Mature / Thirty+

Something to Declare 1

 A Fiddle]


by Cyclist

 Violin Bow]

Chapter 1

[Book now on Kindle]

It’s a ghost day. The time spent in bed half dozing has made little impact on the deep pit of tiredness that would get worse as the first night shift bit, but there was no choice. I get up, shock myself with a shower, and fumble something to eat.

Changes Book 2 - Chapter~5

Heather was in hospital for a week and, with the resilience of youth, soon bounced back to her normal noisy self.

We had gone through hell and back worrying about her illness and although we knew that she would have to be monitored for residual problems, Marcia was hopeful that she would be okay’…


Changes–Book Two

A Penmarris Story
Chapter 5

Deity Arms 3: Taking a Chance on Love

Deity Arms

Deity Arms: Taking a Chance on Love
by The Professor (c. 2003)

Jack Murphy was willing to give up almost anything to bring down Tony Capella, but he never imagined what that really meant.

Big Trouble! 1

Big Trouble!

-by Lynceus

Dr. Damon Zeul was only trying to create something that would benefit mankind. Little did he realize his work was really going to benefit Lex Luthor! Shot and left for dead, he recovers, only to discover his life would never be the same again.

Part of the Comics Retcon Universe:

A Reluctant Spirit: Vengeful Spirit

By Ingrid Halb

My fifth story, in which we meet Larry, a small-minded cubicle dweller bent on payback for every imagined wrong with a particular grudge against his supervisor. Not an unusual character, and one that can be found in many office buildings across the land. But Larry has a certain vessel that can conjure a three-foot tall enabler of wishes. Now what was it that they call payback again?



Fiction by Johnny Cumlately.

A cold war spy plot that went wrong!

Boris was born in Kostroma, an industrial town on the banks of the Volga River, some distance north of Moscow. His father was Russian, a marine engineer, but his mother was English, so he was brought up to be bilingual. His father had been seconded to a British company involved in building a large oil exploration platform and had met and married his mother while there. As a very young lad, Boris had naturally wavy fair hair and was small for his age, so that he was sometimes mistaken for a girl.

The Sermon

"For I know the plans I have for you...."

The Sermon

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

"Whatever it is, you know I love you? Right?" She smiled as she came up from behind and hugged him, her head placed against his back. Without turning, Doug spoke.

"Without any doubt whatsoever, and I you, you do know that, don't you?"

"Always and forever, my darling. Now come to bed. Anything that sermon needs can wait until tomorrow, okay?" She grabbed him by the hand and pulled him with her down the hallway toward the bedroom.

Deity Arms 2: I Call My Sugar Candy

Deity Arms

Deity Arms: I Call My Sugar Candy
by The Professor (c. 2001)

For Jack Chrysler, meeting a girl like Vickie was like a dream. Would it stay that way though, or would it prove to be a nightmare?

A cottage by the sea.

A cottage by the sea.

Fiction by Johnny Cumlately

Is cross dressing hereditary? Is it in the genes? Brian still doesn't know, but a legacy from his aunt changed his life.


Healing Mishap -10-

Healing Mishap -10-
By LanzaQ

The group all stood at the last stretch of land of their home continent. “Well. I heard from a good source that Lanzer took one of those wooden...things....across the water and apparently has continued his search for the other High-church artifacts.” Arric said looking at one of the boats suspiciously. “I don't trust it.”

Galactic Marshal - Chapter 12

by Hilltopper


“Now, don’t panic. Karen said that a special event was about to happen and she needs more security right away. She said you could come to the base on the regular transport in two days. As a matter of fact, she wants me to come with you.”

“Uh oh! That means things are happening faster than we thought.

