Mature / Thirty+

Spacetran 7

In this chapter, Ruby is shocked and delighted to learn that Beverly has not commited suicide as she returns to earth with a delightful surprise for Ruby.


Chapter 7.

Relieved at last I returned to my cottage for a well-earned rest. It was my old family

Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 1



So, here I am in the hospital again with Mary. This time, though, I am awaiting word on the birth of our child. Boy, I never believed I would say that. It has been a crazy eight months since I received word of Mary’s pregnancy. I thought back to that fateful day.

Spacetran 6

Ruby is returned to earth to 'face the music' while Beverly departs for space again with possible suicidal tendancies.


Part 6.

After stepping onto the aircraft carrier deck, I turned angrily upon the crowd of gaping crewmen and snapped out an order.

“What are you all bloody gawking at? - And leave that container alone.”

The only sound was the stuttering wind stumbling around the flight deck as the ship

The Demon (Inspired by "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe)


Once upon a midnight dreary, while I brooded weak and weary
Some demonic cloud the likes of which I’d never seen before
All at once took shape before me, making all my soul implore me
“Flee this evil dark and stormy, quit the room, go out the door!”
Yet it moved so that I could not leave the room, or reach the door
I could but stare and nothing more

Snakes and Ladders-5

Snakes and Ladders 5

Chapter 5

I couldn’t help but to hold her tightly and to kiss her, to try to do something anything to keep her together. I’ve known people like Shaya, she’s tough and capable and strong and amazing and like a lot of things that are tempered to be strong if you hit them the right way…

They shatter.

Bear was a lot of things but one thing I was very good at being was the professional tough guy. There’s a lot of f-ed up hurt little children in us tough guys. And from what I’m seeing with Shaya there’s a lot of the same pains there.

Spacetran 5

Where Ruby gets to meet beverly's favourite aliens and learns a thing or two about trust and compassion.



Part 5.

We started to dematerialise out of hypertime in front of a spectacular rainbow coloured

Viewpoints 1

I am offering this titbit up for sacrifice. I have some idea where it would go, but a comment or two would help me decide whether to push it further. Now on Kindle

I don’t drive. I have a licence, but I have never felt the need to own a car. This has brought all sorts of odd questions into my life, from friends, relatives, employers, passing drivers keen to share their wisdom and advice as to the desirability of my using the cycle path.

Spacetran 3

In this chapter, Ruby the reporter and narrator of the remainder of the story appears. She meets Beverly at Beverly's instigation and learns much.

This story was originally written over thirty years ago when I was still trying to come to terms with my childhood abuse and my transgendered transvestism... I've altered a few bits very slightlt but it's essentially the same as when I first wrote it and I seem now to hold it as a sort of link to my past and a datum mark to show myself how far I've come.

Chapter 3

Reviving a flagging tranny

Sometimes we find it hard to motivate ourselves, this is true of any human activity, and it needs something or someone to inject a little interest back into us to spark the passion once more.

Snakes and Ladders-4

Snakes and Ladders 4

Chapter 4

“Yes, yes you are Shaya. You are beautiful and brave and amazingly sweet….I want to take your pain away, I want to cast it away on the wind and replace your pain with sunshine and love.”

Hellgirl: Aww Crap (Part 5)

Hellgirl: Aww Crap (Part 5)
Lilith Langtree

Have you ever woken up on a slab in the morgue and wonder how in the world you wound up there, with no memory, and with a coroner about to make a Y-incision in your chest? Neither had Gemma Saunders.
Revelations come at a price.

A Bitter Wife

It is not a pleasant thing when one is suddenly out of the frying pan and into the fire. When one has a secret it shouldn't be brought home; especialy when it is a secret that will condemn your fate.

I owe Angela Rasch a hearty Kudo's for aiding and abetting me by editing my story. Its such a delight to have her edit and read her critiques. I've gotten better as a writer of fiction.

Bridges 10

Bridges 10

Chapter 10

Henry Wade…

I’m pulled over to the side of the road and there’s the police cruiser behind me that’s the one that pulled me over. It’s one of the new constables. He did something with the dash and he got out with a German shepherd?

Uniforms 7

I wasn’t really up to anything for a while. I lived off my bounty for a bit, drank too much for a bit longer, and then moved into the obvious line of work for a big hard lad, door work at one of the pubs I had been using. There had been a spot of nastiness, I helped somebody to leave the pub by offering them a choice between staying in the warm or remaining attached to the testicles I was taking out into the rain, and for some reason they all left together.

Uniforms 6

I had a few years of fun, after that. I was really lucky, we were lucky, never to do a tour in Ulster, but Stewie and I got to see Hong Kong a couple of times before it was given to the Chinese, and we had more than a few joint exercises with the Dutch Marines, and more than a few fights, and much, much more than a few beers.

Cat Scratch Fever

Cat Scratch Fever


The events detailed in this story take place in the three hours after the events in "Catching Up" and "Big Trouble 3"

Author's Note: A Retroactive Continuity, or Retcon if you will, is the altering of previously known facts in order for the universe to conform to new story lines. This is mine. This is a retcon of the story of Catwoman's furhter adventures. Detective Comics owns the character of Catwoman, Lex Luthor and Lena Luthor.


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