Unchained (Chapter 7)


Chapter 7

One man emerges from a dungeon after being chained up for almost three months.
Wallace Jane is now unchained.

By Swishy

Chapter 7

Nothing surprised me that morning. I wasn't surprised that I was still Jane, I wasn't surprised that I was in my new bed naked. It didn't phase me that my pussy was a little sore. I didn't even freak out about the cock pressing into the crack of my ass. It all horrified and depressed me but sadly, it didn't surprise me.

The cock, which was sporting a 'morning glory' didn't belong to James of last night. It was attached to Marcus of later last night. It seemed one wasn't enough for this body and only a few hours after losing my virginity I was back on the streets prowling for more pleasure. It didn't take much to get Marcus to follow me home. I just wiggled about and he followed me home like a child following the Pied Piper. I liked Marcus as a guy much more than I liked James. He was a young journalism student, around my new age, eager and talkative. I knew this type of guy; they always made the best students. My body chose him because of his broad shoulders, alluring eyes and encouraging bulge in his trousers so it was a bonus that I liked him as a human.

The sex we had was a little more playful too. I stripped for him, clumsily but he wasn't complaining. The truth was, I almost felt happy as I rode him like a cowgirl. I mean out of all the addictions in the world, I had one that I could at least enjoy. Sex could be fun, gambling rarely was. I think that's because sex is about the seizing the moment while gambling is all about a dream for the future. A dream that never came true.

"What an amazing view," he complimented me as I clutched my nipples while bouncing on Marcus' hard prick.

"Thanks," I said, almost shyly but definitely proudly. I wondered if all Farm-Girls were proud of their immaculately sexy bodies, or if it was just a weird coping mechanism of mine.

In an effort to take care of my body, I made Marcus wear a condom, which he was fine about. He had some in his wallet and I enjoyed rolling them down his thick shaft with a dirty glint in my eye. Marcus' cock was a little shorter than James, but he made up for it in thickness and it might have been my bias but I'd choose a thick cock over a long cock, every time.

What I didn't like was how much hornier my body was Sam's seemed to be. Sam stated that she needed it once daily, definitely horny in the scheme of things. But I needed it more. I woke up, sun streaming through a crack in the curtain, feeling ready to be fucked. The urges were building up already and I had endured a fucking three times the previous night — James once and Marcus twice. I question I had thought a lot recently seeped back into my mind, "Why me?"

I flipped onto my back and began to rub areas that felt nice to be rubbed, namely nipples and my clit. "Mmm," I quietly moaned. I didn't want to be horny, there was other needs to attend to — I was hungry, I could use a shower, I would like to know the naked man in my bed a little better, I could start getting my life back to some sort of sanity.

But no.

I needed to be fucked.

I cursed The Dragons as I turned to face my sleeping beauty. Last night in one of our short but nice conversations Marcus had told me he loved swimming, so perhaps that's why his chest was as hairless as mine. He breathed deeply and peacefully and it almost seemed a shame to wake someone as gorgeous as him up for something as base as fornication.

Unsurprisingly my hand moved on its own accord, gently wrapping itself around Marcus' impressively thick shaft. My hand slid up and down in a way that I knew from experience felt good. The sleepy haze around my head disappeared and I became fully aware of what I was doing. I tightened my grip on the rod in front of me to see if I had control of my own hand. I did but that didn't mean that I stopped. In fact, with my free hand I pushed him gently onto his back.

I didn't stop because I wanted it to be all over with. Maybe this time would end the urges for the rest of the day, maybe if I came hard enough I'd be free of the urges for a week. I didn't know the rules of the Farm-Girl but anything was possible. I cast my stare downwards past my boobs at my feminine hand giving a strange man a vigorous hand job. This isn't the life I wanted for myself but if I didn't go ahead and feed the urges I would never have enough free time to try and find a way out of it. I let go of the sleeping Marcus' cock for a second as a disturbing thought appeared in my head. I tried to stop myself but my body was in control.

Like some sick Pavlovian dog I began salivating as my mouth got closer to his cock. Jane was about to perform her first blowjob and I was forced to go along for the ride. Much to my dismay, Marcus' cock smelt delicious like a perfectly ripe piece of fruit. I'm sure the smell appealing to me was because I was a Farm-Girl and not because I was a girl. My wife had complained about the taste aloud on the rare occasion she travelled down there and even Bliss had confessed that a sweaty cock was not as tasty as she pretended it to be. But I wasn't an ordinary woman, I was a Farm-Girl.

