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Petra: I Will Survive
by mittfh
Copyright © 2010 Ben Norwood.

Contains lyrics from "I Will Survive", written by Freddie Perren and Dino Fekaris - © 1978 Polydor Records
Synopsis: I've been mulling over the possibility of writing a sequel to Petra's Outing and doing something for the Challenge, when I realised a perfect opportunity to set the challenge within the context of Petra. This is set "the morning after the night before", at Kim's flat.
N.B. Think of this as a cut scene from Petra: The Aftermath, the (as yet unwritten) sequel to Petra's Outing, taking place immediately after that story ends.
N.N.B. This is completely unedited - this is more-or-less a stream of conciousness. Gedit thinks it's spelled correctly, but whether it makes any grammatical sense or is properly punctuated is another matter entirely... :)
Kim sauntered into her kitchen to find Peter alternating between munching on a slice of toast and humming.
"You've cheered up a lot!"
"I'm still apprehensive about going back to collect the remainder of my stuff, but I just had a silly daydream which has helped me slightly."
"Is that anything to do with that tune you're humming - I can't quite make it out..."
"Oh that - it's 'I Will Survive'"
"Very appropriate. So what was the dream?"
"Only if you promise faithfully that you won't kick me out for being certifiably insane!"
"It's that bad, is it?"
"This had better be good..."
"Picture the scene - my old place, in about an hour's time."
" when we're picking up the rest of your stuff?"
"Yes. I imagined Lydia might misinterpret my reappearance as wanting to move back in with her."
"After what she's done and what you said?"
"Well, she likes to be in control, so she thinks she can persuade me to return..."
"I think I can see where this is going..."
"Anyway, I imagined walking in, her trying to persuade me to stay, then somehow I transformed into Petra - but in a long sequinned dress."
"Well, don't say I didn't warn you it was silly. And I stress, Petra in a sequinned dress - not a Gloria Gaynor clone!"
Kim unsuccessfully tried to suppress a giggle.
"Anyway, at that point, disco lights come on and I start singing the first few lines..."
At first I was afraid, I was petrified.
Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side
But I spent so many nights, thinking how you did me wrong:
I grew strong. I learned how to carry on.
"Apart from the ridiculous setting, that's actually pretty close to what happened with Petra. I'd only ever dressed in secret beforehand, and was afraid of anyone else finding out. Admittedly in those early days I wasn't very good at it - but one consequence of Lydia's apparent about-turn on my dressing was that because I hated that darn dress she gave me and the OTT makeup, I realised that if I was to break away from her I needed to find my own style - something I was comfortable with. Anyway, back to the song..."
And so you're back from outer space
I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed my stupid lock, I should have made you leave your key
If I had known for just one second you'd be back to bother meGo on now, Go! Walk out the door,
Just turn around now, 'cause you're not welcome anymore
"OK, that section's a little removed from reality, but I can certainly imagine Lydia acting all distraught and upset. Heck, she probably will be - but just as I'm now making a fresh start, with the help of you, Claire and Julie; so she will have to make a fresh start, presumably with someone who won't have heard what happened last night. And since I'll be cancelling the rent standing order with Simon [Peter/Lydia's landlord] as soon as my computer's been set up over here, she'll have to move out as well."
"And after the way she's treated you, she won't be welcome here either!"
"Thanks Kim. I still can't quite believe you've agreed to take me in - after all, I'm not exactly who I claimed to be when socialising with you and your friends at the pub."
"Grrr. How many times do I have to tell you? After seeing what you did yesterday, I know Petra isn't an act. Petra is you. If anything, she's more you than Peter!"
"Wha...what do you mean?"
"Look, I'm not suggesting you become Petra full time or anything - but you've got to admit you socialise better as Petra than Peter. You said yourself that you can't really engage with other men in conversation because you're not interested in the things they talk about, like football, celebrities to lust over, the amount of cleavage women show, or even drinking yourself to oblivion. You always felt like an outsider. Now Petra, on the other hand..."
