Unchained (Chapter 6)


Chapter 6

One man emerges from a dungeon after being chained up for almost three months.
Wallace Jane is now unchained.

By Swishy

Chapter 6


I woke suddenly to a loud noise. Before I could register any other feeling, I realised I was horny, very horny. I was hornier than I have ever been in my life.

"BUZZ!" The noise reminded me that there was more in this world than me and my pussy.

Leaping off my bed, I stumbled around to see what the noise was. Being in a new body inside a new house was beyond disorientating. "BUZZ! BUZZZZZ!" said the door. It was the doorbell. I hobbled to the front door and peeked through the spy hole. "BUZZ!" It was Sam and a man, presumedly another cop. My body contemplated dragging the man inside and having my way with him while Sam waited but my head was still in enough control that I didn't do that.

"Jane!" called Sam through my door.

"Just a minute," I responded, "I just woke up." I bounded back to the bedroom to throw my clothes back on. I pulled the T-shirt over my torso, hiding my boobs from the world once more, slid my tight, white panties up my smooth legs and jumped into my tracksuit pants. I ran a hand through my long and luxurious hair and went back to the lounge/kitchen to open my front door.

Sam, the sexy Asian detective stood at the door and beside her stood a plain-clothes policeman. He was gorgeous, tight brown curls on top of his head and a pair of strong arms, his face was kind but it was obvious that he took charge in the bedroom. I wondered how much convincing it would take me to get him into my bed, giving orders. I knew my body was hijacking my mind but I couldn't help it.

"We have some clothes for you," Sam announced as she waved the hunk inside, "as promised." I wasn't as interested in my new clothes as I was in the man carrying it.

"Thank you," I purred, "That looks so heavy. Thanks so much for that! You must be so strong!"

"There's more downstairs," he answered as he left me. My pussy cried out in frustration as he disappeared from view. My nipples threatened to rip themselves off my boobs and chase him down the hall.

"Married with kids," Sam warned me, "and he knows what you are."

I looked down at my excited nipples. "I didn't mean to flirt with him, it's just… I'm really starting to climb the walls now," I fought the urge to rub my pussy through my pants.

Sam sauntered her way to the window overlooking the city. "That's why I got you a place across the road from the biggest university. Access to a lot of willing participants our age, every day of the week," she sold that idea to me like she was a Real Estate Agent. It felt weird to be openly discussing my new addiction, like a heroin junkie loudly praising a new dealer on public transport.

It was true, university guys were always on the lookout for sex, especially hot, crazy, spontaneous sex with a gorgeous stranger. Sam had placed me in the perfect area to feed my addiction. I was set to become a legend; the insanely beautiful brunette who lures students back to her modest apartment for bouts of energetic, desperate sex. A part of me wanted to thank her warmly for the opportunity to bed every single male student of my alma mater and former place of employment, the rest of me was angry that she would tempt me so. But at least my itch would be soon scratched.

I looked at the mountain of clothes I had just acquired. There was already more there than I had in my old closet at my old house and there was more on the way. I pulled out an item of clothing at random; pink, tight, revealing. I screwed up my face knowing that I was at least partly responsible for being the type of person these clothes would suit. "I'm sure… they aren't all like that," Sam reassured me, "The direction I gave them was cute, not slutty."

"As long as it performs it job," I sighed. We both knew the job it was supposed to perform — make men notice me and the incredible body I inhabited.

Sam's helper returned with bags and bags full of more clothes, two bags containing nothing but shoes. I stood in the middle, looking like a parody of womanhood. "One more load," he announced.

"Really?" I asked in surprise. I was expecting some jeans, a bra, a top, a dress and some shoes not this cavalcade of women's fashion. The man disappeared again and this time I almost followed him out.

"Take your mind off him, please," Sam scolded me, "Try some things on. See if they fit right." I did as she said, peeling off my t-shirt. I didn't care that Sam could see me because it's not like she hadn't seen a naked woman before and it wasn't really my body anyway. Still, the sight of my naked well-formed body elicited a small gasp from Sam. I shrugged an 'I know' shrug and went on the prowl for some clothes.

