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Message for Mom and Dad
Author's note: This one has a bit of a history. I was complaining about not having a story for a mix tape, and so Hutcho pitched me this idea. Sadly, I couldn't get it to work properly for the mix tape, so I'm setting it free ...
Hey, Mom and Dad, its Matt. I know its been awhile, but some stuff has been happening here that you will not believe, except I swear its true.
You remember me telling you about Lisa, my new girlfriend? From the first date we have found we found we had a lot in common, including a love for cheesy Disney cartoons. Well, last week we watched “Lady and the Tramp” and decided to re-create the dinner scene where they eat the same spaghetti strand and end up kissing. We decided we would kinda cheat, find a big piece of spaghetti with a fork and each take an end.
But something happened when our lips met.
We switched bodies.
And no, I’m not kidding.
I have no idea how, and I have no idea if we will ever switch back. We even tried re-creating the kiss, but nothing happened.
We’re both struggling with the switch, trying to survive as best we can while hoping its temporary, but in case it lasts, I want you guys to do me a favor. I was supposed to come home for Christmas, and we’d still like to come, but as a couple so we can continue to support each other through this.
And when I come, be forgiving if I act occasionally “girly”, okay?
Elsewhere ...
“LOKI! What have you done to those mortals!”
“Just allowed them the chance to walk in each other’s shoes, that’s all.”
“Well, switch them back! Now!”
“Can’t The spell can only be cast once a year.”
“The all-father shall hear of this when wakes!”
“I’m sure he will. ... now, what other fun can I get into while father is asleep?”
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Dorothy Colleen, an
Dorothy Colleen, an interesting short story to be sure.
My comments may seem be a little over the top regarding what took place in the story, but it is how I feel about what happened.
Ah yes, Loki, the one who everyone loves to pound into the ground. Now I wonder why that would be? Seems he would be very deserving of that treatment in this instance.
IF Matt had had any desire to become a woman, which is seems he did not, then the switch might have been okay to do; however it also needs to take his girlfriend Lisa's desires into consideration as well. Forced body change is not cool and Loki definitely needs some sort of major punishment by Odin for his outrageous actions on this young couple.
Janice Lynn
I suspect he'll get some punishment
and assuming they switch back in a year, they at least have that to look forward to ...
Thanks for commenting, and huggles!
Well then
If not for the Goddammit Loki(TM) I would have thought the two made up the swap as an excuse to both transition, especially with the "occasionally girly" footnote.
Adding Loki at the end, however, completely changed the tone...
an excuse to transition?
giggles. Sounds like a fun story, wanna write it?
thanks for commenting!
Poor Loki Always Gets a Bad Press
Bur without him, Norse Mythology would be pretty boring. There is in every old mythology/religion always one who causes mischief aka FUN. I used to be able to cite them all but I cant do that just now - I have been packing and springcleaning my wee hoosie, because tomorrow, 2nd of April, I have to set off by car and ferry in a convoy to a fantastic and very expensinve posh wedding, where two branches of my extended family or clan will get married. I do not know why as they have been living together for many years already. We have to go to some castle near the English border, not far from Locherby of all places, where their Lordship and Ladyship will hold the Ceremony, followed by several days of feasting. Then they fly away to Korea, of all places, for a year.
Well, at least it is South Korea they are heading for, so they will be allowed to come back to Bonny Scotland again, when the Contract is finished. Nobody wants to go to N Korea.
Strange to think that Kim Ill Fatboy was educated at a posh finishing school in Switzerland, of all pl\aces. Not very good at it are they ?
I really liked this short but nice and funny story-ette of your's Dorothy. It was a neat joke, worthy even of Loki Himself !
Thank you for letting us read and enjoy it.
thanks, Brair
I hoped it would fit in on April fools, glad you liked it!
Loki had better watch out!
Not being a game player I had to look this up but it appears Loki's pranks can rebound:-
"Loki often runs afoul not only of societal expectations, but also of what we today might call “the laws of nature.” In addition to the progeny listed above, Loki is also the mother – yes, the mother – of Sleipnir, Odin’s shamanic horse, whom Loki gave birth to after shapeshifting into a mare and courting the stallion Svaðilfari, as is recounted in the tale of The Fortification of Asgard."
Rhona McCloud
he became a mare? giggles
I knew he was a little strange, but still ...
thanks for the comment, Rhona!
very cute!
I like this story very much!
thanks, Saeka!
glad you liked this bit of silliness
Oh yes, Loki, the god of mischief and surprises.
What will Odin do to him when he awakes? Odin should take away some of Loki's powers and turn him into a female. I don't think the masculine thinking Loki would like that too much. This is cute letter to mom and dad. I wonder if I kissed someone, would I become her? Oh well, a girl can dream.
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & Hugs,
Barbara Lynn Terry
"If I have to be this girl in me, then I have the right to be."
Loki might enjoy being a girl
imagine the mischief she could get into ...
Poor Loki
Someone is cheating (Matt/Lisa words) and Loki is about to be punished.
There's a good chance I missed it, as scattered as I can be with searching through text, but I couldn't find it.
-- Daphne Xu
The third paragraph
There's "We decided we would kinda cheat".
I missed that when I scanned for the cheating. Sigh.
-- Daphne Xu
Not the Usual
"But something happened when our lips met." -- Something magical. When they kissed, they knew things were different this time.
I'm not up to the gods and who they were supposed to be, and my memory routinely fails me at critical points. Loki is a trickster god in the Norse myths?
-- Daphne Xu
yes Loki is a trickster
among his tricks he convinced Thor to pose as a girl for a trip into the kingdom of the ice giants
And Thor was the head honcho, the leader of the gods? Loki certainly had chutzpah.
-- Daphne Xu