"OK, OK, I get the idea. Just allow me to think this through. I've only been Petra one night a week for a month or so - and as you know she's only got one outfit, if you exclude that darn dress we left behind last night."
"Sorry - but you've got to admit you enjoy being a girl - if only part-time! You certainly seemed to relax and join in with our inane conversations at the pub!"
"I suppose so - but give me time on this, OK? I dont' know how often I'll want to be Petra, let alone go full time!"
"Sorry - it's just that you're so natural as Petra it's hard to imagine you've had so little experience as her. Just take your time to settle in - this has been a tough time for you and a steep learning curve. Just take things at your own pace, and we'll only interfere if you ask us to."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, if you need help with shopping, or make-up, or even building up enough confidence to take Petra out in daylight."
"Me, Claire and Julie. We're all here for you - well, a phone call away in the case of Claire and Julie. And before you ask, we know you want to keep our friendship strictly platonic, and we respect that. We need to take time to learn about each other - in your case, both Peter and Petra - before even thinking about taking it further. Now, enough of that - now where had we got up to in the song? Oh yes."
Go on now, Go! Walk out the door,
Just turn around now, 'cause you're not welcome anymore
"I think I know where this is going, but continue anyway..."
"Thanks again. Now, what's next..." (hums the last few bars) "...aha!"
Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with your lies
You think I'd crumble, you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I, I will survive
as long as i know how to love
I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live, I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive, I will survive
"Well, that bit's certainly true enough - and a fitting retort to Lydia. I bet she thought I'd never pluck up the courage to escape, let alone destroy her blackmail plans."
It took all the strength I had not to fall apart
kept trying hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart
and I spent oh so many nights just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry - Now I hold my head up high
and you see me - Somebody new
I'm not that chained up little person still in love with you
and so you felt like dropping in and just expect me to be free
now I'm saving all my loving for someone who will love me.
"It's amazing how well those lyrics fit...and quite ironic if you think about the original context of the woman kicking out her husband."
"And it wasn't exactly the reverse, either!"
"I suppose not - Petra is somebody new - she didn't really exist before Lydia started her little scheme. And, come to think of it, it was Petra that stood up to Lydia, not Peter. I never thought I'd have the confidence to stand up to her - I suppose I have been a bit of a wimp until now."
"So will we be seeing more of Petra?"
"I'd like to - but let's first see if I can keep some of that new-found confidence as me. Well, the Peter me, as well as the Petra me."
"You mean..."
"Yes, starting off in about an hour when we troop over there to collect the rest of my stuff."
"Oh, and just out of curiosity, how did your daydream finish?"
"If only real life was as simple as that..."
"Go on...stop teasing!"
"OK, as the music faded, I pointed at her and she disappeared in a puff of smoke."
"Very wicked witch-ish!"
"I suppose so...but even so, when you meet her at work, remember she is only human."
"Ha ha - you do realise I've got to go back to work with her tomorrow?"
"Yes - it will be difficult, but please don't do anything stupid. The last thing we need is for her to build up a case for Constructive Dismissal."
"Oh - good point. So when do you want to go over there?"
"Let's get this over and done with. Call the others and ask them to get here by 10."
"Half an hour?"
"Don't worry - you'll have us to support you. Mind if I tell them of your dream?"
"No - it's hardly private. Tell you what - we'll do it together just before setting off."
"OK - I'll go and phone them now."
"Oh, and you might need to warn them they'll be meeting Peter, not Petra."
"Of course - they might have forgotten she's only got one outfit, which is hardly suitable for lugging furniture around."
"Since I'm not going to have to hide Petra any more..."
"She's only got one outfit..."
"You'd like her to have some more?"
"Casuals - but..."
"Don't worry - we'll just pop in on the way back and grab some basics - you can try them on when we get back here."
"Then when you've built up enough confidence to go out in daytime, we'll indoctrinate you in the world of shopping!"
Peter rolled his eyes.
"We'll take it slowly - but the fact you're asking in the first place..."
"Yeah, OK, I do enjoy being Petra - but please, one step at a time!"
