A Bride's Head, Visited

A Bride’s head, visited

Author's note: This is what happens when you visit the more strange parts of my brain. You have been warned ...

Never befriend a mad scientist.

Although, in my defence, I didn’t know he was mad at the time. Brilliant, sure. A genius several times over, no question. But the madness I somehow missed, until it was too late.

His name was Victor, and we had met in college. Me, I was struggling my way through a Education degree with a minor in History, while he was adding to the already impressive list of subjects he had mastered in taking Human Biology.

Despite our differences, he did seem to take a shine to me when we were roomies, saying “Jonathan Harker, talking aloud to you helps me break down my concepts into simple steps and more than once in that process I have found things I didnt think of. “.

I graduated and spent a year as a substitute teacher while trying to figure out if I wanted to get a Master’s degree, losing contact with my pal Vic. Until that summer, when I got a letter from him, inviting me to spend the summer vacation at his place in the Swiss Alps.

And being a dope, I decided to go.

The place was amazing, the Alps are beautiful, and he seemed really happy to see me, so what could go wrong?

Well, it started to go weird with a visit to his lab where he said he wanted me to meet “Eve”

“Eve” turned out to be a girl. In a tank.

Okay, so she was beautiful, gorgeous, drool-worthy even. But she didnt move. She wouldnt even open up her eyes, which Victor assured me were a fantastic shade of blue.

“What’s wrong with her?” I asked.

“She’s missing a vital ingredient before she will come to life.”

“What? A lightning bolt?”

“No. The book had it wrong. She’s missing a soul.”

“A soul. Well, that’s too bad. Its not like you’re likely to find an extra one of those laying around.”

“But I have found a soul. Yours.”

And then the world went black.


Next thing I knew, I was gasping for air and coughing up water at the same time.

Vic was looking down at me, and he had what looked like an oxygen mask in his hand, ready to apply it to my face.

I waved it away, though, and finally managed to breathe properly , which gave me an opportunity to figure out what was wrong with my particular picture.

I was a girl. I was HIS girl, the girl from the tank.

“V...Vic. What did you do to me?”

“i placed your soul in my creation, to give her life.”

I managed to rise out of the tank and laid on the floor for a while, trying to figure out how this body worked.

As much as I wanted to put these delicate hands around Vic’s neck, I couldnt even stand up yet, so I decided to try and buy time.

“Why did you do this to me, Vic? I thought you liked me!”

“But I do like you. Which is why I wanted to bring your deepest desire to life, and at the same time do the same for mine.”

“What desire? I never desired to be a woman!”

“Yes, you did. I got rather curious about some of your mannerisms and so whipped up a truth serum, and gave it to you one night. Under its effects you told me you always felt more like a girl than a boy, and only your fear of what your family would say kept you from acknowledging that. So you buried that part of you, until you forgot it consciously. “

I bit my new tongue, and thought about what he said. Could I have wanted to be a girl, and kept myself from knowing it?

I felt more strength in my legs, and so carefully tried to stand up, having troubles partially because these legs were obviously not used to having to hold the body up, and partially because my sense of balance was all wrong, thanks to the breasts I supposedly had desired.

“Even assuming what you said was true, that was obviously my call to make, not yours. You should have asked me before putting me in here.”

“You would have never broken past the barriers in your mind to acknowledge what was inside you. But now, you can be the girl you always wanted to be!”

I considered my options. I was now a naked female, wobbling like a newborn fawn, and even if I could get away from him I had nowhere I could go, because this body probably didnt have any identity or paperwork. So I faked a smile, and said, “Okay, for the moment I’ll believe that, and thank you. So what happens now?”

“Now, you become my Bride.”

“You dont plan on you know, asking me out on a date first?”

“I ... never was good at the social thing with girls,”

“I guessed, considering you made your perfect girl yourself.”

“I did make my girl. And now, I want her to be mine.”

“I dont suppose you’d consider taking this slow? I was a guy not that long ago, you know.”

“Oh... I guess I should give you some time to adjust.”

“That would be nice. Also, could I have some clothes?”

“I have a room prepared for you, come.”

Not feeling like I had a lot of choices, I took his hand, and let him lead me upstairs to a room that looked like something out of a gothic romance - lace, satin, candles, everything a girl would want, if she grew up on fairy tales. The bed itself was huge, and had four posts of ornately carved wood that supported a canopy which had a white lace curtain that surrounded the bed, thick enough that a person inside would only be a shadow.

Besides the bed, there was a wooden table with an ornate silver mirror and a supply of makeup and a matching chair in front of it, a matching wooden dresser, and a huge set of folding doors, that upon opening revealed a closet that was bigger than some rooms I had seen.

