Mature / Thirty+

A Day in the Country

A Day in the Country

by Charlotte Dickles

'How would you like me to buy you lunch at the Kingsford Manor, in return for you doing me a favour?' It seemed an innocent enough question that his photographer friend Rosemary asked. She wanted him to pose wearing some of Charley's clothes so she could sell them on e-bay. There was only one problem.

Healing Mishap -4-

Healing Mishap -4-
By Lanzaq

"what did you get?" Arric asked looking at the necklace.

"I think we might be in for a lot of trouble, its a rare anti-dragon breath pendant." Cael said.

"Nah shoot girl, we don't get dragons down here. Its a small mountain pass. Unless o' course y'all had the bad luck to stumble upon a long lost war-dragon from the elf-goblin war waged countless ages ago." Taf said shoving his hands in his pockets and smiling his yellow, gaped smile.

Cael and Arric laughed. "Well, we are set up for trouble now."




The 3 laws of Robotics:

1. A robot cannot harm a human being, or through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm

2. A robot must obey the commands of a human being, except where such commands would counter Law 1

3, a robot must protect its own existence, except where such protection would counter Law 1 or Law 2.

Matt, the engineer assigned to fix me calls me Abe. That’s when he isn’t using profanity. My official designation is ABEVE - 2110 - MU. The MU stands for mining unit, because that’s what I was designed to be.

Feminizer disease takes my body over - Chapter 23

"Terri, would you like to stay a woman, have an operation and complete the lifestyle change?"

I thought for a minute, looked into Debbie's eyes and said, "I totally enjoy being a woman. I love being taken care of, taking care of others, love the clothes, makeup, daily routine of being a woman. I think if there was no cure for me, I could handle being a woman the rest of my life."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 23
By Terry Hansay

A Life Changing Experience!

A Life Changing Experience!
by mittfh
Copyright © 2010 Ben Norwood.
Creative Commons License.

(N.B. Just in case it isn't absolutely obvious, this is a virux hoax parody. Please do NOT redistribute this via email!)

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If you receive an email with the subject "A Life Changing Experience!" please delete it immediately without opening it. Especially do not open any included attachments.

Ovid 11: The Bigot

Ovid XI: The Bigot

by The Professor (circa 2000)

Allen and Dan learn firsthand what it means
to be on the ‘other side of the fence’
when their inappropriate racial remarks
earn them a visit with The Judge.


Jacqui Part XIII - A New Beginning



Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

Part XIII - Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning's End

I don't think I need any quotes to entice those of you who've gotten this far to continue. Just enjoy Jacqui's new beginning.

Defender's Dream - Part 1

Defender's Dream
Dream a Little Dream of Me
by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Stars fading, but I linger on, dear.
Still craving your kiss, I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear.
Just saying this: Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you.
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you.
But in your dreams whatever they be, dream a little dream of me.

Jacqui Part XII Wedded Bliss



Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

Part XII - Wedded Bliss

A German-Victorian theme was what I had decided upon for my wedding ensemble

"Stop teasing me," I complained, my voice rising as I tried to thrust my hips up to impale myself. "Take me!"




Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

Part XII - Wedded Bliss

Healing Mishap -3-

Healing Mishap -3-

The four just sort of sat there not sure what to do when a young man approached their table. He had in his hand a trainer's wand and a large leather bound tome, a smile spread across his thin face. "Hello. I am Verris Sarm, I am working here part time and I was wondering if I could interest you with some food?"


Skipper! Chapter 24

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


This chapter is (connection device that leads to another theme within the story. There is little or no TG element but quite a bit of intrigue and some violence. (Honour Killing.)


Healing Mishap -2-

Healing Mishap -2-
By Lanzaq
As Cael walked up to the door however the stone eye jumped to life followed him with a grind of stone on stone. Cael just stood in place outside the door. "Kate. This is all too much I am glad you are willing to do this for me but I don't think this is the best idea. I mean I am fine living with pink eyes its no big deal. I am sure people back home have lots of pink eyed men." he said

The Globe

The Globe


I am not sure what good I am doing writing this. Most likely you will assume its just a chain letter or spam and just delete it anyway. But I have to try and warn people anyway. What would you do if this was the last week you had to live?

Well, whether you believe me or not, that’s the case. Now before you assume I have lost it and delete, hear me out. I know what I am talking about. The fact is, its my fault. My name is Roger Martin, and it all started a year ago when a special package arrived at my house.

Healing Mishap -1-

Healing Mishap
By Lanzaq
"I HAVE GIRLY EYES!" Cael yelled, causing it to echo around every corner, into every nook and cranny that the tripwire alarm hadn't reached. All the Party heard at that moment was a deafening roar. So loud was the roar that the cave itself quaked.

A Wife's Indulgence 4

A Wife's Indulgence

by Ginger's friend, Zoe

chapter 4

Andy's wife, Zoe, here again I'm getting some control over how my desires are shaping my husband in ways he, nor I, perhaps ever expected... We are gently moving towards his being girly when he fancies being girly... not all the time.. but whenever! This is requiring an intensive first phase.

……The story so far has been one of my thoughts and actions as the wife of a young man who had, shall we say, a tendency to cross-dress. It had been developed, unwittingly, in his college days. He had helped a friend during her time as a junior hair stylist. Along with two other friends, he had volunteered to be a model in a hairdressing competition. Little did he know, this required his being a girl for the duration of a major event. He'd been left with a subconscious fetish which would under-pin the games we were playing.

