Mature / Thirty+

Feminizer disease takes my body over - Chapter 21

I slipped back into my all-in-one girdle. Steve could not take his eyes off me while I was dressing. I was thinking maybe he would like to wear one of these girdles. He loves bras so much. He said to me after I got my nylons hooked, "Terri you are one beautiful woman. I could watch you dress everyday. I love the way you bend over and gently adjust your breasts into your cups. I love your lingerie so much. You wear that foundation beautifully."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 21
By Terry Hansay

Two Little...Boys?

Two Little...Boys?
by mittfh
Copyright © 2010 Ben Norwood.
Creative Commons License

Otherwise known as the perils of listening to Desert Island Discs en-route into work, followed by a very quiet afternoon on the helpdesk...

Oh, and in my desire to always "do something different", I've tried writing this entirely in the present tense. On reflection, I'm not entirely convinced the concept works. Oh well.

Dear Sandra Part 2

To Ms S Keane

Apologies for not replying sooner, I was rather tied up when I read your last letter.

I am writing to thank you for the wonderful thing you did for me three weeks ago, I do not know how much you have worked out about my other more feminine side, but your actions did rather drop me in at the deep end as it were. Luckily I had enough idea of how to cope and did not get overwhelmed by the situation and drown, I did rather well out of the experience actually.

Dear Micheal. Part 1

Marriages break down for all sorts of reasons. Micheal and Sandra are doubtful for counselling and reconciliation

Dear Michael

I do hope you are able to read this letter before you hear someone knocking on the door, it will help you understand why you are in a strange room lying face down with your ankles locked with handcuffs to the bed and a gag in your mouth.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 17

The bathroom was horrible. It smelled of shit and urine with a pungent miasma of semen and sweat and probably hadn’t been cleaned in a year or more.

There was a curtain between the toilet and the sink area. Tom pulled it across so he could do his business in private.

Tom then put a large amount of toilet paper on the seat before he sat down on it. He was urinating a few seconds later.

“So you had surgery already?” The woman asked.

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Seventeen

Synopsis- An attempt on Hiromi Sato’s life is only the first sign that Operation Swan Song is beginning to unravel.

Skipper! Chapter 15

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


This chapter is a complete re-write of the old chapter 15 and it explores new developments in Skipper's life. From here on there are new chapters that take the story beyond what is posted on Fictionmania.

Skipper! Chapter 14

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


This chapter describes Angela's discovery that Skipper is an effeminate, heterosexual she-male transvestite. It describes in further detail how Angela handles it and starts to move forward with her girls and Skipper.


There was a man, a lonely man
Who lost his love through his indifference
A heart that cared, that went unshared
Until it died in his silence

The squad car speeds through the downtown canyons, red and blue lights reflecting garishly from the polished steel and brass facades of the office towers. Now and then a puddle becomes a wall of frigid water across the sidewalk as the car flashes by; but it's late, and those few unfortunate souls still out at this hour are already wet in the rain.

Who's Sorry Now?

For the first time on DVD...the stylings of Roland and DiMaggio, that beloved comedy team. You may remember them from such movies as "Roland and DiMaggio go to the Specialist," "I've Been a BAAAAAD Trans-girl," "The Kid from Bayonne," and their smash hit, "Road to Thailand." Here is an exerpt of their classic routine, first presented in the movie, "The Girls with Something Extra."

HH: Interlude-02

Hayfield Hall: Interlude-02

By: Annette MacGregor & Karen Page

Since first reading the stories about Hayfield Hall, questions have been there about where the staff came from, how they are selected, and other similar points. One example is Dr. Rachel Ruiz. We know she was NOT staff at the school in 2004 and that Kate Mayhew held her position, but by the beginning of A New Style of Education, Dr. Ruiz was established. This interlude doesn't describe how that came to pass, but it does address some of the questions, at least in part. Originally written half in jest, this interlude is included for those readers that may have also had some of these questions.

Grasp the sword tightly

by Dorothy Colleen

There is a sword being forged

Called “Being Male”

Forged in fires hot as the sun

The crowd has demanded

I grasp the blade

No protection

No time for it to cool

To ignore the searing pain

And the smell of my burning flesh

And wield the sword always

And they will never let me let it go


BOXES by Dorothy Colleen

On every form I am sent
There is a box I must fill
Each time that it comes up
It gives me such a chill
Male - female
Mr. , Miss
Check one box
They do insist
Pick one that fits you
Decide your fate
But it’s a question
I have come to hate
No matter what side
Which one I choose
It’s only a game
And I always lose
No matter my answer
It feels so wrong
An alternative I seek
My feelings are strong
One day I may break out
Find my own voice
Not let my spirit
Be someone else’s choice
But windows have shutters
And doors have locks


Hybrid by Dorothy Colleen

I am a hybrid
A mixture
2 sides in conflict
Male and female spirits
Collide within
Each contending
Each in turn
Ascends then
Descends again
Could they ever blend
Mix together
Make a synthisis
Stronger than either alone
Only time will tell
But for now I wait
To see the shape that will emerge
From my inner shell
And my transformation
To be complete
And for the day when I am whole
And strong
At last.

