The Lucky One (part 2)

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The Lucky One

(Part 2, or “When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping”)

Hay, kids! What time is it? It’s Fantastic Fluke time! (note to the owners of the Howdy whoever show, please don’t sue me. I am just funning, and I have already had a cease and desist order from Disney from borrowing the theme from the Mickey Mouse Club by accident in my first entry)

Yessirry, its your pal, the Flukester, back with more of my amazing origin!

But before we begin, I noticed a small error in my first blog, for which I totally blame my ghost writer, Dorothy Colleen.


Now, now, Dot, don’t get your panties in a bunch, I will come to the rescue like the amazing heroine that I am.

See, when she was describing Yaddie for you all, you may have gotten the impression that it was small.

But as a matter of fact, it grew after it came into my bedroom, and soon was about the size of a German Shepherd, if a German Shepherd was round.

Anyway, where did we leave off last time? Oh, yes. We left your stalwart heroine (that’s me) having fallen asleep after an eventful day that started with a bolt from the blue, and went downhill from there.

When I awoke the next morning, you could possibly forgive me for thinking there was a ghost in my bedroom, as my sheet was hanging in mid-air. Fortunately, I am I am far too brave to let that bother me, and any suspicious wet spot on my panties was purely coincidental, and the fact that I had to take several breaths to get my heart going at a normal rate not something anyone else would take notice of.

It was when I heard a muffled voice from within the floating sheet that I made a guess as to what was going on, and (as always), I was correct. I pulled the sheet off, and there was my yellow furry companion from last night.

“Yaddie!” it said, clearly grateful to me for releasing it from the sheet.

“I am assuming your presence here, plus the fact I still have lady parts, means yesterday was not a dream”


“Sigh. Fine. I can deal.”


I went over to my closet with some reluctance, but I couldn’t wear the same outfit I had worn yesterday. (Gee, I guess I was really turning into a girl). But there was no sign of the hole from yesterday. However, being the keen observer that I am, I noticed a small difficulty. Outside of the outfit that had appeared yesterday at the hospital, I didn’t have any clothes that would suit my new body.

Not feeling sure if I was crazy or very smart (but I will go with smart, don’t you agree?), I spoke into the air, and said, “Hay misses wizard, how about a switch? You take all these boy clothes, and send me some girl ones?”

I had a vision of what I wanted. Skirts, dresses, blouses, you name it. No frumpy stuff like I had worn as a guy, but clothes pretty much built to show off my new assets. I am not saying I looked like some kind of slut, you understand, but just a very, very sexy lady who loved being one, and wanted to grace the world with her awesome beauty. (That’s me, I am a giver.)

But sadly, all I got was five business outfits suitable for work, one skirt and blouse set designed for a day off., and one rather nice dress for a night out.

I checked my drawers, and there were seven pairs of panties with the days of the week, seven bras, a dozen pairs of pantyhose, and what I thought at first were socks that had been made too short, but I soon learned that was how they were supposed to be.

With my clothes suitable to my new condition, I had a bite of breakfast, while trying to make a list in my head of things I needed to take care of. In no particular order they were: My job; I had no idea what would happen if I showed up to work tomorrow looking like this, but I also didn’t see any choice if I wanted to keep my self housed.

Then, there was my powers. Beyond the items I had received from Misses Wizard, I didn’t know what I could do. I had healed once, but did that mean I would heal fast every time?

And did I have any other gifts? I mean, it would be wonderful to discover I was bulletproof and able to fly, but like that nurse said, I wouldn’t want to find out the hard way I was wrong.

The large yellow creature bounding into the kitchen reminded me of point three: Yaddie. I had no idea how to look after it. I didn’t know what it ate, and no idea if I needed to take it for a walk or if I should invest in a very large kitty litter box, or what.

Then the was the whole issue of the Superiors. I had not focused much attention on them, except for E-girl, and that mostly ‘cause she was pretty hot for a kid still in her teens. Nobody has any clear idea why there are so few. Logic would indicate either none at all, or some reasonable percentage of the population would have the potential.

Commander Ares is by far the best known. Not only is he ultra-powerful, but he is apparently a brilliant tactician, and has the ability to inspire just about everyone who meets him.

But it’s E-girl who has caused the biggest stir, which is not surprising. I mean, she was a dude who got turned into a chick, but apparently was always a bit of a girl inside anyway, or something.

(Dot here. You guys can read her story for yourself)

(Ahem! Authors, I swear… If she is going to do that, I am going to mention my super Fantastic Fluke Fan Club! If you are not a member yet, shame on you, but it’s not too late! Join the FFFC today! )

Anyway, since then she is been a major spokesmen for transgender issues, and even did a commercial that has been shown a billion times.

As I remember it, it featured a bunch of people, both male and female, each just saying one sentence: “I am transgender” It ends with E-girl, saying it too, and then adding “We are just people like you. We work with you, go to school with you, live in your neighbourhood. And we don’t deserve to be hated. But it’s up to you. Stand up” and then it flashes back through the people all saying “Stand up” and then she ends with, “Stand up against hatred, against discrimination, against bigotry. It’s all up to you.”

I used to think it was pretty corny, to be honest.

But back to my little list. As I started to say before my little sidebar, I was not exactly sure what my relationship to the Superiors was supposed to be like. Was I supposed to go to The Compound, where Ares lived? Was I supposed to report to the government? I simply had no clue. (now, now, don’t you worry, me putting myself down is just a habit from being Eddy. It will go away soon)

Lastly, and most importantly, I had a small twinge in my neither regions and decided to add taking care of that to my list. I couldn’t help but grin at the thought of the amount of havoc I was going to cause among the male population (and probably a good share of the female population too) once I made my official debut.

Which would be a good thing, as I had the feeling it was going to take more than one person to satisfy me unless they also were super human.

