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Santa School
Jacob Burrows answered the ad for a mall Santa, and was surprised to discover that one had to actually attend a class before you were allowed to put on the red suit and beard. In fact, he was sent to a day long “Santa School”.
At the class, Jacob spent the day learning how best to act “jolly”, even when things were not going well. Things like when a kid pulls on your beard or pees on your pants.
There was also a discussion on what to do if a kid asks for something other than a present, and this led to some of the “Santas” to stand up and share stories.
They told of kids asking that a sibling wasn’t sick, or that a parent could find a job, of wishing mommy and daddy would stop fighting, or that there would be enough food on the table for Christmas dinner.
One Santa even told a story about a little boy who asked for his daddy to come back from heaven because he missed him so. At that story, some of even the most veteran and cynical Santas wept openly when he had finished.
There was silence after they all composed themselves, and the instructor asked if anyone else wanted to share. A fairly young man spoke up.
He said, “My name is Mike. This is just my second year being a Santa. This is the story of what happened to me last year.”
Last Year:
It was Christmas eve, and the mall was crazy. Mike was not surprised that there were a lot of last-minute shoppers. But he was surprised how long the line to see him was. He wondered at parents who brought kids to ask for something this late unless maybe they knew for sure what the kid would ask for.
Finally, there was only one child left. She must have been about eight or nine, holding the hand of a man who could only be her father, judging by the affection the little girl showed him. She shooed him away, clearly wanting to talk to Santa privately, and the man honoured her choice, and stepped aside.
“And what do you want for Christmas, little girl?”
“Is it okay for me to ask for something for somebody else?”
“That is… a very nice thing to do, sweetie What would you like, and for whom?”
“Its for my daddy”
“And what do you think he needs”
“You wont tell anybody, will you?”
“Santa always keeps secrets. I wont even tell Mrs. Claus”
She leans in, and whispers, “I think.. I think he needs to be a girl.”
Mike was simply stunned.
“Wh…why would you say that hon?”
“He had to teach my mommy how to brush my hair without hurting.”
“Lots of daddies can do stuff like that”
“There is more”
“Well, one day, when he thought I was asleep, I saw him holding one of Mommy’s dresses.”
“Maybe he was just putting it away for her honey”
“No. He was holding it against his body, like he was wanting to put it on. He swung it around, and was smiling. He almost never smiles.”
“What do you mean, never smiles?”
“He is always sad. His always looks like he was crying. And he cries a lot, when he thinks I am not looking, although he tries not to cry in front of me.”
“But that still doesn’t mean he needs to be a girl”
“A couple of days ago, I overheard him and Mommy arguing over it, believe me, I am sure.”
“What do I say to her? It sounds like her so-called ‘daddy’ is one sick puppy, but I can’t tell her that.”
“Honey, I can’t promise you something like that”
She looked at Mike with tears on his face.
“Please Santa. I know he is hurting so bad, I just don’t want him to hurt anymore.”
“But.. But if he is a girl, he wont be your daddy anymore”
“I…I don’t care. I would rather he be a girl and be happy, than be my daddy and be sad.”
“Look, I can’t promise. But if you are the best girl you can be, and say your prayers, everything will work out, okay?”
“Oh… okay. Thanks Santa. It felt good just telling somebody.”
“She is a better girl than a pervert like that deserves”
“Take care now.”
She got off his lap, and bounced over to her daddy, who took her hand. Mike looked at the man as he hugged the girl. He looked close, and saw sadness and pain in the man’s eyes as the girl hugged him back with every bit of strength she had, and then they walked away.
Mike finished the story, and sat back down, and the class continued. At the end, Jacob left the classroom and made his way home. He slipped into his small apartment, took off his clothes, and put on a robe. He opened his closet, and looked at the pretty dresses hanging there, and sighing, closed it again.
He got down on his knees and began to pray. He didn’t attend church anymore, the rejection got too much for him, but he still liked to talk to God, and hope he was listening.
“God, every year at this time, I make a special request. I am not sure why I do it at Christmastime, except that maybe this feels like the season for miracles. But this year, I want to change my request. I am not going to ask that you make me a girl.”
“Instead, I would like to pray for that little girl, and her daddy. You know their situation, and if he really needs to be a girl, please let it be so. And…and…”
He paused, and hesitated. Could he really go through with what he had in mind?
“And if there is only one miracle to be had, and it means I never get my own prayer answered. I…I still want it for him. And God, thanks for listening.”
That night, Jacob slept, and he dreamed. He saw….
Across town, on Christmas day
Andrea woke, still tingling, especially around her chest. She smiled, and remembered the attention her wife Tracey had paid to her growing breasts last night.
She kissed her wife softly, and whispered. “I am so grateful for you, my love. Most wives would have left a husband who was trying to become a woman.”
Tracey opened her eyes, and smiled into the face of her love. “I am sorry, my dear, sweet spouse”
“Sorry, Tracey? For what?”
“For ever doubting you, ’Drea. You have become, no you always were, a beautiful, special woman. I only wish I had seen it sooner.”
“It is okay hon. I…I just wish we could afford to get me the surgery, so I could be complete.”
“Have faith, sweetie. God has carried us this far. He will see us the rest of the way. And whatever happens, we will face it together. You, me, and Sam”
At that moment, as is invoked, the door to their room was thrown open and a small bundle of energy jumped into bed with them.
“Morning mommy Tracey. Morning mommy Andrea. Can I open my presents now?”
