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When They Came ....
Author’s note. This one is pretty dark. Read with care ....
There aren’t many of us left. The grey shirts have spread from the U.S into Canada, and I think its the same in other countries. I ... dont know how long I have before they find me, but I’m going to keep sending out messages as long as I’m able. ....
We lost Jaci today.
They made an example of her, executing her publicly, and broadcasting it worldwide. I remember the fun conversations we used to have, how she used to tease me about how girly I was, how she could make me giggle like a schoolgirl, which would only make me giggle harder when I tried to fight back.
Havent had a reason to giggle in a while. Probably wont giggle again in this life. It may not be long before they find me ....
Dreamt of Kylie again today. It was a month ago she died, and I cant forget it, wont forget it..
I loved her. I dont care that she was born a boy, she was the most beautiful girl I have ever met, and she loved me too.
We were on webcam when they came, and so I got to watch what happened, helplessly.
My name was the last thing she said as she died .....
I dont understand how this could happen. How could they take power using trans people as scapegoats? How could people fall for this? Where did all our “allies” go? They are imprisoning us, killing us, and the majority are silent?
I ... I was thinking about a quote about the Nazis. “When they came for the Jews, I said nothing because I wasnt a Jew”, that one. You cisgendered people, you may not like me or people like me, but do you think it will be over once were gone? When they have jailed or killed the last of us trans, who will they go after next? Who will be left to speak up when they come for you?
I’m almost out of supplies, and will have to chance going out for more soon. If you dont hear from me again, it means they got me. I .... I love you all.
Connection severed. ......
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I think the most disturbing aspect of this is how real it feels. I can almost see the pendulum starting to swing back to the right in the news I'm reading online here in the real world. I can't thank you for writing this, Dorothy, its going to play hell with my sleep tonight. You do get an A+ for how well it is written.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
thanks, Karen
I wanted this one to give people goosebumps, glad it worked
Thanks for commenting.
Beautifully constructed
Beautifully constructed story, savage and uncompromising.
Let's hope our short-sighted attitude towards the planet's natural resources doesn't lead to a situation where a movement like that could take over.
We've got to keep watching, people.
something like this is happening in Greece to gays
we are only a Great Depression away from having those sorts of attitudes from spreading ........
thanks for commenting, Nicki.
Gays in Greece...
Not just gays. In the northern part of Greece (maybe elsewhere too), they are arresting any transpeople they see, for no reason (trumped up BS charges), throwing them in the cells for a while, then releasing them, telling them they'll arrest them again and again until they "live right" (as their birth sex, I assume)... So yeah, after the trend of society becoming more knowledgable and accepting of LGB and T people and less conservative, and with the economic woes in many countries, both of these factors are making many societies/governments swing toward the fascist rightwing and lock us strange letter people (LGBTQ) up and/or persecute us for being different. They want us all to die, move to another country, or go back in the closet and not bother their small minds.
If things get bad enough, I can see your little story happening. Fascist totalitarian dictatorships need scapegoats, "undesirable" and mistrusted groups to blame problems on and unite the populace behind the government. We see it quite clearly in many of the more Republican/Tea Party dominated states in the USA too. Scared people buy into this stuff to feel secure again.
Angel Lisa
(about to become an angel for real if things ever get this bad)
Wow! From the very first moment I felt as if I was in that world. Chilling. Learning of Jaci and Kylie sent a chill through me.
I feel almost sad that the connection was severed even though I knew it wasn't real.
killing off Kylie and Jaci was hard
but I wanted it to have the idea of real loses.
Aren't you glad it was fiction - at least so far?
Thanks for commenting.
Killing Kylie and Jaci
Boo hoo... You don't love me enough to kill me...
I had a special death planned for you .....
but decided to be merciful to my readers.
I'll kill you next time, promise.
Special Death Planned...
Aww, you're a good friend. *hug*
but good story. all too believable given our history as a species.
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
gays are being targeted in Greece and Russia
finding a scapegoat is a pretty natural thing for a dictator to do ...
thanks for commenting, Laika
History does not comfort.
History does not comfort. Germany was a modern civilized country. The USA? Ask the Karankawa... Oh, sorry, they're gone. All of us need to remember, we have to fight the bigots. They try to split us, blacks from gays from TG's from whoever. And I'm pessimistic about the planet. When (not if) conditions get bad, that's when conflict of all kinds will get worse, and scapegoats will be useful. Maybe I'm wrong. I hope to God I am!
Susana Quemada
I hope you're wrong too
maybe someday we'll be too intelligent and enlightened to fall for these kinds of tricks ...
Thanks for commenting Susana
this does give me goose bumps for sure. As you said, it is a dark one but one that is also a possible reality to boot! For now it is fiction but possibly someday into our futures it could be a reality although I think that if it does happen it will be small factions or groups of idiots rather than a whole world or whole country allowing something so horrible to actually happen!? At least I hope it would not be a whole world allowing this horrible to happen! There are still a good many that still honor us for being brave enough to actually "be ourselves" rather than for us to suffer a lifetime of self loathing and misery. Plus there are a good many that do know for a fact that many of us are more intelligent and or much more caring than the average citizen of the planet not to mention that we keep on sacrificing much of ourselves as well as our lives if need be on certain occasions!
Dorothy you wrote this well enough for the readers, at least myself anyway, that it is easy enough to actually picture ourselves in this scenario! For me it was like a video in my mind, goodness!
thank you, Vivien
I'm glad it succeeded on that level.
I know you would, hon.
I would do my best to do the same.
brilliant but sad
and to heavy for me
its a bit like ,,,,wel olmost 30 years back i was talking with my dad and coplaining about immigrants [hey i was young]
when i was done he slowly turned towads me and says '''son in ww2 after the ammericans bommed nijmegen [his home town] and opperation market garden was in full swing i was once a 8 year old war refugee '''
what i meen to say is ,,well it makes you start to think before you open your mouth
he told me a story that one one day they went to bed in german held territory and his mother got in the morning and came home with some food and milk from am american soldier [they were liberated] later that same day my dad got a hand full of [ammerican]sigarets from a waffen ss soldier becourse my dad told the guy that he realy liked his tank becourse there street was in german hands again.
1 day later the were liberated again and went south to a more healthy village .
thank you for sharing your dad's story, hon.
its sad to think we might be repeating history again.
False advocacy.
It is easy to categorize people based upon a general consensus but when you fold back the cliches` and really examine what people think you have to redefine the boarders of your categories. Pertaining to most issues the largest legitamate category is indifference. Most people like to skew the numbers based upon situational construction but those kinds of advocacy are tenuous most of the time. The emotional default of a hater is hatred. This is what should be formost in the minds of anyone seeking advocacy/companionship/etc...
Nothing says false.... much as those who accept me, but on their own terms with their own definitions. I am who I say I am, aye? And as much as I love consensus, the definition of a democracy, as someone once said, is two foxes and a chicken deciding what to have for dinner.
Love, Andrea Lena
A Different Title
A Diary of Anne, Who Was Once Frank
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)