Mature / Thirty+

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 6

"Terry, you did great. Once you enroll in the Brooke Institute and get your formal training as a woman and they give you the hypnotic classes, you will be a natural woman. Just relax sweetie".

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 6

By Terry Hansay

Our Story

Re-edited and reposted from another site *
by Maggie O’Malley

A loving wife cures her consenting husband’s problem using Hugglebugs nanites.
Our Story
By Maggie O’Malley---Art by Heather Rose Brown

Weird Wednesday Chapters 21 - 28

Weird Wednesday
by Tanya Allan

Richard Williamson leaves attractive thirty-five year-old Vanessa and their teenage son, Simon, in the lurch for another woman. After a gruelling twelve months, Vanessa is tired of fighting for pennies to just exist. Called to her son’s school, as Simon appears to be having a breakdown, she is at the end of her emotional tether. Simon, on the other hand, driven by equally powerful emotions is determined to make his father pay for his betrayal of his mother and for hurting her so deeply.

On the way home from the school they are involved in a freak accident, whereby the car leaves the road and is hit suddenly by thousands of volts of electricity. Simon wakes up in hospital to find he is now in his mother’s body. Lying in the bed next to him is his body, but who’s inside it?

Richard, returning to the UK on a false passport to realise some undeclared assets, unwittingly sets off a chain of events that threatens to engulf all.

No one took into account a plucky young woman, calling herself Nessa, and her very fresh perspective on life. A baffled young boy, reluctantly answering to the name of Simon finds himself back at school for the second time around, but the first time had been as a girl! The problems double as a way to change back is discovered...

but someone decides she doesn’t want to go back to being a boy!

Weird Wednesday Chapters 16 - 20

Weird Wednesday
by Tanya Allan

Richard Williamson leaves attractive thirty-five year-old Vanessa and their teenage son, Simon, in the lurch for another woman. After a gruelling twelve months, Vanessa is tired of fighting for pennies to just exist. Called to her son’s school, as Simon appears to be having a breakdown, she is at the end of her emotional tether. Simon, on the other hand, driven by equally powerful emotions is determined to make his father pay for his betrayal of his mother and for hurting her so deeply.

On the way home from the school they are involved in a freak accident, whereby the car leaves the road and is hit suddenly by thousands of volts of electricity. Simon wakes up in hospital to find he is now in his mother’s body. Lying in the bed next to him is his body, but who’s inside it?

Richard, returning to the UK on a false passport to realise some undeclared assets, unwittingly sets off a chain of events that threatens to engulf all.

No one took into account a plucky young woman, calling herself Nessa, and her very fresh perspective on life. A baffled young boy, reluctantly answering to the name of Simon finds himself back at school for the second time around, but the first time had been as a girl! The problems double as a way to change back is discovered...

but someone decides she doesn’t want to go back to being a boy!

Weird Wednesday Chapters 11 - 15

Weird Wednesday
by Tanya Allan

Richard Williamson leaves attractive thirty-five year-old Vanessa and their teenage son, Simon, in the lurch for another woman. After a gruelling twelve months, Vanessa is tired of fighting for pennies to just exist. Called to her son’s school, as Simon appears to be having a breakdown, she is at the end of her emotional tether. Simon, on the other hand, driven by equally powerful emotions is determined to make his father pay for his betrayal of his mother and for hurting her so deeply.

On the way home from the school they are involved in a freak accident, whereby the car leaves the road and is hit suddenly by thousands of volts of electricity. Simon wakes up in hospital to find he is now in his mother’s body. Lying in the bed next to him is his body, but who’s inside it?

Richard, returning to the UK on a false passport to realise some undeclared assets, unwittingly sets off a chain of events that threatens to engulf all.

No one took into account a plucky young woman, calling herself Nessa, and her very fresh perspective on life. A baffled young boy, reluctantly answering to the name of Simon finds himself back at school for the second time around, but the first time had been as a girl! The problems double as a way to change back is discovered...

but someone decides she doesn’t want to go back to being a boy!

Weird Wednesday Chapters 6 - 10

Weird Wednesday
by Tanya Allan

Richard Williamson leaves attractive thirty-five year-old Vanessa and their teenage son, Simon, in the lurch for another woman. After a gruelling twelve months, Vanessa is tired of fighting for pennies to just exist. Called to her son’s school, as Simon appears to be having a breakdown, she is at the end of her emotional tether. Simon, on the other hand, driven by equally powerful emotions is determined to make his father pay for his betrayal of his mother and for hurting her so deeply.

On the way home from the school they are involved in a freak accident, whereby the car leaves the road and is hit suddenly by thousands of volts of electricity. Simon wakes up in hospital to find he is now in his mother’s body. Lying in the bed next to him is his body, but who’s inside it?

