Funny Business — Chapter 2 Team Building
Samantha Michelle Davies
It took Liz two days to recover from her European trip and start reading the file that Jake had given her. Once she started, she couldn’t put it down. By the end of the day she’d read it at least twice from end to end.
At first, she couldn’t believe what she was reading. Gradually the evidence started to make sense. Jake was right, this thing was going to be huge. Now it started to make sense that she would be working with a Lawyer on this story. The legal ramifications were obvious. Get it wrong and the magazine would definitely be sued into oblivion.
For a while, a whole air of depression fell over Liz. The responsibility that Jake had given her was huge.
She called Jake.
“Hi Jake”
“Yes I have read it. Several times. You were right. This is enormous”
“Why me? Out of all the hack’s on the payroll, you chose me?”
“Because I’m English? That is no reason at all. Come on, give it to me straight”
Liz listened intently for nearly a minute.
“Thanks Jake. That was nice to hear.”
“No I haven’t called Charles yet. He’s next on my list”
Liz laughed.
“Yes. She was still in the office when I left. What’s the gossip then”
“Really! So everyone thinks I was caught in bed in Paris with the husband of some as yet unnamed designer. That is a good one. She really must not like me at all”
“No. Don’t say anything Jake. That way it will become the ‘truth’. How is she getting on with Karen?”
“That’s good to hear. Any sign of her giving in?”
“That’s a pity. Perhaps over time”
“Ok Jake. I’ll call again next week when Charles & I have had a chance to do some planning”
Liz hung the phone up with a smile on her face.
She muttered to herself.
“Just you wait Louise. Two can play at that game you know”
Liz then called Charles.
“Hello Charles. This is Liz Fuller. I gather you have been expecting my call”
“Yes. I have. I’ve just spoken to Jake. When can we meet?”
“Tomorrow. Sounds fine”
“Yes. I know where it is. The details are in the file. Say around 10:00am?”
“Fine. See you then”
She was just about to hang up. Then she remembered her brief trips down to the 6th Floor. Everyone, including the women clerks wore formal business suits. Two-piece for the women, three piece for the men.
“Charles, you don’t need to wear a business suit. We aren’t in the Office are we?”
“Yep. Ok. See you tomorrow”
She hung up with more than a few iron clad butterflies rampaging around in her stomach. The enormity of the task ahead was starting to sink in.
That night Liz lay in the bath at her soon to be ex apartment that night wondering about the future. The assignment she was just about to embark upon would be risky. She decided just as the water was getting cold, that she would go through with it some what may.
The following morning, Liz set out for their meeting place. It was going to be more than a meeting place. It was their office for the duration.
She was headed for a set of Serviced Office Suites on Long Island. By the time she’d changed twice on the Subway and taken the LIRR and then a bus, she realised that her dream of a part share in a loft in the East Village was just not practical.
Liz pledged to find somewhere more local to live as soon as possible.
She stood outside the Suite listening to the roar of traffic on the Long Island Expressway thundering by behind her and smiled at Jake. The place was certainly off the beaten track all right. None of the ‘crew’ at the magazine would be seen dead in this neighbourhood.
Just then, a car came screeching into the car park and just avoided running her down. A guy got out and smiled at her.
“Yes. You must be Charles”
Liz looked at Charles. He looked a little bit older than her, quite good-looking and not much taller than her. His face was tanned and by the colour of his hair, it was a proper sun tan and not out of a bottle or a salon. He was dressed in a Blue button down shirt and black trousers. Obviously hand stitched loafers adorned his feet. With the clothes and the $80,000 Porsche convertible he was driving, he reeked of Money.
“That’s me I’m afraid. Sorry for that close shave. I thought I was late”
“That’s ok, I’ve only just got here. Not an easy journey for me”
He smiled.
“Live in the City eh?”
“Yeah. Upper Uptown”
“Ok. I live the other way. Out on the beach”
That confirmed that he was loaded.
“Shall we go in side?” she asked.
“Yeah. It is a bit noisy out here”
They went inside the building. Charles unlocked the Suite that was to be their office for the foreseeable future.
“Not a lot here at the moment. Just a few desks and chairs and stuff” he commented.
“Do we have phones and the Internet?”
“Yeah. Well, the agent said they would be working by first thing today”
“Well, lets get setup and then we can review what’s what and plan who does what” suggested Liz.
