Mature / Thirty+

Maggie the Kitten Grows Up

Maggie the Kitten Grows Up


by Holly H Hart


A Kitten Tale written 4 years ago for Maggie the Kitten
If you haven't read her 'The Kitten Tail', you should read it first.

The Kitten Tail

The Kitten Tail
by Maggie O'Malley aka Maggie the Kitten
When a Meter Maid meets the Magic of Bob's Cafe, interesting things happen!
A Kitten Tale written 6 years ago but never previously posted on BCTS

Working Relations - part 10

Working Relations
Part 10
by D.D. Weldons
Working full time, taking 9 hours, doing a side gig, and actually having quality time for my son has been tricky. I managed to hack out another episode. Sorry for the extended wait,

By the way, do you know the address of the lion's den? ~DD

If Only All Wives were this Understanding?

If Only All Wives were this Understanding?
by Lauran

Pam and Rich were relaxing after Christmas, it had been a quiet affair, the kids had left years ago just returning for family gathering as they lived so far away, but most telling was the absence of Pam’s parents who had died during the year. So with the house back to its normal quiet state, they sat enjoying a mid morning break from the housework that follows a big visit.

One Dark and Stormy Night--Chapter 3

I grit my teeth against the terror I felt. Whatever it was, was writhing about 10 feet in front of me. I moved closer, the flashlight beam shining straight and shaking like a leaf in a hailstorm.



By Joannebarbarella

Be warned! This IS a horror story. It’s not nice!
On Halloween, nasty things happen.


Special thanks to Kristina LS for her usual fantastic job of editing and suggesting a much better ending than the one I originally wrote.

One Dark and Stormy Night--Chapter 2

I performed a thorough search of the house. I even went into the living room, thinking maybe if I was in time, or if they appeared hanging by the neck maybe I could save them and to prepare for such an occurrence, I had retrieved my Gerber multi-tool from my backpack and extricated the blade in case of wayward friends suddenly appearing with a hangman's noose around their neck.

Book Of Change -- The Continuation

The sequel-continuation of Thomas the Tame's "Book of Changes" where ruthless businessman and delinquent father Alex gets his comeuppance when his cunning ex-wife uses his heirloom book of magic against him by stamping out his memory in the body of the pretty little girl which he assumed to steal it back from her possession. Now grown as Alex's ex-wife's teen temptress daughter, Miranda wants to permanently erase what lingering memories of her male past with a new spell so they'll no longer bother a girl who just wants to have fun.

Book Of Change -- The Continuation
A sequel to Thomas the Tame's "The Book of Changes"

by Dee Eon

One Dark and Stormy Night--Chapter 1


One November First morning the mailman knocked on her door to deliver a package, and the door opened to reveal Mother Hubbard, dangling naked from a rope in the middle of her living room. She hadn't written any kind of suicide note, and the police had noted that it would have been impossible for her to stand on anything that high up. The case remained open, even to this day, as they could not ascertain how anyone could have hung a rope from a fifteen foot high beam.

Book of Change


I'd never felt lower in my life. My marriage was officially over. I'd been gone for almost a week on business, and when I returned, the place was clean of everything that could in anyway be construed as "hers". Standing in the empty bedroom, reflecting on our marred union, I thought of Katie, my little girl, and wondered when I'd see her again. Marilyn had warned me, of course, had begged me to attend counseling, but pride was my master in more ways than one.


Candice looked at the sheet of paper and turned a sort of puce colour. While she was looking, I wondered if justifiable homicide would be the correct plea if I sloshed her around the head with my handbag and broke it...


Chapter 44

By Susan Brown

Firefly: Double Booked | Part 3: Turbulence

This is a fan fiction set in the Firefly/Serenity universe created by Joss Whedon. It takes place soon after the events in the television series and the companion motion picture that followed, and is also the third part of a sequel to Firefly: Connecting Flight. This means it has SPOILERS, folks, and major ones at that. So please don't read this unless you get the chance to see the series and the movie -- and read my first Firefly story (and the first two chapters of this one), since they both set the stage.

