The only people I trusted was myself and God', and he was questionable. Not that I would really question God, but it drove home my point. He took what I had said to heart and it later saved his life.

Having said that, you can guess I did not trust Anna, not even a little. After we had talked the first time and she told me what I would have to do, I talked to three other doctors outside the agency just to see what they would say. Over the years with the agency I had developed a good sense as to who was lying and who was telling the truth. Anna hadn't lied, but she hadn't given me all of the ‘what if' either.

Anna took one look at my nude body and told me I had been overweight at one time. She was right, but I was in good shape now and reasonably thin. When I asked her how she knew, she pointed out that my rib cage had expanded during that time since the fat pushed my internal body organs around to make room.

My cover was that of a much younger female. The part she didn't tell me was that my expanded rib cage would be a dead giveaway that I wasn't. Many females, after having carried a child for nine months, have the same issue. Another doctor would spot that right off and I was sure the pipeline had its own doctors.

It was an issue that could be fixed easy enough, but not without some real pain, as I was soon to find out.

When Anna got to my crotch area with the laser, I asked her straight out if that was really necessary. She informed me that prior to sex changes the hair and had to be removed since the skin was harvested to make the new vagina. You would not want hair growing inside it, so it had to go. Yet another tidbit of information she hadn't given me at the start.

By the end of the second month, my breasts itched almost constantly and my areolas were expanding in diameter, as well. It looked like I had golf balls under the skin and I knew this was part of what would happen. My male parts were taking a pretty good hit, too, and despite the missing hair I was all too sure they were getting smaller almost by the day.

I knew these changes were cause and effect, still I questioned that it had happened so fast and would it be all that easy to reverse the effects later on. The thought of would I want to reverse it all later hadn't yet crossed my mind. Anna had hinted at that, saying I would make a rather stunning female once she was done. On the other hand, I just dismissed the comment as small talk while she worked.

With just two weeks left to go before the first operation, Anna had me face down working on the hair at the base of my back, as well as the other hair in my crotch area that she could get to face up. I swear the woman was relentless that my whole body would be hair free when she done.

My trainer was here now and working with Anna as a nurse and consultant as to just which operations would be done and how and so on. It seemed that she and Anna had pretty well decided on the type and style of breast implants I would get. Size was yet to be decided and, no, I was not asked about what I wanted at all.

Breeze was my trainer's code name. I shortened it to Bree pretty quick and I never would find out what her real name was.

Right about here is where I should pause and tell you that doing things ‘by the book' was not a lost way in the agency. They had a manual for everything and I was about to be dropped head first into the one for training a male agent to pass as a female. I think Bree had it memorized cover to cover. Hell, for all I know, she wrote the damn thing.

The day before Anna told me to come to her place around six, she and Bree would have everything set up for my operation. I should be prepared to see a whole new me when I awoke, was the only warning I got.

I slipped my shoes off at the door and walked sock footed to the door of the stairwell. I could hear Anna and Bree talking about the operation and just what they had planned for me before, during, and after. I was surprised at some of what they said, but for the most part it was nothing they hadn't already told me. I took a deep breath and headed down the stairs. Life, as I knew it, was about to really change.

Chapter 3 A Rude Awakening.

I awoke almost a week later and I was in pain like I had never known in my life. My face felt numb and it was as if I had an elephant sitting on my chest. It hurt just to breath and had I been asked I would have told you even my hair hurt at the time.

Bree quickly gave me some pain meds that at least took the edge off what I was feeling. I cursed under my breath that I had even considered taking this assignment and had I known what was coming I know now I would have said, hell, no. Too late now though. The deed was done.

A week would pass before I even realized I was already laced into a corset that gave me a to die for figure or so I was told. It was really more a way of getting ribs back to that tapered shape all young people have. Needless to say, it did a number on my waistline, as well.

A rope and pulley system attached to the bed allowed me to work my arm muscles and a stationary bike mounted vertically was what I used to exercise my legs. Why, you asked? Cause they kept me in the bed for most of a month. They intended that I be well healed before I got up the first time. I wasn't allowed to really check out my breasts or given a mirror to see the work they had done on my face till long after it was all healed and the bruising was gone.

They might have kept me in the bed even longer, but my perpetual complaining had gotten to them after a month or so.

When I did finally get out of bed, I was plenty strong enough, too, and well over the operation. Nothing prepared me for what I saw in the mirror though. I now had melons for breasts and the waistline of a Barbie doll. My face looked all too feminine and my skin looked like it was smooth as a baby's bottom. I really did all but faint. I went straight to the closest chair and sat down.

I couldn't stop the tears that poured from my eyes and I told myself after all the pain and other things I had already endured, I would recall this day before I decided to go back to being Brad Holden.

Bree brushed my hair and slipped a simple sun dress over my head. She did her best to calm me emotionally and slipped a pair of flip-flops on my feet. I dared not to look at the mirror again as she helped me up the stairs and out to my car to take me home.

She drove and I never raised my head enough to see where we were going. She had said we were going to my house, so I took her word for it.

That was not true and when we stopped at one of the best known salons in South Beach, I knew right off the reason we were there. My ‘oh, shit' instincts kicked in as soon as it dawned on me where we were.

Bree and I walked in like we owned the place and were taken right away to a private room. Bree helped me get the corset off and, as you might guess, my body held that shape even though it was off. I realized then standing nude next to Bree that my breasts weren't so big as I had first thought. That and my penis and balls had completely drawn up inside my body. That last part wasn't supposed to happen and it made me suspicions of Anna right then.

Bree and I got the works and I did my best to act as if it was the most natural thing I had ever done. In reality, I had never even seen the inside of such a place. Bree told me later, as we headed home, that I had handled it well.

I now sported that long blond ‘Farrah Fawcett' look from the show, Charlies Angels. I admit she was a beauty of a woman, but I had no idea, with my boobs and hair and all, the other stuff they did at the salon. I looked so much like her it was eerie, to say the least. I grew up watching that show and it seemed to me at the time she was like every man's wet dream. That thought of rape that had already crossed my mind once, well, now, it was more like a billboard in bright red letters.