I parted my juicy lips as I got into position. I was given control of my body again but the alluring smell wouldn't let me stop. I was about to suck a man's cock and I was terrified. There was something much more disgusting about this act then just simply fucking him. There was something weirdly abstract and detached about letting a man fuck my pussy but a blowjob felt different. Maybe it was because the act felt homosexual, where as his cock in my pussy was the definition of hetero. If I closed my eyes and ignored the long hair and the swaying boobs it might feel like Professor Jane going down on a man and not Miss Wallace.

God, it tasted good! Immediately I knew this was not going to be my last ever blowjob. If they all tasted like this I wouldn't be able to stop myself my wrapping my lips around every cock I could find. I felt morbidly ashamed and elated at the same time. I let my tongue dance wildly around Marcus' cock as I gently sucked. I steadied my self with my hands and went to town, bobbing up and down on his warm prick.

I was surprised by my enthusiasm and so was the recipient as he awoke. "Good morning," he grinned.

I ignored his majestic cock for just one second to look at Marcus' smiling face "Hi," I smiled shyly, "Your cock just looked so sexy that I couldn't help myself." It was demeaning that I couldn't help but behave this way.

Marcus' smiled proudly, as if no woman had ever praised his cock so much, "Well, don't let me stop you." He put his hands behind his head in a classic relaxation pose and I went back to work: licking, kissing, fondling and sucking his amazing cock. I had always loved a bit of hanky-panky in the morning. I remember a time before my ex-wife was my wife when she was my girlfriend. We would spend all morning in bed: doing crosswords, talking and if I was lucky, making love. There's something magical about the light streaming in, tickling your half asleep senses and knowledge that this is the way you are starting the day.

I looked up at Marcus with my big brown eyes and winked as I enjoyed his cock. This was my first time ever giving a blowjob but I believed that I was doing well. The smile Marcus was giving me showed that he thought it was extremely great.

I could now understand first hand why deep throating was a scary proposition. I was taking a decent amount of his cock in but it was the two or three inches that frightened me. Those last inches had seemingly nowhere to go. As Prof Jane, I dreamt of a girl who proud of their cock sucking, a girl who would try their best and do absolutely everything to make sure the man enjoyed himself. The difference between an OK blowjob and a phenomenal one was rather minute. It took passion, lust and the daring to deep throat him. There was no woman in my history that I would deem 'great at giving head', I would have to be the first.

I unwrapped my lips from around his pole, looked over and winked. "Don't stop," Marcus pleaded.

I put on my sultry voice and assured him, "Don't worry, I'm not going to stop until you shoot your hot load into my mouth!" I aimed and shot down onto his throbbing manhood. Down, deeper and deeper and then I stopped. I stopped because I'd reached the end, I felt Marcus' pubic hair against my face. I moaned in excitement as I tried to fathom why I wasn't choking on the thick hard hose currently down my throat. I slid back up and then all the way down, my tongue tickling his shaft. I didn't know whether I was more disgusted at myself or impressed with my skills.

Marcus was clearly impressed. "Fuck!" he called out, "I'm cumming!" I didn't have time to brace myself or move as the jet of hot, salty cum came into my mouth. It surprised me how quickly my mouth was filled with warm, white liquid. I had let a strange man climax in my mouth, there was no going back now — I was officially a slut.

"Oh God!" I moaned when the taste finally registered. It tasted incredible, like the nectar of the gods. It was sweet, warm and salty, all the things I expected but it tasted better than anything I had ever come into contact with. I shuddered and moan as the taste alone made me orgasm. I threw my head up and my eyes rolled back in my head in pure pleasure. I explored the sides of my mouth furiously with my tongue, searching for just one more drop of delicious seed.

I knew it was just my Farm-Girl tendencies that made Marcus' semen taste so amazing. It was another trick to make me be as slutty as possible. I was afraid to admit that it was working too, if I was offered another hard cock to suck right then it would have been impossible to turn down on the taste alone. Marcus, the man attached to the cock I was so enamoured with, sighed contentedly, "Where did you come from? You're a dream girl, Janey!"

While I wasn't a fan of being called 'Janey' I slid up the bed and snuggled up to my guest. Being in this situation made me feel lonely so I cuddled up to the handsome journalism student. One or two more hours of hours sleep would do me good. My urges were at there lowest point ever and I could think straight.

