Mature / Thirty+

A Walk in the Dark Chapter 11


A Walk in the Dark
Chapter 11

by Maggie Finson

Author’s Note:Dahlia has learned a few things about her new self. Now it’s time for coming to terms with some of those. And no, she is still not a happy camper.



By Samanthe Michelle Davies (SamanthaMD)

“Fred, you really need to get someone in to clean for you,” remarked Trudy as the state of his house just outside Blackburn.

“Ay lass. But who is going to want to clean for a crackpot like me knowing full well, that 5 minutes after they’d left for the day it would be covered in greasy finger prints?”
“Fred! I can’t argue with that logic”
Fred ignored her and carried on his speech that Trudy had heard many, many times before.

Changes Book 2 - Chapter~12 - The Christmas Special

Things seemed unusually quiet in the quaint and wonderful seaside village of Penmarris following the departure of the last of the summer visitors...


Changes–Book Two

A Penmarris Story
Chapter 12
The Christmas Special

Weekend with Mistress

Started 1pm Sat, written standing up at desk ,on a laptop on top of a stand on desk,wearing my yellow satin shortie nightie and wrap, fluffy 4” mules ,my rose collar with chain attached to it running to desk fixture. For the purposes of this story I have set it in the summer.

I await excitedly, but with trepidation for her flight to arrive, standing in my short black mini, a tight white mini t shirt over a black bra and my D breasts, a short black jacket, black satin panties and 4” black heels.

A Santa Fantasy

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house... Wait a minute, I think someone has already used that line. Darn, why can't I think of things like that first? But anyway, it really was the night before Christmas and the only difference between me and a little kid was about 45 years.

Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 11

Galactic Marshal II


When we arrived near Fledora, Raylan and I were the first out of hibernation. He was still sleeping, however. Linda followed close behind.

“Jonnie, it sure is good to be home. I must admit I didn’t know what was going to happen to us. Thank you for rescuing us.”

“My pleasure.”

“I have a question about Georgia though.”

I Saw Her Walking

I Saw Her Walking

I saw her walking down the street, and I stopped .

Clothes are tattered, old suitcase in her hand.

I approached, she flinched.

“You want to hurt me more? Reject me again?” She said.

“I came to say I'm sorry. Please come home.”

“Until you feel guilty again?”

“No. For the rest of our lives, if you are willing.”

We embrace, go home.

I had to do this.

Had to make it right.

And I will.

Because I need her.

Because the girl is me.

Santa School

Santa School

Jacob Burrows answered the ad for a mall Santa, and was surprised to discover that one had to actually attend a class before you were allowed to put on the red suit and beard. In fact, he was sent to a day long “Santa School”.

At the class, Jacob spent the day learning how best to act “jolly”, even when things were not going well. Things like when a kid pulls on your beard or pees on your pants.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 30

“How are you feeling?” Chuck asked Hiromi

“I am having a little bit of morning sickness right now.”

Chuck smiled. “We’re going to be parents next year.”

“We’re parents already,” Hiromi corrected Chuck. “It’s just a little hard to see right now.”

Chuck kissed his wife again. “I stand corrected, Kimi-chan. Is there anything I can get you?”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Thirty

Synopsis- Chuck comes back to Hiromi but will she accept his apology?

Snakes and Ladders-8

Snakes and Ladders-8

Chapter 8

It was really faster paced than I wanted or Shaya wanted but at the same time oh my gods this was good. It was running up the stairs of this beautiful wood paneled mansion that I’m sure was all really intricate and everything. But Shaya’s and my lips are locked and we’re bouncing off some of the walls shedding armor and clothes well it’s easier for me but getting Shaya out of her armor’s like trying to get a three year old out of a ski suit.
It’s enough to set me to giggling.

The Big Black Dog

The Big Black Dog (aka Boris)

Samantha Michelle Davies

At a farm on a bleak Welsh hillside on a wet dank day, a car drew up and a late middles aged man got out. He walked across the farmyard being careful not to get his shoes wet. He approached two men who were outside a cowshed. Their attention was focussed on a large brown & white cow.

Kate and the Network

Author's note:

I started this over a year ago, and I need some encouragement if it is going to go anywhere.

So this is a warning: These three chapters is all I've written, and I can't promise regular updates, 'though the more favorable comments I receive, the more apt I am to write more.