My mind was racing in many directions when I paused at the mirror in my bathroom to survey the work done at the salon a bit closer.

At the main office we had a program that would let you scan a picture, male or female, and then let you change it to the other sex. I felt sure someone had done just that with my picture and had a pretty good idea of the end results. I had been set up before and this smelled big time like a set up to me.

Breeze tried several times to coax me out of the bathroom, but soon gave up and went to the beach to work on her tan.

I did move to my bedroom, as it had a full length mirror, and I slipped the dress off and just stood there for several minutes. The image in the mirror was not the mental image I had of me and it needed to change real quick like.

I quickly sent off an e-mail to my boss and asked for all the names of those in the know about the operation and that I was the one going undercover. I figured it had to be a short list and I had already crossed off the president and myself, of course.

The operation wasn't even really underway and already I felt like they knew I was coming and I would find out nothing or less than nothing. Breeze had left the folder with my cover name and story on my bed. So while I waited for a reply to my e-mail, I looked through it.

Brenda Hanson was my new name. I was now just twenty-six years old, not really though, I am thirty-six. It hit me then what Anna had said about my ribs and I stood and looked in the mirror. My ribs definitely had the tapered shape of a younger female and I was sure that was done by the corset.

The rest of my cover was pretty much the usual stuff. Although I had promised myself I wouldn't do it, now, I had to get out the measuring tape and see just what the end results were.

If I understood and measured correctly, I was now thirty-six in the chest with full B cups and twenty-six in the waist and thirty-seven in the hips. A real female would have probably thought that was a pretty good figure. I thought it was a bit overdone, considering I was supposed to be able to be a man again. If the trip back to manhood was half as painful as the one getting here, I already knew I wasn't going back.

My computer chimed the alert for incoming mail and, as I suspected, Breeze and Anna were the only other souls that knew about the operation or that I was taking it. My first suspicions about Anna were starting to feel justified, but then Breeze could be involved just as easily. I replied and asked for the case file, as well as the files on Anna and Breeze.

I had two months to get all the girl stuff I needed to know down pat. After that I was headed to Brazil and the mouth of the pipeline. If I had any founded suspicions of Anna and Breeze, I would have told the boss before I left so he could debrief them.

Chapter 4 Headed South

It was Sunday and the first day of the month. Breeze and I spent most of the day just talking in general about how life as a female would be much different that what it had been for me as a man. We both harbored some ill feelings over my month of ‘bed rest' that she said was fully necessary and I, with same vigor, disagreed too. Having set that aside for a while, my real training started.

We shopped almost daily as this kept me in the public eye and forced me to be and act like the female everybody saw. I learned how to walk in high heels and some were nothing more than stilts, so far as I was concerned. I wore the corset almost around the clock and now knew when I could close it all the way, I would have a twenty-two inch waistline.

I bought a whole new wardrobe, of course, and while I know implants don't grow, a C cup bra actually fit better than the B's. The flat front panel of the panties, every time I put them on, soon became less disturbing. I wore skirts and dressed almost all the time, as Breeze thought pants of any kind would allow me to regress to my male mannerisms. She was doing her dead level best to make me a prissy girl and I admit I was fighting just a bit. After all, there were plenty of twenty-six year old tomboys in the world that were still females.

It wasn't till the last two weeks before I was to ship out that I really bucked Breeze's instructions. Suddenly, mini skirts and halter tops, along with next to nothing bikinis, became a real part of my wardrobe. I had never felt so naked while I was dressed as I did in some the stuff she had me wearing. The bikinis were the worst and I cringed every time we walked down the beach and men just leered at us.

On my last full night here in the U.S. I laid down in my satin teddy and drew a long slow breath. Tomorrow what I had learned would be put to the test. The navy was giving us a ride to Brazil and after that I would be on my own, in a manner of speaking.

Just before I fell asleep, I suddenly realized something I should have known from the start. I had known more than one or two women in my time. I recalled how one that was very pretty and sexy, to boot, had twisted me up like a pretzel. That woman could very well be me now. I knew all to well what a man looked for and at when it came to women. I could now wield that same power if I chose to. I smiled at the thought of that as I went off to sleep.

I figured Bree would accompany me on the flight down, but so far as I knew she wasn't staying. My contact list was already made long ago and from the military base I would be able to bypass customs and get into the country without getting my picture taken somewhere along the way. Save my passport picture, which I had to have, like most spies I am very camera shy.

I had guessed that the plane would be staffed by some sex starved sailors. I was not wrong and while I had taken a somewhat demure tone when I got dressed and put on my makeup this morning, you would not have thought so getting the looks that I was. Thankfully, they were all sober and probably on their best behavior since their C.O. was with them.

Now I can put two and two together as well as anybody. Navy, ocean, they just kind of go together. But now we were about to land in Rio de Janeiro. I would be told later that it was an oversight as I had expected to be dropped off somewhere more inland. Granted, shipping ports bring large ships and big trucks and that is a preferred method for moving drugs. Not so great for people unless you're planning to take a cruise.

At this point we knew the pipeline existed and we had a local Leo to point us in the right direction. After that it was all pretty well uncharted waters. By the way, Leo is short for law enforcement officer. He was working with our D.E.A. guys pretty much on the same thing I was there for. Any drug bust down here, big or small, was great news in the U.S. That much less of the stuff that could land on our soil.

I wasn't all that hipped over the pot bust and some were really large. Personally, I have never seen any hard scientific data that pot has long term effects on your health. That doesn't mean that I am right or that such a study is not out there. It's just my personal opinion. Kinda like an ass, we all have one. I don't drink or get high. I can act totally stupid without compounding that with drugs and alcohol. Point in fact, here I am.

I checked in to one of the better hotels and booted my laptop, then checked in with the boss. Within an hour the Leo came to my room in plain clothes and he told me about several doctors in the area that had patients that had just up and disappeared. He figured any of them was a good starting point. All I needed to do was tell him which one took the bait. It wasn't till the conversation turned to sex that I really took notice.

