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Chapter 3
Wallace Jane is now unchained.
Chapter 3
"Come in and sit down, Mr. Jane," said one beautiful woman to another.
I knew this woman. And I knew the man that she used to be. But I kept quiet, I wanted answers but I knew I wouldn't need to demand them. I sat down across from my interviewers, my new ample rear acting like a cushion on the hard wooden seat.
"Now we're going to the be recording this interview if that's OK with you?"
I nodded.
"OK, can you tell us who you are?"
"Wallace Marion Jane." I hated my name, two girly name out of three. I was teased a lot at school and often retaliated. I spent more than my share of time at the Principal's office. Sadly, I guess the girly names kind of fitted now.
"University Lecturer."
"Date of birth?"
I gave them my date of birth, 46 years ago. I didn't look 46, I looked my like parents could be 46.
"Well, Mr. Jane," began the woman, "Do you remember me?"
"Yes, you and me were trapped in the dungeon together. You were 'farmed-out' about a month ago, right Mr. Hedgpeth?" I chose to call her 'Mr.' mainly because I wanted to be called 'Mr.'. The soft, feminine genitals nestled between my legs would try and ruin being called 'Mr.' but I would fight that.
She softly smiled at me. I remembered the first time I saw her. She wasn't smiling.
I awoke to wailing. Long, loud, sorrowful wailing. It was hauntingly loud and getting louder. I dug my fingernails into the floor - Hedgpeth was returning. The Dragons had grabbed him a while ago to take him away. He kicked and screamed and shouted and flailed about. He did not go quietly, unlike Lil' John who we both had watched being taken away last month. Lil' John seemed defeated, Hedgpeth still had to fight left in him. I doubted that I would fight when it was my time, there was just no use.
The wailing didn't sound like Hedgpeth but I was sure it was him. After the guards take you away, you come back different. I didn't recognise Lil' John at all but I convinced the naked woman chained up across from me was him. Even though she was much taller and a lot skinnier and her skin was the colour of milk instead the colour of chocolate, that was Lil' John.
The huge dungeon doors creaked open. I took a sharp breath in. The door obscured my vision so I didn't see Hedgpeth right away. It was apparent she didn't want to be chained up again. I saw a foot, a thin, petite, delicate foot flailing about. The woman was definitely fought like Hedgpeth. "No, no, no, no, no, no!" she cried as three men dragged her towards her chains. The men didn't respond or grant her the request because they flung her to the ground. She must be so light because she flew through the air, crumpling on the ground as she hit it.
"Hey!" I spoke up - even though I was terrified, "Go easy on her!" They didn't listen to me either and they held her against the wall. The chains rattled with extra menace as they chained the woman who used to be Hedgpeth to the wall.
"No, no, no, not the chains, no, no, no," she whimpered as they shackled her in place.
The Dragons rarely said anything, I'm not sure why. Maybe they thought that remaining silent they would seem a lot more threatening and they were right. Or maybe being quiet was just a tenet of the faith. But this time, one of the guards spoke up, "Don't worry. You wont be chained for too long 'Farm Girls' as beautiful as you are sold as soon we put your sexy little picture up."
"You'll be outside, sucking your 'husband's' cock in one day, max!" laughed another guard.
The third guard leered at the naked woman, his eyes caressing every curve of her lithe, little body. "I'd buy her, if I could afford her," he commented as they walked away, "Maybe I can just borrow her!" They laughed, showing no remorse about the thought of raping a defenseless woman.
She cried and I let her. She had been through a lot and my empty reassurances wouldn't make her feel any better. Truth be told, I cried a little too. My turn would probably be in a month's time and there was nothing I could do about it. I would be a 'Farm-Girl' ready to be sold to a rich man in need of a fuck machine.
My mind wandered over to the idea of having sex with Hedgpeth. I know that it shouldn't but I was going crazy down in that dungeon and I would often think some pretty fucked up things. The woman he had become was ravishing. Even though she was wailing and sobbing, it was obvious that she was a beauty, a petite Asian beauty. I had never really much of an Asian fantasy but the chains were one of the only things that kept me from consuming my new-found fetish.
"Are you in pain?" Somehow logic won out and I found myself asking a sensible question.