Skipper! Chapter 11

Skipper! by Beverly Taff



This chapter describes how Beverly argues with Judge Elizabeth about the inhumanity in the family courts and later gives Herself, Margaret and Sian the sweet delight of putting Judge Elizabeth on the receiving end of a typical Court-room style inquisition.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 16

“Gabrielle-san, your plan on the surface sounds like a solid one.”

“Thank you, Inspector. But?”

“It is still dangerous and fraught with many risks. I and the Yokohama police can not give you any assistance.”

Gabrielle had expected this statement to come from Inspector Yoshida’s mouth. “Inspector, I wasn’t here to ask for your help, just to advise you of what I planned on doing.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Sixteen

Synopsis- Tom Slater receives messages from the Swan Song committee and Gabrielle Tanaka at the same time she prepares for a move to Hong Kong.

Ovid 04: The Bank Robbers

Ovid IV: The Bank Robbers

by The Professor (circa 1998)

Bobby Joe’s long lost and almost forgotten bad brother
returns to his life and forces him into a series of bank robberies.
But in a twist of fate, the Ovid Judge steps in
with a purpose and a plan.

Play Nice ~ Part 11

Leaving the hospital Grandma Rosa asked, “Say, since they’re running tests on Josepho again tomorrow, I was thinking you and me and your brother could all go to the Italian Festival in Trenton...”

“That’s tomorrow? Sure! I haven’t been there in years, I’d love to go. But I don’t know if Joey will want to. He’s been acting kind of strange lately.”


“Well yesterday he did the dishes, cleaned all the sinks and counters, mopped the floor-”

“SWEET JESUS, NO!” she gasped, “That is not good! Just say the word and we’ll do it.”

“Do what?”

“Switch you back, of course. If his sudden interest in scrubbing things means what we think it does it’s time to put an end to this little body-swap adventure.”

“Really?! That’s fantastic!”

But why in the next second did the prospect of going back to who I had been suddenly not seem so fantastic?



Petra: I Will Survive

February Music Motif Challenge
Petra: I Will Survive
by mittfh
Copyright © 2010 Ben Norwood.
Creative Commons License

Contains lyrics from "I Will Survive", written by Freddie Perren and Dino Fekaris - © 1978 Polydor Records

Synopsis: I've been mulling over the possibility of writing a sequel to Petra's Outing and doing something for the Challenge, when I realised a perfect opportunity to set the challenge within the context of Petra. This is set "the morning after the night before", at Kim's flat.

N.B. Think of this as a cut scene from Petra: The Aftermath, the (as yet unwritten) sequel to Petra's Outing, taking place immediately after that story ends.

N.N.B. This is completely unedited - this is more-or-less a stream of conciousness. Gedit thinks it's spelled correctly, but whether it makes any grammatical sense or is properly punctuated is another matter entirely... :)

TransBike-Valentine's Wish

TransBike-March Winds Wish

By Stanman63
Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing!

Synopsis:When a Trans-Woman who has created three memoriable stories and immortal characters finally meets the Dapper Gentleman and the TransBike, she finds her special wish to become a genetic woman is granted, thanks to the love of her many friends.

Skipper! Chapter 9

Skipper! by Beverly Taff

This chapter describes how Sian and Margaret persuade Beverly to agree to let them renovate part of the barn. It also re-introduces Judge Elizabeth Porter with respect to Martin's revealing himself as a transvestite.

Skipper! Chapter 8

Skipper! by Beverly Taff

This chapter dwells upon Sian And Margaret's decision to live at the 'cottage' The logistics prove to be perfect and the 'family' begins to grow. All in all a very sweet chapter with some surprising developments towards the end.

Skipper! Chapter 7

Skipper! by Beverly Taff

This chapter describes the childrens presents after the certainty of their having accepted Skipper changing permanently to Beverly. Beverly buys Jennifer and Beatrice each a pony then Margaret and Sian decide on buying their children Chennile and Martin each the same.

The second part of the chapter explores Beverly's heterosexuality and the strange exploration of it by Margaret and Sian.

Wi-i-ild horses; couldn't take you from me!

Skipper! Chapter 6

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


This chapter covers how Skipper finally gets Jennifer and Beatrice to accept his transition to Beverly.

They organise a Fancy-dress Party and Skipper tells the girls that he is going to dress up as Beverly.

To Hope Again - Part 2 - The Longest Day

Sometime in the future:

Dear Reader: I was delighted to find that this writer account was still open after all these years. I wanted to write this story to tell you something about my family. I haven’t much experience with writing, so please bear with me, okay? I hope this blesses you. Sincerely, Angelina Abruzzi

To Hope Again
Part 2
The Longest Day

A "Home that Love Built" Story

by Angelina Marie Abruzzi
Thanks Daddy!

The weight of the world, the need to survive
Has made you believe, that you've got no right
Then out of the blue, you meet someone
Who offers a place, warm as the sun

Skipper! Chapter 3

Skipper! by Beverly Taff

This chapter describes the first tentative moves by Social Services to win Skipper around. Skipper is still frightened though and unsure of the reasons for Spocial Services choosing him. The truth is obvious but Skipper is just too paranoid to spot it!. The girls love Skipper and there are few issues about logistics. Skipper could easily afford the girls!


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