"Have you ever had anal sex?" He asked.

"That's rather a personal question to ask," I replied.

"True, but down here women like you will do that since they don't have the other hole, if you get my meaning," he paused.

"I believe I am more than well trained enough to stop a rape," I shot back.

"All the same, one of the first things their doctor will check is to see if your anus is stretched. He will know right off you're not what you seem to be if it isn't," he added.

"Go on," I said sensing there was more he wanted to say.

"Down here women, such as yourself, keep condoms in their purse, rather than to get taken forcefully and risk some disease, as well, getting torn up inside. They will simply agree to sex provided a condom is used," he paused and sat back in his chair.

"And you know this how?" I asked in a stern voice. That feeling that I had been set up was back again and very strong.

"The last two men that tried this went home in a body bag with their anus ripped open," he said, as tried to hide a smile.

He picked up the oversize briefcase he had brought in with him. He opened it and gave me the files on the two men. Then he place a hard plastic container on the table that held three butt plugs, each one bigger than the first. A life sized and shaped dildo, about eight inches long, and an enema bag.

"I take it these are for me," I replied, as I looked him dead in the eyes.

"Better this...than the alternative, don't you think?" He said, blushing ear to ear.

His pager went off and he decided it was time to leave and in a hurry, as well. The pictures I held in my hands would be hard to describe, but it looked as though someone had tried to remove their bowels the hard way. This type of thing was not uncommon when you're dealing with Colombian drug lords.

Even if I did acquaint myself with anal sex, that was no guarantee, if they figured out who I was, that it wouldn't happen to me as well. The Boy Scouts have a motto about being prepared and it did come to mind right about now.

That night after a partial wash out I tried the smallest plug. It went in with ease and promptly came right back out. I tried the medium sized one and with some work it went in. Once my body was accustomed to the intruder, it wasn't so bad. I had compared size, I would graduate to the large one before I even attempted the dildo.

I found an English speaking television channel and watched it till I fell asleep with the butt plug still inside me. As soon as I started moving around the next morning, it wanted out and with an easy push it came out in my hand. It was clean, too, so just to say I did I tried the largest one. It took a bit longer to get in it inside me, but once there an easy push wasn't getting it out.

I was startled by a knock on the door and quickly put on my bath robe. When I answered the door I was surprised to see the D.E.A. agent that was assigned to the area.

"Long night?" He asked as I invited him in.

He probably thought I had just gotten up. "No, just not a morning person," I replied, as he took a seat at the small table by the window.

"I take it Sanders paid you a visit last night," he spoke softly.

"Yes, the Leo dropped by almost as soon as I arrived," I replied.

"I take it he briefed you on what happened to the last two men that tried this," he stated.

"Yes, he did an excellent job on that," I replied.

"They were both good men, we miss them already," he added.

"So they were D.E.A.?" I all but asked.

"Yes, but Washington took it even more personal that we did," he sighed.

"I can't disagree with that," I smiled.

His name was Greg. He wasn't a really big man, but bigger than me even when I was a man. He had those sharp blue eyes that just sparkled when he smiled and you know he was checking me out in my all but see through bath robe. He was the first man since all this started that I had thought of as handsome. He was, trust me.

"Your personal life is just that...personal. You'll pardon me for saying so, but you are far too pretty to be on this shit assignment," he said, as he blushed.

I was blushing, too, but that was my first real compliment on my looks as a female.

"Since you already know I am a man still, I will say thank you just the same," I lowered my head to hide a rather large smile.

"If you really want to be a female, and it's obvious you can fool anybody, then I would tell you, go for it," he looked me right in the eyes that time.

He had decided this was real life for me, not just an assignment. I didn't reply right away since I was still inclined to go back to my manhood once this was over. I had no idea at the time he had been assigned to me as my shadow. He would be with me all the way to wherever this all ended.

Before I could really reply there was a knock on the door. He answered it this time with his hand resting on his pistol. It was the delivery boy from a local cafe. Greg had ordered us brunch before he even got here. He paid the young man and sent him on his way.

"You like Chinese?" He asked as he put the food on the table.

"Sure, right now food is food," I replied with a big grin.

As we ate and talked, I got so caught up in all the things that were going on down here I totally forgot about the butt plug or the fact that it was still firmly inside me. Around five that evening he said he had to go fill out his contact report. I closed and locked the door behind him and held on to that warm all over feeling he had given me.

I had taken my pills just before we ate and they gave me a bit of that feeling, as well. Mostly they made me feel tired and with my stomach full for the first time in a long time, I watched the news and went to bed. Yes, with the plug still in place.

Having gone to bed rather early, I awoke long before the alarm I had set went off. If Greg came by again today, I at least wanted to look like I was up and ready to take on the day. The part I hadn't planned on was a real good case of Montezuma's revenge.

I took the plug out and stepped in the shower and almost as soon as the water hit me I heaved yesterday's brunch. What I didn't get rid of that way, left me via the toilet and trust me, I sat there for longer than you might think. From around four in the morning till just after six, I lived in the bathroom.

When I felt the worst of it was over, I ordered a craft of coffee from room service, but no food. While I waited for the coffee, I laid out my clothes for the day and picked a nice pair of heels that I was sure would make my legs look great. Stocking and the garters from my corset were laid out, too. Somehow, I knew in my heart Greg would show up at some time today.

I sat at the table looking out the window and drank most of the coffee. I had already read and answered the e-mail from the boss. It seemed that our contact that agreed to help us now had cold feet. He wasn't forthcoming as to why, but for now I was to stay put. Another meeting was being set up with someone else, but it would take some time to do it.

When I began to get dressed, I just didn't want to wear a bra today. My second corset had cups like a bra that would hold my breasts and it was virtually the same as my other one, save that. I slipped the liner into place and since Bree wasn't around to help me, I looped the lacing over the bedroom door knob and closed the door.