“Good Idea. Shall I go and get the Coffee in? I have a machine that I’ll bring in tomorrow”
Liz smiled.
“That will be great. Which desk do you want?”
Charles who was already halfway out the door said in reply,
“You choose yours and I’ll fit in with you”
Then he was gone.
After about a millisecond of deliberation, Liz chose her desk. It was the one nearest the Window with a southerly aspect. She opened the blinds to reveal the Expressway and all its traffic. She closed them to hide some of the road noise and its accompanying visual distraction.
She re-arranged the desk so that the light would be coming at her from her left. This left her with a view the rest of the office. Not that there was much to see at the moment. It was just a single room with a tiny kitchen area and a separate toilet. The remaining furniture consisted of two more desks, three chairs and two filing cabinets plus a pin board on the wall.
There was a phone on each desk. None of the phones were currently working.
A data cable snaked across the floor from an outlet in the wall.
The relative silence was very different from the routine hubbub of the magazine editorial office where she’d worked for the past 4 years since she had moved to New York from London.
Her daydreaming was cut short by the return of Charles carrying two large coffee cups and a bag.
“I got some donuts as well”
Liz laughed.
“What so funny?”
“You obviously work in a men only office”
He looked surprised.
“Donuts and women’s waistlines don’t mix”
He saw what she meant.
“Sorry. I didn’t think”
Liz held out her hand.
“Give me one and we’ll say no more of it,” said Liz smiling.
He’d made a good impression on her already. She thought that despite his apparent wealth, he seemed pretty down to earth. Not like some of the prima-donnas of the fashion world. Some of their egos were as big as mountains.
Charles selected one of the two remaining desks and sat down to eat a sugar coated donut.
“How come they selected you for this gig?” asked Liz between mouthfuls.
“Not a clue. There I was looking over a whole sheaf of model releases from a shoot for next month’s edition when the Managing Editor called me up to the 8th floor. Before I knew it, she’d stuffed this folder in my hand and said ‘read it and tell me how much trouble we would be in if we published it tomorrow’”
He took another bite of donut.
“I hardly had a chance to get a word in. I took the folder home that night. Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep that night”
Charles paused and removed a yellow legal pad from his briefcase.
“I filled up nearly half of one of these with legal argument as to why we should never ever publish this”
What happened then?” asked Liz.
“I took it back to the honourable Ms Estelle Krantz and told her my findings”
“Then she laughed in your face and said ‘publish and be dammed’?” suggested Liz.
“Not quite. She said ‘prove to me that what is in the file is true. Get me proof goddammit’. I’ll get Jake to get you some help”
“So here we are. The Sacrificial Lambs”
“You got it in one”.
They both laughed.
Liz brought them down to earth with a bump.
“So why all the subterfuge? I’m apparently on a sabbatical”
“Me too”
“Won’t it be suspicious that the two of us are on so called sabbatical’s?”
“How much interaction do you on the 7th floor have with us legal eagles?”
“Not a lot in my experience.”
“Then there’s your answer. As long as we aren’t seen holding hands and walking down Broadway or 5th Avenue the gossips should stay silent.”
Liz laughed.
“The gossips are already in full swing”
“What are you supposed to be doing?”
Liz giggled.
“I’m supposed to have been caught in bed with the husband of a Paris Fashion House Designer. You?”
“My childhood sweetheart has appeared on the scene with my ‘love child’”
They both laughed.
“I guess we should get down to work” suggested a slightly reluctant Liz.
“I suppose so,” said Charles.
“Do you have any thought where we should start?” asked Liz
Charles looked at his notes.
“There are two things we need. Firstly, factual evidence of the allegations. Then and this is where you come in, depositions from the original designers”
“That won’t be enough,” said Charles in a matter of fact way.
“To make it stick, they need to be caught in the act”
“That is a tall order. How do you propose to do that?”
“I don’t know. Caught in the act proof is the ‘slam dunk’. Otherwise, it is all just allegations and peoples memories”
Liz smiled.
“I’m sure that between us we can think of something but in the meantime, where do we start?”
“You obviously have a lot of research to do. That will feed into my work”
He smiled.
“I guess this is where I really learn what the fashion business is all about at the sharp end”
Liz looked at Charles.
“Charles, how…”
“Charles is so formal. I’d prefer Charlie if that is ok with you. It is really only my mother who insists on calling me Charles”
“Ok, Charlie it is”
Liz thought for a few moments.