The North American Federation is a place where the government has just enough authority to prevent anyone else from setting one up, and all sentients within its borders have the right to become citizens, and is inspired by L. Neil Smith's work.

Bridges 13

Bridges 13

Chapter 13

Brandon’s alive I’ve been told by Lacey when she came down to see me. She’s made the trip three times since I’ve been down here. Three months I’ve actually been down here. I was under heavy observation for a week on suicide watch. Then three weeks of really heavy observation to see if I’ve literally gone off my nut.

Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 10

Galactic Marshall II


As we approached the alien ship, I got cold chills. This thing was as strange as could be. I hated to think what the ones who built this craft looked like. We were guided into the ship and docked at a port. Karen turned to me.

“OK, follow my lead.”



(First Voice)

When I was just a young child,
you took me by the hand
You said “welcome to the family
It is a rock on which you can stand

No matter where you go
And no matter what you do
You can always be sure
We will be there for you”

But when I came out as transgender
You rejected your own kin
You said don’t darken your door
As long as I continue in such “sin”

(Second Voice)

On our wedding day my dear
We both had taken vows
To love and honour all our lives
Be as close as God allows

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 29

“Will you be giving me a ring tomorrow, Chuck?” Gary asked as he got ready to leave the pub. “I got nothing scheduled at all for tomorrow.”

“I don’t know, Gary. My situation with the wife is still up in the air as I told you.”

“Forget about her, Chuck. There’s plenty of Sheilas here in Alice who would give their left arm to be your wife.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Twenty Nine

Synopsis: Swan Song seems to be going forward using Ripley’s revised plan. Chuck is having second thoughts about his wife, and running into problems on his own, but his actions have thus far prevented Hiromi’s letter of apology and explanation from reaching him. In the meantime, Gabrielle has volunteered to go through the Double Helix process and take Chuck’s place as Hiromi’s husband, with the general consensus being that she would be more reliable than Chuck if the situation deteriorated, but some provision would have to be made for outside support as well.

Inspection time

Author's note. This isn't exactly a Christmas story. It is a story that takes place at Christmas, and that's different.

Inspection Time

It was inspection time in Hell again. Once a year, on the anniversary of the beginning of that terrible period called the Incarnation, an angel came down to the dark pit and observed.

At first, this had rankled Satan. He felt like it was rubbing his face in it. But after a while, he realized it was an opportunity to show off his successes, and it seemed like there were more of those every year.

Spacetran 20

This is the penultimate chapter of Spacetran. Beverly's hopes look like being fulfilled thus freeing her of her self imposed obligations.


Spacetran 20.



Wendy, William’s twin.
Jessica and Charlotte, Ben’s (AKA Bennie’s,) twin sisters.
Dave and Eddie , Sherriff Jack Johnson’s boys.
Linda and Sandra, Sherriff Jack Johnson’s daughters.
Ray, Wendy’s husband, (Our son in Law.).
Khatia. Bennie’s secret Muslim wife.
Farina & Francine. Khatia and Bennie’s twin daughters.

The Mrs. 'Clause'

The icy wind and blowing snow cut through me as I trudged along the sidewalk on my way to my job as a salesclerk at 'Kringle's Department Store'. The job didn't pay a lot , but it kept a roof over my head and food in my tummy. I was also fortunate in that Kringle's was a friendly place to work for the LGBT community. The owner's daughter was among our sisterhood, having completed her transition 6 years before.Her name was Claire and she worked in the Accounting department.

Santa Baby

Santa Baby

by Maeryn Lamonte

Chris had a secret that was burning a hole in his soul. He’d tried to share it with his wife some years before, but she hadn’t been ready to hear it then, so he’d kept hidden and struggled on as best he could. Most of the time he did pretty well, but at stressful times like Christmas it would rise close to the surface, near enough for others to notice.

Ann loved her husband and she knew there was something deep inside him that was tearing him apart. She longed to know what it was, to help him, but somehow the time was never right. She had griefs of her own to bear, but she always found her thoughts returning to Chris.

Emily needs a home for Christmas. All too recent memories of seeing her parents violently attacked has left her traumatised and in need of love.