I had to fix this problem. Under the long, gorgeous brunette tresses and the generous rack I was still Professor Wallace Jane. The Dragons had proved to me that there was magic in the world, and if there was magic that could turn me into a cock-hungry beauty than there must be a way to turn me back. I would search this world high and low to find a cure. The Dragons can't be the only people in the world with access to magic.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Marcus asked coyly as he spooned me from behind. I used to be the big spoon but not anymore.

"Just how we should see each other again," I lied.

He took that as an invitation to cup my breast with his hand. "Yeah," he agreed with my lie, "That was really be great and yeah, maybe I could cook for you? I'm a pretty mean cook."

Marcus really was a nice guy. "Yeah, write down your number and I'll call you. Sometime this week?" I asked.

My Big Spoon responded, "Friday?"

My ideal plans were to be back to being Wallace by then so there was little harm in confirming. "Count me in." And if I was still Jane than who cares? I would still need to be fucked Friday night.

"Well, now that I know I can see you again," the man in my bed began to move, "I can go. If you had said 'no' I wouldn't have been able to leave."

I pretended to be doting, "Where are you going?" I said as I sat up in bed.

"I've got classes in half and hour. What about you?"

"Day off," I shrugged. Marcus quickly got dressed, letting pieces of clothes get between his delectable body and me. Even with a low amount of urges I was still attracted to him. His strong arms enveloped me at the door as he said his goodbye, a hug, a kiss on the cheek and he was gone.

"Wow," I exclaimed to myself as I finally found myself alone, "I'm a total slut!" I walked to my bed, ignoring the still weird bouncing and juggling that was my secondary sexual characteristics. I looked myself in the mirror, "You sucked a guy's cock!" I stuck my tongue out to evaluate the damage. It didn't seem affected as much as I was. "What are you doing, Wallace?" I asked myself out loud, "Stop fucking men!"

I stormed out of the room to nowhere in particular. I marched around the couch, arms folded. "I can't stop! Why can't I stop? Fuck! I'm an academic!" I took my little tantrum into the bedroom, hurling myself on the bed. Tears began to sprout of my perfect face and I cursed the world. "Why does it make me like it? I don't want to like it! Let me have my misery!" I squealed as I rolled onto my perfect back and stared at the ceiling. I stopped my crying, sat up and looked in the mirror. The horny, feminine slice of perfection I was now stared back. "OK Wallace," I looked for a shimmer of the old me under the new me, "You can get out of this. You're just going to have to work hard. Crying and going insane isn't going to help you. You need to buckle down and try and find a way back. Every spare minute you have is about trying to make you a man again, OK? Keep your eyes on the goal and we'll be fine." It reminded me of the little speeches I would give myself after a particularly bad night at the track.

"Shower, get dressed and find out what you can do to turn back."

Nothing zaps your testosterone like soaping up your own boobs with a loofah. The gentle water cascaded down my ravishing curves and into the gargling plughole. I am so damn sexy that I'm sure even the water thrilled at the chance of caressing my body. I tenderly and carefully washed my hair with some expensive shampoo and conditioner that Sam had bought me along with the clothes. It relaxing in my little glass sanctuary and if I closed my eyes hard enough I almost forgot what I had become and what I was going to have to do tonight.

"Jane," I told myself, "You look good wet." I gently patted myself dry as my reflection did the same. No rogue hairs had grown in the few days of being a girl, so I was still impeccably neat and unnaturally hairless below my eyebrows. I thought maybe some pubic hair would start sprouting but it looked like the Dragons wanted me to sport an all-year Brazilian.

Since I was OK for sex for at least a few hours I didn't have to worry about dressing to impress. I opened the section of the wardrobe dedicated for clothes to wear around the house. Sam and her gorgeous friend had done a wonderful job hanging up and putting away all my clothes last night. I could have helped but Sam said that it was better if I just relaxed and watched some TV. I did and it was nice to relax for once. I was now spoilt for choice. Nobody looking at me or judging me, all I needed was just some casual clothes.