Richard, returning to the UK on a false passport to realise some undeclared assets, unwittingly sets off a chain of events that threatens to engulf all.

No one took into account a plucky young woman, calling herself Nessa, and her very fresh perspective on life. A baffled young boy, reluctantly answering to the name of Simon finds himself back at school for the second time around, but the first time had been as a girl! The problems double as a way to change back is discovered...

but someone decides she doesn’t want to go back to being a boy!

Rhysling's Rue - Part 8

Their usual lack of chatter drew the loneliness of the vacuum about them as they soared through the deep, far off sunlight turning them half golden with glinting, unbearable brightness, obscuring the other half of each of them in blackest night. It was a sight to bewitch lesser souls, that dichotomy of light and absolute dark they each portrayed. An observer might even have said that it was a true vision of their being, but there was no one there to see it.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 8

By Theide


Weird Wednesday Chapters 1 - 5

Weird Wednesday
by Tanya Allan

Richard Williamson leaves attractive thirty-five year-old Vanessa and their teenage son, Simon, in the lurch for another woman. After a gruelling twelve months, Vanessa is tired of fighting for pennies to just exist. Called to her son’s school, as Simon appears to be having a breakdown, she is at the end of her emotional tether. Simon, on the other hand, driven by equally powerful emotions is determined to make his father pay for his betrayal of his mother and for hurting her so deeply.

On the way home from the school they are involved in a freak accident, whereby the car leaves the road and is hit suddenly by thousands of volts of electricity. Simon wakes up in hospital to find he is now in his mother’s body. Lying in the bed next to him is his body, but who’s inside it?

Richard, returning to the UK on a false passport to realise some undeclared assets, unwittingly sets off a chain of events that threatens to engulf all.

No one took into account a plucky young woman, calling herself Nessa, and her very fresh perspective on life. A baffled young boy, reluctantly answering to the name of Simon finds himself back at school for the second time around, but the first time had been as a girl! The problems double as a way to change back is discovered...

but someone decides she doesn’t want to go back to being a boy!

Perfect Lady, part 1

Perfect Lady, part 1
Michelle Wilder

Change comes in many ways, each one pushing, following, hurrying more change.
Sometimes, someone else does the pushing. This is a story about hard changes, and gentle, caring pushes.
I've published this before, here.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 5

Cathy handed me my other Victoria Secret bra, the one with only half cups. I could not understand the half cups but she said "Wait until you put on the dress, you will see." I was getting better at putting on "my" bras, only taking two tries. I was really surprised at how much higher my bustline was in this kind of bra. Cathy called it a push up bra. Half my breasts showed out of the top of the bra. What is wrong with this picture?

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 5

By Terry Hansay

Southern Comfort, Part 9

The training had been hard, three years of demanding school, no quarter given. In truth, we both took to it like fish to water. I had never realized how much my love simply loved learning for its own sake until I saw how she threw herself into learning the new skills she had to pick up just to get her new professional certifications. We both grew mentally as well as physically during our time in training.

Southern Comfort
Chapter 9

By Theide


Girlwind : 01


"Don't you talk to your mother that way, young lady!"

"I is being doing what is bestest, and you is being a dummyhead!"

"Okay, don't talk to ME that way, either."


The Story of an Irresistable Force
In a Life of Immovable Objects

by Edeyn Hannah Blackeney

Rhysling's Rue - Part 7

What was she going to do? The captain who had brought an effective end to the largest war humanity had ever fought by inflicting the greatest slaughter ever committed posed this question to herself as she sat finishing her red beans and rice, grimacing at the taste. This youngster they had just rescued could be one of the more promising engineering geniuses of the past century, but she had no idea how to even approach the child.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 7

By Theide


Cresswell Industries Chapters 70-71-72

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

If you haven’t read ‘The Mail Box’, please read it before you read this. If you have read ‘The Mail Box’, thank you for your comments.

The woman waited, almost lurking in the shadow as the mourners departed the grave site. Still as she watched the last mourner leave the carpeted grave side, she held her place. There were tears in her eyes and her vision was a blur. Knowing the impact of watching the ceremony from afar, she had chosen wisely to forgo the ritual of make-up.

