Mature / Thirty+

Snakes and Ladders-1

Snakes and Ladders

by Bailey Summers

(This is a story written to and about a good friend Wren Phoenix, both written and posted with her permission.)

Have you ever had one of those shitty fucking days. Yeah you’re right, I guess we’ve all had them. But It seem I’ve had 52 years worth. They say that you can never find true happiness unless you’re true to yourself.

You know there’s a part of it that really wants to believe that. But it’s harder than hell…yeah, harder than hell because there were times I’d have cut a deal to fix myself.



I leave behind the usual clutter
Of unfinished business,
Regrets, and roads not taken in life

I also leave my heart poured out on paper
Undiscovered glimpses of my life
To be enjoyed by any who find them good

Or perhaps to be ridiculed,
As being to soft and light for the modern world

Whatever the fate of my work,
It seems petty, in the face of the poetry
Of my true and final resting place

I say now to those who might care for me
“Do not look for me in the harsh lights of the city
Nor in the cool foothills of the mountains
I have gone home to stay”

Something to Declare 33

 A Fiddle]


by Cyclist

 Violin Bow]

Chapter 35

Time was moving faster than I could manage. I was being lined up for surgery almost before knew it, PBP was looming, I still hadn’t sorted a way of getting back across the Channel with my passport and official gender as they were, and my conversation months ago with Geoff was something I truly wanted to ignore. There was no way on Earth I was ever going back in that cage, no way I would ever pretend again.

Momentum Shift!-1


Momentum Shift-1

by Lynceus

Dr. Ronick was a genus. And probably insane. But like a moth drawn to a flame, I couldn't seem to escape his madness! If only things were different, I thought. In another world, another life, I could love someone like him.

Little did I realize that I was about to get everything I had wished for...and a whole lot more!

Defender's Dream - Part 5

Defender's Dream

What Dreams May Come

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio


I was a little girl alone in my little world who dreamed of a little home for me.
I played pretend between the trees, and fed my houseguests bark and leaves, and laughed in my pretty bed of green.

Born in a Watery Grave

Born in a Watery Grave

(AquaGirl 1)

by mittfh

Copyright © Ben Norwood 2010

Creative Commons License

Mark Foster is terrified of water.
So what's he doing on a cross-channel ferry... the bottom of the sea...

With thanks to Lilith, Lynceus and EnemyOfFun - you know your roles in producing this!


Image credits:
  Original: DC Comics
(found @ ComicVine)
  Modified: mittfh

Something to Declare 28

 A Fiddle]


by Cyclist

 Violin Bow]

Chapter 30

Being without a bike, I took a taxi home. Vanessa had given me the rest of the day off after calling me to her office for a debrief. She has a very raucous laugh, and when Nigel mentioned the “I know where it’s been” comment, she brayed.

My Enemy, Myself-2


My Enemy, Myself-2

by Lynceus

Duela Dent was a good girl. She got good grades. Never got in trouble. But all that was about to change, thanks to a new friend named Janice...

My Enemy, Myself-1


My Enemy, Myself-1

by Lynceus

Harvey Dent. Bright new ADA. Beautiful wife and teenaged daughter. Family man. But also, a man with a secret. And something inside him that is about to break loose with a vengeance!

Emerging from the Bushes: The first 'female' president of the USA?

Another, earthshaking scoop about US politics (a 2.5 tremor on the Rorschach scale occurred as Somer wrote this). Here you will learn about a secret society that created the Bush political dynasty, and about its plan to elect a third Bush as President in 2016 (or 2020) by countering the generalized feeling that the first two Bushes were too macho for the job.

Emerging from the Bushes: The first ‘female’ president of the USA?
By: Somer Knight

Deity Arms 4: Bridget

Deity Arms

Deity Arms–Bridget
by Barbie Lee (© 2001)

Set in The Professor’s Deity Arms universe, a businessman, ruined and disgraced by his partner and by his lover, is rescued from suicide by the mysterious Mr. Logan.
(With an introduction by The Professor.)

Something to Declare 22

 A Fiddle]


by Cyclist

 Violin Bow]

Chapter 24

It’s a long walk back along the cliffs to Bosherston, The wind was at my back and my hair was streaming out, showing me the way home. I could get a lot of my bits and pieces onto the bike, and it was only a short ride back to Pembroke railway station.

A Reluctant Spirit - Filtered Spirits


By Ingrid Halb

Dan's wife Chrystal, owns the magical vessel but Dan wants to wish for his wife and him to have nicer things. Unfortunately for Dan, she lets him. A cautionary tale set to remind us to appreciate our significant others and appreciate the efforts taken to keep a house clean and tidy.

Galactic Marshal - Chapter 15

by Hilltopper


The pod door swinging open caused me to open my eyes. Linda was smiling down at me.

“Feeling better, Mary?”

I sat up and noticed that my injuries from that beating Karen gave me seemed to have pretty much healed. The pod was a good medical unit.

“Yes, much. Where are we?”

Linda laughed.

“You are not going to believe it. We just landed outside Basteria.”

My eyes opened wide.

Something to Declare 11

 A Fiddle]


by Cyclist

 Violin Bow]

Chapter 13

A small warm thing had settled in my tent again and I kicked it awake to take its turn at the morning brew duties. I needed to dispose of some second hand beer. It was odd how my attitude to alcohol had changed; I always loved a good ale, but I had been using things like wine boxes as off-switches for my dreams.

The Curious Case of A Missing Witness

The Curious Case of the Missing Witness
by SmallBurnyThing

Some days you get a lucky, a kind word gets you a password, which lets you copy a database, which fetches a rather large amount on the black market. Other days, well, someone else goes for the same mark as you and everything goes wrong. The emergence of meta-humans in the world was never going to affect that too much. Oh, and I'm a naíve fool, did I mention that?

You see, my life was one of the best I could have, coding by daylight and occasionally skimming large sums money off of those who could afford it. But sometimes; sometimes things don't go quite according to plan.

This is one of those times.

A Comic Retcon tale that gets a little dark towards the end.

Isn't It A lovely day?

Tho' things might be frightful
Right here it's delightful
We're cozy and out of the way
And as far as I'm concerned, it's a lovely day
We're posting our stories
And there aren't any worries
So I can honestly say
That as far as I'm concerned, it's a lovely day
And everything's okay

Isn't this a lovely day?

Something to Declare 7

 A Fiddle]


by Cyclist

 Violin Bow]

Chapter 9

Someone somewhere was playing a flute in that slippery seductive wail that I think of as Japanese. I waited an aeon for the first groan of my hangover to emerge before realising that I didn’t have one. That was a new experience, and rather a pleasant one. Brendan Behan could never understand teetotallers, he said. Imagine waking up in the morning and realising that was the best you would feel all day. I stretched out in my bag and heard a soft grunt. I had forgotten Kelly.

Something to Declare 5

 A Fiddle]


by Cyclist

 Violin Bow]

Chapter 6

I suppose I should get back to what’s happening now before readers start to drift away or die in droves after losing the will to live. Perhaps that is my fate, to be found frail and starving behind a barricade of deceased lovers of literary fireworks.


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