Charlie, how much do you know and I mean really know about the fashion business?”
“I’m not sure what you mean?”
Liz thought again.
“Let me try this a different way.”
She took a sip of coffee.
“Charlie, how many times have you bought… you know fancy items such as underwear for your wife?”
Charlie went red in the face.
“I’m not married. Well, at least not anymore”
He looked embarrassed.
“When I was, Jacqueline would not have really appreciated me buying anything remotely risqué for her”
Liz laughed.
“Was she, forgive me for asking a little ‘uptight’”
Charlie smiled.
“Yes. Yes she was not that you ask”
“Was she from a ‘well to do family’ and went to finishing school in Switzerland?”
“Yes. How did you know?”
“Charlie, the internet is a wonderful thing. I ‘Googled’ you. I found out about your marriage and that it lasted only two years before she divorced you”
She held up her hand.
“I won’t ask why but from what I could find out about the former Mrs Charles Everett VI, is that she was a stuck up bitch. Who wouldn’t know that she was onto a good thing if it hit her in the face with a bit of wet fish”
It took Charlie a few seconds for that Liz had said to sink in.
Then he burst out laughing.
“You Brits sure have a good way with words. It must be all that Shakespeare you learn in school. Yes she was as you say, a ‘stuck up bitch’”
“Why did it end?”
Charlie shook his head.
“She thought I was going to be some hotshot trial lawyer. One that would have a house in the Hamptons, country Club membership and a beachfront vacation house on Maui or on Martha’s Vineyard”
“So you failed on all accounts?”
“Nearly. I inherited a house in the Hamptons from my Grandfather so that is one tick in the box. But I’m not really cut out to be a trial lawyer. To be honest with you, I only went into the law because my parents put my name down for Harvard Law School the day I was born and that my Father and his Father before him were Lawyers.”
“But you graduated, magna cum laude”
“My, you have done your homework haven’t you”?
“A little. I like to know a bit about who I’m working with if possible”
“More than a little I think”
“Possibly” said Liz with a little smile on her face.
She was thinking that Charlie was definitely not as stuck up as his ‘bio’ seemed to indicate.
There was a pregnant pause in their conversation.
“Well Liz, you have had the potted history of my life. What would I find if I ‘Googled’ you? What bits of embarrassing history would I discover?”
Liz forced a smile onto her face.
“Not a lot. Probably nothing. I’m nowhere near your class or breeding. I probably would even get in the tradesman’s entrance at your house”
Charlie laughed.
“I think I’m going to like working with you Liz. You have such a wonderful sense of irony”
“How typical of you English. Always doing yourself down”
Liz smiled.
“No Charlie. You are wrong. We are able to laugh at ourselves simply because we don’t take ourselves too seriously. Perhaps when you have ruled a good chunk of the civilised world for more than two hundred years and then given it up mostly on good terms, you Yanks might just be able to do the same”
“Oh touchy are we?”
“Not in the slightest Charlie. There is something called humility. We don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Back home, I see it as the difference between old money and new money. Back home the Lord of the Manor who is ‘old money’ would often be down the pub enjoying a pint with the people who work for him. If the lord was ‘new money’, there is not a chance in hell that he’d do that. He’d be at home with all sorts of security keeping the riff-raff well away from them”
“Ok. I get your point”
“My guess is that your family is what I’d call ‘new money’. Hence you married someone who wanted you to live above your station. Above what you wanted. My guess is that your Mother almost arranged your marriage for you. She’s from a ‘good’ family and all that? Has her charities and fund raisers to keep her occupied while your father is in the City earning a crust?”
Charles laughed.
“Yes she did and yes she has her charities. Google again?”
Liz nodded.
“Well then, need I say more?”
He shook his head. Liz continued with her ‘character dissection’.
“You could well be the transition generation from ‘new’ to ‘old’ money. From what I’ve seen so far, you aren’t driven by the need to increase your fortune but want to do more what you want than what is expected of you”
“Wow Liz. Are you sure you shouldn’t be a shrink charging $300 an hour. You have totally dissected me in 5 minutes flat. My life is pretty well laid bare in front of you”
Liz laughed.
“There is a lot more you have to tell Dr Elizabeth Fuller. Lots more.” Joked Liz
“Howver, you didn’t tell me anything about you. You neatly changed the subject”
Liz grinned.
“There are a few things that a girl has to keep to herself”
Charlie grumbled.