Jacqui - Part XI From Darkness to Light



Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

Part XI - From Darkness to Light

"Oh Jacqui, you are such a dear. Let's go home. . ."

"It's Chang," I said, feeling rather jarred when I heard that come out of my mouth. I sure didn't feel like a Chang.

On grief

On Grief

Life is full of disappointments. - some of these are very large - our trust is betrayed, our innocence is taken from us, our lives are forever altered. Some might seem small to an outsider but still wound us deeply, even if we do not admit that wound to ourselves. Each disappointment changes us, and our view of the world and ourselves is forced to take a detour that we never expected.

Jacqui - Part X Rescued



Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

Part X - Rescued

"It is only people who trust others who can be taken advantage of, but if you don't believe in the people you love enough to trust them, life is terribly lonely"

Jacqui - Part IX Take Me Out to the Ball Game



Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

Part IX - Take Me Out to the Ball Game

My mind went blank as I lifted the black, flocked box from his trembling fingers.

"I'll give you a kiss, if you sign the ball, please?"

I guess I would be a kind of a trophy wife for him.

The Lingerie Shop

Once again, for your amusement, the comedic stylings of Roland and Dimaggio. This classic skit is taken from their long-running PBS-BBC joint production, Lost in Transition. Please enjoy and don't forget this week is pledge week. Roland and Dimaggio will be taking your phone calls as they sit for an interview with that internationally known star of stage, screen and television, Miss Susan Heywood.
Call in at 1-800-555-BRAS...1-800-555-2727

Jacqui - Part VIII Loaned Out



Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

Part VIII — Loaned Out

"But it's different, you used to be the CEO of your own business. Now you’re the maid to that business's new CEO. That's a long way to fall."

"Remember I said to you that if things didn't work out between you and Carla, you should look me up..."

"It's Jacqui, Toni. Yes, I'm okay. I refuse to allow my life to be ruined over this."

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 20

“Then why am I here?” Fumahiro said as he stuck his right index finger up his left nostril.

“We just want to talk to you,” Yeijiro answered.

In the over two hours Juri had observed Fumahiro, she had noted the many annoying mannerisms the janitor had. That included his nose picking. It was the detective's opinion that his nostrils must be the cleanest in all of Japan.

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Twenty

Synopsis- Hiromi meets with Gabrielle in Hong Kong and proposes a change to Operation Swan Song.

A Wife's Indulgence 1

A Wife's Indulgence

by Zoe, a friend of WannabeGinger's life-long partner and Bride

My husband's now known as Anne. I'm his wife, I'm someone who wants to put our relationship into context, and show how a marriage can grow if both parties develop eachothers' interests and pleasures. I know of My friend's difficulties in her marriage to Ginger, but for me it's been very different and, I hope, you'll agree, much more fortunate.

A Girl Can But Dream: Part 6

A Girl Can But Dream

by Tanya Allan

David buries his wife after she loses her fight against cancer. He is nearly 50, and their children are now grown up, so he breaks the news that he is going to undertake that which he wanted to do for as long as he could remember — a sex change. He had struggled with his transsexuality all his life, but his love for his wife and respect for her meant he just played the hand that he had been dealt, up to now, that is.

Meanwhile, in the USA, grizzled Police Chief John Collingwood comes to near breaking point. Stressed from his job, his grief over his dead wife, and the despair of near alcoholism, he embarks on a trip to the UK with his brother to seek out his family tree.

Two very different people find a very different future, they also find each other...

but will it work?

Jacqui - Part VI Falling in Love ~ Betrayal



Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

Part VI - Falling in Love ~ Betrayal

But isn't surgery a drastic step? It would mean the end of John. . .

"You're a maid, Jacqui. You will find your social life among similarly placed people.

Regrets? I've had a few..

Regrets, I've Had A Few

by WannabeGinger

But then again, too few to mention……… I don't think so!

Indeed, many crossdressers have lives filled with regrets. They/we have to console ourselves with the high spots, the wonderful interludes in which we indulge ourselves. Before we feel guilty, or before we hastily hide away things that will betray our desires.

Jacqui - Part V Dating Kurt - Finding Jacqui



Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

Part V - Dating Kurt — Finding Jacqui

"Jacqui, I really do like you."

I jumped up, startling her. "Like, not love? Is that what our relationship has become? And so quickly too?"

. . .this was a wonderful opportunity that so many T’s long for - a formal date with a charming man.

"You and I both know that if I have surgery, it will mark the end of John."

Aunt Arethusa's Legacy

"OK, Osbert. When are you going to admit it?"

"Where are we being admitted? Do I need a ticket?"

"Darling, you are an exasperating bastard, but I love you. When will you abandon your male ego and admit you are lost?"

"When I'm lost, I suppose. Is there a reason for this conversation?"

"Only that we have been driving through the same landscape for half of eternity by now. If we have a destination shouldn't we have found our destiny by this time?"

"I suppose it must be your circumscribed upbringing that's at fault."

The State does not make mistakes -15-

The State does not make mistakes

15 - The Grand Tour

by Penny Lane

After the trainee Shepherds tour the facility, Marion finally learns what happened at the accommodation block and remembers someone who might be able to help her residency problem.

Ovid 09: The Private Eye

Ovid IX: The Private Eye

by The Professor (circa 1999)

Jeff Riley comes to Ovid looking for a man who absconded with thirty million.
He winds up as an attractive black woman with a husband and child.
Solving the case proves to be more dangerous than she imagined.



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