As I moved away from the door, the corset began to come tight. I realized then I had no way to tell how much it was closed. I decided to just pull till I couldn't any more or till it became too tight to bear and then loosen it a little. When the door started to pop and crack, I decided that was good enough. I felt behind me as much as I could and where I could. As far as I could tell, the corset was fully closed now.

I didn't know that this corset had a smaller waistline than the other one. I liked it better and it would have been my choice of the two to wear. It also had a wider waistband than the other one, another thing I hadn't noticed. Bree had told me it was a stem waist design, but she hadn't told me the stem was three inches wide. Being a Wasp style corset, the waist wasn't so pronounced even though it was there.

On a less personal note, I had no idea that this was the week of carnival here in Rio. It was one big party that lasted all week and when I saw all the people gathering in the streets and several floats and stuff lined up for a parade it dawned on me what was going on.

My black four-inch pumps felt...more like they belonged. The black leather skirt and matching silk blouse did, as well. As I sat and fixed my hair with the curling iron and did my makeup, I wondered how Greg would really see me this time. As a man looking like a woman or as a woman, period.

I shook my head and pushed that thought aside. I am a man I reminded myself and here to do a job and not get involved with Greg. I had no clue where the thoughts of how Greg would see me had come from. No matter how real it all felt I was still a man, I told myself.

I stood and pulled up my skirt, then pulled the part of my blouse that was tucked in back down. I smoothed everything back into place and went to see if the party had officially started. I was three steps from the window when there was a knock on the door. I slipped the pistol from under my skirt and held it behind my back as I opened the door.

It was Greg and I smiled, then invited him in. As he took a seat, I turned my back to him and put the gun back in the holster under my skirt.

"I see you're back in agent mode," he said, when I turned around.

"Stalled agent mode more to the point or so I am told," I said, as I sat making sure he could see my legs.

"True and the party this week won't help us any at all," he said still looking at my legs. "That doesn't mean we can't get out and see the town a little," he added as his eyes came up to my breasts.

"The boss told me to stay put and since only a very few people even know I am here, I doubt this is a good time to go public," I replied with a big smile.

He didn't reply right away. He just looked right through me with those sparkling blue eyes. I suddenly felt flush, very warm all over, to say the least. A romantic entanglement was the last thing I needed right now, but I could see it coming. At some point we would find ourselves in the same bed, I felt it in my bones.

"Surely, a trip to the cafe here in the motel is not out of order," he said as he reached for my hand.

I grabbed my purse and cell phone and let him lead me to the cafe. I knew nothing about the local cuisine, but I was sure Greg did so I would let him order. "You might have noticed I don't eat a lot," I said as we walked.

"I'll order you a child's plate," he replied, never missing a stride.

Greg was born and raised here in Rio. He was shipped off to the U.S. by his grandparents after his mom and dad were killed in an auto accident. He spoke English like it was his first language, but knew all there was to know about Rio. His father was a local Rio gun man, while his mother, a very beautiful woman, was a dancer at a local cabaret. I had reviewed his personnel file with the D.E.A. this morning.

The cafe had few windows and was dimly lit for the lunch hour. Greg picked a rather cozy booth and after I sat, he slipped in beside me and took my hand again. The waiter set us up with silverware, napkins and two glasses of ice water, as well as the menus.

Greg ordered for us both and never let my hand go. He made small talk about Rio and how life, for the most part, was very simple here. An underpaid agent was considered too wealthy here and the wealthy were well treated, always.

The food, when it arrived, looked to me like a small chicken plate with mashed potatoes. He ordered me a local tea that was served hot, much like coffee. I had a bitter sweet taste, bitter at first, not overly so, and a very sweet after taste. Judging by Greg's plate, mine was the child size. With the corset I had on and fully closed, as best I could tell, I still had to force the last few bites down I was so full.

The tea, according to Greg, had peppermint and some other herb in it to help digest the food. It was very popular and judging from the fact that my cup was never empty, I had guessed he was right. We stayed there till the dinner rush started and I had a different rush. I needed a bathroom and quick.

My bladder was feeling the restriction of the corset, as well as the rest of my body, and I really needed to go. Greg paid the tab and we headed back to my room with a little pep in our steps. Just as I slipped the key in the door I felt a little dribble wet the front of my panties. I was sitting on the toilet like two seconds later.

I threw my wet panties in the tub, out of sight, out of mind. My penis hadn't made the scene in quite some time, so I wasn't worried that it would now. I wiped and pulled my skirt down, then went to the table where Greg was sitting.

"All better now?" He asked.

"Much and thank you for a great dinner," I replied.

"Are you dismissing me now?" He asked.

"No, no, stay as long as you will," I replied, as I took the other chair.

"You're a very beautiful woman and such a pleasure to be with. I enjoy your company very much Brenda," he smiled ear to ear.

I had my answer. He called me Brenda and a woman, almost in the same sentence. He saw me as a woman, I was pretty sure of that now.

"You're a handsome man with your pick of the women, I am sure," I said with a giggle. That sounded as if I was asking if he had a steady girl or wife, but that was not the case. What I said was true and a statement of fact. At least that is what I told myself.

"Women here aren't much drawn to men with a dangerous occupation," he replied. "They don't see that type of man being around for a long term relationship," he added.

"Sound reasoning," I replied, wishing I could change the subject quickly. I could feel that bond building and this was far more than a working relationship type of bond. Whatever part of me that was female wanted this, while at the same time the man in me said this was a bad thing. Worse than that if he pressed the issue right now, I knew the female in me would win.

Our conversation wasn't rapid fire and the pauses were getting longer and longer. I stood and opened the sliding glass door. We were on the seventh floor and there was a great view of sunset over the ocean or I should say over the bay.

It was four small steps to cross the balcony and I stood holding the rail trying to clear my mind of the rather odd thoughts I was having. I was thinking like a real woman would and that was really starting to bother me in more ways than one. Greg eased out behind me and wrapped his arms around my torso. He rested his chin on my shoulder and I felt my will to resist dissolving quickly.

