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Chapter 4
Wallace Jane is now unchained.
Chapter 4
I told the police absolutely everything. Hedgpeth had already heard a lot of it and was a direct witness to more than a large portion of the story. As my traumatic tale unfolded, I couldn't help but notice how sultry my new voice was. Even though I was telling a story of absolute horror I still sounded alluring, like a purring cat.
The hands on the plain white clock circled around the face as I talked for over an hour. Sometimes one of my interviewers would interrupt and I would answer their question and then continue. I just couldn't be stopped, detail upon detail, a sad story about a wreck of a man who entered a dungeon and emerged a beautiful but hollow fuck toy. When the story had finished unfolding, the details all revealed and my throat parched I looked at my new, friendly captors and said, "I guess you help me with the rest of the story, right?" As I leant back in my chair could feel the weight of the large breasts attached to me shift.
Hedgpeth told me, "Of course, we're not going to dump you on the street like a common whore." I shuddered at the thought of me in this body walking the street, I was so horny that I probably wouldn't even ask for money.
"Do you know if this magic stuff can be reversed?" I asked hopefully. I felt a little goofy talking about magic but I wanted my pussy and the urge to put things into it to disappear.
"I hope so." It appeared that the very sexy Asian girl in front of me did not want to be a very sexy Asian girl. "After we've finished, I'm going to interrogate some of the Dragons we've arrested and we'll see if they'll talk."
That didn't fill me with confidence. A covert organization that runs on the most secret of secrets wouldn't let their members just cough up all their mysteries just like that. I squeezed my thighs together and felt the expected emptiness. "So, I'm going to be like this for the foreseeable future, aren't I?" I asked. While I enjoyed being in the presence of a beautiful woman, this was a different thing entirely. Especially since I could feel the urge to bed a man creeping up on me.
"I'm afraid so," frowned the young girl, "Don't fret we're going to set you up with some accommodation, money and we're working on getting you an identity."
Finally some good new in this whole dilemma; Prof. Jane had more than his share of debt collectors banging down the door, Miss Jane would have no such problem. It seemed like an unfair trade-off though and I would have happily traded back. For the moment I was stuck in my feminine prison. "So, I've just got sit around and hope for some miracle cure? This body is a little too…" I chose my next word carefully, "…excitable… to sit still for long." It seemed Farm-girls were bred especially horny, a desired trait for a sex slave but not for a 'regular' human being. I thought about what I would have to do soon if left up to my own devices. I didn't want to go down that road and act like the Farm-girl I now was.
"It's not going to be easy, Wallace. My advice to you is to cooperate with your new body, fighting it is impossible," Hedgpeth sounded defeated. I couldn't imagine the horrible things she had done and didn't want to picture the disgusting things I probably would.
"Oh…" I said, a little stuck for words. Hedgpeth motioned to the other lawmen and they quietly packed up their things.
Hedgpeth wriggled in her swivel chair, swinging around as she tried to get comfortable. "I've tried fighting it. I can't help myself," she said.
"How often do you…?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer.
"Bare minium for me…" she took a breath, "Once a day." I shuddered, thinking about my fate. "The urges just get too much, you can't help yourself. The sicko who owned me would fuck me usually twice a day; once just after he got home from work and once more around midnight. But once he went away for a weekend without me and I almost went crazy masturbating."
"Didn't it help?" I gulped.
"Only a little bit and it got less effective each time. By the end of the weekend I was crying on my bed because I physically couldn't keep from pumping my fingers in and out of my vagina…"
'My vagina', it was weird to hear Hedgpeth say that. But it was true and I could say the same thing. "My vagina.' I had one now, I could feel its presence between my thighs. I didn't know much about my vagina, except that I really didn't want ownership of it at all.
"What do you do now you're free?" I asked.
"Bars. That's where I've gone the last couple of nights. I've drunk myself stupid and then gone home with whoever talks to me first. Been free for four nights now, I've woken up in my own bed only once."
That sounded horrible. I made silent promise to myself to make sure I always woke up in my own bed. Surely, there was a better fix than trawling for bar scum every night. "Won't any guys from the force, you know… help you out?" I suggested. My body seemed plenty attracted to the men that were in the room moments ago and my guess was that Hedpeth's body was too.