Inside it were dresses that looked like reproductions of stuff worn in royal courts five or six hundred years ago. They were beautiful, but not exactly designed for a quick jog away from here, even if I had any place to go. I turned to him, and said “Could I ... have some privacy? I... I’ll try my best to get pretty for you if you give me some time to do it.”

He smiled a huge smile, and said, “I knew you would feel good about being a girl, once you got used to it. I’ll give you all the time you need.”

With that, he left the room, and closed the door behind him, leaving me to my thoughts. I tried to get this body used to moving by pacing back and forth across the room, and this process was helped by the thick soft carpet that felt much easier on my new feet than the cold hard surface of the lab.

But the shock of the situation wore off, and I sat down heavily on the bed and tried to keep from crying. I wondered what he had done with my old body - was it destroyed? And even if by some miracle it was still intact, he would never switch me back into it, not with me being his Bride and all. So I was stuck. I was a woman, and would be one for as long as I lived.

I cried for a while over the loss of my old life, and then steadied myself to meet the challenge I had at the moment. I was a non-person, and a captive of Vic’s insanity, and really had no choice but to try and make the best of things.

I got off the bed, and went to the table, and looked at my reflection.

Say what you like about Vic, he had good taste in girls - I was a knockout. Long blonde hair, wide blue eyes, pert nose, generous mouth., fair skin with a small amount of freckles, nice breasts that didnt look over-large, tight tummy, and long legs. Even without a drop of makeup on, put this girl in a bathing suit and she’d be the top candidate for the cover of sports illustrated.

I sighed, and looked in the dresser to see what Vic’s idea of underwear was like, and he must have had raided the Victoria Secret catalog. Bits of lace and silk that would leave very little to the imagination. I sighed again, and tried to figure out how to put something on.....

Much later, after much cursing and struggling and wishing I had spent more time watching women dressing (instead of fantasizing about them undressing ...), I managed to get something on, and slipped the easiest looking dress on overtop. Along the way I discovered that I needed a C-cup bra, a medium size panty, a size 8 dress and a size 7 shoe. I decided to forgo makeup, and just went out as I was. Any real girl would probably be horrified at my attempt to make myself presentable to a man I was going to marry, but considering I hadnt been a girl that long, and wasnt really sold on the marriage, I figured my appearance would have to do.

I found a note attached to my door saying to meet Vic in the dining room once I was done, so I headed that way, and once again considered my position . He had made this body, so would he feel he could own me, use me any way he wanted? I grit my teeth and decided that it was still my best course of action to play along, and hope that I could endure whatever he made me do. I got to the dining room, took a deep breath, and went inside.

Inside, he had set the dining room up to resemble a fancy restaurant, with a table for two, candles, and music being piped in from somewhere. I shrugged, and went in, and came up to the table.

He stood when he saw me, and I actually blushed a bit at the look of awe that crossed his face. “I’m sorry, I ... did the best I could.” I said, and looked down, feeling silly for fishing for a compliment.

“You look ... amazing. Here. let me help you sit.”

He helped me sit down, and then clapped, and a robot came into the room, and set out our supper.

Dinner was surreal, to say the least. I found myself enjoying his attention, and in candlelight, he actually came across as rather handsome, if somewhat quirky.

Eventually, we finished, and I waited to see what was going to happen next.

He helped me off my chair, and said, “I hope dinner was satisfactory to you.”

“It was very nice. As was the company” (Did I just say that?)

He smiled and led me upstairs. I started to get nervous. I assumed he would want to consummate our “marriage”, and I wasnt sure I was ready for that, if I ever would be. But to my surprize, he took me to “my” bedroom, and opened the door.

“I had a lovely time, my dear. Thank you. See you for breakfast?”

I blinked, and realized he wasnt going to have sex with me. “I ... sure. I had a wonderful time.”

I fidgeted, not sure of what I was supposed to do, and then he gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek, and said, “Goodnight, Eve.” Then he left, with me standing there looking stupid holding my hand against my cheek.

I went into the bedroom, closed the door, and started taking off my clothes. I found a nightgown, and slipped under the covers and sighed.

“Why am I disappointed he didnt kiss me on the lips?” I thought, and with that mystery in my head, I tossed and turned for a while before being able to fall asleep.

I woke to gentle knocking at my door in the morning, I put on a dressing gown, and opened the door a crack. and he said, “I was wondering if you would like to go riding? I have some stables nearby.”

“S... sure. Let me find something to wear, okay?”

“Take your time.”

I looked in the room-sized closet, and found a checked shirt, riding pants and boots, and changed as quickly as I could. I wondered what I could do with my hair, and found a rubber band and managed to make a crude ponytail. I considered putting on some lipstick at the very least, but having no idea how and not wanting to make a mess of things, I decided to go without.