“Ok back to work”
It was mid afternoon and Charlie had just returned with another load of Coffee when Liz asked.
“How far away do you live from here?”
“About an hour if the Expressway is clear why?”
Liz looked a bit disappointed.
“I need to find somewhere to live. I’m about to be kicked out of my apartment as the lease is up. I was going to move to the East Village but they seems a might impractical for commuting here”
Charlie thought for a few moments.
“Do you drive?”
“I have a license but living in the city I’ve never needed a car”
“Out here, you pretty well need one to do just about anything”
“I guess I need a car then. I’ve never owned one before”
“Wow, you are full of surprises”
Liz smiled.
“Yep. That’s me. I’ve been here 6 years now and apart from getting my license, I’ve never driven here. I did have a car back home though”
“You call England ‘back home’. Isn’t this your home now? After 6 years over here?”
Liz chuckled.
“Jake keeps asking when I’m going to take the oath of allegiance and become an American Citizen. I just don’t know. I suppose until I do decide to stay here and take the oath, I might always go back home.”
“What is there back there?”
“Not a lot. Both of my parents are dead. They died before I came over here.”
Liz decided to change the subject.
“This isn’t finding me a car or a place to live. If I don’t do something by the end of next week, I’ll not only be carless but homeless”
Charles finished his Coffee and said.
“Well then what are we waiting for. Lets get you a place to live”
“Hold on a moment Charles. I can’t ask you to do this”
“Rubbish. As you said, this job is not going to be done in a few days or even weeks. I can’t have you sleeping on someone’s floor can we?”
Liz looked sad.
“There is someone who can put you up short term isn’t there?”
Liz shook her head.
“I’ve sponged off an awful lot of people in the past. I don’t think I can ask them again”
“Then that is all the more reason for us to get you somewhere half decent to live.”
“What about references and all that crap”
He laughed.
“You mean things like the residents vetting prospective new tennants?”
She nodded her head.
“Why would you need to be vetted if you were renting a house? Or even buying one?”
“That’s true. I’m not sure how much I can afford though”
“How much do you make if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Just under 50K”
“That should be enough to rent you a half decent place. Not too far away”
Liz didn’t say much.
“Come on, get your coat and we’ll go looking”
“What about all this stuff? We can’t really leave it here can we?”
Said Liz pointing at the papers that were strewn over the desks.
Charlie sat yhinking for a moment.
Then he smiled.
“Let me make a phone call. I have an idea”
Charlie raised his hand to stop her. He pulled out his phone with the other and selected a speed dial number.
A few seconds later, he said.
“Hi Sheila. It’s Charles”
“Yes I’m fine. You?”
“Great. I have a question for you”
“The company has rented an Office Suite just of the Long Island Expressway. Can you find out what the rental charge is and how long the lease is for?”
“You will. Great. Speak soon. Bye”
He closed up his phone and smiled at Liz.
She went to say something.
“Don’t say anything. Lets wait for my former Secretary to call back”
“Does she know what you are doing?”
He smiled.
“Yes. She’s my cousin so she won’t be gossiping anytime soon”
Liz felt very relieved.
There was an uneasy silence between them for what seemed an eternity. After nearly 10 minutes, Charlie’s phone bleeped.
“Hi Sheila. Did you get the answer?”
“Yes got that.” He replied a few times as he made notes about the information that was being related to him.
“How long is the lease?”
“Ah ok. I understand. Well, in the interests of economy, I’d suggest you cancel it. Forthwith. I’ll email you details of the new place where we will be based”
He closed up his phone and grinned at Liz.
“This dump is costing almost $2500 a month.”
“That seems a lot. Is that why you told her to cancel it?”
He nodded. Then he smiled.
“Come on, we are out of here. Get everything. We aren’t coming back”
Dumbfounded, Liz said
“But… But where are we going?”
“Liz, we are going to get you a place to live and us a place to work”
He held out his hand
“Come on. Don’t dawdle. I’ll tell you about it in the car”
“Where are we going?”
“Hicksville? You mean to say that there is somewhere here called Hicksville?” she said in amazement.
“Named after a man called Hicks apparently”
She shook her head and let him lead her to his car.
“Stay here while I clean up inside” she said smiling at her when she was sitting in the Porsche.
Three minutes later, he was back with a black plastic rubbish bag and the all-important documents relating to their job.
“We can’t leave these behind can we”?
Liz shook her head.