Hedgpeth cast her stare down at the table, avoiding my eyes. "I'd never ask them. I don't know how'd you feel about it but I would rather strangers scratch that itch for me, rather than anyone I know."
"Yeah, but don't you have to put on a show? Make up a fake name and story, flirt with them, pretend you like them, make chit-chat on the way back to their place? Wouldn't it be easier to find someone you trust and have them take you into the back room once a day?" Just talking about being ravaged in the back room got my body excited and without my permission a hand came up and lightly caressed am erect nipple before I could take control and put my hand back down.
"I would rather go through that whole slutty process than have some one I respect discover just how much this body controls me. I don't know about you but strangers are the only way for me. No same guy twice either. I'm not looking for a boyfriend, it's just this body is addicting to fucking."
"So, what am I supposed to do now with my life? I can't exactly go back to teaching when I look the same age as the students. And it's not like I have a cent to my name either." My gambling debts had cost me pretty much everything, if I had the money to pay back the Dragons I wouldn't be in this body.
Hedpeth perfectly white teeth were displayed in an adorable smile, she was happy about something. "Don't worry, there's actually good news there. I've been able to set you up with a pretty sweet deal: your own furnished apartment, sixty grand a year tax-free, identity documents… It's basically the perks of a good witness protection deal."
She was right, that news made me happy. For the past few years the problem of not having enough money weighed on my shoulders every hour of every day, it was one of the reasons I couldn't stop gambling. People often dreamed about winning that one big race and buying a house or a holiday, I dreamed of winning big and paying off the debtors. As long as I didn't get stuck in that world of gambling again, I would be fine money-wise. "So, you've already found me a place? You guys work pretty fast."
The light glinted off of Hedgpeth's long, black hair, she might not want to be but she was truly beautiful. "Well, if we don't have it now we should have it by the end of the day. It won't be much, probably just a small apartment in the city."
"That sounds fine to me," I sighed. I didn't like my new voice, everything I now said seemed to have an underlying sexual meaning. My voice was so sultry that I could probably get men off just by reading the phone book. Do it in a low cut top and I'm sure most guys wouldn't last the first page.
We discussed the details a little more as the day wore on. She asked me to choose a name for the identity papers. Partly out of laziness and partly out of the need to still be me, I simply reversed my name: Wallace Marion Jane was now Jane Marion Wallace. "Have you changed you name yet, Hedgpeth?"
"I'm putting in my papers today too. I think I'm going to go for Sam," she told me.
The Asian girl in front of me had just revealed that she was going to changed her name to Sam. That seemed weird. "Sam? Not going for something more race appropriate like Yuki or something?"
"I know my body is Japanese or something but I don't care. I'm not up for playing into any guy's Asian schoolgirl fantasy. Sam is a simple unisex name and that's all that matters to me!" I had struck a nerve with the man inside the young Asian beauty.
"Sorry," I apologised, "I didn't mean to…"
"It's OK. This whole thing has just got me a little on edge. My 'owner' called me Aiko and made me act totally submissive. When I was lucky enough to wear clothes, I was always dressed like a schoolgirl." I had forgotten that Hedgpeth had actually spent time as a slave. I couldn't imagine the things she had probably done and it probably made her sick to think about.
"So, I'm now Detective Sam Smith, 24 years-old."
24 was a stretch, she really didn't look any older than 17. "Hi Sam," I declared, "I guess my name is Jane Wallace and I'm…."
"21?" was Hegpeth's ventured guess.
"and I'm 21," I confirmed. 21? I was now younger than my own son. I took a short, sharp breath and thought about that bizarre fact. I could hypothetically be my own son's girlfriend, although that repulsed me I knew that would never happen because-
A) I would do everything in my power to stop my body doing that.
B) I was way too hot for a guy like him.
The girl who used to be Arnold Hedgpeth stood up and stretched. Her waist high business pants hung close to her body and I could see her delightfully firm and round posterior. I was happy to know that at least this body didn't rob me of my love of the female form, even though my innate yearning for men was more present in my mind. "Let's get you to you new home, so you can rest. A bed feels so much better than a dungeon floor."
Many nights I had spent half asleep dreaming of sleeping in an actual bed while I was a prisoner. On the rare occasion that a fellow prisoner would talk about the things he missed on the outside, the bed was always number one.