“Hmm, I wonder if Ares has a girlfriend ?” I said outloud.

(Now, lest you get the idea that I am some kind of super bimbo slut, there was more than sex on my mind. I felt more alive than I had ever felt, and I wanted to relish every experience that came my way. As the old song says, I don’t want to close my eyes, I don’t want to miss a thing… or maybe it should be that this girl just wants to have fun?)

“Ahem. Dot here. Any chance you could quit mangling song lyrics and get back to the story?”

Spoilsport! To put it another way, I wanted to suck the marrow out of life.

“Oh come on! Movie quotes now?”

Okay, okay, don’t get your panties in a knot, Dot.

Anyway, I was still musing over having a fling with the Commander, when I had to postpone scratching that particular itch, because right at that moment, someone knocked at my door.

I looked at Yaddie, and she (I had decided that Yaddie is a girl) blinked back at me, as though to say “You don’t expect me to get that, do you?”

The knocking persisted, so I went and opened the door. It was my neighbour, Sarah. Sarah is one of the best people I know (besides me).
She is pretty, sweet, and kind to children, animals, and even to Eddy (and that was before he became the wonderful wonderfullness that is me.)

Anyway, I opened the door, and she bustled in, talking a mile a minute. She was saying something like;


At this point she finally took a breath, and saw Yaddie. She turned to face me, and suddenly noticed my changes, and almost fell over. I almost laughed, because her eyes looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets, and her mouth moved like a guppy’s, but no sound came out.

But then I heard a noise that put my teeth on edge. I heard a growl, and I realized it was coming from Yaddie. Her hackles were raised (assuming she had hackles), her hair was standing out, and her “expression” was defiantly hostile, and it was directed toward Sarah.

Thinking quickly, I said “Yaddie, down. She is a friend.”

She immediately relaxed, and wobbled over to Sarah. If she had licked her face, she couldn’t have been more friendly. I filed that piece of info about my pet in my brain for later perusal.

“Ed….Eddie?” she managed.

“In the very curvaceous flesh hon. You like the new me?”

“You…you are the girl on youtube!”


“Someone leaked a video from a hospital of a man transforming into a woman. It is you!”

“So much for privacy. Too bad I can’t copy write that video, I could use the money”

“I think I better sit down”

So she sat, and I told her everything that had happened to me yesterday.

Being the keen observer of people that I am, I could tell she was having as much difficulty swallowing the story I had had yesterday, but the obvious change in my body, and my new pet, helped her be convinced.

When I told her about the sad state of my new wardrobe, she said, “Well, that just will not do. Grab your purse, we are definitely going shopping.”

“One difficulty with that idea hon. I am not exactly loaded with cash.”

She giggled, and said, “it will be my treat hon.”

“I can’t ask you to spend money on me.”

“It will be my pleasure. I always wanted a live Barbie doll to dress up”

“Barbie? I am better looking than her. But how can you afford it?”

“You mean I never told you? I am a trust fund princess!”

“Say what?”

“Daddy left me a huge fortune in a trust. I almost never touch it because I like to make it on my own efforts. But I can take as much out as I need. In fact, I own this building.“

“I thought that is was some management company or something”

“Well, they run it for me. What I have discovered, is it really is no fun being in charge. So I hire good managers, and let them have the ulcers instead.”

“Wait a minute. We have been friends for almost two years and this is the first time you mention this little fact?”

“Well, I guess it just never came up before.”

I grinned. “Sounds good to me.”

“And trust me, you will enjoy this. What‘s that saying? When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping?”

That left one small problem to figure out before we took off. Yaddie. I spoke to her, and said, “Yaddie, can you make yourself less conspicuous?”

In answer, Yaddie disappeared with a small popping noise.


She reappeared making the air pop again.

“Okay. As long as you are fine, wherever you are, and come when I call.”

Yaddie disappeared again, and the two of us almost skipped our way out the door, headed for the nearest shopping center.

As most people know, shopping is a totally different experience for woman than for men, because they start from totally different points of view. For men, shopping is like hunting. You go in, get what you need, and get the heck out before something large and snarly eats you.

For women, especially when it is more than one, shopping is a social time, a chance to browse and chat while you looked around, and my initiation into the fraternity of womanhood was as fun, if exhausting. As promised, I was Sarah’s living Barbie, and if there was a single item of female clothing and accessories that was in my size that we missed me trying out, I have no idea where it could have been hiding.

Meanwhile, I learned a great deal about Sarah, her family, her life, her hopes, and dreams in a couple hours than I had learned in two years of knowing her as Eddy.

Finally, we had taken a load back to the car, and went back in to find a good place to eat. We ended up going to a restaurant that had a bar, and had a bite and a drink to toast my new status. Afterwards, I did something that would give a hint of what I was capable of. We past a video lottery, and I put in a dollar. I hit the jackpot. Then, for some reason, I went to the next machine, and put in a dollar, and hit the jackpot again, and did the same on the third machine.

I insisted on splitting the winnings with Sarah, but we were both a little struck by the odds I had just defied.

“I wonder if that isn’t your power”

“What, winning jackpots?”

“Sort of. What if your power is about bending probabilities? To put it another way, what if you are the luckiest person alive?”

“Some kind of fluke?”

“Not just a fluke. The Fluke.”

“Hmmm. The Fantastic Fluke! Has possibilities. Maybe we should go to Los Vegas”

“Greedy girl.”

“Would beat working for a living.”

Unfortunately, our chat was interrupted by the appearance of a group of bank robbers, and things were just about to get really weird.

(Next time: Bank Robbers! Aliens! The heroic debut of the Fantastic Fluke! And the appearance of the Superior known as The Doctor, in a little chapter entitled; “What’s up, Doc?”

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