"It's a beautiful view, wasted on those who can't appreciate it," he said, as he nuzzled my hair away from my neck and kissed it gently.

"You realize I am still a man," I said, as I turned my head towards his.

"Not in my eyes," he replied, as he kissed me full on my lips.

His hands rested open on my flattened tummy and I knew he could feel the corset that gave me the shape of a woman.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" I replied, moving his hand around to make sure he knew my shape came from the corset.

"I have never wanted anyone more," he stated flatly.

I turned to face him and he kissed me over and over again. I was as limp as a wet noodle by the time he guided me back in the room. I turned just in time. The last of the sun passed below the horizon. Every ounce of man in me was screaming to run away and hide.

I slipped off my pumps beside the bed as Greg kissed me over and over and again. While unbuttoning my blouse, as he did, I reached down and took his belt loose. He paused and took off his suit jacket, then gently pulled my excess blouse out of the waistband of my skirt. He placed my blouse neatly on the table with his jacket.

When he turned to me again, I unbuttoned his pants and lowered the zipper, as he did my skirt, likewise. My skirt fell straight to the floor and I kicked it free of our feet. I helped him with his shirt and then his pants and socks. He had more body hair than even I had at one time.

He sat in the chair closest to the bed and took the stockings loose from the garters. I used his shoulder to steady myself, as he rolled each of them down my legs. Now he turned me around and kissed me gently on the neck, again, as he untied the lacing of the corset. It didn't just spring open and we laughed a little at that, as it felt skin tight. It was loose enough now that I could open the front stays and I did.

He quickly slipped off his boxers and made a dash to the bathroom. He had drank at least as much tea as I had, so I was pretty sure I knew why. I placed the corset and his boxers both on the table with the rest of our clothes and just that quick he was back.

The outside lights and light he had left on in the bathroom were all that filled the room. He eased me down on the bed and took great pleasure and time exploring every inch of my body with his hands and kissing and sucking my breasts while he was at it. When his hand passed over the small hole that hid my penis and what was left of my sack, I felt a twinge of fear. Any and all doubt was erased. He knew I was a man regardless of what his eyes saw.

He eased one arm under me and then quickly rolled us over so that I was now on top of him. I felt his penis trapped between us and now I was returning the kisses he had given me. The what and why I was so turned on, was a question that I didn't even ponder till much later on.

When I came up for air he passed me a condom and that was almost the low point of the night.

"I wouldn't want to hurt you, so take it at your own pace," he said as he kissed me.

I knew what he meant even though he didn't really say it and I knew what he wanted, as well. I sat up on his thighs and rolled the condom down on him. Then I eased myself into position and began to ease myself down on him. I blushed from head to toe when I felt his manhood pop past my sphincter muscle and a soft high pitched moan escaped my mouth. It sounded very...womanly to say the least.

I had a long way to go yet, as he was far past being average hung. I felt every inch of his manhood, as I lowered my body to his. When my cheeks were touching him, again, I was full, to say the least and then some. His hands were around my waist now and I rolled my body around on his manhood, mostly to enjoy that feeling I was having at the time.

There was a split second of pain, but after that it was nothing but pure joy as we thrashed around the bed and changed positions more than once or twice. I came to my senses in a manner of speaking when he finally came while taking me doggie style. How many time I had done this very thing from the other side of the fence. I can honestly say it was much better for me on the receiving end than I had thought it would be.

I came so many times that night I lost count and I left far more tracks in the bed than I ever had in my life. We fell asleep in each others arms, but at some point during the night he managed to slip out of my room. I awoke with a very sore bottom, but a new determination to be the best woman I could be. Not just for Greg, mind you, who knew anal sex could be that...good. Not me for sure or at least not till last night.

Chapter 5 A Sudden Change of Plans

The news in my e-mail was good this morning and in other ways not so good, too. I was already dressed and putting the last few of my things in the suitcase when I realized the smile on my face hadn't gone away all day. My night of passion with Greg was the reason for it.

The good news was I pretty well had a seat for the next trip through the pipeline and that wouldn't happen till the first of next month. Three weeks from now, give or take a day, and that was where the good news ended.

The bad news was my Uncle George had suddenly taken ill and was not expected to last more than another few days. For that reason and the time here would be a waste of money I was being taken back home on the next flight that left the base. That flight left at three in the morning and I had to be on the base by midnight.

Greg had already been told I was leaving and even though he was on a stake out, he called me and we spoke for quite a while before he had to go. He never outright said he loved me, but all the signs were there that said he did. Knowing that would only keep the smile on my face that much longer.

My dad had lingered on for most of two weeks after my mom was gone. He wasn't the type of man to ever let his real feelings show, but I knew he loved mom and I with all his heart. We had lots of father and son talks while he was in the hospital.

Once we were talking about kids and my lack of a wife mostly brought on by my job, he assured me. "Let me tell you about kids, son. You have to really love them when they're little. The worse thing they can do is walk on your toes. When they grow up, they will walk on your heart," he sighed.

If he were alive now knowing his straight cut views on sex and gender, there is no way I would want him to see me. There would surely be high heel prints all over his heart and I would be the guilty party.

My Uncle George was quite the opposite of dad in almost every way. He never married, opting instead to spend all his time and effort building his fortune. He was a very warm and loving soul that I felt sure would leave all his wealth to some charity for kids or some such thing. I had just seen him when I got to Florida a few months back and he seemed to me then to be in excellent health.

I was standing in a hangar just a few feet from the runway when my Uncle George called. His voice was weak and raspy and his plea that I come and see him as soon as possible all but ripped my heart out. I told him I was on the next flight home and would be there just as fast as I could.

Now, I was pacing back and forth, as I watched them fuel the plane. If George wanted to see me, there's a reason and not some ‘oh, I just wanted to say goodbye' type of reason.