“What’s in the sack?”
“Coffee Cups and donut boxes”
“Because the rental company will charge us a whole weeks rent to clean the place. Now, I can say that we arrived and found that it wasn’t suitable. Then the company will only pay for the day. Quite why the place was rented by the day is beyond me but it turns out lucky for you that is was”
“Charles! Stop right there. Would you please explain to me what the fuck is going on?”
He stopped abruptly.
“I’m sorry Liz. I let my enthusiasm get away from me. I tend to do that from time to time”
She smiled back.
“It’s ok. But I’d really like to know what devious plan you have for me inside your head?”
He looked at her with a straight face and said
“I thought that if we could find you somewhere to live that was big enough for you as well as a place where we could work on this together then we’d kill three birds with one stone”
“Three birds? I don’t quite follow?”
“Firstly, you will have somewhere half decent to live. Secondly, we’d have somewhere to work and thirdly, the place would be more secure than this place”
Liz laughed.
“There is a fourth you know”
A fourth? What is it?”
“You get to visit me in my home every day”
Charlie went beetroot red in the face.
Liz took pity on him.
She took his hand.
“I’m only joking Charlie. You are a perfect Gentleman so why wouldn’t I like a visit from someone like you?”
He looked relieved.
Liz added.
“Just don’t go running off on crazy ideas like that again without telling me. Promise?”
“Yeah. Sorry. I promise”
Liz smiled at him.
“Good. Then drive on Macduff”
“It’s a Scottish saying”
Still shaking his head Charlie drove the two of the out of the parking lot and headed for the dormitory town of Hicksville.
They soon found a couple or realtors and obtained details of places for Liz to rent. Then they adjourned to a Diner to go over the options.
“You know that I don’t have any furniture,” said Liz slightly off-handedly.
“Everywhere I’ve ever rented has been furnished. These look like they are all unfurnished”
“I’ve plenty of stuff you could have”
“I don’t want charity you know”, protested Liz.
Charlie looked more than a bit hurt.
“Look Liz, my place on the beach has 8 bedrooms. How many can I use? One. The rest are just gathering dust. The Maid comes in once a week but I don’t think she ever cleans the unused bedrooms”.
“You have a Maid?”
“Well, just a domestic cleaning company really”
Liz was still unhappy.
Charlie smiled.
“Think of it as a loan. Just while we are working together ok?”
Liz thought for a long second.
“Ok. Just a loan.”
“Great. Lets go”
“Go where?”
“May I ask why?”
“Because it is a better area and it’s closer to my place”
“How close exactly?”
“5 to 10 miles”
“How far are we from Manhattan?”
“Two hours at this time of day”
“Then we had better get going. I’ve got to go back there tonight. I have my soon to be vacated apartment waiting for me.”
Charlie was about to say something in reply but stopped himself just in time.
Charlie drove them out towards the eastern end of Long Island on the Expressway. When that petered out, he carried on. It began to get dark and still they went on.
“How far have we to go?” asked Liz slightly concerned.
“Nearly there. Next exit”
Charlie turned off Route 27 and into the town of Southampton. He pulled up a strip mall where there were a couple of Realtors.
“Lets go. Let me do the talking ok”
“I’m more of a local than you. I’m also a lawyer. They won’t try to stiff me. They might try to do that to you when they hear your English accent”
Liz didn’t say anything. He was clearly enjoying being in charge.
They went into the first office.
“Hi, my fiancée & I would like to look at properties for rental locally”
Liz looked at him sternly. Then she saw him give her a little wink with his eye.
“How many beds & baths were you considering?” asked the agent.
“Three & three as a minimum”
“Just a moment. I’ll get some flyers or some suitable properties”
The agent returned with a selection of details.
“Thanks. We’ll take these and review them,” said Charlie as he gave them a cursory glance.
The same performance was repeated in the other office.
Once back in the car, Liz said,
“I almost had a heart attack when you said Fiancée”
“Sorry. It came to me as we walked into the office”
“The problem is Charlie that I don’t have a ring on my finger. It is those little details that can catch you out. We women notice these little things. It was lucky that we were served by men in both realtors.”
“Shit! Sorry for that Liz. I’ll try not to put my foot into my mouth again”
Liz smiled.
“Don’t worry Charlie. You’re forgiven. Lets look at the flyers”
Some 20 minutes later, they’d selected four places to view. They went back into the first office.
