What is the sound of one egg shell breaking?
All my life, I had been really good at hiding.
I had passed through elementary and junior high without drawing attention, and was looking to do the same in high school.
Until today, when everything changed.
My school decided to have a goofy version of mini-golf mixed in with extra challenges at each hole.
We were each assigned a group, and it didn’t take long for me to fall behind the others, as my golf skills could best be described as nill to negative.
But on the sixth hole is where my ability to hide died.
Besides the challenge of the hole itself, there was a bunch of donated clothes you could “bid” on depending on how you did on the hole.
I, of course, was last and had the least.
There was only one item left, an ankle length dress.
And since I had “won” the dress, the others encouraged me to put it on over my clothes.
I did, and I felt . . . alive. For the first time in my life.
And it scared me to death, so I took it off and ran to the next hole.
But one of my teachers noticed what had happened.
She tried to hand me the dress, but I kept saying, “I can’t, I can’t”
So she just held me and I let out the truth that had been hiding inside me for years - that I was really a girl, forced to pretend she was a boy.
And how I couldn’t see how that would ever change.
Then she did something amazing - she promised me it could change. It would change. If I was brave enough to make it change.
“I’m not brave enough.” I told her.
“Then let me be brave for you, for now, until you find your courage.” She replied.
And she kept her word.
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So few words. So many thoughts!
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
thanks, Angela
Oddly enough . . . .
When I first went to read this, the site was having issues, and the story had zero words. And I thought . . . hmm. Yes. A very suggestive title, surely. Profound, maybe. But, zero words?
— Emma
a few more than zero words
Zero words usually means
The server has gone stupid. Sometimes closing the browser and relaunching the site works. Otherwise you just have to wait for it to get restarted,
That was my assumption, but when I saw Jill's comment, praising Dot's amazing ability to convey so much with so few words I thought, "Huh! Maybe this time it's for real!"
— Emma
Then let me be brave for you...
Very nice sentiment, although I don't know how it works. But at least she's not alone.
In a golf PE class, the first time that I attempted to hit a ball, I threw my golf club about twenty yards.
-- Daphne Xu
I would swing and miss the ball
or top it, sending it about 2 feet.
A dangerous thin to promise
She can be brave for the heroine . . . so long as she's in earshot . . . .
— Emma
hopefully the heroine finds her own courage