Andrea laughed, and said “Okay, okay, let me and Mommy Tracey get dressed, and then we will open presents.”
A while later, as Tracey and Andrea looked at the wrapping paper that had been ripped and thrown everywhere like confetti, and listened to a small child happily playing, and sighed together.
Then Tracey noticed an envelope in a stocking hung by the artificial fireplace, and said to Andrea, “What is that?”
“I don’t know”
Tracey picked it out of the stocking and looked at it and said, “It is addressed to both of us.”
“Well, let’s open it”
They looked inside, and saw a card that said:
“Because you have both been very good girls, here is a gift.”
Inside the card was a letter, and Tracey read it.
“’Drea, you got to read this. It’s…it’s a dream come true. It says you have your SRS scheduled in January, and its already been paid for !”
Andrea grabbed the letter and read it, and read it again
“I .. I can’t believe it. It really is a miracle!”
They kissed, and then went over to their child.
“You okay, mommy ‘drea?”
“Better than okay. I am so happy I could burst!”
“Good. That’s what I asked Santa for last year.”
“You did?”
She nods.
“And he told me if I was a good girl, everything would work out right, and it has.”
“Bless you, and merry Christmas, Sammy.”
“The merriest.” said Tracey, and they held each other and hugged and kissed.
Now, across town.
Jacob woke, and smiled. He had enjoyed the dream, and really hoped it would come true in a couple of days. Then he wept, remembering what he had promised.
“I … I guess there was only one miracle to be had. I am happy for her, but it is going to be hard for me.”
It wasn’t until he slid out of bed that he realized something was different. He felt the weight on his chest and looked down and saw the swell of breasts under his nightgown.
With growing excitement, he made is way over to a mirror, and stood there, seeing for the first time in real life the girl she had always been inside.
“I…I am beautiful?”
She could see no bulge in the front of her panties, and a quick peek confirmed it, she was a girl, all the way through. She then noticed a card on her dressing table, and went over to it, and opened it up, and read:
“For being a good girl, and for being willing to sacrifice your own dreams to make a stranger’s dream come true, your prayer has been answered. You will find another present in your purse. Merry Christmas, Rebecca., from a friend”
She went over to her purse, and gasped as she pulled out a ID with her new name, and it had the best thing possible in the corner. Beside the box marked “Sex” it had an “F”.
“Thank you, Thank you!” she shouted at the sky.
Merry Christmas to all, from Dorothy Colleen.
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Oh, come ON!!!
This would never happen!!
*EVERYONE* knows Santa signs his letters, "... a Friend, Ho Ho Ho!"
(PS. Thanks for the smile)
Thanks for the smile
Nice sweet Christmas story. It made me smile. That's always needed.
Thank you
Thank you for writing such a sweet story.
Words fail me...
...thank you!
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Merry Christmas!
Thank you for the wonderful story. It brought a tear to my eye. My Christmas wish is that everyone reading stories here, and especially yours, Dorothy, will get to enjoy to the fullest the lady in them this coming year!
Good stroy
Oh if only it could be true. I think there are many of us out there that feel the same way I do. This was a great story better then some others I have read for the contest so far.
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Both Andrea (+family) and Rebecca's dreams came true - and all it required was a little faith and (perhaps more importantly) the willingness to sacrifice your dreams to allow someone else's dream to come true.
Well done!
If I could have pressed the Kudos button multiple times and effected a result, I would have done so :)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
O Wow!
Is there really such a thing as Santa school?
It never crossed my mind, not even as a whacky notion.
Tell me it's true! The world might be a better place than I thought.
Lessons in being jolly to children.
yes, there is a santa school
here is a link to one:
"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"
Santa School Dropout
I wonder if the tough kids at Santa School are Grinches? Do they hang around the chocolate fountain in the hall and tell the elves to 'grow up?' Pretend to smoke candy canes? Hang tree decorations from inappropriate piercings? Get their heads shaved so they have a fringe all around and a tuft on top?
The mind fairly *boggles*
Merry Christmasmastide!
wonderful story. heartwarming. keep up the good work.
Be honest, now...
That no one reading this didn't tear up, at least a little?
I did... Sweet story
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Honestly, I cried
A sweet Christmas story, neatly told, and yeah it brought several tears to my eyes (I don't think many of us here have a problem admitting when we've cried over a story, in fact some of us have a tendancy toward one-ups{wo}manship in this arena, wearing our freedom to cry, our succeptibility to being turned into a tenderhearted pile of mush by a sentimental story as a badge honor, evidence of our innate femaleness...). People being noble & putting others ahead of something they want so bad is a beautiful thing, humanity at its best. Although I did find parts of this a bit unrealistic. I mean, I pray for and pester Santa on behalf of Andrea and Tracey all the time, and I'm still waiting for my magical Christmas transformation jackpot. Maybe this year?
~~~hugs, happy Christmas, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Very nice!
What a heart wrenching story
What a heart wrenching story with a lovely and heart warming ending.
To some more then others
While you wish a Merry Christmas to all, suspect there are several people to whom this story has a greater impact.
Dotty you nailed another great story straight from the heart,now if I can only stop crying both sad and joyful tears HUGS GIRLFIEND RICHIE2
Tender, sappy, and sweet enough to require insulin!
And, just what I needed this morning!
Thank you very much for creating this nice story!
Carla Ann
Santa School
A wonderful, feel good story, Thanks 4 posting.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine