Mature / Thirty+

The Great Shift- Support Group

The Great Shift- Support Group

by Danielle J

Synopsis- Dr Anne Richardson was a struggling psychiartrist fresh out of her internship till the Great Shift happened. Now she has plenty of patients.

How Lovely to be Transgender

How Lovely to Be Transgender

When you're a smallish boy of fourteen,
You're faced with nothing but fear,
You wonder if you'll ever be accepted.
Then glory be, you are fifteen
And question all that you've known
And you've more than just grown
And you feel that you're somehow rejected.

Galactic Marshal - Chapter 6

BY Hilltopper


We had walked a little ways into the mine when there was a loud noise and we were suddenly thrown to the ground. Rocks and dust poured over us. I looked up in time to see a very large beam falling toward me. I tried to roll away but it landed on my legs trapping me. Then, the lights went out.

What are the odds?

What are the Odds?
By Connie Alexander

I first noticed her at the bookstore. I had been glancing thru some magazines when I looked up and saw her come over to the news rack next me.

There was something about her that immediately caught my attention. It wasn't that she was any great beauty; it was just some indefinable thing that drew my eyes to her.

She quickly found what she was looking for and turned and walked towards the cashiers. I watched her go and pay, then walk out the door. I was mesmerized by her.

The State does not make mistakes -28-

The State does not make mistakes

28 - Nearby Explosions

by Penny Lane

At dinner with the Mattesons and Jane, Marion and Belle learn what happened during the Guardian Council meeting earlier that day and discover that there are unexpected consequences for them all.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 24

How quickly life had changed. A day earlier, Chuck would have been over the moon about the possibility of his being a father. Now it was like they were discussing an appointment with the dentist.

“Yes, it could be, but I doubt it. I admit that it may be wishful thinking, but I’ve got a feeling. A blood test would tell me which it is.”

“When were you planning to do that? Did we come to Australia for some other reason than to tell me that you’ve been lying to me for a year?”

“Chuck, that’s not fair. I admit that I lied about my work, but most of our conversations were the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Twenty Four

Synopsis- Hiromi tells Chuck the truth about herself.

The Greatest of These - Part 7

Sometime in the future:

The Greatest of These...
Part Seven
Finally! Love, Sweet Love!

A "Home that Love Built" Story

by Angelina Marie Abruzzi


The look of love is in your eyes
A look your smile can't disguise
The look of love is saying so much
more than just words could ever say
And what my heart has heard,
well it takes my breath away


Jaye Michael

Part Three: Revolution

Chapter Twenty Seven: Postscript

What we call a beginning is often the end
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
The end is where we start from.
– T. S. Eliot

Galactic Marshal - Chapter 5

BY Hilltopper


When I saw those miners beating up on poor Gina, my past flashed before my eyes. I was not going to let thugs kill another person I cared about. Rising from my seat, I picked up a knife that was lying on the table. When I reached Thelma, she had her big foot poised over Gina’s neck. I knew that as soon as she stomped down, Gina would be dead.

A Tale of Release - 8

A Tale of Release
By Kerry Brown

Grace comes out of her closet and finds out exactly what she can look like, a pictures says a thousand words and Grace had many chapters to talk about. But too much grace can be disturbing for some.

As we are liberated
from our own fear,
our presence automatically
liberates others.

--Nelson Mandela
{1994 Inaugural Speech}

The View from Heaven, a Dream


thanks Angela Rasch for the assistance

One night, as I slept, I began to dream. In my dream, I passed through the clouds to the gates of Heaven. I was met by an angel, who said to me, “Welcome, child of Adam. I am called Brigthtwings. I will be your guide today.”

“Did I die in my sleep, Brightwings? How can I be here?”

The angel said, “No, my friend, you have not died. God has permitted you this dream, so that you may understand his purposes better.”

The Witches of Eastcombe

Synopsis: The three sisters had revelled in sex since their teens. The problem was their men had gone, and all the decent unattached blokes looked at younger women. It seemed to be Rupert's lucky day when a Cher lookalike invited him to a remake of a classic video. Except sometimes things don't work out exactly as everyone expects.

The Witches of Eastcombe
by Charlotte Dickles

The State does not make mistakes -27-

The State does not make mistakes

27 - Board Meeting

by Penny Lane

Marion joins the Directors for the monthly Board meeting, during which she learns that a number of significant changes have been proposed for her activities.

Healing Mishap -9-

Healing Mishap -9-
By Lanzaq

Cael nodded yes to Kate and downed the potion from Arric. Kate quickly incanted what sounded like a poem in High Church and the tile seemed to melt like hot, gray wax. The six climbed their way down on a wooden ladder that also appeared to be untouched by thousands of years. "Well. We have creepy entrance to a creepy dungeon underneath a church that apparently had metric tons of secrets, an elf that is allergic to the magic they used and we were led here by a note that became illegible halfway down and," Verris said pausing to adjust his robe on his shoulders. "Lets get going shall we? The person that wrote the note sounded like they needed help didn't they?"


Jaye Michael


Chapter Twenty Six: Appetencies

An apology for the devil:
It must be remembered that we have only heard
one side of the case.
God has written all the books.
– Samuel Butler

The Beach House

The Beach House

This has got to be the craziest thing I've ever done.

I've been dressing for quite some time. I've been to parties and functions with friends dressed.

I'd been seeing a therapist for a few months. She had done a good job helping me sort things out. Am I a crossdresser? Am I transgendered?

Am I "a woman trapped in a man's body?" I could use every cliche in the book to describe the fact that I've struggled with my gender identity since I was in elementary school, maybe younger.

Healing Mishap -8-

Healing Mishap -8-
By LanzaQ

The conversation between the group and Patty continued on for several more hours until eventually Alyssa was called up to her room by her mother. The five all began to retired. In the order of the most inebriated. Ash first, then Arric, Verris, Cael, Kate, and Finally Raleigh. However one thing was over looked. Ash had so quickly staggered her way up the stairs leaving behind her backpack. Raleigh being the last one at the table had remembered Ash threatening his men. 'One peek wouldn't hurt would it?'

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 23

“Bottom line, Rebecca is still my child and we’re very proud of her. As Tom, he served our country and as Rebecca is doing the same. My wife and I have talked it over, whatever choices she makes when her mission is over, we’ll support them one-hundred percent. It is Rebecca’s life, and we feel certain she will make the right choice for the future,” Stuart Slater said to Makoto Tanaka.

“Gabrielle has made choices and decisions her mother and I wish she hadn’t.”

“We can’t live our children’s lives for them. All we can do is give them advice.”

“That is true, Stuart.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Twenty Three

Synopsis- Hiromi Sato and Gabrielle Tanaka are very busy before they each leave Hong Kong for Australia.

The State does not make mistakes -26-

The State does not make mistakes

26 - Late Night Shopping

by Penny Lane

After the excitement of the day Belle takes Marion for a little retail therapy in New Town. Although time is short, they still manage to make some significant additions to Marion's wardrobe before heading for a restaurant for a quiet dinner for two.


Jaye Michael


Chapter Twenty Four: Mammon

A billion here, a billion there,
and pretty soon you’re talking about real money.
– Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen


Jaye Michael


Chapter Twenty Three: Conjointments

I can’t get no satisfaction.
I can’t get no girl reaction.
– Michael Philip “Mick” Jagger
and Keith Richards

Galactic Marshal - Chapter 3

by Hilltopper

“Well, the changes made to you are pretty good. You look like a woman even up close. There is one thing, though, that could give you away. You don’t have a vagina.”

“Of course, I don’t have a vagina and I don’t want one either.”

The State does not make mistakes -25-

The State does not make mistakes

25 - A Proctor Calls

by Penny Lane

Every life contains surprises, and Belle and Marion receive theirs from Sophia today. Later, Proctor Julian has a surprise for Talya before giving news that leaves even Director Khiskov taken aback.

The Greatest of These - Part 6

Sometime in the future:

The Greatest of These...
Part Six
Someone Old, Someone New

A "Home that Love Built" Story

by Angelina Marie Abruzzi


We are both lost
And alone in the world
Walk with me
In the gentle rain
Don’t be afraid
I’ve a hand for your hand
And I will be your love for a while?


Jaye Michael


Chapter Twenty One: Subterfuge

If an elderly but distinguished scientist
says that something is possible
he is almost certainly right,
but if he says that it is impossible
he is very probably wrong.
– Arthur C. Clarke


Ovid 18: The SEALs


by The Professor (circa 2004)

Ovid’s security has been breached!
A team of SEALs is tasked with discovering Ovid’s secrets,
but are they a match for The Judge?

The State does not make mistakes -24-

The State does not make mistakes

24 - Answers, Questions, Plots

by Penny Lane

Some gentle questioning provides a reason for the M Deck riot, but later on an evening nightcap with Marcus leaves more questions than answers about more serious matters.

A Tale of Release - 4

A Tale of Release
By Kerry Brown

A whole week of being Kerry at home, the woman of the household, getting ready for the seminar and coming to grips with little changes that have big impacts if not controlled. But Kerry had a problem with control, she always wanted it her way so just chose to hear different instructions.

As we are liberated
from our own fear,
our presence automatically
liberates others.

--Nelson Mandela
{1994 Inaugural Speech}


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