I took some simple black tracksuit pants off their hanger and slung them on the bed, along with a simple red T-shirt. I was going to be comfortable and casual. I slid the dreaded panty draw open and stared. Panties. I wore panties. There were rows and rows of tiny, colourful panties that were meant for my crotch and me. A lot of them were designed to be cute, even more of them were deliberately sexy and a select few were merely functional. I was in a 'functional' mood. I reached for some simple white, 'normal' panties but missed and collected a little pastel pink thong. "I don't think so," I said as I let them go. I reached for the plain underpants again and somehow grabbed something red and lacy. "Third times a charm," I said as I steadied my hand and slowly and deliberately aimed for the 'functional' underwear. I clasped them in my fingers and brought them to my body.

I stepped into the plain white panties and bent down to pick them up, pulling them over my long legs and to my crotch. "OK," I sighed clutching my full breasts, "A bra." I pulled open the bra draw and pulled out a sexy satiny red number. "Stupid hands!" I scolded my hands. Are my draws so full of sexy little things that I couldn't grab something sensible in amongst the sea of flirt? No, my hands must have the shakes or something. Maybe I needed to be screwed again already. My second attempt got me my desired plain white bra. Brassieres only confirmed what walking suggested, my boobs were big. The bra looked almost comical with their tiny bands and their large cups. Last night Sam was trying to comfort me by saying that a lot of women have bigger boobs than me but the fact that I was way bigger than she was made her point moot.

After a little wriggling, reaching around and adjusting I was in. While it felt good to be supported, something minor felt off. I shook off that feeling and I pulled my comfy new tracksuit pants. The sound of the rest of the world living their life was the soundtrack to my otherwise silent apartment. I liked being alone. I always preferred my own company to anyone else's, even more now. The T-shirt was snug but not snug to the point of slutiness. I looked in the mirror and a 'normal' but extremely attractive college girl stared back.

First things first I was going to start writing everything that happened to me down. If there was some little clue lodged in my mind about what happened the night of the transformation I wanted to get it down on paper. Tomorrow I would buy a computer and the internet and I would begin to research The Dragons, Farm-Girls, gender transformations and possible cures. This world was a lot scarier place now that I know magic exists.

I sat down at my work desk in the lounge room and opened a blank notebook. I wrote down today's date and a short simple sentence on the first page. "You will solve this," it now read. It was an inspiring and hopeful message, hurt only by the fact my handwriting was now decidedly cute — curly and rounded letters was now how I expressed myself, although fortunately the 'i's were dotted with dots not love hearts. At least my hand had all my fingers, unlike my old hand towards the end. Undeterred I opened to the next page and began to write every detail that I could remember. I wrote about what happened, when I thought it was, a vague approximation of where and anything else that popped into my head. I'm not sure if everything I was writing was useful or nothing at all but it seemed important that I wrote it all down.

I shifted in my chair trying to get my padded ass to feel right. I wasn't in pain, I just wasn't comfortable, and this body would take some getting used to. Sure, I don't have the spare tyre around my middle anymore but I was rocking an impressive ass in the back and some sizeable knockers in the front. Also, I now had hair where I had none and vice versa. My voice, my eyesight, my taste and so much more were all different now that I was in this youthful and optimised body.

I became restless after writing a page or two and stood up. I stretched like a little kitten and poured myself a glass of water. I walked around my little house as I sipped on my beverage, taking in all that I needed to do to make it feel like a home — bigger TV in the lounge room, maybe move that smaller TV in the bedroom, get a bath mat for the shower, get a hamper for dirty clothes, otherwise I would just end up throwing clothes right on the floor. I looked at the small pile of clothes on the floor — yesterday's shorts and top, a range of 'too sexy' under garments from the draws and a red t-shirt, black tracksuit pants and a functional plain white bra and panty set. I was naked; I looked down to confirm that I just didn't have two sets of the same clothes. My eyes were greeted with a whole lot of naked flesh. "Really?" I sighed to my reflection, "What was wrong with that outfit?"

My body seemed to not like my casual look. I thought about it for a second and I could remember casually undressing after I put my glass of water down. I did it without thinking, like when my body on occasion helps to initiate sexual activity. My mind started showing a highlight reel of my time spent with James and Marcus and I brushed my finger against my delicate opening with nostalgia. "Stop that!' I cursed my beautiful body.

I couldn't stay naked. I couldn't let this body have its way all the time so I flung open my panties draw. "Is this sexy enough for you?" I asked myself; of course I got no response so I pulled on the little red thong. I knew what outfit this thong went with, I had seen Sam putting it away the previous night. "Why would ever wear something like that? What even is it?" I asked.