I stood beside Sam and awkwardly adjusted my clothes. It felt like the material was hugging my body in odd ways. This was because I now had dramatic curves that my clothes were trying cover and also because I hadn't wore clothes in months. The guards had stripped me naked on my first day in the dungeon. As was the case with a lot of young Asian girls; Sam was short. Not midget small, probably around 5'3 but she was quite tall back before the transformation. I hadn't fared to badly in the height department, from 5'10 down to a respectable 5'7. If I ever felt short and found it depressing, I could conceivably put on some heels.
The corridor was empty as we both marched to the car park. Sam, despite her diminutive size, moved at quite a pace. I made my best attempt to keep beside her but that speed made my unrestrained chest bounce noticeably. It was now apparent to me how necessary wearing a brassiere would be in this body. I took stock of my surroundings, just happy to be out of the dungeon. "What about O'Toole?" I asked about my co-captor as we walked passed the holding room where he had dressed me.
"I'll interview him and then release him too," Sam responded in her professional manner. Looking at her it was obvious that she was wearing a bra and that her smallish breasts were much less deserving of a bra than my sizable knockers. Crossing my arms underneath my chest seemed to help.
"Could you give him my new contact details. He's been really good at…. Taking care of me, you know?" I tried to convey it in my voice that I did not mean that sexually, although I did let my wander just a bit. A large part of me could felt really hungry for O'Toole's thick cock.
"Of course, we're going to give you as much support as you want, Jane." I tensed a bit at hearing my name, knowing that she was calling me by my new first name and not my old last name.
"Thanks, I know it's going to be easy but I want to see how much I can cope with on my own. That is to say that I don't want any psychologist or anything like that. But I still want to be in contact with you, since you're going through the same things as I am."
The day wouldn't end even though the clock swore it was only noon. Before I could go I had to I sign some papers; a rental lease for my apartment, a phone contract for my new phone, bank forms for a new account and papers to get my brand new identity. My name was now Jane Marion Wallace and as of that day I was 21 years old. I liked that my new birthday was the day of my release, it made my redemption feel even more important.
As Sam got to the bottom of the stack of papers she said, "Do you want us to organise a personal shopper for you? By this evening we can have a complete wardrobe for you without you even entering a store."
Clothes, I hadn't really thought about them. It was the things I was going to do with my clothes off that were circling my thoughts. I didn't want to be trawling the clothes stores trying to find the skimpiest shorts and most revealing tops when I could be at home, terrified of the slut I had became. "That would be great," I sighed.
Other people were going to select my look, that was fine by me. As a man I had no definitive style and always found clothes shopping to be an absolute bore. I should have got a personal shopper for me when I was male, that would have saved me a lot of shopping. I could go home, have a much needed sleep and when I awoke I could have all my clothes provided.
"Just no dresses," I sighed. I was a slave to this body but I didn't have to be a slave to women's fashion. While a dreaded bra was necessary, dresses and skirts were not. They would only serve to show off my long legs and attract unwanted attention. My part of my mind deep down began to object, it seemed to believe that there was no such thing as 'unwanted' attention from men. In fact, to more attention paid to this amazing the better. My mind was flooded by a torrent midriff-exposing tops, mini-skirts and clingy dresses that show off the curves I had acquired. "No," I objected to my previous statement, "dresses are OK. Just write down… that I'm proud of my and I want to… show it off." I bit my lip as if I had just said to most disgusting thing in my life. My new cheeks were flush with shame.
"It's OK," Sam rubbed my arm, "I feel the same way. You can't help it."
I just wanted to dress sexy. I couldn't get the idea out of my head. Sam measured me and called out crazy numbers, numbers that would impress any model. Images of sexy night club wear and lingerie flickered in my mind. My body was built for perfection; a narrow waist nestled between a large set of tits and an ample but well toned ass. The number Sam wrote down for my bust made my head spin, quantifying their size only made them seem bigger and more real.
The car ride was silent. Not only was there no talking going on between Sam and I but also the outside world seemed to be 'keeping it down'. The traffic was busy, meaning the trip that would have took about 20 minutes to walk took about 20 minutes to drive. I stared out the window at a city I knew well, despite it having never met 'the new me'. I wondered how this city I loved would treat Miss Wallace and her urges. Even looking at men through the car window, businessmen, funky students, fat construction workers, made my pussy twitch. Sam was right; I would have to indulge my urges soon. But, luckily, I was more tired than horny.