"No problem - I promise we won't rush you, or force you to wear anything you're unhappy with."
"Thanks again - now go and phone the others, or it'll be lunchtime before we set off!"
Kim then left Peter munching on his (now cold) toast while she walked into the hall, now grinning and humming "I Will Survive" herself.
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Hey Ben....
....You've got a cute way of writin'...You've got the better of me...I just got finished with readin', This story's rockin' to me. You make feel like votin'...You make me feel like votin'...You make me feel like votin'
...well, you get the idea!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
Yes,that's another good
Yes,that's another good story.
Extra votes
......for choosing a song with "I was Petra-fied" in the lyrics. I've always liked that song.
Much better than "Do You Really Wanna Hurt Me?" or that age old anthem of doormats
everywhere: "He Hit Me, And It Felt Like A Kiss". A fine sequel, and I can't wait
to read PETRA: THE AFTERMATH. Be funny if they got Petra a sequined dress,
brought in a karaoke disc of the song and acted out this whole number
in front of Lydia, with Kim & Claire & Julie singing backup...
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
This is very cute, but...
What will happen when they go and get Peter's things? What will happen when Petra/Peter goes to work and has to be around Lydia all day? A very good story and had me hoping that Petra puts a pair of 6" spikes up Lydia's...well where the sun don't shine. Thank you for sharing.
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
Apologies if I didn't make it clear in Petra's Outing, but Peter works for a different company to Lydia (although I haven't yet worked out what the companies do!)
However, Claire, Julie and Kim do work in the same office as Lydia. Evidently at one point in time, they used to socialise with her as well - but sometime between then and Lydia implementing her misguided plan, either their relationship with her was already getting frosty or she didn't join them on their Friday night socials.
It's an issue I'll be tackling in "Aftermath", as they compare notes on Lydia. I suppose it might also be a good idea to give Claire and Julie a voice - they were rather quiet during "Outing"...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Petra - I Will Survive-1
Indeed! Such a song should be the theme for ALL T.Girls!
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
After my ex legally robbed me of a huge amount of cash she
told all my friends and family that I would end up 'in the
gutter'----that was 1993 but"I Will Survive" became my
anthem and now you have written this great story around it
and my heart sings because I know that Petra 'will survive'
as I did.You have my unqualified support!Thank you and God
is a pompous self important arse who thinks she knows everything, Petra however gave her a cold bucket of ice water type shock
which I approve of what Petra's done whole heartedly.....Petra is not just a survivor, she is strong and will do well for herself, I
hope dear Petra gains the confidence to be out in public in the daytime enjoying her self and her friends and all as she
deserves it and deserves happiness for once. Congratulations on a story that is nicely written mittfh
Perhaps Lydia was so
Perhaps Lydia was so over-bearing with the other women that they just got really tired of being around her. Lydia, just from the short information about her, strikes me as a person who could not make or keep friends even as a child, because she would have been so controlling. Think Lucy in Charley Brown. Can't wait for the next chapter to this most intriging story. Jan
agree with your comment Janice Lynn completely
Hi Ben. Remember Gabicon 2010.
Ben you don't know how much that song means to me.
At one of the Survivors of abuse marches when we make public the names of those who have abused us, I actually sang this song at the gathering of about 400 people in Trafalga square at the culmination of the march in the early 2000's. (Can't remember which year.)
That song is the Anthem of empowerment for all members of 'Survivors of abuse'.
This is an excellent story. Please continue it.
Growing old disgracefully.
A continuation is in the works... hopefully I'll pick it up and finish it when I'm done with AquaGirl 2.
I suppose it's harder for me to write because my only experience of such issues is from reading stories / blogs on this site; and for someone who's not that good at communication, there's a heck of a lot of talking! Besides which, although I'm not a perfectionist by any stretch of the imagination, as this is the most realistic of my tales (it could actually happen), I want it to feel right.
But hopefully you'll see it in the next month or three...
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
good for
peter/petra, he or she now has a few friends worth their weight in gold, i hope petra gets brave enough &
confident enough to go out into the world the same as any other woman does