Sam came towards me with it and I almost jumped back like she was holding a spider. "I think it's just some lingerie. I wouldn't leave the house wearing this. It's just for 'entertaining'," Sam said. I scrunched up my face like a 4-year-old to a plate of vegetables. "Jane, you don't have to wear it."

"Don't worry. I wont."

I stood looking in the mirror at the sight of a gorgeous woman in red sheer lingerie. I simple looked amazing. The bra top thing was see-through so you could see my pink nipples pushing through, after the bra part of the top it became a free-flowing dress thing, but not a full dress as it stopped at the top of my ass. There was a smattering of little black flowers sewed on to the ensemble too. I looked sexy as hell but at least I had clothes on so I counted it as a semi-victory.

So, I went straight back to writing, the little red thong nestled between my plump and firm ass cheeks. "This body seems to want me to dress a certain way," I wrote after writing a few pages about the transformation, "While I can dress how I want it didn't take me too long to conform. For modesty's sake I will see if I can resolve this."

It just after midday when I finally put my pen down for the day. I had been writing for hours, aside from a quick and necessary break to masturbate. I wasn't sure what to do with all of these notes but it was nice to know I had them. I had done what I had planned for the day; I didn't know that the notes would flow so freely. All I had left on today's to-do list was to go out drinking with Bliss. I hoped that I would be able to contain my urges so that I could just discreetly find some guy to rid me of them. I stood up and began to move to the couch. "Buzz," said the intercom.

I marched over to the door and peeped out. I saw the top of a cute, Asian head. It was Sam. I wondered for a second if I should quickly get changed into some casual clothes but at least Sam was aware of my problems. I unlocked the door and opened wide enough that a slender girl could slide through. "Quick," I whispered, "Get in." I didn't want Bliss to casually stroll out her front door and see me dressed like a Victoria's Secret model in the middle of the day, talking to a cop. She might get ideas.

"Never wear it, huh?" Sam said glibly.

"Shut up, it made me," I locked the door behind Sam, "Plus I look good."

Sam was dressed attractively too. Her tight silk blouse made what little breast she had look appetizing and her pencil skirt made her round butt look even perkier. "You do."

Her compliment tickled me in a pleasurable way and suddenly my mind was picturing us in bed sharing these incredible bodies we were forced into. It was good to know that I still had a heterosexual male thought process hidden somewhere inside me. "Sam, are you still into girls?" I smiled as I asked my gorgeous visitor.

"Yeah," she smiled back, "But not half as much as this body is boy crazy." I thought about it for a second, letting a male walk into my little fantasy, as soon as he did I leapt off of Sam and straight onto him. Even my fantasies are against me. I sighed. "How are you coping today? Doing OK after your first time?" When Sam had left last night I was lying on the couch watching TV.

"Well, I kinda left the house after you left," I admitted, "Met a guy called Marcus, brought him back here." I blushed as I recalled how involuntarily slutty I had become.

"Back here?" Sam asked as she sat down at my dining table, "I don't know if that is such a good idea."

I joined her sitting down, feeling the cold of the varnished wood on my ass cheeks. "Why not?"

"Because Jane," I hated my name now, "We are so much hotter than most women, he's going to want more and now he knows where to get it." She didn't know Marcus. I don't know the type of guys she gets to scratch her itches but mine aren't about to stalk me.

"He seems like a nice enough guy, I'm already planning on seeing him again." I felt wet just thinking about him. He knew how to make me cum and I like that in a sexual partner.

Sam teased me, "Oooh Jane's got a boyfriend."

"It's not like that."

"You do know that keeping any relationship going the way were are would be impossible," Sam wasn't giving me a lesson in anything I needed to know. I didn't want Marcus to be my boyfriend; I didn't want a boyfriend at all. I wanted to be male and to have a girlfriend as hot as me but if that wasn't possible at the present moment, I would like a guy I actually was fond of fucking me when I needed to be fucked.

I told Sam, "I know that. It's not a relationship; he's just coming 'round to tend to my needs." All this talk of sex was making me want sex, I hoped that I could last until the early evening. I wanted at least some of the day to myself.

"As long as he knows that." Sam's youthful face leaned towards mine, "I'll tell you how to do it. Go to a bar, meet a guy, give him a fake name, do it at his place, leave when he's asleep."

"Coffee?" I asked as I stood up.