Christmas is a magical time when people pray and wish harder than at other times of the year. Perhaps at such a time there’s a way they can all be helped…

Snakes and Ladders-7

Snakes and Ladders 7

Chapter 7

The air is so beautiful up here in the sky above Highwood. We bank and we soar and over the massive canal like sea. We pass by air-ships and over regular boats and ships and fly out of that canal over this cliff-side down to beach like city only about seven our eight miles from the palace and the whole canal opens up into this wide open sea.

A Second Letter from a (Formerly) Broken Toy

A Second Letter from a (Formerly) Broken Toy

To the person who abused me:

I wrote you a letter some time ago, and today I felt compelled to write another.

You see, things have changed for me. I have recovered most of the memories I suppressed and I understand better what happened to me while I was in your “care.”

Chicago Water Torture 1

Chicago Water Torture 1

(It would be torture for anyone else!)   (AquaGirl 2)

by mittfh

Copyright © Ben Norwood 2010

Creative Commons License

Ever spent an entire morning swimming underwater, the afternoon having an intensive workout,
followed by an evening trying to reason with an alien AI with an obnoxious personality?

It's all in a day's work for Rena...

With thanks to Lilith, Lynceus and EnemyOfFun - you know your roles in producing this!


Image credits:
  Original: DC Comics
(found @ ComicVine)
  Modified: mittfh

The Lucky One (part 2)

The Lucky One

(Part 2, or “When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping”)

Hay, kids! What time is it? It’s Fantastic Fluke time! (note to the owners of the Howdy whoever show, please don’t sue me. I am just funning, and I have already had a cease and desist order from Disney from borrowing the theme from the Mickey Mouse Club by accident in my first entry)

Yessirry, its your pal, the Flukester, back with more of my amazing origin!

The Office Building

Imagine if you will, just for a moment, that everything around you is not real. Imagine that you are sailing through the universe looking for something that eludes you. Imagine that the ship you are on is swaying with each passing comet. This is the story of one Gerald Bright, an architect who is building an office building, located somewhere in...........The Twilight Zone.

The Office Building
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Chapter 1 - The plans.

In the Freezer - Part 3

SYNOPSIS: Nigel, and his wife, Angela, are happy to offer a temporary UK home to Nigel's Aunt Nancy, following the death of her rich husband Frank in Australia. On their first evening together, they are absolutely delighted when Nancy signs her will leaving all her fortunes to them when she dies. But wills have to be properly witnessed, and with Nancy's premature departure, someone has to witness her signature. Although the family resemblance is fortuitous, Nigel has reservations about the whole scheme. With just cause, it would appear.

In the Freezer - Part 2

SYNOPSIS: Nigel, and his wife, Angela, are happy to offer a temporary UK home to Nigel's Aunt Nancy, following the death of her rich husband Frank in Australia. On their first evening together, they are absolutely delighted when Nancy signs her will leaving all her fortunes to them when she dies. But wills have to be properly witnessed, and with Nancy's premature departure, someone has to witness her signature. Although the family resemblance is fortuitous, Nigel has reservations about the whole scheme. With just cause, it would appear.

This story is complete but will be released in three parts at daily intervals.

Everything Comes in Threes, Doesn’t it?

Everything Comes in Threes, Doesn’t it?
by Holly H Hart

This story starts just hours after the end of my story Ida The Spy.
Holly has just found out that a third daughter has become hers as a result of some black magic. But who dunnit? And why? How Shannon appear out of nowhere, (somewhere?), on the mountain above the house Holly is in the process of buying?

In the Freezer - Part 1

by Charlotte Dickles

SYNOPSIS: Nigel, and his wife, Angela, are happy to offer a temporary UK home to Nigel's Aunt Nancy, following the death of her rich husband Frank, in Australia. On their first evening together, they are absolutely delighted when Nancy signs her will leaving all her fortunes to them when she dies. But wills have to be properly witnessed, and with Nancy's premature departure, someone has to witness her signature. Although the family resemblance is fortuitous, Nigel has reservations about the whole scheme. With just cause, it would appear.

This story is complete but will be released in three parts at daily intervals.

The Lucky One (part 1)

Quick note: this is not a Ret-Con story. It is inspired by some comics I read as a kid, but I hope it is a little different from anything else out there.

The Lucky One (part 1)

Well, hay there, hi there ho there! Or, as my dear friend Stan Lee likes to say “Face front, true believers!” (I better be careful about saying that. Don’t need to annoy The Stanster, much less his horde of marvellous Marvel Zombie lawyers… )


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