As soon as the pilot started the engines, I all but ran for the ramp to get on board. I was a little slower in heels than I might have been normally, but that was okay or at least it was today. I looked out the window and mouthed a silent goodbye, Greg. I might be back in three weeks, but then, again, I might not be back at all. Yes, there was a tear in my eyes right about then.

By the time the plane stopped rolling, I was standing at the door. I flashed my ID at the security guard and all but commandeered a soldier with a jeep handy. I waved my ID at him, too, before he decided to take me to where I had parked my car. I ran all the stop signs on the base and more than one or two lights on my way to the hospital at South Beach.

I had two cops in tow by the time I got there and they were more than disappointed when I waved my ID at them, as well. I couldn't help but smile a little as they hung their heads and got back in their cars to leave.

I stopped at the patient information desk long enough to get his room number. The lady at the desk was all but yelling about visiting hours being over, but I never broke stride getting to an elevator just as the doors opened.

I stood front and center at the door and pushed the button for three. He was in 306 and I already knew it was to the left when the elevator stopped. It was a chance to catch my breath riding the elevator, as I could have taken the stairs just as easily.

When the doors opened, I stepped out and turned left almost in a single stride. An orderly going the other way almost knocked me off my feet, but I kept moving, as I saw the room I wanted at the end of the hallway.

I got there just in time to follow a nurse through the door. Uncle George smiled the second he saw me and I knew he knew it was me. The nurse called security to remove me from the room. I paid no attention to her as Uncle George locked his arms around like a long lost son or daughter.

I was crying, of course, by the time security arrived and I walked out in the hall to talk with them. I held up my hand to stop them all from talking at the same time. One last time I held up my ID and simply asked which one of them wanted to interfere with a federal officer doing her duty. None of them said a word and, tout de suite, they were gone, along with the nurse.

When I got back to the bedside of my uncle, he looked at me and smiled and I saw the tears in his eyes.

"Your father had to die before you could follow your heart," he spoke softly.

"No, I am still an agent and this is just part of the job right now," I said through my tears.

"No, this is the real you and I am so happy to have lived long enough to see it with my own eyes," he sniffed and wiped away his tears. "Your mom knew and I knew, too. Your dad really knew it, as well. He just refused to accept it," he smiled.

I had no clue what he meant, they all knew...knew what, I thought, as I stood and looked him in the eyes.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, it's the circle of life and mine is almost done. Yours has just begun with a fresh new start in the right direction this time. I can't tell you how happy I am to know this is true," he paused and took a ragged breath.

He never talked like this or at least he never had to me. I told myself for the moment the nurse had gotten here just as I did and it might be the medication he was on that had him talking this way. It made no sense to me.

"This is for you," he said, as he slipped his arm from under the covers of the bed. "When I am gone, give this to my lawyer and he will know what to do with it," he said taking another deep breath.

"George, I never asked you for anything and whatever this is, isn't their someone more deserving than me for you to give it to?" I replied, as I took the letter.

"If I had the time, there are many things I could and should have told you. For your father's sake I have kept my peace all these years. Your mother hated me for it, but in her own way understood that it was a matter of respect between us. It's time you knew, but I won't be here to answer your question and there will be many," he said, as he closed his eyes and took his last breath.

The heart monitor blasted a steady tone. The hospital had orders not to revive him and they didn't. The staff doctor pronounced him dead at ten-forty-five and six seconds on Friday.

Tears streamed down my face like a river. I watched his body as it was taken from the room to the morgue. Then the room was cleaned and made ready for the next person. After quite some time, I went to my home here in Florida. The things George had said rang in my head, but it made no sense at all to me, none of it.

The next morning his lawyer called me. That was good, I guess, and I had no clue who he was or where to find him. There was nothing he would tell me on the phone, but if I would meet him at George's house, he would answer all my questions. I told him I could be there by lunch time. He said not to hurry, all the arraignments for George were already made and so on.

I did hurry, but not for the reason you might guess. Talk among the family for years had been that George's will left everything to charity. I had no expectation of getting any part of his estate even though it was sizeable, I assure you.

George had a chauffeur and a vintage convertible Rolls Royce. And that says nothing about the real estate of the man, you put a price of 80 acres of prime South Beach property at today's price. He passed up wealthy when I was just a twinkle in dad's eyes. Whatever he had decided to give me, I was sure it wasn't the estate. I was soon to get the shock of my life and in more ways than one.

When I arrived, there were many cars and other people there, but they all seemed rather sad and in a hurry to leave. I finally got one of them to point out the lawyer whose name was Mark Weldon. I walked up to him and gave him the letter George had given me just minutes before his death.

He opened it as he looked at me like the scourge of the earth.

"Are you the child born to Charles and Jane Holden?" He spoke in a rather gruff tone.

"I am," I replied flatly. He reached inside his jacket and placed some papers on the table for me to sign.

"Here and here," he said, not telling me anything about what I was signing.

"Would you mind telling me what is going on here?" I asked, as pointed as I dared.

"The people you see leaving here are all rather sad. Much to their surprise George left nothing to them or the charities they work for. You, my good lady, on the other hand, will be staying, All his worldly goods have been in trust for you since you were six years old," he said with a grin. "I am glad to see you have found your way, and now I will be on my way. Good day, Miss."

"Wait!! Hold on there a minute. What do you mean ‘found my way'...", I sputtered a bit.

"Child, I have known you since the day you were born. The answers to most of those kind of questions can be found in his safe. Twice past zero, then left to seven, a full round right to 11 and back to 21. If that will be all, I do need to go," he said, rather anxious to leave.

I took a chair on the patio and, Judy, the maid, brought me a glass of sweet tea. I thanked her, but now she waited for me to dismiss her the way George would have. "You may go," I said, as I looked at the papers the lawyer had given me.

As near as I could tell from the legal language, in short it was all mine and had been since I was six years old give or take a few days. In his basement study, I found the safe Mark had told me about and it took two tries to open it.

Inside there was a very neat stack of video tapes numbered one through eight. There was also close to two million dollars in cash and even more if you count the diamonds and gold coins. Strange as it might seem, I was far more interested in the tapes. What was so important that he would video tape it and then keep the tapes in his safe?