When I Look In Your Eyes

When I Look In Your Eyes

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio


When I look in your eyes, I see the wisdom of the world in your eyes
I see the sadness of a thousand goodbyes
When I look in your eyes

And it is no surprise, to see the softness of the moon in your eyes
The gentle sparkle of the stars in your eyes
When I look in your eyes

Changes Book 2 - Chapter~4

The following morning I was up bright and early. I would like to say that Tracy was too. You would have thought that she would be keen to be up and at ’em, but she was one of those girls who prefer to stay in bed till lunch time, have a light brunch, followed by a rest in bed that would last until five o’clock, by which time she would be ready to face the day....


Changes–Book Two

A Penmarris Story
Chapter 4

Deity Arms 1: Come Fly With Me

Deity Arms

Deity Arms: Come Fly With Me
by The Professor (c. 1999)

Bob O’Brien enjoys the fringe benefits his job as a pilot for Atlantic Air Express provides, particularly during layovers. When the opportunity to move into a new apartment near Greenwich Village in New York City arises, Bob jumps at the chance to be able to enjoy the nightlife to the fullest. Unknown to Bob however, the landlord of the Deety Arms has some interesting ideas about what he and other workers at the Arms view as entertainment. Come fly with Bob as he discovers firsthand what customer service entails for those who fly Atlantic Air.

Never Trust the Pretty Ones

Never Trust the Pretty Ones

by Jennifer Brock

A grifter with an unusual technique has to take things further when he finds himself in a tough spot. (This was supposed to be my entry in the “March of Fools” contest, but I missed the deadline by a few months, so I reworked it to fit the new theme and then finished it.)

Lessons Learned

I wrote this story and posted it, but unpubbed it because of the very real feelings and people involved. The story is true. I recently received permission from one of the people in the story to re-post it, so I'd like to enter it in the Summer Romance Story Contest. If it's deemed ineligible, I don't mind, but I wanted it here so others might learn from it. Thanks. Cathy.


By Catherine Linda Michel

She sat on the edge of her bed, her head in her hands, crying as if she'd lost the best thing she'd ever had, and in so many ways, she had.

Galactic Marshal - Chapter 11

by Hilltopper


My shoulder met his chest and we went down to the ground. As I pushed myself off of him, he groaned heavily. A red spot of blood was spreading on his shirt. I heard some one running towards us and I looked up to see Matt.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 14

Once we got there, the entire shop was falling over themselves to meet us and see the rides that Kenny had been telling them about since he got back from the moon.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 14

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

The Last of Magic

The Last of Magic
by Maeryn Lamonte

Sometimes you have to give up on your dreams. A longing to be petite, young and beautiful is unrealistic for someone who’s six foot one and just entering his fifties.

Sometimes your dreams come looking for you though. A chance encounter in a remote Arabian village, a strange story and an even stranger offer. Perhaps it’s not too late for dreams to come true.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 13

I should warn you all that you may want to get the hankies and tissue's ready for this chapter. It made me cry when I wrote it so I can only guess that it'll have a similar effect to some of you

Mean Girls 3026 Part 13

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

The Way Into Wonderland

The Way into Wonderland
by Maeryn Lamonte

Peter Sanders has lost everything. His wife, his children, his business, even his house is gone and he has come home looking for comfort. With his parents dead and his childhood home sold to some stranger, the only place he can turn is the park where he spent so much time when he was younger.

But the world is not as it seems as Peter is about to discover. Guided by a magical coin to confront an ancient and powerful evil, he has only his wits and courage to protect the world from a fate too horrendous to contemplate. If he can prevail though perhaps he can win back more than he has lost and become who he has always wanted to be...

Catch-as-Cat Can

Catch-as-Cat Can


By Maid Joy

A thesis on metahuman abilites lands the author in trouble with the Green Lantern Corps. When thinking up a way to copy metahuman abilities can have a lot of long reaching consequences, who caves and who stands righteously?