“We’d like to view these three properties if possible?” Charlie said to the agent.
The agent took the flyers.
“I’m afraid that I can’t arrange anything until tomorrow at the earliest”
Charlie looked a bit disappointed.
“Nothing sooner? My fiancée has to return to Manhattan tonight”
“I’m afraid not”
“Ok. Can you arrange them for tomorrow then”
They gave their details to the agent and then left the office and went to the one next door.
“We have reviewed the details you gave us. We’d like to view this property if possible”
Charlie gave the agent the flyer.
“Oh yes. I can do that in say half an hour. I just need to wait for my colleague to return from a viewing”
“That’s fine. Shall we meet you there?”
“Yes. Why not? Let me take your cell number so I can let you know if there are any problems”
Charlie smiled.
“Its 772-555-3490”
“Thanks. I’ll see you shortly”, said the agent as he wrote it down.
When they got back to the car, Charlie said.
“That’s more like it. They want the business. Lets go”
Charlie programmed the zip code into the sat-nav and they drove off.
As soon as they arrived at the house, Charlie said.
“This will do”
“Eh? We haven’t looked inside yet”
“I just know that this place is the one. Besides, that is the sea at the bottom of the garden if I’m not mistaken”
Liz smiled back but inside she said to herself ‘Men’!!!!!.
They had a brief walk around the property in the gathering gloom.
“This place is huge,” remarked Liz when they’d completed the outside tour.
“Not bad at all”
Just then the agent arrived.
“Hi. I’ve got the keys so let me show you around”
Ten minutes later, the viewing was over.
“What do you think?” asked the agent.
“I think it will be perfect,” said Liz.
She added.
“I love the water at the bottom of the garden”
“Will you take it?”
Liz took Charlie’s hand like any good fiancée would. Then she looked into his eyes.
“Shall we darling?”
“I think so my dear”
Charlie turned to the agent.
“That settles it. We will take the place”
The agent smiled back.
“It’s a little late to sort out the details tonight. Can you come by tomorrow. Then we can do the paperwork”
“That’s great,” said Charlie.
They watched the agent drive away.
Then Liz realised that she was still holding Charlie’s hand.
She let go with a start.
Charlie looked a bit surprised.
“What’s wrong Liz”?
“I don’t know”
Liz walked back towards the car and got in.
Charlie did the same.
“I’d like to go back to the city now”
“Why don’t you stay over?”
Liz turned to him and said
“Charles Everett, are you coming on to me?”
He looked hurt.
“Yes I am. Oh god, what a fool I’ve been. I’m so sorry.”
Liz smiled.
“Hey Charlie. It’s all right. I am honoured that you might even think of me like that. It is just a bit soon really. I’ll stay over tonight if I can have my own room and I can get something else to wear for tomorrow. I don’t fancy spending a couple of hours on the train back to Penn Central”
Charlie tried to force a smile from his lips. His eyes were very watery.
“Thank you for being so understanding. I’ve done everything wrong today. Can we start again?”
“Charlie, you have done nothing wrong. You are an attractive single man. I’d like very much to date you but not until we’ve done this job ok?”
Charlie smiled.
He offered Liz his hand. She took it.
“Now lets get something to eat. I’ve only had two donuts today”
Charlie drove them to a Mall where Liz did a bit of shopping. Charlie wanted to come along but she insisted that she’d do the job a bit quicker alone.
Then he drove her to his house.
“Wow Charlie. This place is huge.”
“Yeah. I told you it was. I was left it by my Grandfather. Much to my parents angst I might add.”
“So you live here alone then?”
“Yes. Ever since Janice moved out I’ve lived here alone. Apart from my family and the maid, you are the first person to visit since then”.
There was an obvious sadness in his voice. Liz was unsure if it was for his ex-wife or that he’d clearly not had another woman in his life since their breakup.
“Well, Charlie, it is a really nice place,” said Liz as they went inside.
“Don’t thank me. This is all down to my Grandfather and his father before him. I’m more of a custodian really”
He closed the door behind her.
“If you want to go freshen up, the bedroom on the right at the top of the stairs is free. There should be towels and stuff in the bathroom. I’ll get something to eat on the go. Take your time”
Liz climbed the stairs under the gaze of the portraits of two men. From the likeness, they were probably his Father & Grandfather.
She went into the bedroom and was struck by its size. It was bigger than the whole of her last apartment in New York. The bathroom was just as impressive.
