Mature / Thirty+

Rhysling's Rue - Part 11

He had an evasion course programmed, and he found himself holding his breath as the clock ticked downward, holding a single finger supported by the others, ready to stab the button which would cause his ship to engage in fairly violent maneuvers. He nervously checked his harness with the other hand as the numbers on his boards dwindled toward zero.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 11
By Theide

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 10

"Terri, I think you have graduated to your next bra size, a 36D cup. My, my, my you are developing nicely, Sweetie. Those pills and the disease must be working well, Dear. I will get some pretty bras and your corset in your new size, Dear", Mary said. My wife looked pleased!

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over

Chapter 10
By Terry Hansay

The Waitress

The Waitress
By Maid Joy

For ten years, I had been going to the same cafe for lunch. I ordered the same thing, served the same way all the time. Occasionally I had changed my routine a little and gotten something else, or eaten there on the weekend, but most times it was the same old same thing every day.

Today the cafe burned to the ground.

Project Phoenix Part 1

Project Phoenix Part 1

By Meg

Kevin Barnett, a renowned investigative reporter, has been pursuing conspiracies since the beginning of his career. One evening he accidentally stumbles upon one so big, he needs to enlist the help of an FBI agent, Hannah Fox, to attempt to crack it. Together they set off to investigate a secret installation, one of many being built all over the country. What they find inside will change Kevin's life. Just not in the way he expected.

Life Imitates Art?

Life Imitates Art?

I died hearing that song on the radio, I almost peed myself. No and for the record it’s not about me, but there are similarities, too many similarities. I tried not to think of them, but they and that darned song just wouldn’t leave me alone. What song, you’re asking yourself. Well I’ll tell you the first line. I’m not a good singer so cover your ears because here I go.

Oscar Night - Part 21

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night - Conclusion

by Jennifer Brock

A year ago in the story, but about a year and a half in our time, this story began when novelist/screenwriter David Fine attended the Academy Awards wearing a red suit that his friend fashion designer Claude Marsh had made for him, accompanied by fashion model Maritza Delgado. That night, an insult from a fashion journalist caused him to make the flippant comment that he'd wear a gown if he was nominated again. Since then, David and Maritza have fallen in love, moved in together, and he's made some changes in his wardrobe and appearance at her prodding. At Claude's prodding, David made even more changes, as they'd decided the only way to pull off wearing a dress at the ceremony and not look like a fool was to become as throroughly female as possible, even going as far as to make some surgical alterations. In this, the extra-large final installment of our story, we learn whether it was all worth it. Our action will begin on the day before the awards.

Joey & Joy - Chapter 2

Joey & Joy

Chapter 2

by Marlisa

I am so glad I ran into Joy today at the mall. It’s probably been three or four years, at least, since Joey and she saw each other last. If I wasn’t so sure about our marriage, I’d almost be jealous at how easily they jumped back into their friendship. It’s like time restarted right where they left off.

Southern Comfort, Part 14

“Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead.” Her father’s voice echoed down the long years and she silently thanked him for that stupid little piece of wisdom while she cursed herself. It was true that she hated him and the things he had put both her and her sister through but it was equally true that she felt grateful to him, grateful that he had taught her the things she needed to know in on order to exact vengeance upon those who had wronged both her and her sister so horribly.

Southern Comfort
Chapter 13

By Theide


Joey & Joy - Chapter 1

Joey & Joy

Chapter 1

by Marlisa

‘You look ridiculous’ was the first thought that went through my head as I studied my reflection in the door length mirror. The clothing was nice enough, a pale blue blouse with a small, yellow daisy positioned at the décolletage; a simple black skirt that stopped just below the knees; nude stockings and low-heeled black slingbacks.

Cresswell Industries Chapters -76-77-78-

With Grace now deeply embroiled within Lady Melissa Cresswell’s vengeance for Falconer, the truth she sought so deeply concerning her beloved Sarah was once again forced to be sidelined, whilst Celeste’s own secret operation was beginning to take shape, her greed for power forever driving her forward to her ultimate goal.

Silently for years she had worked in the background, her adopted mother always keen to relay her praise for her advancements in the DNA restructuring drugs and technologies she had invented, but Celeste wanted more than praise she wanted Cresswell’s all for herself and nothing was going to stand in her way, however she needed her own pool of subjects for this hidden agenda to maintain its momentum, a pool of resources that when the time came would stand loyally shoulder to shoulder besides her, new stronger acquisitions that were mistakenly sanctioned by her step mother as she cleverly manipulated her into blindly advancing her requests to test her new advancements out on unsuspecting people and for a chosen select of teachers and staff at Feethams High, they were to become those very subjects.

Celeste’s mannequins as she so adequately called them!

To my readers;
The journey has been long and the transformations have been plenty, but now we are coming to the conclusion, Cresswell 4 will now bring the illustrated adventure of Metamorphosis together with the characters from that story, although Metamorphosis is set after the incidents we are about to read in this last adventure of Cresswell’s, some of the characters from the illustrated story will begin to appear here, so a word of note to those who have subscribed to Metamorphosis, further reading here will only unearth one of the mysteries involving the people in Dolan!