Author's Note: A Retroactive Continuity, or Retcon if you will, is the altering of previously known facts in order for the universe to conform to new story lines. This is mine. The first attempt to write in this universe, this is allied with Lilith Langtree's series. This is a retcon of the story of Catwoman and her origins. Detective Comics owns the character of Catwoman, and Lilith owns the copyright to American Dream and Jade of the Green Lantern Corps. The pic credit is J. Scott Campbell.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 12

“You know damn well what I’m talking about young lady!” he told me as he turned scowling at me. “Or should I say young man?”

Mean Girls 3026 Part 12

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

To Dream the American Dream

To Dream the American Dream
Lilith Langtree

On the anniversary of his daughter's death Special Agent Jake Cater is offered a chance to be a part of something bigger than himself.

Milissa and Dandy - Part 1 The Beginning

Dandy was getting ready to go to Atlantis through the Stargate. As the team went through there was a power surge, then the gate went dead. Dandy was thrown on a planet 2 billion light-years from her original destination and 500 years into the future, but she did not know about the temporal time difference at the time. Dandy looked around and saw a decimated landscape like a war just happened. She tried to contact her team but no answer. She also tried to contact Stargate command but no luck there.

The Missing Lover

The Missing Lover

At long last, Carol feels the man in Seat 17C could be the man she has been awaiting; a snowstorm interrupts and soon the man is missing; her love endures in the mystery of his disappearance, always ready to be rekindled. But the man has a secret.

Galactic Marshal - Chapter 9

by Hilltopper


Linda looked puzzled for a few seconds then her eyes widened in recognition. I quickly grabbed her hand.

“I’m Rusty Allen.”


I pointed to Matt.

“This is Matt Browning. We just got here.”

Linda looked over at Matt and the guys lying at his feet.

“You’re pretty good in a fight. I need a bouncer. You are it.”

This is how a heart breaks - A Vision Spring Story

This is How a Heart Breaks - A Vision Spring story

Six months ago . . . Sara woke from her usual nightmares. Weak and shaking, she barely managed to get herself up and deal with the waking world. She had thought things were getting better, she had made such progress, but lately things had gotten worse again. The first set of dreams involved the case that had sent her on leave from being a social worker.

Photo Shop

by Lauran

There are many programmes out there that allow you to manipulate photographs, some might say improve on the original. Magazines do this with their models to create perfect skin etc. But what if those changes affect more than the skin and go deeper?

A Purge of Emotion

A Purge of Emotion

This story is dark because I am having thoughts of ending my own life. I am hoping that by doing so symbolically here, I might avoid doing so in actuality, in the nearest garage. Please bear with me, and if you feel so inclined… please pray for me. At this point, I really don’t want to live anymore. Normally I welcome all comments, but in this case… whatever you do, please, if you feel inclined to comment, please leave only kind words. I assure you that I am painfully aware of my shortcomings because I have been cut too many times by people rudely pointing them out to possibly be unaware of them. If you feel the urge to reprimand perhaps parts of my attitude or my beliefs, then please know that your words will most certainly cause a great deal of harm — of a magnitude that neither you nor I can predict right now - and will be of absolutely no help whatsoever. Thank you for your consideration.

Galactic Marshal - Chapter 8

by Hilltopper


Mary got up and tried to pull me to my feet but, I was so drunk, I fell into a table and lamp with a loud crash. Sam came running in.

“Matt, did John attack you?”

“No, he is just drunk on his butt. Why don’t you go get us some food in town and I will sober him up. Don’t worry, I can handle him.”

For you – waiting, waiting

Sometimes Lust masquerades as Love
Sometimes Love masquerades as Lust
This is sort of a slice of my life story, something that occurred a couple of weeks ago.

For you — waiting, waiting

By Karen J. Taylor

Copyright 2010

A Love of Providence - Part 1 - Eve of Acceptance

A Love of Providence
Part One - Eve of Acceptance

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Can I show you what you are for me

Angel of mine, can I thank you
You have saved me time and time again
Angel, I must confess
It's you that always gives me strength
And I don't know where I'd be without you


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