"It really happened…" Hedgpeth was obviously in denial like me, "I don't deserve this…" she gestured to her shapely form, as the chains clanged, "I'm not even a gambler!"
Chances are if you end up in the Dragon's dungeon, you've at least 'dabbled' in losing vast amounts of money.
"Did it hurt?" I asked, mainly for myself.
"Yeah, but it doesn't anymore. But during their sick celebrations, it was the most painful thing in my life. They cheered as my cock shrunk. Sick fucking bastards!" It was terrifying to hear such horrible words coming out of such a beautiful voice.
"You're Asian, you know?"
"Yeah," she sighed, resigned, "I know. I saw my reflection." She slumped to the ground the chains clanging with every move. "This wasn't supposed to happen!" she bemoaned.
Hedgpeth wasn't Asian originally, he was tall, rough looking guy who looked like he could look after himself in a fight. Now it looked like he was so fragile that one punch would knock him into next week. Who would want to punch someone so beautiful is a different question altogether. She looked like a beautiful china doll who had found a way to become a real girl and then decided to amp up the sexiness.
I know it sounds sick, but I couldn't help but revel a little bit in how sexy Hedgpeth had become. Staring at stone walls, chains and naked guys for 2 months straight gets a little boring, so a beautiful naked Asian woman was a nice change of scenery. My cock began to stiffen but I hid it from Hedgpeth out of respect.
"I can see why Lil' John did what he did now. Farm-girls are built for sex, Jane… I feel so turned on now." The girl in front of me began to caress her new body and I couldn't stop watching. A hand leapt to one of her small yet exquisite breasts and squeezed it passionately. The clatter of chains and Hedgpeth's excited moan echoed off the walls of the prison. She bit down on her lip hard and flung her hand off her chest as if it was boiling hot. "Sorry," she mumbled looking anywhere but my face or her own body, "I'm not in complete control here."
I was a little upset that I wasn't going to get my own private show and a little ashamed that I was a little upset. The sexy Asian Hedgpeth was easily one of the sexiest women I had ever seen in the flesh and aside from Lil' John's new form, the sexiest I had ever seen naked. Her little nipples stuck out like little pencil erasers as she steadied her breaths. "I hope you get out soon," she whispered.
"Me too," I said, even quieter than her.
She looked at her own hands with a wonder I had never seen in someone looking at their own hands. I looked at mine, still missing two fingers on my left hand, everything fine. "I don't… want to be the little cock-sucking wife of the highest bidder," Hedgpeth's meek little voice sounded close to crying.
I watched the thought of being sold off as a sex-slave bounce around in her mind. It truly terrified her… but only for just a moment. But then something offset the terror and she suddenly didn't look so scared. She looked disgusted but a little pleased too, "Kneeling before some old man mindlessly sucking away." I'm not sure if she was aware of it but slowly she went from sitting down to a kneeling position. "Taking as much of his thick cock inside my mouth as possible." Her fingers disappeared from view between her legs as she stroked her new equipment. She closed her eyes and her plump bottom lip fell open.
"Hedgpeth," I tried to wake her from her trance.
"It feels so good," she confessed in a breathy moan, "I can't stop." The chains rattled gently as she stroked her pussy with one hand and caressed her breasts with the other. She was putting on a show for me and couldn't care. The unforgettable smell of an excited woman wafted through the air and tickled my nose. Hedgpeth was exceptionally wet and it was turning me on. She moaned gently to herself arched her back. I had seen my share of women enjoying themselves sexually (in person and on video) and Hedgpeth was putting those lifelong veterans to shame.
It wasn't too long before she started making little squeals at the start of each breath and the rattling of the chains became louder as her excretions became more intense. I bit my lip as I watched this delicate little flower ravishing herself, bucking and thrusting as she fingered her wet pussy. I shouldn't be privy to this sort of display and I wondered when I became a 'Farm-girl' whether or not I'd be able to hold back.