Sam's formally male eyes followed me as I walked to the fridge. "Sure. Black… No, sorry white, this body prefers white." Sam had already figured some of the in and outs of her new body.

I opened the fridge and my dainty fingers reached for the milk. "White it is. So, what brings you here?"

"They found something at where they were keeping you," Sam explained.

I hoped the answer was 'a cure' but I didn't hold my breath, I simple breathed deep and asked, "What?"

"Your instruction manual."

I knew what those words meant, just not in that context. "Huh?"

Sam turned around to talk to me. She began to explain, "They were planning to selling you…"

"Yeah, I assumed as much." From the rumours and the way the Dragon guards talked, I presumed I was for sale like Sam and Lil' John were.

She opened her briefcase and took out a fat stack of papers. "And when something is expensive as you would have been, you can guarantee that it comes with a massive instruction book." I went AWOL from my coffee duties to inspect the photocopied pages.

"Nereid," was all it said on the front cover.

"Neried?" I asked.

"Yeah," Sam crossed her thin legs in a feminine manner as she spoke, "It's a type of Greek mythological creature, like a Sea Nymph." I considered myself well read but I had never come across the term before.

"We're mythological creatures?" I asked.

"That's what the book claims. We're almost like demi-gods," Sam recalled what she had read. "We don't age or get sick. We remain beautiful, no matter the situation. We dote on our masters religiously, and if we don't have a master we have a need to please all men. "

I cringed. Some of those things rang very true to me. I had a feeling that given enough time I could claim I had pleased 'a majority of men' if not them all.

"If even half of the things here are true, Jane, we're in for a long, weird life."

Sam's phrasing was weird so I asked, "What do you mean?"

Sam flicked through some photocopied pages to find what she was explaining, "Well, the book says that Free Spirit Nerieds, like you, live for around 125 years give or take a decade." She gave up on looking for the page and closed the book, "And that's 125 years from now not from when you were born. I was a 'Married' Neried so I have 80 years or so left."

"I'm a Free Spirit because I don't have an owner?" I guessed.

"Right. From what I read there are two types: Free Spirit and 'Married'. All the transformed begin as Free Spirits. To become 'Married' you have to drink the blood of your owner. As a Free Spirit you are 'on the lookout' for an owner, so you are probably going to be hornier." That would explain why Sam was OK with just one a day and I was still climbing the walls after three and a blow job. "In modern days, Free Sprit Nerieds are supposedly employed at most of the world's most expensive escort services. You guys are designed to be like the most ideal prostitute. But as soon as you drink a vial of blood you become 'married' to your owner."

"That what happened to you," I recalled.

"Yeah, I was in his control. I did his chores, wore what we wanted me to, acted like his fantasy girl, answered to him. But when that sick fuck died I didn't have to follow anyone's orders anymore. I have the reduced sex-drive of a Married and the free will of a Free Spirit. I'm lucky."

For a second I was supremely jealous of the Oriental babe sitting across from me, until I thought about what she would have had to do to before she got the freedom. "But I hate to think of the things that sicko put you through."

Sam's eyes began to well up as she thought about that awful man and his sick desires. "At least I got out," she told me, "I'm sure a lot of others didn't." I thought about Lil' John and the countless others who must still be working for their masters. I may be a slut, but at least I am a free slut.

"So, does this tome have anything about reserving the spell?" I asked hopefully. Even though that would have been the first thing she told me if that was true.

"'Fraid not," Sam stood up and closed her briefcase, "But someone must know about how to turn us back. I'm going to find them." She started for the door.

I wanted to follow her, try looking for the answers out there but I wasn't really dressed appropriately for police work. Besides, I was an academic, if anyone was going to find some hidden clues about freeing us from our bodies in this book it was probably going to be me. I stood up and hugged one of my only friends. "Well Sammy, you go find them in the streets and I'll see if I can find any clues in here."

Immediately I flipped open the book to start reading. Sam stood still for a second, straightening herself before she left. "What do you think our chances are of… you know? Turning back? And be honest." Sam was a beautiful woman, easily one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. And the vulnerable she gave me made her even more spectacular. She looked small, delicate and feminine, her male toughness had melted away. I hoped that we could find it again.

"We just found out that magic exists. Who knows what is possible? So, I'm not going to call this game over yet."

Sam smiled and I heard her say as she left my house, "Good."

Thanks so much for reading. As always you can send me an email if you want to discuss anything about my stories, [email protected]

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