Unchained (Chapter 5)


Chapter 5

One man emerges from a dungeon after being chained up for almost three months.
Wallace Jane is now unchained.

By Swishy

Chapter 5

"My name is Bliss."


"I'm Jane."


"You said that."


"I'm new," I spat out, "I'm Jane and I'm new."

The girl who at a time thrilled at being called my 'mistress' ("How adult!" she'd say) stared at the girl I had become. I recognized some amusement, bafflement, a tiny amount of concern and maybe some jealousy. I was now in the strange situation of having a curvier body than my ex-mistress, I slouched over a little bit, suddenly self-conscious of my big breasts that dwarfed Bliss' efforts. It had been a few years since I had stared into those eyes, those green eyes with the little flecks of gold. I had missed them.


We lay there naked for hours. In this little world of our clothes weren't the necessity they were to the people on the outside. In this little world of two the rules had changed, clothes were only for greeting room service and even then the hotel bathrobe would suffice.

I was experiencing the greatest thing in the entire world. Two words: work conference.

A weekend away from the wife and the perfect excuse to steal my mistress away for three whole nights of fucking, I couldn't have been happier. I hadn't even been to the conference yet, except to sign in, I had simply fucked my star pupil and ordered room service.

Bliss slinked around the room, dancing her fingers off of picture frames and bed knobs. One of the many things I loved about her was her inability to sit still, she would wriggle and fuss about all the time like an excitable puppy. "First major purchase after I graduate," she planned in front of the mirror, "Boobs." She groped two huge and imaginary breasts inches in front of her own modest pair.

"Yeah, that would really piss your parents off," I laughed as I rolled over and opened my newspaper.

Without taking her eyes off her reflection she scolded me. "Don't laugh at me, Wallace, I'm going to do it. I'm going to trade in these mosquito bites for a big, fake pair of jugs!"

I was suddenly scared that she would go through with it. Bliss did not like being told what to do, it was like she got off on disobeying orders, no matter how sensible the orders were. Hell, I'm sure that one of the reasons she was with me, her balding, doughy Business Ethics Professor was because everyone else in the world would tell her not to. A little part of me was excited though, Bliss was fairly flat and so was my wife. I had never had the chance to play with a large, bouncy pair of breasts and I wanted to desperately. Bliss with medium-large tits would look amazing; she already had the adorable face, the long red hair and the lithe dancer's body, her small boobs was her one weak spot. I had to choose my answer carefully.

In the end my conscience had a rare win over my lust. "No, don't wreck your body like that. You are so fucking sexy already without stuffing a bunch of silicone in your chest." I liked that I could call her 'fucking sexy', if I ever called my frigid wife that she would either yell at me or cry.

"OK," she shrugged as if my softly spoken argument had won her over. Damn it! I had hoped that my speech might have had the opposite effect on her. Bliss pounced on the bed and straddled me, her freshly shaved pussy pressing against my hairy stomach. "I'm bored. Wanna fuck?" I loved her spontaneity but worried that if I couldn't keep with her that she would move on.

"We just finished fucking," I told her, while secretly urging my cock to harden.

"That was like half an hour ago!" Actually it was closer to an hour but I wasn't going to tell her that. Her long red locks dangled over me and seemed almost pink with the light shining through it.

"Poor old Professor," she mocked as she slid down to the end of the bed and leant over. She held my limp cock in her fingers, "Is Lil' Professor too tired?" Her soft touch gave my spent cock an exciting tingle. Maybe I wasn't completely tapped. She brought her lips down and began to gently suck my member. Immediately I was hard a diamonds again. "Oooh Professor, maybe you're not so old!"

My life was great.


The silence between Bliss and the new me last only a few seconds but just enough to give the impression to Bliss that either I was an idiot or a crushing bore. "Well, I'm off to the gym," she told me as she adjusted the strap of her gym bag, "Welcome to the building, Jane."

"Bye," I called out. Quick! I needed something else to keep her here! "Know any cool bars around here? I'm new here." I'm not sure why I was desperate to talk to Bliss but I think it was because she was the only old and normal thing in a world of the new and strange.

"Oh, fresh meat, huh?" she let out an impish laugh, "You attending across the road?" I nodded even though I am not sure why. "Oh, the boys are going to love you! What are you studying?"