I knew the address where Sam was taking me but I didn't quite understand how relevant it was to me. I blame my ignorance on how tired I was but I was surprised when the car came to a stop. "I work here," I yelped staring at the university. The truth was I used to work there. My classes would be quite confused if the sexy, lithe Miss Wallace walked into the lecture hall instead of Professor Jane, ready to talk about business ethics.
"You live there," Sam stated as she gestured to an apartment block across the road from the building I had spent the last 20 in. It was an apartment building for student with rich parents, international students and trendy urban professionals. At the current moment, I didn't fit any of those groups. Sam handed me a key and I opened the car door. The sounds of the street were familiar and immediately comforting like a warm hug. Despite not even entering the building for the first time yet, it felt a little bit like home.
"Come on," Sam ushered me towards the door, "You're on the sixth floor." I trundled behind Sam, noticing the way my hips shifted as I walked. The lobby was nice but simple leading to two elevators. "Level 6, Apartment H," I was told as I was handed the keys by a beautiful woman, "I'll be back to check on you later today. Make sure to charge your phone." I nodded sleepily. "Go," she encouraged, "Go and get some sleep."
Luckily the elevator was empty, I was neither awake enough nor prepared enough to pretend to be Jane. Being Jane would be something I had to plan. Where I had come from? Why I was here? Those were questions I had to think about. I would think about them after I had a sleep. The lure of a sleep inside a real bed was just too much. I almost floated down the hall to my new home. The bed was calling out its siren song to me. Apartments D, E, F all were put behind me as I reached the end of the corridor where G and H were. I was going to be locked away from the world once more but this time by choice. My long, feminine fingers gripped the key and fed it into the lock. There was a noise behind me as I turned the key.
"Oh hi," said a pretty voice, "Have you just moved in?"
I panicked. I wasn't ready to talk to people about who I was yet since I didn't really know who I was. I jiggled the keys and opened the door before turning to my neighbour. "Yeah, my name is Jane," I spun around to exchange the rest of the pleasantries, "How are…"
I stopped mid-sentence. Luckily, my new neighbour didn't notice anything weird.
"I'm good, thanks. My name is Bliss."
Thanks so much for reading. As always you can send me an email if you want to discuss anything about my stories, [email protected]
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Hi Swishy-
FYI! The chapters aren't quite linked correctly at the moment.
I liked the story, is she really being looked after by the ploiceor is this a set up.
She knows Bliss I'll bet, sounds a bit sus?
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Unchained (Chapter 4)
Have they tried a Chinese, Japanese Sensei, Native American Medicine Chief, Shaman, or Voodoo Witch? Could any of them undo the Dragon Magic?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Dirty Pool
to the ex-womanizing professor back on campus where he took advantage of so many coeds. Perhaps a little justice to temper those very nice terms of the resettlement? :) Can't say I really like the person Jane was, but she has been given another chance. However, it isn't going to be easy. I wonder what other timebombs are hidden in her 'programming'?
re: story
what a wonderful coincident?
Jane's only been rescued for a few hours
And the police officer now a Asian hottie only four days, fellow readers. There has been no chance to try magic's on either victim. Plus to do so not knowing what was done to them would be highly unethical and dangerous IMHO as I understand the conventions of most magic's in literature. I can see where at some point they may or Jane may beg them to try a magical restoration or at least a toning down of her hyper sex drive but without at least some sort of magical testing it's a crap shoot in a game rigged against you. I can't see the detective's method of coping with her sex drive/submissive endencies working long term. Seems a recipe for rape, pregnancy or disease.
As to the man resued with Jane, was he really the next victim scheduled for transformation or a plant? It's common to plant spies in prisons to ferret out potential escapes and to learn clues how to best break a prisoner's will. There were others before the detective and Jane. What of them and their fates? Are the poilce having any luck finding them
And is this the same Bliss that as a professor he had his first sexual infidelity, the one that led to his life eventually falling apart in sex and gambling? She seemed a good if adventurous young woman, maybe she can help heal him, um her? I wonder is this placement in her dorm near her room coincidence or deliberate?
A few proofing goofs but top notch story telling Swishy.. Bravo
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
More to the point
Is their placement coincidental or they were both placed there under a sort of witness protection? And Bliss was there for five years already...
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!