She looked around the room. It this room was ‘neglected’ and ‘unclean’ as Charlie had indicated then she thought that she’d like to see a ‘tidy & clean’ room.
Liz got washed, changed and put on a bit of makeup. Apart from when she attended ‘Fashion Events’, she hardly ever wore any. She decided that today was an exception and put a little eye shadow and mascara on her eyes plus a little gloss on her lips. Feeling better, she walked downstairs.
The smells emanating from the kitchen led her to its source.
“Hi Charles. That smells good”
“Just a few leftovers. Take a seat. It is just about ready”
Liz went over to the table. It was perfectly set out for dinner for two. A bottle of wine was open on the table.
“Shall I pour the wine?” Suggested Liz.
“Please go ahead”
By the time Liz had poured the wine, Charlie was dishing up the food.
“What is it? Some form of curry?”
“Not quite. It’s a Tagine from Morocco”
“Well, if it tastes as good as it smells than it will be fantastic”
Charles sat down and picked up his wine.
“To a successful operation and no fraternisation until it’s over”
Liz laughed.
“I’ll echo that”
Liz took a mouthful.
“This is wonderful. Are you sure this is leftovers?”
Charlie smiled.
“Yes & No. I enjoy cooking and this is one of my favourite meals. So, I make enough for two or three meals at a time. I really wanted to do something with my hands as a career but my parents insisted that I follow my father and his father into the law. I find it horribly tedious to tell the truth.”
“So why do you continue with such a boring job”
“I don’t know really. Perhaps it is the safe option.”
“Well Charles, I am glad you are on this job with me. I think it will be anything but the safe option”
“I know and that is what worries me”
“You need to live a little. Take a walk on the wild side from time to time”
Liz looked for any reaction but there was none.
At the end of the meal, Liz said.
“I’ll clean up. It is the least I could do in return for such a nice meal”
“No. No. I’ll do it”
“Charles!” said Liz firmly and looking hard at him
He smiled back.
“Ok. Ok. I give in. You wash and I’ll dry”
Over an after dinner glass of Malt, Liz asked Charlie.
“Do you like living here all alone?”
He didn’t answer straight away.
“I suppose so. I’ve lived here for the past 10 years. Before that I lived wherever my parents were putting their head down when I wasn’t at school or college. This is really my first fixed abode.”
Liz didn’t say anything.
“Are you searching for your ‘fixed abode?’” asked Charlie.
“Sort of”
Liz counted up to 8 on her fingers.
“I’ve had eight different apartments since I came to New York. Nine if you count sleeping on Jake Svennson’s floor for the first three days I was here.”
“Was it hard?”
“Jake’s floor”
They both laughed.
Liz finished her drink.
“I think I’ll go to bed. It has been a long day. Thanks for everything. It has been great.”
“Don’t forget we have to get you moved in tomorrow. We should select a few bits of furniture and stuff for you to borrow”
“Yes. I hadn’t forgotten. See you in the morning. Goodnight”
“Goodnight Liz. Sleep well”
“Night Charles”
Liz woke at first light the following day. She crept to the door of her bedroom and opened it.
She heard Charles somewhere about the house.
Liz went back into the bedroom and took a shower. It was a wonderful & hot. It was a far cry from the intermittent hot water at her current apartment.
Freshly showered and with a little makeup on her face plus the clean clothes she’d purchased the day before, Liz went in search of Charlie.
She found him in the Kitchen cooking up some eggs & French toast.
“Hey, remember what I said about food and a girls waistline”
“And what do you normally have for breakfast?”
“A cup of Coffee. No milk. No sugar”
“That all?”
“Yes why?”
“You need some calories in you at the start of the day. Then you won’t feel like having donuts with coffee and milk at 10”
“Yes Doctor”
“I mean it. Eat something for breakfast and you won’t feel hungry until lunchtime”
Liz laughed.
“What so funny?”
“You remind me of an old British TV Add for porridge oats. If I recall correctly, they were promoting the eating of porridge as a substitute for mid morning breaks.”
“There was probably some truth in the message. Do you want to eat something or not?”
“Yes Boss”
They both laughed.
“This French toast is good but not really my favourite. I prefer muffins. I usually to get some great ones from a bakery on 8th avenue on my way to work”
“I must remember that for the future”
“Hey Charlie. Remember our agreement”
Charlie looked a bit guilty.