"Business," I blurted out.

"Hey, you're in luck you are actually talking to a business graduate. Lucky you! You are so damn lucky!" she joked, "Top of my class actually, and look at me now! …Still in the same apartment as before I graduated working at a place that gives me less money than my old high-school job. Going to bar actually seems pretty good now too!" I tensed, I wasn't ready for a jaunt to a bar with my ex-mistress in my highly charged body. I wanted my inevitable first time to be quick, scientific and free of people I used to know.

"I've got a thing tonight, you know, a thing but how about we go out tomorrow night? Show you around town, chase some cute guys around?" Bliss was a generally friendly person, I never knew anyone with as many genuine friendships as Bliss.

"Ummm… sure!" I chirped, not sure why any of this was coming out of my mouth.

"10, tomorrow night, I know where you live, kiddo! OK, off to the gym now new girl! See ya later!" and with not much more than that she disappeared out of my life again, this time, however with a guarantee to return.

Using my new legs I took a tentative step into the place I would call home now (for at least a little bit). It wasn't a mansion, nor did I think it would be. It was what it purported to be: a nice, middle-of-the-range, student and young adult furnished apartment. The couch was new and lime green, the kitchen was small but cosy, the desk looked like an Ikea as did most of the other furnishing. There was no bathtub but there was a large shower. A perfect house for one person, a couple would always be under each other's feet, so it would only suit the youngest and strongest relationships. It was clean and lacked that indescribable something that made a house a home - the touches I would have to bring to it.

Perhaps on purpose, the bedroom was the nicest place in the house. The black and white chequered curtains matched the bedspread on the large King sized bed. The bedside table hosted an alarm clock and lamp on top of it. This was my apartment, my new home, my sex den. It was a lot nicer than the dungeon, but I wasn't fool I was just as much a prisoner. I could feel the urges build up and for a second I contemplated running onto the street and dragging the first man I see back to my lair. I shook my head hard to destroy those thoughts.

"Oh Wallace, what have you got yourself into?" I sighed as I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I had talked myself a lot but this time the voice was very different. "Let's have a look see at what we're working with here," I said as I undressed in front of the mirror.

I was a busty girl, that much was obvious. It was a fact obvious to anyone who saw me. Big, full breasts jutted proudly from my chest as an unwanted testament to femininity. It was weird looking at my own breasts in the mirror, it actually made it feel more real than when I just looked down at them. For some reason looking at my reflection move exactly like I was made me realize that the body was mine. I shook my shoulders watched my expansive boobs swing and bounce off each other like a perverted executive toy. I brought my hands up to squeezed and I was surprised at both their weight and how soft they were. These were the largest breasts I had ever touched and they were mine.

Jane had some impressive curves according to the mirror. A tiny waist existed underneath my ample tits, proving that nothing grows in the shade. My waist and ass made up for the though, swelling out to make the perfect hourglass look. Something remarkable that reminded me that magic forged this body was the lack of hair on my body. On my head I had arched, sexy eyebrows and a luscious brunette mane but other than that I couldn't find another single hair, anywhere. My legs and pussy was as bald as my old head used to me, not even the sign of anything growing. A lot of guys like that. Hell, I liked it.

If attracting men was my job, this body was the perfect tool. Even though I had been trapped in a dungeon and stuck in an interrogation room, I looked flawless. My long locks of crisp brunette hair looked like I had just emerged from the salon, my skin was tanned all over and even though I wasn't wearing any make-up my face looked like a make-up artist had spent at least an hour or so. "I guess we're just bred that way," I sighed. All the 'Farm girls' I had come into contact with had a perplexing amount of perfection going on.

That wasn't the only thing the Farm-girls shared. We all had an inbuilt insatiable hunger for sex and I could think of little else. I was dismayed at the lost of my old body, my old life although a little part of me was thrilled that this body could attract any man it wanted to. I hated that little part of me, it was the same part of me that threw myself on the bed and let some fingers explore what was between my thighs. I just couldn't help myself.


We had been quiet for a while now. The other two men were staring at the ground and I was staring at them. I had so many questions to ask them but since we were probably going to be here for a while and these gentlemen didn't seem in the talking mood I would stagger the questions. "How long have you been stuck down here?"

"Too long," sighed Lil' John, he shook his head and slumped over a little further.