I dipped into a bag and a bra emerged. Small band with huge cups, it had to be mine. It was black and lacy, the type Bliss would save for a very special occasion and my wife wouldn't wear at all. "I guess bras are a part of my life now," I sighed as I slid an arm into the armhole.

"Yeah, mine too."

I looked at the small indentations in Sam's blouse that were caused by her breasts, as stunningly beautiful as she was she simply couldn't compete with me in this area. "Yes, but at least you're not lugging around boulders, you've only got pebbles." I picked up a cute lemon coloured bra and checked its tag, the number was small and letter was big. Bigger than I thought. It was official — I was busty.

"Guess in that regard I'm lucky," she shrugged as she poured herself some water from the kitchen sink taps.

I clumsily waged war on the connecting hooks on the back of the bra, trying to fasten it. "Come on," I urged the hooks. As a man I did have the requisite experience in undoing bras but I was never forced to do one up before and the added complexity of doing it behind my back only raised the difficulty. My struggles finally paid off and I was wearing my very first bra. Another first for me but not one I was proud of.

"It fits?" Sam asked.

I cupped my mounds in their lacy confines, shrugged and nodded, "I guess so." I reached into the same bag again and rummaged around for some matching underwear. The bag was filled with all sorts of panties, all sorts of cuts in all sorts of colours. "This isn't how I should be spending my first day of freedom," I said as my tracksut pants and panties slid to the ground, "I shouldn't be trying on panties! Panties, I know I will be ripping off for some guy to fuck me! I don't deserve this!" I balled my tiny hands up into tiny fists. My rage came out as little more than a princess' temper tantrum.

Sam quickly waded out into the sea of shopping bags to comfort me. "I know," she said as her tiny arms hugged me, "It's shitty but you've got to be strong. Don't let the Dragons win."

"They've already won! Look at me, Hedgpeth, I was an academic and now I am some horny slut!" Sam's embrace was causing my nipples to harden which only made my madder.

Sam's almond eyes began to well up with tears, my tantrum was having an effect on the usually calm policewoman. "You have to look on the bright side, Wallace. You're alive, you're young and you are debt-free."

"Debt-free? I have to pay my debt every single night. Every time I look in the mirror I pay my debt. Fuck!" Despite my anger I was still incredibly horny. I pulled on some black lacy thing and felt it nestle gently between my ass-cheeks. I was so innately slutty that I could pull out a thong in a bag filled with different underwear. My body seemed in control as it flung clothes about looking for a thing to wear. I finally stopped flinging things about, I had something in my hands: black, tight, casual. I pulled the tank top over my head and down onto my body, it hugged my curves like a scared child.

I continued delving into various bags like a woman possessed. "Are you OK?" Sam asked at a distance.

"I need some clothes because I — HA!" I held up a pair of itty-bitty shorts and started to pull them on, "These will do!" They were tight, revealing and made my ass look even better. I returned to the search, on the lookout for appropriate shoes.


Heels, heels, heels. It looked like the stylists thought I only needed high heels. I grunted in frustration as I flipped open another shoebox lid. "These!" I said as I quickly donned a pair of casual, airy and feminine sandals. I was dressed enough to leave the house, which I needed to do. There were no men in this house and no men meant no cocks and Farm-girls, like me, need cock. "You got some money?" I asked hastily, like I needed some money for drugs.

Sam's beautiful face looked concerned. She spoke slow as if I threatening her with a knife, "Yes. Why do you need it Jane?"

"So, I can buy a drink or something to eat," I responded like she was the stupidest woman in the world, "I just need to get out of here right away." My pussy felt like it was trying to drag me out of the house by itself.

"The urges?" Sam asked.

I nodded.

She handed a crisp $100 note and I tucked it into the tiny pocket of the sprayed-on shorts I was wearing. She smiled sympathetically, "Don't forget this." She handed me my house keys. "And take one of these," she conjured up a condom seemingly out of nowhere. I'm glad she was thinking straight because I definitely wasn't.

"Keep it together, Jane!" I told myself as I walked down the corridor. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't know what I was going to do when I got there but those seemed like minor details. My long hair fluttered behind me, my hips swung from side to side and my boobs bounced with every step, at high speeds this body's differences felt much more apparent to me.