I had that itch that said they were numbered for a reason so I put the first one in machine and sat back with the remote. I'll go ahead and tell you now what I was about to find out about myself and my parents made my blood boil.

The tape started and it was Uncle George sitting in the same place I was now. "What I am about to tell you will shock you and probably make you mad, to say the least." He held up an enlarged copy of my birth certificate. "Notice, please, that the box for sex is checked ‘other'."

I could tell you about all the fights your mom and dad had trying to decide which sex you ought to be. Your mom insisting that you were a girl and your dad, likewise, that you were a boy. I could tell you how for the first six years of your life you were treated as a girl and dressed that way, as well. You lived in this house at the time, so I lived it with you, in a way.

He wasn't even close to the punch line and already I was boiling mad. I hit the pause when Judy came in to refill my tea glass. She didn't wait this time to be dismissed. She took one look at my frame frozen on the screen and left. That was odd to say the least.

"There were regular doctor visits and over time we found out that you were both male and female. That is to say you have some of the organs of both sexes or at least you did at the time. Your mother and father had a big fight just before you turned six and was about to start school. He got drunk when your mom left and left you with him. He took you to a doctor that agreed with him that you were a boy and steps were taken to make it look that way, as well.

He paused and wiped the tears from his eyes and took a big drink from a bottle of bourbon.

By the time your mom came home, the deed was done and your father swore that you were still or still had the female organs you were born with. Your mom cursed him for years after that, but never so that you might hear it. To your eyes they had to be the happy parents now of a boy. On your first day of school when you fought with your mother cause she dressed you as a boy, I saw what it did to you. I knew then much as mother did you were born to be a girl. Your father saw it, too, but he refused to believe it and raised you rough and tough like most boys.

Now that he had reminded me about the fight with mom, I remembered it well. I didn't recall what it was about, but I did remember the fight.

"Just in case you doubt my word, the other tapes are a montage of you from birth till you turned six years old. Once I knew, I couldn't do any more than I had for you at the time. I put everything I had in a trust for you. I started the rumors about giving it all to charity to stop the others from taking it away from you in case I died early on. If you are watching this, there is no one left now to tell you the truth. Mark and Judy are the only other people who know your secret and they will tell no one, trust me.

The screen went black for several seconds and then Mark appeared.

George does not know I left this message for you. He is gone now, if you're watching this, and there is nothing he can do. I think it fair that you should know that it was your father and George that saved Judy and I from certain death. We are Jews and they found us in occupied France during the war. At great risk they smuggled us out and brought us here to the U.S.

Now I was more shocked than ever. That was so not like my dad, never mind Uncle George.

Judy has been George's lover and maid all these years. And George personally put me through law school. The love and kindness that flows through your blood surely came from them. George proposed marriage to Judy many times, but that would have given her a legal claim to his estate, your estate, actually, and she knew that wouldn't be right or fair to you. She even refused the diamonds and other gifts you have found in the safe. Live well child and never let the chain love end with you.

Now, I was reduced to tears. I quickly took the jewelry from the safe and ran up the stairs to find Judy. I knew where her bedroom was and that was where I found her packing to leave with a plane ticket on the dresser for later tonight.

For a moment she stood rigid ready to tend to whatever desire I would tell her. Then she saw the jewelry in my hands and without a word broke into tears that I could never comfort in any way. I had no clue that just one stone in the mix was worth 1.5 million dollars. I placed it all in one of her hands and the plane ticket in the other.

"This will never replace George, you can go home now," I said as the tears streamed down my face.

Even as we stood there crying, Mark was on his way to get her. There was just nothing I could say that was fitting and when Mark came in the room, we both cried like babies again. I hugged Mark and thanked him for all his years of service to George.

Then I left them and went back downstairs to the study. I watched the second tape and quizzed my muddled brain about the girl I saw on the screen. It was as if I had chosen to forget her, to block any and all memories of her from my mind and for the life of me, had I not seen it , I would have never thought it was true.

I had figured that Mark and Judy had slipped out of the house quietly and were well on their way to France by now. That was not the case and the smell of food alerted me just as I put the third tape in.

I went up the stairs and found Judy and Mark sitting at the dinning room table waiting for me to take the chair that George had sat in for many years. I had no tears left to cry and Judy had to work hard to hold back her own. Mark gave me that same look like he had the first time I saw him. It wasn't scorn at all, it was sadness and I was equally at a loss to comfort him.

We didn't speak much till the meal was over. Manners were well observed in George's house. Over tea, after the meal, Mark and Judy told me things about my uncle and parents I had never known. Most of it made me very proud of all of them. It seemed my father had one moment of carelessness and that was when he decided alone that I would be a boy. Barring that event, he really was the father I had loved and respected all my life.

George was the best uncle a boy could ever have had.

The were booked on the red eye back to France and stayed with me right till the last minute. Charles drove them to the airport and returned the Rolls to the garage just after one in the morning.

Saturday morning the smell of someone cooking food awoke me from a rather sound sleep. I was tried and emotionally drained from the day before. I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow last night.

Charles greeted me at the kitchen door and said I should be seated. Breakfast would be ready in a few minutes and coffee was on the table.

I had slept in the nude, but was fully dressed now in the same clothes I had arrived in. That was a fact not lost on Charles. I had to beg him to sit down and eat with me, reminding him I was not George and he was not a servant to me.

"Have I been terminated?" He asked.

"No, not at all, but you are more than welcome to sit at the same table with me anytime," I smiled.

Charles was a private man, so he didn't talk with me a lot. His job was safe and for now that was all that seemed to matter to him. My old car parked out front of the house looked very out of place and he asked if he could park it in the garage for appearances sake. I told him, yes, just as the phone rang.

The funeral home had his body now and they told me where and what time the funeral would be held. George had planned well and those who needed to know of his death had already been notified likewise. There would be no chapel service, just a few words spoken at the grave site, per his wishes.

