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I'ts for Your Own Good
Thanks to 'Drea for the beta test.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your author speaking. Before we step on board this story I must tell you that its a very disturbing and frightening one. Heck, it scares me, and I wrote it. Therefore very gentle readers are advised to read this story with extreme caution. With that warning out of the way, take a hold of my hand, and don’t let go, and we’ll all get to the end of this tale together...
“Welcome to tonight’s broadcast of ‘Focus on the Family.’ I’m your host, Dr. James Dobson. My guest tonight is Edward Bell, who just wrote a book entitled, ‘From Boy to Girl and Back Again’. Mr. Bell, lets start with when you first struggled with your gender.”
“Well, It started because I was abused sexually at seven years old. This abuse lasted two years, and at the end of it, my identity was totally shaken. Added to the loss of my father to suicide two years earlier, and getting as a stepfather an abusive alchoholic, and my connection to being a male all but totally destroyed.”
“And then what happened?”
“Well, when I was thirteen, I became a christian, and was lucky enough to get involved with a conservative Christian church which help counter the messages I was getting from my environment. But sadly, my struggles continued.”
“You describe in your book about a ‘seemingly never-ending cycle of indulgence followed by repentance.”
“Yes, sadly, my struggles continued right into my forties. By that point, I had been married, had a child, but lost them because my struggles caused me to have a breakdown.”
“Then you decided to, as you put it ‘stop struggling against my desires, and embrace them.’, right?”
“Yes. I started dressing up more, to start with. I then got a job telling my employer I was going to transition, and even got on female hormones.”
“That’s so tragic.”
“Yes, but fortunately God wasn’t done with me just yet. I happened to meet Pastor Rich, who actually had been trained in gender issues thanks to your Canadian branch. And with his help, I was able to pull out of that lifestyle, and I even was able to reconcile with my ex.”
“Praise God.”
After the taping, Edward left the studio, and returned to the hotel suite they had provided. Once inside, he began to shake and cry, and at the sound his ex wife came into the room.
“I cant do this, I can’t be him, please, ….” He sobbed.
“Its all for your own good.” His ex said, going to the medicine cabinet as she spoke, “You know we love you, and only want whats best for you.” She came out of the bathroom with a large needle, and pulling down his pants, plunged it into his backside.
Slowly, the sobbing stopped, and a blank look came across his face. The woman began repeating into his ear “You are a male, you are comfortable as a male. You have no desire to wear woman’s clothes or act female....”
After she was finished, she went to the room next door, and picked up the phone. A few moments later she said, “Rich, Its Shannon. The stuff isn’t holding him like it used to. He barely made it back to the room before it started wearing off.”
There was a pause, and then she said, “I cant up the dose anymore! We’re at maximum now.”
“Look, maybe we can just retire him from public speaking. We can always say he wants to go back to a private life.”
“I know how important a success story is! But if he breaks free, we lose everything!”
She sighs, and said, “Alright. I’ll do it.”
She hangs up the phone, and then returns to the room where her ex is sleeping, and sits beside him.
“I’m sorry hon.” she said, and grabbed a pillow and put it over his face...
Elisabeth Bell woke up with a start. “That was unpleasant.” she said to herself. “But although my ex isnt a fan of my transition, she’d never do something like that.”
She got up and pulled down a well-worn bible and started reading.
And she could feel God soothing her heart as she read.
Whew. We made it through, right? I look forward to hearing what you all thought.
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Its for Your Own Good
Dorothy, this reminds me of a story whee a baby boy was injured during a circumcision and raised as a girl, even had a psychologist try to brainwash her to want to be a girl, but she was a boy in his heart and rebelled, lived as a boy afterwards. the entire sordid story is fact.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
It Was Even Worse.
He committed suicide.
WOW...oh my goodness... that was scareylicious Dorothy and the scarey thing is i can see this being a hairs breadth from reality. There are so many "christians" out there that want to use religion as a form of control, not a balm to the soul or a comfort for the mind. My eldest sister is in a pentecostal church and, honestly i can't see her light anymore... *sigh*... a great story Dorothy... Thank you for sharing with me and all of us.
Hugs, big comforting Hugs,
Thanks, Diana.
Faith is a wonderful thing that can bring meaning and comfort to many. Religion, on the other hand is mostly a tool to boss people around, and that's the difference.
I am so glad you added the
I am so glad you added the last part to it, which made it seem like it was all a dream. It won't haunt me tonight when I try to sleep anyway...
But a good story nonetheless,
grtz & hugs,
Sarah xxx
the end of the story
was thanks to 'Drea who thought the reader might appreciate it. I'm glad you liked it.
I am glad I never married or believed in organised religion. I have my own private beliefs and will never shout them from the rooftops. My personal faith was earned by the harshness of life and will remain forever my own.
On a lighter note (hopefuly.) I recall watching a documentary where a man of wealth underwent SRS and later decided he was confused and actually gay. He put the blame on the counselors, accusing them for leading him to make the wrong decision. My impression was that he had the money to rush too quickly over the head of medical advice and wrecklessly rushed headlong to the op. Last I heard he/she was planning a reverse SRS.
Anyway, I do digress. Another short story and to the point Dorothy :) Thankyou once more.
thanks, Deb
As I said earlier, in my opinion there is a large difference between faith and religion. Thanks so much for commenting.
Yes, and No !
They are quite similar, but just different strains of the same kind of mind virus !
how do I feel?
I feel like the million or more viewer who were fans of the TV show "Dallas" where a whole season of "Dallas" was 'just a dream'.
how do I feel?
I feel like the million or more viewer who were fans of the TV show "Dallas" where a whole season of "Dallas" was 'just a dream'. I feel robbed and mostly frustrated.
"robbed and frustrated"?
sorry you didn't like it. I found I didnt want to leave it on such a horrible note.
Disturbing and Frightening
You weren't kidding in your warning about it being "disturbing and frightening"! I got to "Dr. James Dobson" and couldn't read any further! *grin* (just kidding)
On a serious note, I wouldn't be surprised if many of those "ex-gay" (and "ex-trans"?) fundamentalist ministries try drugs and cruel behavior modification to try to "cure" people who don't need curing. If so, they haven't had much success yet.
curing transgender
I'm sure they've helped some people, but have hurt a lot more, sadly. Thanks for the comment.
Good and Bad
Okay, there's good news and bad news.
Good news is that I actually DO like the story. It is a thriller like you said, and you did provide enough warnings.
Bad news is that I've got elevated levels of adrenelin in my system now from coming really close to hyperventalating while reading it. Too close to too many realities I know of to be comfortable.
Would you be offended if I said I am never reading this story again? It's too close to many "what if"'s for my comfort.
But I did like it.

not offended at all
I'll be kinda glad to put this one in the rear view mirror myself, for the same reasons. Thanks for commenting.
I'ts for Your Own Good
That phrase has justified an awful lot of harm.
Frightening story!
thanks, Hypatia
A scary story, that's for sure. Glad you liked it, and thanks for the comment.