Oh,’ I gasped in wonder.

‘Yes, dear, it still gets us that way too.’

The photos on the internet didn’t do it justice. David pulled over to the side and we got out to look. I was still wet from the rain, but I paid little attention as I took in the beautiful scene before me....


Chapter 6

By Susan Brown

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 9

I sat there all nervous. I asked Cathy if she thought it wise to change my voice. Would they ever be able to return my voice to my man's voice? She reached over and gave me a big kiss and said, "Terri, don't worry about any of that. This will so complete you and give you a real sense of being a woman. Plus you won't have to be shy in talking with people anymore, you can jump right into all the girly gossip."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 9

By Terry Hansay

Forty Stories Tall

Forty Stories Tall

by Marlisa

The crowd in the park, nearly forty stories below, looks like ants running around an ant-hill. The perfectly sunny, spring Saturday had brought many people out from their winter hibernations, releasing their enthusiasm and bringing a nearly euphoric buzz to the park.

The problem for me is that I’m standing at the top of the building, not in the park, and if I move one step farther I’ll quickly enter the street next to it.

After a long fall, that is.


The next morning I awoke with the sun on my face, coming through a chink in the curtains where they had not been closed fully.

Rubbing my eyes, I reached over and looked at my watch; it was ten past eight. I had a good stretch and a yawn, feeling rested and ready to face the new day...


Chapter 4

By Susan Brown


It took thirty minutes to get on the motorway that leads down to Devon and the West Country–plenty of time to think about what I should do. I know I wasn’t thinking straight–the shock of my wife and her betrayal would probably haunt me for the rest of my life...


Chapter 2

By Susan Brown

Southern Comfort, Part 13

Pan Am 1088 Black Boxes Found on Wake Island!

Pan Am technicians, operating in concert with a FASA disaster team, uncovered the two flight data recorders from Pan Am Flight 1088 which crashed in May. Preliminary data indicates that the craft suffered a catastrophic loss of the fuel pump in its starboard engine, primary and auxiliary hydraulics and the Master Avionics Computer at more or less the same time.

Officials from Pan Am and the manufacturer of the aircraft had no further comment, simply saying that they were investigating how such an unlikely series of failures could occur.

Southern Comfort
Chapter 13

By Theide


All Those Things You Always Pined For - Hatbox Premium

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All Those Things...
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Sissy's Saga part 17

Another Chance part 17

By Maid Joy

I thought I had it made. Teach a class in self-defense and that’s it. It was easy money and no worries no more feeling guilty no more sponging off of Karen.

Three weeks after I started work at the shelter, I knew I was close to losing my job. I had one person take the class, and while she loved it and was effusive in her praise, no one else seemed willing to try me out.

I pitched in around the center, filing and doing paperwork, putting my administrative skills to work for them, just so I felt I was earning my paycheck, but it wasn’t enough. I knew the axe would fall soon.

The Challenge Part 009

I was really damn excited because tonight was the night of the big homecoming dance. Our cheer squad would perform during the football game and we had a jazz dance routine ready for halftime. I had a lilac flower-print dress with cap-sleeves ready to go. I also had matching heels.

The Challenge: Part 9

By Tyler

Gerold vs. the Good Old Boys -01-


Gerold vs. the Good Old Boys

1/ Shock Advised

By Jo Dora Webster

Cover Art by Melanie E.

What complications will arise out of Gerald's heart attack
while on an undercover story assignment?


In the Stirrups: The Autobiography of Dawn DeWinter

Synopsis: The humorous, story of an eccentric TG author from inception to deception. Discover what makes Dawn so receptive to new ideas, sexual partners, and body parts. And learn about her confusing birth, her stardom at Little Darlings Playschool, her disastrous High School Prom, her formation as an amateur writer, and her prison stint and plural marriage in Nigeria.

In the Stirrups: The Autobiography of Dawn DeWinter

By Dawn DeWinter

The Challenge Part 008

Omar walked me home from school and he was so sweet holding my hand the entire time. I was wearing my schoolgirl uniform with white tights that day and I had started rolling over the top of my skirt to make my hemline really short. The bottom of my skirt started just below my crotch and showed off my legs. I was worried that a teacher or a principal might say something but they had kind of a lax attitude towards that sort of thing and all of the girls were doing it. I had to be careful to cross my legs or else guys could look up and get a panty shot.

The Challenge: Part 8

By Tyler

A Blast from the Past -1-

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
The last words of The Great Gatsby
A Blast From The Past

Part 1

By Ginger Collins

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 8

"Needless to say, all the talk was about me and how I was adjusting. They were really interested in how I got such a shapely figure so quickly and was able to walk in those very high heels. I spoke about my wife helping me and the doctor's help. I mentioned my wife and our shopping trips to Victoria's Secret. The girls were spell bound to hear what I bought in VS. They all wanted to go shopping with me, even go to Victoria's Secret."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 8

By Terry Hansay


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