If the mirror in the elevator was accurate I was still one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. The clothes only seemed to accentuate what was good about this body, I looked curvy and trim and young. Finding a guy who was willing to fuck wouldn't be hard. My hands played absent-mindedly with my tits as I thought about the upcoming coitus. Questions raced around in my head — "Was it going to hurt?" "What sort of sicko would turn someone into this?" "Am I now gay?" "What if I can't find any guys?" "What if they figure out that I'm not a girl?"

I emerged onto the street, totally free for first time as Jane Wallace, a 21-year-old professional fuck toy. I cold go anywhere I wanted, I could run to my ex-wife seeking compassion, I could try and track down the Dragons and see if they could reverse the hellish curse they put upon me, I could just jump in front of the first car coming toward me and end it all. I didn't do any of those, I just couldn't, and instead I went into 'The Big Thirsty', the university bar next door to find a man.

For 5pm on a Monday The Big Thirsty seemed sort of busy. Students finished classes and businessmen knocking off work early quarter filled the charismatic bar. There were a few girls — a mix of uni chicks with their no make-up and cheap beers and buttoned-up business women letting their hair down with some wine. After a quick sweep of the place I knew that my competition was weak. It actually alarmed me how predatory I was feeling.

The men outnumbered then women, which suited me just fine. The body that I was forced to wear tingled with excitement as I strolled to the middle of the bar. Eyes everywhere followed my every step and I could almost feel them. I ran my fingers through my majestic brunette mane and climbed atop a barstool. All I had to do was play the waiting game.

The first person who approached was a woman — the bartender. She was a skinny little blonde thing that might have attracted some of the men's attention if I wasn't in the room. She was skinny where I was 'built', she was cute where I was breath-taking, she was a 7/10 where I was a real-life 11/10. I don't where this odd pride about my beauty and the accompanying competitiveness with 'other' women had come from but I always did have a little bit of a superiority complex. It used to be just about my intellect but now I was more beautiful than anyone I had ever met too. "Bloody Mary," I said without bothering with the pleasantries.

She trundled off to bring me my drink and I surveyed the scene. I felt sick by how many of the men seemed to interest this body. Almost 100% of them men in the room could have picked me up then and there if they had wanted to. All I would have needed was for them to have said, 'Wanna fuck?' or something akin to that and I would have followed them anywhere. But social rules dictated that they wouldn't do that, not to a girl like me, not on a Monday evening, not in a uni bar. Instead they would have to play the 'getting to know you game', a game I was not prepared for.

I handled the little blonde mess my money and she looked at my $100 note with unrestrained annoyance. "Sorry," I simply shrugged, "I don't have anything else." I gently sipped my drink as she went to tally my change. What amazed me was how intense the flavour of the Bloody Mary was. Was it the cocktail or was it my new tongue? Heaven knows the number of tastebuds I must have killed with the many bowls of chilli I had thrown down my throat with reckless abandon, my sense of taste must have been dulled a tremendous deal. I thought about all the food I had to try now and how that might affect my girlish figure.

I was going to have sex soon - it was inevitable. I was nervous but I didn't show it. I was scared but you would never know. My body craved sex and you could tell. I drank my entire drink a little too fast for a slight woman and felt the infamous buzz creep in. Being drunk would make the easier. I looked at the bartender, "Another."

I was finished my second Bloody Mary and no man had tried to talk to me yet. Maybe there was more to this attracting a man thing besides being attractive to men. I looked around, there was no shortage of men staring at me but none of them were game enough to try me. Perhaps being a truly beautiful woman would hinder me that way, maybe I was unapproachable. That would have not been a problem if I didn't have a deep need to be fucked. I really did need, I couldn't think of anything else. My whole brain was dedicated to finding someone to fuck me.

There was a guy alone a few stools down from me. My eyes scanned him and I was surprised how much I enjoyed looking at him. I thought my body was just looking to get laid but it actually revelled in how good this man looked. Mid-twenties probably, looked like a recent graduate who was now working in some trendy company that didn't force their employees to wear suits, he worked out a lot, short brown hair, neatly trimmed sideburns and a confident smirk, it was all I needed. At that point in time I didn't really have standards so it was a bonus that he was pretty damn hot.