I came out, and went downstairs, and he made me a light breakfast, and then we went to the stables. He had several beautiful horses that reminded me of the ones you see on TV sometimes doing dances and tricks. He took me to a grey-coated mare that bowed to me like I was royalty, and it allowed me to climb up onto its back and take it for a ride.

During that ride I discovered two things - now that I had gotten used to making this body work, I found I was surprisingly strong, and there is a reason why girls love to ride horses ......

I was actually glowing a little by the time the ride ended, but also aware I had worked up a sweat that I apoligized for when Vic helped me off the horse, only to have him tell me it only added to my beauty, which flustered me greatly.

He let me go take a bath before supper, and I took advantage of the time to think about today, and the body I now inhabited. I had been running on momentum, but now I was forced to really confront my change of gender, and I felt totally conflicted. On the one hand, I was now younger, stronger, and healthier than I was before Vic dropped me in here, and on the other hand, I was a girl, and I wasnt really sure how I felt about that. I finished my bath, put on a nice dress for dinner, and went down to meet Vic.

He had once again made a delicious meal for me, and I savored it for a while before feeling up to tackling the issues I was dealing with.

“Victor, I need to ask you a question.”

“Ask, and I will do my best to answer, Eve.”

“Did you .... did you record what I said under the truth serum? “

“I did, but why do you ask?”

“I ... I want to hear it. I ..... I need to hear me say I wanted to be a girl. Please.”

“Very well, come.”

He took me to his lab, and then said, “Wait.”

After what must have been a half hour or more, he came out carrying a small tape recorder.

“Allow me to escort you to your room, Eve. I’ll .... give you all the privacy and time you need. When you’re ready, tell me, and I’ll destroy the tape, if you wish.”

We went back to my room, and I sat by the vanity, and listened to the tape. I found my answers to be girly, but on a second listen I noticed something. The way Vic worded the questions made it feel like he was forcing the answers he wanted. The anger I had felt when I first woke up in this body rose up, and I wondered what I could do about it. Vic held all the cards, didn’t he? Or was there a way I could level the playing field? I wracked my brain for a while trying to think of something I do, something I could use to maybe force him to let me go.

“The lab. its got to be precious to him, if anything is. But would he be careless enough to leave it unlocked? And what could I do there, I’m not a scientist. Or is there another way?”

For the moment, I let it go, and decided I would go down for dinner and act like I was okay, and keep looking for a weak spot. I changed into a flattering dress, and came down holding the tape recorder in my hand.

I handed Vic the recorder, and we sat down and ate. Again, music was playing from somewhere, and again I found myself being charmed by Vic’s old world graces. But the little flame of anger I had built up over the recorder kept me from totally falling for him, and I wondered if the music was somehow supposed to help him charm me, which made me even madder. I fumed until I went to bed, and fell asleep.

The next day, I got the break I was hoping for. Vic decided to take me hunting, of all things, and so we ended up in a small forest not far from his “castle”, and I was armed. I waited, debating what my move should be, but when he turned away from me, I realized I was probably never get a better chance, and put my gun against the back of his head.

“Vic, I need you to throw down your gun, and then we’re gonna have a chat.”

He complied, and I got him to sit down on a tree stump, and then I backed up a bit, and said, “Okay, turn around, and lets chat, shall we?”

“Eve, my bride, what are you doing?”

“I’m not your bride. I listened to that tape, you bastard. You pushed the answers you wanted out of me, and I can feel whatever you’re putting in the music when we eat to try and get me to lower my guard. Now, I want either my male body back, or failing that a set of ID so I actually have a life with choices as a girl.”

“Your old body died as soon as your soul was taken out. I gave it a good funeral, if you want to know. And how would you propose that I give you identification?”

“Hack a government, or get someone to help you, I dont care. You’re a smart guy, you can do it if you want to. And I think this gun will help ensure you want to.”

“You are obviously distressed, and I’m sure I could help you back in the lab. Just give me the gun ...”

He lunged for me, and without actually meaning to, I pulled the trigger.

His head turned to mist from the shot, and I screamed ....

The gun dropped from my hand, and suddenly I “heard” Vic’s voice in my head, saying “Contingency plan alpha enabled....”

I collapsed to the grass, and found I couldnt move. Time passed, and some animals came by attracted by Vic’s blood, and soon a wolf had dragged his body off into the bushes to enjoy a meal. I would have thrown up, if I could have. The wolf and the other animals seemed to ignore me, and soon I was alone.

Time passed, and I wondered how long it took you to die by dehydration ....

But I didnt die. Seems like this body hadnt really needed to eat or drink, one more thing Vic forgot to mention to me before stuffing me inside here. I’m still laying here, on the forest floor, and maybe I’ll be here forever.

Unable to move.

Unable to die.

Forever ......

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