His answer sat in the middle of the room, making me feel all the more uncomfortable. I just needed some reassurance. I had been here what felt like at least twenty-four hours and I hadn't got any real answers.

"Has anyone been let out of here? Do you know?" I asked hopefully. I had a large debt to pay to these horrible men who threw me in here and they wouldn't be able to get a cent more if they killed me.

Lil' John, slumped over and not facing me, answered the question. "They let you out… then they take you to The Farm."

'The Farm' sounded more sinister and terrifying than anything I had ever heard of before. In my mind the all of the world's evil was concentrated at 'The Farm'.

"The Farm?" I asked, although I didn't want to hear more.

Lil' John lifted his massive head and looked into my eyes. His gaze was the type of gaze I would try to avoid in the outside world. He was big, a boulder of well used muscles and fat, he was scarred and he was heavily tattooed. To put it mildly, Lil' John was the type of guy who has a motorbike and belongs to a club where violence is encouraged. Outside of this dungeon there was no way our paths would ever cross. "The Farm is a whorehouse. We're going to be sent to work in a whorehouse." His answer confused me.

The other man, a skinny hairy man called Hedgpeth spoke up, "I don't think there's an actual 'Farm', from what I've been told they sell us off to the highest bidder. We become their slaves." Hedgpeth looked over at me, "Sorry but you were going to find out sooner or later."

This wasn't making any sense to me. What was happening? The Dragons would sell us as slaves to work in brothels? While that sounded grim there was plenty of hope I could escape, I had gotten out of worse situations. I took a quick glance downwards at my left hand, it was missing of two fingers. Well maybe I don't escape every situation, I thought.

"I'm not sure I get any of this," I said. It wasn't my fault I didn't understand, they weren't explaining anything to me. I was an academic and had a far and deep knowledge of a lot of things these two lower class men had probably never even heard of.

"Every full moon they take one of us to the forest somewhere and using magic they turn us into a beautiful sex-crazed woman willing to do their masters' bidding." Hedpeth's revelation was ludicrous and I couldn't hide my disbelief. "I know you don't believe me, but it's true."

He's true I didn't believe him.

"It is true," Lil' John echoed, "I've seen it with my own eyes, twice."

The fluorescent lights buzzed and blinked. For a dungeon it was exceptionally bright. I always thought dungeons were supposed to be dank and dimly dit, it was almost like a doctor's waiting room with chains on the walls instead of chairs. "You've seen a man turn into a woman?" I asked incredulously.

Lil' John didn't like my question, being that big he probably had never had someone disagree with him before. "I wasn't there when they did it but they brought the new girls back down here when they were finished and there was no fucking way those girls were anyone else but the men that were chained up here with me for weeks."

It was obvious that he thought he was telling the truth. But I had learnt from an early age that magic simply didn't exist. Women weren't cut in half and reassembled, no man could travel around the world in a single night delivering presents to children, love at first sight is a myth and God doesn't hear your prayers no matter how desperate you are: Magic just doesn't happen.


"Fuuuuuuck meeeee," I hollered as felt my pussy muscle's tighten around my thrusting fingers. I was lucky to be lying down because the force of my orgasm would have surely knocked me over otherwise. It felt like a pleasurable shotgun blast coursing through my skinny, little body. I bit down on my red ruby lip as I endured the most amount of delight I had ever felt in my body at once. I emitted a small moan as I let the feeling ebb and slowly fade away.

"Fuck me," I restated as I sat up. I wasn't sure whether all women felt that amount of pleasure when they came, but I doubted it. It was probably a 'Farm-girl' thing, otherwise all women would be nymphomaniacs. I had to be honest to myself that what I had just done felt amazing. If sex with men felt half as good as that then perhaps this addiction would be bearable or at least a lot more enjoyable than gambling, my last addiction.

The early afternoon sun streamed through the window and splashed onto me and my bed. I let my body roll around and appreciate the sunbeams. I hadn't seen the sun in three months and I couldn't remember the last time I had actually basked in it. In this idyllic situation I let my eyelids flutter closed and allowed my mind to slowly drift away to dreamland.

Soon I would have to feed my lust something more substantial, even if I didn't want to.


Thanks so much for reading. As always you can send me an email if you want to discuss anything about my stories, [email protected]

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