Charles did tell me that George did travel a lot and he and Judy had pretty well treated the place as their home when he was not around. His daughter had been groomed to take the place of Judy for some time now and I agreed to let her do so.

I spent the rest of the day in the study watching the tapes. It all happened pretty well just as George had said it did. I saw my parents much differently now, in a way. I wondered to myself left to my own devices if I would have chosen to be a girl.

Buried in a stack of papers I found the name of the doctor that dad had taken me to. Once this all settled down and the funeral was over, I would see if I could get his records from when he treated me.

Later that day Charles drove me home in the Rolls. The funeral was set for nine in the morning and he would come and get me around seven-thirty. I smiled when he reminded me that black was the proper attire for a funeral.

At home I undressed almost as soon as I was in the door and that included the corset. I got the shower as hot as I could stand it and just stood there like I had taken roots. Feeling somewhat relaxed after a few minutes, I washed off and washed and conditioned my hair, as well. I had more than a few passing thoughts of Greg and I smiled at all of them.

With my hair up in a towel to dry I sat at the computer in my bath robe. I had several e-mails from the boss about the case and one from Greg. I answered them all and told my boss, Tim, about the funeral arrangements. I told Greg at the moment I had no clue if I was coming back to Rio to finish the operation or not, time would tell and I would keep in touch.

I hadn't really been free of the corset since I left Rio. When my hair was suitably dry, I laid down on the bed and slept at least as well as I had the night before. As I stretched out on the bed, I pondered what I would wear tomorrow. I had two black dresses and one other black outfit. The black leather mini would be a touch out of place, I told myself. I set the alarm for five a.m. and went to sleep.

When my feet hit the floor the next morning, I went straight to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. I'll admit to being a nudist around the house and I was this morning, for sure. There were no words for how good it felt to be free of the corset.

I went to the bathroom and sat to pee, then turned on the curling iron and brushed my hair. There wasn't much of my perm left by now, but a little work with the iron would make it look good enough. Back in the kitchen I got a cup of coffee and went to the bedroom to decide just what I would wear.

The closet door when closed was a full length mirror and I had to pause for more than a few seconds when I saw my nude body. I had hips! Nobody or at least none of the females in the family that I knew had hips. My waist was very small and ribs tapered from just under my boobs right to my waistline. I turned slightly and I had a rather plum ass, as well.

I knew when I had the corset on that I had a great figure. Right now it was folded neatly on the night stand and I still had a pretty great figure. The only explanation for this was that my body had formed itself to the corset or vise versa. It was no wonder I attracted the attention of men that did. I had seen it before, of course, but it never really registered till just now.

I quickly retrieved the black leather skirt, as when I had worn it in Rio it fit rather snug. I slipped it on and closed the button and zipper with almost no effort. It wasn't loose for sure, but it wasn't nearly as tight, either. I shook my head to clear the thought that had creeped into my mind. It wasn't good and that's all I will say.

The longest of my black dresses just did make it to my knees. I decided to take a chance and quickly put on a garter belt and then attached the stockings. Panties and a bra to match in black, of course, and a short black slip just in case the sunlight would make the skirt of the dress see through.

Unlucky for me the only black heels I had were the highest of the bunch, as well. Five inches, if I recalled, when Bree picked them out for me. I closed the strap around my ankle and went to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

Fixing my hair took far longer than the makeup did now. I wasn't pressed for time, but I wanted to look my best, so I took the time to make sure I did. I wasn't hungry, but I had another cup of coffee before Charles arrived and he was right on time.

He opened the door for me and I got in, butt first, swinging my legs in, in the most ladylike manner I could. As Charles drove us towards the funeral home, he informed that the body would be available for viewing for just one hour. Then a few words at the grave site and it was over.

I replied telling him I was aware of the arraignments.

"You look very nice today," he smiled, without looking back in the mirror.

"Thank you, Charles," I replied. "I suspect there will be a large crowd and I wanted to look my best," I added.

"Indeed," he replied.

Charles parked behind the hearse leaving enough room for the men to get the casket in when it was time to leave. I forced myself to wait and let him come around and open the door for me. I was not accustomed to that kind of treatment, but it was the right thing to do.

Once inside the building it was all but standing room only and the crowd had long since spilled out into the halls. More surprising than that was the list of people that would have made the who's who that were there.

The director of the F.B.I.; the director of the C.I.A.; the Secretary of State and I could go on, trust me. My boss, Tim, was even there and looking rather sharp in his black suit and bow tie. There were several foreign ambassadors, as well, ones from the U.S., and I knew then there was much more to George's life than I had any clue about.

With all the well known bodies here, I was content to be as invisible as possible. When the casket was closed and the ride to the grave site started, we not only had a police escort, but the secret service was with them, as well.

I sat on the end of the first row of chairs at the grave site. Since George had been in the military, he was given a full military funeral, the flag draped coffin, the twenty-one gun salute and all. So far I had gone unnoticed, but when the color guard folded the flag and gave it to me, that ended quick like.

I heard more than one or two people gasp for air. The director of the C.I.A. stood at the head of the coffin and gave a laundry list of all the things George had done for this country. I knew less than halfway through there was no way he had done it all in just the time of the war. He finished by snapping a salute to the fallen man. And I teared up almost the second he did.

The secret service whisked away the dignitaries as quickly as they could. The grave yard was very open and a shot at someone would have been rather easy. Tim caught up to me just as Charles opened the door and asked if I had a few minutes to talk with him. I got in the car the same as before and invited him in, telling Charles to take us to George's place.

We didn't speak at all during the ride and it was just a few miles. Charles opened the door for me once again and I asked him to keep the car handy, as Tim would need a ride back to his.

"You seem to have to taken to good life pretty good," Tim said, as I walked toward the garden patio.

"It's still a bit of a shock, like many other things that have happened of late, but I am adjusting," I replied with a smile.

"Have you thought much about your future, your job to be more precise?" he added.

‘I have," I tossed my head and looked back at him, as I felt his eyes watching the sway of my hips.

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