"Fuck!" she moaned as she climaxed, her dainty fingers still pumping in and out. She looked truly blissful for a moment. Her dreamy gaze met mine and we shared a look. She didn't need to say what she was thinking for me to understand; that felt really good. She removed her two fingers from her delicate pink slit, they were wet with her juices. Her hand seemed to catch her eye and she studied it for a second. Before today, Hedgpeth's hand was large, with bulbous hairy knuckles like knots in an old rope now the hands were elegant, pristine and so small. The comparison was not lost on Hedgpeth who collapsed in a heap and began to cry.
The next day Hedgpeth was sold and taken out of the dungeon.
My time would be soon.
We stared at each other, two exquisite women with bodies to die for. She was so beautiful that I felt my nether regions grow warm and appealing damp.
"As you might have guessed, I'm a cop," Hedgpeth revealed, leaning in towards me. I had guessed, but only because we were in a police station and she was on the other side of the desk. "I was working undercover, investigating the Dragons and their little slavery ring. Mistakes were made and my cover was blown and that's how I found myself in our cosy little living quarters with you."
The Dragons, my captors, were known to only the lowliest of people. They operated in the worst parts of the worst parts of town, dealing with the very worst and most desperate of people. They dabbled anything in destroying lives and creating misery; drugs, gambling, loan sharking and the infamous 'Farm-girls'. They are so secretive that you don't find them to help you ruin your life; they find you. I was approached by a heavily tattooed guy at the lowest ebb of my life, I needed money bad and he was there to offer it to me.
It started there.
Turned out that one of his tattoos was a particular Dragon. I would lose two fingers and then my male body thanks to that tattooed man and his 'affordable' loan.
Hedgpeth folded her petite hands together. She was still one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen and the way her décolletage was displayed was somewhat mesmerising. "Unfortunately, I never could solve the mystery of the 'Farm-girls' until I was a part of it directly. To anyone but the highest ranking Dragons, the 'Farm-girls' just appear out of nowhere."
"What the fuck was that thing?" I asked and she knew exactly what I was talking about.
She furrowed her brow. "I don't know," she told me. I think what worried us both was that we considered ourselves to be smart men and smart men don't believe in magic. Children and fools believe in magic. But whatever had changed us into these vision of sex personified had nothing at all to do with science. "I don't know," she repeated, "But I'm going to find out."
I coughed a little and asked, "Can I have a glass of water please?" One of the men nodded and stood up. Repulsively, my eyes shot straight to his crotch where I could the faint outline of his thick hose and they followed him out of the room. I looked back at Hedgpeth who had obviously had been doing the same. "So what happened to you after they dragged you away?" I asked, "I thought I was never going to see you again."
"I was sold to a man, Charles Hargraves, a luxury car dealer who lived on a farm not too far out of the city. To bind you to the buyer the Dragons make you drink a vial of your owner's blood, after that you're addicted to them. I mean, I would have done anything for him. I couldn't help myself. He told me to clean his house naked with just a toothbrush and I did. His whole fucking mansion! I just couldn't stop and that was one of the nicer things he made me do. You just can't disobey." Her eyes glazed over as horrible thoughts washed over her.
I folded my arms underneath my expansive boobs. "But you escaped? How did you escape?"
"I fucked him so hard he had a heart attack," she told me bluntly as anger danced in her eyes, "And when he died I didn't feel the bond anymore. I was free, so I just ran. That was four days ago"
Four days? I scrunched up my eyes. My emotions were all over the place. "Why the fuck couldn't have you saved me yesterday then? I was still me yesterday! Or the two days before that?" Some of my long brunette hair came flying in front of my eyes mid-rage, I yanked it back behind my ear so hard that it hurt.
"Don't you think I wanted to, Jane? I ran back here as fast as I could, barefoot, wearing nothing but my underwear. I cut my feet up bad. I knew I only had a few days to save you. I knew the moon would be full soon," her hair too was a flurry of movement as she fought back. She wasn't yelling at me as much as she was conveying every one of her emotions at an alarming rate. "It wasn't easy convincing anyone that I used to be Arnold Graham Hedgepeth. Do I like anything like a used to?"
"No," I replied.