“Sorry. I forgot”
Liz went up to him and held his hand.
“I know you are trying hard Charles. I don’t want to be the rebound woman. From what you have said, there hasn’t been anyone else since your divorce. Just get used to working with me and having a bit of fun. If we still like each other at the end this project then you can ask me out of a date. Deal?”
“Deal” said Charlie slightly reluctantly.
Liz smiled back at him hoping that was the matter settled for the immediate future.
“Lets get cleared up an then we can select some furniture for my new home”
Charlie smiled.
The next morning, the ‘couple’ arrived at the Realtors just before 10am. The agent they had seen the night before was ready for them with the paperwork.
“Here’s the contract for you to sign,” said the agent as he handed it to Charlie.
“You don’t mind if I read it do you. I’m a lawyer”
“Take your time,” said the agent with a forced smile on his face.
Charlie took his time and read the contract twice.
“Well it seems to be mostly in order. There are a few points that are a little strange”
“That is our standard contract. It should all be in order”
“That explains it. There was a county law passed a few months ago that make points 7, subsection 5 and point 8, subsection 12 illegal”
“What do you propose to do?”
“We can cross them out and then both of us sign them and it should be perfectly legal”
“I’ll have to check with head office”
“Please do that. I’m sure they wouldn’t want you to sigh off on an illegal document”
The agent went off to phone ‘head office’
Liz asked.
“Was that all above board?”
“Yes my dear it certainly is”
Liz looked around and could see that another agent was within earshot so she let the familiarity go.
“Well then I hope he gets permission to make the changes”
They waited patiently for nearly 10 minutes. The agent returned.
“Head Office confirms that you are correct. I can make the changes you wanted”.
“That’s great”
A few minutes later, Charlie handed over a cheque for two months rental on the house. Liz thought about trying to pay herself but thought better of it and didn’t want to make a scene. They were supposed to be a couple in love after all.
Now that they had the house keys, they spent the next few hours moving her ‘loaned’ items from Charles’ place into the house. Charles had rented a ‘U-Haul Truck’ for the day to make things a little easier. With those items all in their new home, they headed into New York for her belongings.
It was pretty late in the day by the time they had returned and unloaded everything.
“I think I’d rather skip dinner tonight Charlie. I’m rather tired and in dire need of a bath”
“Yeah. Me too. I’ll see you in the morning. Goodnight”. He did look rather tired. Charles had done most of the heavy lifting.
Liz lay awake in bed that night unable to think of anything but Charles. She was trying hard but was falling for him in a big way. She fell asleep hoping that it wouldn’t cause them problems during their assignment.
[Continued in part 3]
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I'd Put the Over/Under...
...on the amount of time their relationship stays platonic at around two days. (Doesn't sound as though there's anything romantic going with Sheila, though I do wonder where she fits in.)
They both seem to be talking about potential physical danger once they get started with whatever it is that they'll be investigating, and we know that it was too volatile to handle at the office. Will they be safe at their homes? Charlie's, at least, seems to be easy to locate, since it's been in his family for generations. He did say that the new place would be more secure (and the three bedrooms that he wanted do include one for the office and one for each of them, if/when the time comes), but they're renting it under his real name and paying with a personal check, so the stealth aspect seems limited.
Enjoying this so far. Hope we learn soon what this is all about. (I know we're getting hints, such as they are -- the project is something that a Brit fashion writer and an attorney who isn't familiar with that subject matter are the most qualified to handle, and depositions from fashion designers can substantiate the mysterious-to-us allegations -- though not effectively enough for editorial purposes.)
You seem to have a problem
You dotted the i's but seem to have a problem with t's.
“Charles, you don’t need to wear a business sui. We aren’t in the Office are we?â€
Liz looked at Charles. He looked a little bit older than her, quite good-looking and not much faller than her.
I am enjoying the story so far though.
That last sentence.
So my guess is that she is post op and feeling nervous. I would be. Though he does sound like a hunk of sweetheart. The last sentence is really key, I think. I wonder how often she will be sleeping at her own place? LOL
Funny Business - Chapter 2, Team Building
It's very evident that Charlie and Liz are falling in Love with each other, even if they don't want to admit it. Charlie has subconsciously let her know how he feels about her and she is putting on the brakes to keep them both from getting hurt. Wonder if their Boss put them together because he was playing Matchmaker?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
An interesting story
I have trouble believing I missed it first time around. A mistake I am now rectifying.