I did my best impression of a girl interested in a guy. I was a novice at all this, it was hard remembering sometimes that I was no longer a 46-year-old man with yellowing teeth. I smiled a shy yet sexy smile at the man two seats away, made sure he caught me looking and then I quickly went back to looking straight ahead. I brushed a long strand of shiny brown hair behind my ear with a dainty hand and looked back at my prey. He was looking at me. I smiled again, for just a second and then returned to my drink.

Flirting was a game I was playing because I had to, there were social rules I had to conform to until I found an alternative. The man smiled at me and we were underway. "Come," I lured him, "Sit here."

"OK," he sounded surprised as if somehow I was a mirage, "I'll sit there."

"Tremendous," I purred. I had to choose my words more carefully, no 21 year old says tremendous, I told myself. "Hard day?" I asked, spinning on my perky ass to face him. I felt the heat in my nether regions increase, my body was eager to be penetrated.

"Not really," he smiled, "my final client of the day cancelled and my car is being serviced and won't be ready until 5.30 so I thought I'd just have a sneaky beer. You?"

Shit! I hadn't thought up a story yet. I had forgotten about the talking part of flirting. "Finished classes," I blurted out, "And I was going to meet some friends here for a drink but one by one by one they've all pulled out, so it's just little ol' me at the bar by my lonesome." I smiled sweetly.

"Well let's keep each other company then," the man said as if he was making the first moved. I had to make like 3 moves before he 'took things into his own hands'.

"Jane," I held out my hand.

Instead of shaking it like a normal person he kissed it like he was a prince, "I'm James." Jane and James, two boring names but a pretty hot couple. "So can I get you another drink, Jane?"

"No, I'm already feeling a little buzzed." That was true, this lithe body couldn't handle its booze and I already felt tipsy after my second drink. We waved over the blonde bartender but kept his eyes clearly on me. That just confirmed what I was thinking, I was way hotter than the staff here.

"So Jimmy, what makes you interesting?" I said leaning in to him, revealing an ample amount of delectable cleavage. He didn't miss the display and stared openly at my boobs. He may not be a complete gentleman but he still was gorgeous. He talked a little about himself, how he was 29 and was a personal trainer and had moved here from the other side of the country for a girl who dumped him two months later. I wore my sympathetic face, said 'awww' and put my hand on his leg tenderly.

"And so here I am. Two years since I moved here, renting my own place, got my own business, totally happy, talking to the hottest and sweetest girl I have ever met." His flirting attempt was either clumsy or lazy but it told me he had thought about fucking me since we met. "What about you?"

My pussy tensed up, I needed the flirting to be over. Maybe later on when I get used to these urges I could learn about the subtle art of flirting but as it stood I didn't have the time for all this talking. I needed him to penetrate me and soon. I had to throw whatever subtly I had attempted out the window and break the rules. I smiled sweetly and said plainly, "Jane, 21, I'm new in this city, studying business and…" I hesitated, "I want you to fuck me, James." I looked into his eyes, he knew I wasn't kidding.

"Ummm…" he seemed taken aback, which was a reaction I was expecting, "That would… be amazing. You mean now?"

"Yes," I nodded, "Right now."

"Why am I the 'chosen' one?" he laughed awkwardly. James wanted to be told he was special and not just the closest cock in the room.

"Because you did something to me. As soon as I looked at you my tight, little pussy has been begging me to introduce her to your cock. Just looking at you has made me very wet." I reached over to his leg and rubbed his thigh. I was about to see if porn movie situations could apply in real life.

"Wow, that's hot."

"Bathroom?" I asked and he smiled. We both stood up in unison and I realised how tall he was. 6'2 maybe more of prime personal trainer muscle stood beside my shorter frame. He made me feel small and a little vulnerable. If my urges weren't mind-numbingly intense I might have chickened out and ran back to my apartment. He put his hand on the small of my back and I almost yelped in anticipation. I was closer to having a cock inside me than ever before and I couldn't have been happier. In the dozen or so steps it takes to get to the restroom his hand had already migrated to my perky ass.