"No, it wasn't easy convincing anyone of who I was, especially when I act the way I sometimes do. It sickens me the things I do now but this body gets so aroused." The cop bringing in the water, did so, trying to make as little disturbance as possible. "I had a barrage of tests and psychologists analyzing me before they even entertained the thought of me being me. I'm pretty sure that still some of them don't believe me. Only then could we organize a bust on the Dragon's haunt, I did the best I could. Just be glad we got to you before you were sold off." I contemplated being some businessman's cock-sucking slave, I was glad to be spared that fate. "You were probably only hours away from being bought."
"Sorry," I said meekly, "I can't imagine the things you went through to save me."
"Don't even try to imagine them." The chill went through the room. Two of the most beautiful women in the whole city, a sexy Japanese girl and a leggy, busty brunette, stared at each other for what seemed forever.
"Tell us everything, Mr. Jane," said one of the other cops, "We need to know everything."
Thanks so much for reading. As always you can send me an email if you want to discuss anything about my stories, [email protected]
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I'm so glad you continued this! had me every word of every sentence...I really appreciate the tension of discovery balanced against the horror of unwanted transformation; and the interplay between Jane and the rest. She is put in the uncomfortable position of defending her claim even as she's struggling to understand and even accept what was done to her. Excellent! Thank you!
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Unchained (Chapter 3)
I like where this story is going. Can't help but wonder if there is some sort of Wizards Guild that can undo some or all of the Dragon Magic.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
An old theme of crime and punishment. You've got those in debt being transformed, by what sounds like a Tong or Yakusa like crime family. However, how you present this is unique. They each has their flaws, and yet a common bond of being forced by an as yet unknown talisman on the full moon into a female form. After each chapter I only want more. This is good!
Welcome back
So good to see this continuing.
Now the big questions may get answers, now that she has a ally who knows what she is going through.
Why the professor? I don't recall you saying he was a gambler and thus on the gangs *radar*. Correction, I looked back and he did gamble and borrow, he/she admited she was no saint. But still, why him?
Was he a loner, no family thus a target that way? Was it revenge by a colleague/rival? Did he give a gang member's child a bad grade? Just in the wrong place at the wrong time? Did he fit some magic protocol that the magic transforming item needs to work? Can or will they ever find the other victims? Can anything be done to help them or to punish their *masters*?
AND the BIGGIE, can he be changed back and if not can he at least get a measure of his life back, IE some control over her compulsions? She has gained years of life but has lost much of who he was and lost control over her sexuality. Can she ever be a professor again or is that lost as well?
So many questions.
The *feel* of their captivity, the fear the pain the confusion were palpable.
Well done. It was like I was there and boy, um girl I sure wanted to get the hell out.
Great tale.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Since they could only do this when the moon was right, IE rarely, are these tranformations *made to order*? If they are infreqent, the payback must be large to justify the expense IMHO. To do this just to get sexy, brainwashed concubines/sex slaves seems silly. Why not just kidnap and *train* real women? Why men? Who *ordered* her? That could be a key to breaking the remains of the conspiracy.
Oh, and what of the 19 year old from five years earlier, this Miss Bliss? Does she figure into the story other than a way to show that as a man he was somewhat loose in his morals? Still no one desreves to be made a virtual slave and his relationship with the student though possibly unethical was between two consenting adults.
John in Wauwatosa
Every Little Slave Cell In Me!
I thought I was pretty much free of my slave self. I haven't been to a BDSM event in a long time. No worries, they were not impressed with a tranny that was so stupid she cut her dick off! So, I never really did get to do the things I wanted to. Instead, I have been practicing my hated religion in a very moderate way, and living a quiet life with no ropes, chains, booze or dope ... nope not even a bamboo switch.
So, when I read this story again, every single little subbie antennae I have perked up and is now happily bound and laying in the corner. Shit, this morning, I even asked permission to go shopping with my room mates on Saturday; food shopping not for stockings and garter belts. One of my room mates, a very good friend was so pissed at me for asking permission. I had to leave before she cut loose on me but I'm afraid that tonight when she gets home, "The Thunder" will roll. I simply have to get hold of myself. No, this is serious.
Still, I really do understand how a personality that longs to please and be compliant and meek and obedient can exist because that really is me. You may think that you are writing fantasy, but you just had a very invasive look inside my head.
Please keep on with the story. I want to learn how one overcomes it all.