In the third part of FIREFLY: DOUBLE BOOKED, Wash and the ladies go for a walk in the freight yard, Jayne plays guardian angel with a "dumb-ass piece of Alliance plastic" for a gun, and our intrepid pilot finally faces her fear -- with surprising results!


Part 3

by Randalynn

Gina and Katie's Excellent Adventure - Part 2

Gina and Katie's
Excellent Adventure
Looking Back; Looking Forward

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio
She gave me life and taught me to live
She gave me love and taught me how to give
she’s the greatest example of courage I’ve known
and I hope she is proud of the seed she had sown

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 15

I did put my CD earphones on with the Institute CD playing while I fell asleep. I was so "programmed" to wear the headset at night, listening to their message. I was in heaven it seemed. I was so happy, what was going on in my brain? Should this lifestyle be mine for the rest of my life?

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 15
By Terry Hansay


After congratulating each other on receiving the news that Dawn and her family would be coming to live at the Cove, we grabbed the protesting children from the beach and went to took them to see the cottage where they were soon going to be living. Protests died on their lips as they were as curious as anyone regarding their new home...


Chapter 42

By Susan Brown


It was lovely to be able to forget my problems for a while and dive head first into trying to help others. After a brief stop for drinks, we were off to try to find the ideal home for Dawn and Adrian, not forgetting the headache inducing children...


Chapter 41

By Susan Brown

Working the Summer, How I Spent my Summer Vacation

Mark Edward Kwiakowski
Ms Midler’s Fifth Grade English
8 September 2009

Working the Summer, How I Spent my Summer Vacation

Dear educators and fellow students, a reminder, our assignment states that our stories may be fiction or real, it is up to you to judge.

Where Good Girls Belong

Categories -- Femdom Bondage CD
Keywords -- French Maid Very High Heels Sex Toys Chastity belt Lesbian

Synopsis -- Jay and Sandy had a largely normal marriage until one day Sandy unloaded on Jay… Jay’s future happiness was in serious doubt.

Where Good Girls Belong
By Janet Baker

“You son of a bitch!”

“Huh!? What in the hell’s wrong? What are you yelling about?”, I gasped as I looked open mouthed at my outraged wife Sandy.

“You treasonous cheating bastard. Don’t lie to me damn you! I have proof!”, she yelled anew with pure venom in her voice.

Muscle Wire Ma'am

Muscle Wire Ma’am
By Wholeman

WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and especially not smart enough to stop reading should you find yourself becoming offended viewing such a story, don't!

I "Saw" That

I “Saw” That

A TG take on Saw
By: Willy Mays Hayes

The man walked down the street, it was a dark, cold night. The man’s name was John Cornell and he was a pedophile. He had molested over seventy small girls and had yet to be caught. He fancied himself and expert, having honed his “craft” over many years. His methods had never changed, on nights such as this, he merely walked until finding a suitable target. Not that they were hard to find, there were many homeless girls living in the shadows of the alleys of the city. And this night was no different.

The Red Dress - Part 4

Gone was the flamboyant blond in the micro dress with the enormous breasts and the four and one half inch heels. Gone was the slightly overdone dramatic theatrical make up. What remained was a somewhat stately, calm and in control, statuesque beautiful woman.

The husband grinned that warm fuzzy feelings grin as Ellen slid out of the booth and greeted him with a brief kiss on the lips, “Well…this is certainly a different you today. You look absolutely wonderful!”

The Red Dress
Part 4
By Kelly Blake

Working Relations - Part 4

Working Relations
Part 4
by D.D. Weldons
I wanted to make this section twice as long for missing yesterday but my time has not been my own.
Here is what I had time to do. Sorry there is not more.
I hope you will enjoy it until I have time to do you all some justice -- DD


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