The Disabled bathroom was luckily empty when we entered, not that shame or embarrassment was a major concern of mine. Was it wrong to use the disabled bathroom for casual sex? Of course it was, but it was much more private than the other options. I was surprised and pleased to see the room to be quite roomy and spotless, a rare find in public toilets. It must have been cleaned within the last hour because everything gleamed and there was a distinct smell of artificial lemon in the air. I wasn't terribly happy that my life had ended up the way it had - about to be screwed by a guy in the public toilet of a bar on a Monday evening — but at least the bathroom was spacious and immaculate. I slid the door closed behind me and locked it. Nobody was going to get a free show. "You're a bad girl, Jane," James whispered.

He was right. This was not the behaviour of a 'good girl'. As I pulled him closer and kissed with vigorously, I wondered if it was possible to live in this body with its urges and be a 'good girl'. All the body's urges would have to be purged with one man, presumably a boyfriend or husband. He would have to be quite virile to keep up with me, I thought. It was probably a lot easier to live the 'Farm-girl' life as a 'bad girl'.

I rubbed his groin through his jeans. James was hard, really hard and my mind exploded. I threw back my head and moaned in delight, even though no contact had taken place. "Feels like I've won the big cock jackpot!" I cooed as rubbed the denim covered monster again. I had no idea what I was saying but it seems a beautiful woman can get away with saying just about anything.

"Just you wait and see, baby," James teased. He pulled me closer and we kissed roughly again, our tongues doing the equivalent of dirty dancing. His hand reached up and fondled one of my big tits. Believe it or not, this hurried foreplay was taking too long for my tastes. I really was the perfect woman — a beautiful nympho who was all about the penetration. "I have to see your tits!" James declared as he squeezed one of them playfully.

Despite wanting to move things along faster, I obliged. My tight black top was hanging on a railing as fast as it could be. I stood in my bra looking so sexy and so feminine and looked at my special friend with pure lust as I reached behind me to undo the clasp. It was then the fantasy stalled. Despite being the personification of sexy, I was still a novice at brassieres. Although I looked like I must have worn my fair share of bras as I changed from a young girl to a busty young woman it was not true. My process had been not as gradual as I went from 46 years without breasts to the sizable pair I now had. This was the first time I had ever taken off a bra before. "Little help," I laughed.

"Of course," James smiled. The whole event had felt like some first-person porn movie until then. This body and its urges was taken control and it took something like not knowing how to undo my own bra to remind me this was all real. I, a professor and father, was in a toilet about to have sex with a man. The situation was crazy but you wouldn't have been able to drag me away from it. I felt a snap as James deftly undid my bra clasp. I tugged at the cups and slid the bra off my arms. I was topless and James was impressed. "Fuck me!" he stared unabashedly at my perfect breasts, "Those are the best tits I have ever seen." I was oddly proud of the fleshly orbs that magic had forced upon me.

I continued undressing, for the constant ache I had wasn't centred in my chest. My snug pair of shorts were unbuttoned and slid down my long and silky legs. I thought 'bathroom sex' meant that all I would have to do was pull down my shorts move my panties aside for access and yet I was almost naked and would be when the sex would happen. I posed like a glamour model in front of James. I grabbed his T-shirt and tugged it over his head and tossed it over mine. It was obvious that he indeed was a personal instructor by his rippling body. It had been successfully hidden by his baggy shirt and I got a little bit of a thrill seeing a man's body in peak physical condition. I wondered if enjoying James' body made me gay but I figured out there wasn't really a word for what I was, unless you count: horny.

We really needed to speed this thing up otherwise I would explode. Our lips met and our hands scrambled to explore each other's bodies. While he squeezed my firm ass cheeks, I worked on getting his cock free of its confines. Down went the zip of his fly, past the boxer shorts, grasp the thick cock with my hand and yank it out. It was thick and long, of course it was. A small part of me was thrilled by the size of the cock I was about to come in contact with, while the silent majority just looked on in terror and repulsion. "Fuck me James," I ordered, "I need it." I meant it more than any 'real' woman had ever meant it.

I pulled off my thong, the thing strip of material reappeared from between my perky cheeks and then glided to the floor. Not knowing what I was doing I jumped up, wrapping my gorgeous stems around his waist tightly. I felt his erection brush up against the outside of my pussy and I threw my head back in expectant bliss. He carried me over to the nearest wall and pressed me up gently against it. There was a slight pause as he got into position and then a second later my feminine virginity was gone. People don't usually have two virginities to give away and I found it a little depressing that I had given my second so readily, but that wasn't fault.

Relief was the most overwhelming feeling I felt as James thrust his organ inside mine. Disgust was probably a distant second, with confusion, shame, self-pity, pleasure and pain all in the mix. My vagina was slick in preparation of his thrusting manhood so even though he was quite big, pain wasn't too much of an issue. Up against a wall was a position I had done a lot with Bliss but never with my wife. It was dirty, urgent and it made me feel strong and dominating. On the receiving end, I felt vulnerable, tiny, weightless but desired. His cock glided in and out of my pink, wet hole with a clock-like precision. "Oh yes!" I gasped in relief as if the weight of the world had been lifted from my slender shoulders.

I dug my fingers into this stranger's back as he fucked me. My whole body was tensing up but in that weird, good way I had felt earlier in my bedroom. James groaned and pressed me harder against the wall. I bit my lip and moaned even harder. I felt horrible and great at the same time. My breath and his quickened as we both came closer to the collective goal. "My knee is hurting," James whispered mid-thrust, "Can we move this?"

I looked around the room. "Over there," I nodded in the direction of my proposed location. James agreed and carried me over to the toilet, his cock still buried inside me. He gently lowered us and sat down on the toilet. Lid closed, of course, this was classy lovemaking after all. I looked directly into James' eyes and grinned, I was in charge now. My hips began to buck, I was partly in control of this body but largely not. James sat forward and squeezed my ass cheeks firmly. That didn't slow me down, it just spurred me on. Repeatedly I impaled myself on his thick, swollen member with intensity. It wouldn't be long now.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum!" James warned me. I didn't slow down, I wanted him to cum.

"Me too!" I told him as I bounced in his lap. He held me tight, burying his face between my bouncing tits. My arms squeezed his shoulders and my pussy squeezed his cock as I came. "Ahh, ahh, ahhhh, ah, ah!" I squealed as the wave of pleasure washed over me.

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" James moaned as he finished about 3 seconds after me. I felt his manhood deep inside me tense as he shot his load inside of me. The relief I felt when I was being entered was multiplied as his semen coated my sweet pussy. The condom! I suddenly remembered Sam's gift as I was leaving. While I had been so preoccupied in getting a penis inside me, I forgot about the dress code. I wondered if there would soon me a be a life growing inside me and all the other terrible things that could happen.

James wasn't as concerned, "That…was…amazing!" he told me as he held me.

"Yeah," I agreed, "It was just what I needed." Truer words were never spoken. Now like oxygen and nourishment, sex was a basic essential for me. I felt him wilt inside me. It was over, Miss Jane Wallace had gotten what she wanted, while Professor Wallace Jane was feeling incredibly betrayed. But it was over now, I was free of the urges. But for how long?

I gingerly climbed off the tall personal trainer and began the process of getting dressed. "That was great way to start my night," James said breathlessly.

"Yeah," I mumbled as I pulled my panties back between the crack of my ass and grabbed my shorts.

James tucked his weary cock back into his pants. "So, want to go get something to eat? I know a great Malaysian restaurant around here."

I pulled on my bra and filled the cups with my expansive bust. "No thanks," I told him simply.

"Oh," he sounded hurt, "OK." I didn't care if he was hurt. I didn't really have any respect for a man who would fuck a girl in the disabled bathroom of a bar after only five minutes. Call it hypocrisy because it is but he didn't have an intense biological need to act like a whore.

"I've gotta go," I said as soon as my tank top came on, "But I'll see you around, OK?" I followed it up with a sort of half-hug.

James hadn't yet put his shirt back on, he just watched me get dressed. "Yeah… can I have your number, Jane?"

"I'm in a rush," I lied, "But I'll be here a lot. Grab it off me next time, OK?" He nodded as I slid the door open and disappeared.

As I walked the short journey home I began to feel something. At first I didn't know what it was but with each step of my foot, each sway of my ass and each jiggle of my boobs it became obvious.

The urges were starting again.


Thanks so much for reading. As always you can send me an email if you want to discuss anything about my stories, [email protected]

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