Rhysling's Rue - Part 6

There she was, drifting in front of him in microgravity, her burgeoning breasts teasing him, her hips undulating with the minor effort required to keep her in place, in the middle of the cabin. He felt an almost overwhelming lust for her, but knew somehow that to lunge for her and seek sexual completion was the very thing that would scare her away, so he held and watched her dance for him, a shy nymph, wanting him but frightened by the visible evidence of his manhood, standing proud, straight and twitching with desire before him.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 6

By Theide


Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 4

She went on to explain the course that the doctors have recommended is a three-day program including the mind adjustment segment. She went on to say I must live as a woman for one full week before taking the course, explaining dressing and living the life of a woman is important for my mind control.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 4

By Terry Hansay

Rhysling's Rue - Part 4

It took just a bare instant for the pulse of coherent light to bridge the distance, neatly severing the link between the cobbled together ship and a thruster which went flying away, thrown by the forces it had helped to generate. Sarah bent intently over her readouts, feverishly calculating the results. Her face grew a little grim as she got a result she didn’t like, fingers blurring on controls as she sought a solution.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 4

By Theide


Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 3

We had lunch at the mall. I could not believe how at ease I was walking around the mall. No one made any comments on my camisole and bra straps showing through a little. Cathy reminded me of this and said "No one cares. People are accepting of your disease."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 3

By Terry Hansay


Oscar Night - Part 19

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

At last year’s Oscar’s, novelist/screenwriter David Fine wore a special dark red tuxedo designed for him by his friend Claude Marsh. After being insulted by TV personality Jane Waters, he joked that if he was nominated again he’d wear a gown. Claude organized a “cabal” of experts to work toward convincing David that the best way to pull it off would be to become as female as possible, and he agreed, especially when his girlfriend fashion model Maritza Delgado was keen on the idea. He even got a number of surgeries to make him more female, and has been working under the tutelage of feminine behavior expert Kay Thomas. When we left off, our heroine Dee had gone on a date with Joe, a paid escort, and was kissing him on her doorstep, unsure whether to send him home or invite him in...

MORFS: Saouda's Docket #60350

Acts of Humanity

Saouda's Docket #60350
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Connie Abla Saouda and Beverly Trowbridge are two ordinary cops on the beat -- or are they? After providing so much help to the Doctors Martin and their friends, they have been assigned the unenviable task watching after their fellow MORFS survivors.

sex: 0/10
violence: 7/10
profanity: 1/10

Categories: PSI

Timeline: 2060

From the unofficial log of Officer Connie Abla Saouda, Police Telepath
December 15, 2060

Officer Beverly Trowbridge and I have been pulling afternoon shift for a long time. Ever since we have been semi-officially given the task of watching over the various MORFS survivors, we have been stuck with this shift. No more morning shifts that allow us to get off in time to have a life. No more nice, quite midnight shifts. Nope, we are purposely put on duty when most people are getting off of work and hitting the malls, restaurants, and places of evening recreation. That is the time when our fellow morfies are most likely to be get into trouble.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 14

“No. The Japanese are now going to run the Swan Song show,” FBI Director Robert Mueller began to explain. “They have begun training for the arrest phase of the operation.”

“Then what are my duties now?”

“Grant, you are still to oversee the American aspect of the operation. We will want to debrief Agent Ripley when his mission is concluded. That is assuming he survives it.”

“Then we’re to bring Ripley out alive?”

“Yes, Grant. Agent Ripley is to be retrieved alive if at all possible. You are to make sure of that.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Fourteen

Synospis- Captain Slater is successful in making contact with the Swan Song committee.

Oscar Night - Part 18

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Last year, Novelist/screenwriter David fine wore a red suit to the Academy Awards and made a joke about wearing a gown the next year. Somehow his friend clothing designer Claude Marsh and his bisexual fashion model girlfriend Maritza Delgado convinced him that the best way to make a good impression in a gown would be to present himself as convincingly female. David even agreed to get a number of surgeries, including an impressive set of breast implants. Claude hired "Feminine Deportment Coach" Kay Thomas to teach David, now known purely by the intial "Dee," how to become a woman. Dee's gone through a number of lessons, but it's now time for the one she's been dreading - Kay is making her go on a date with a man.

Soul Catcher

The Soul Catcher
By Maggie the Kitten

Three "soul" sisters are en route to collect the fourth sister, when they encounter a blast from the past and a woman who offers them a chance to be their soul's true image. Will they take it and will they reach their sister in time to share the magic with her?

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 1

My wife helps me through the Feminizer disease as I slowly become a full woman. I have to learn a whole new life with her help.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 1

By Terry Hansay


Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 13

“Yes, Hiromi-kun, it is, but circumstances have changed,” Tokuro Inagawa said, before going on to detail how difficult the economy was at present. Many other commodity prices were dropping. Weren’t illegal narcotics also a commodity?

Tom refused to budge an inch. Truthfully, she’d give it away to the Inagawas or whoever first showed up at the Yokohama docks when the cargo was unloaded. Naturally, that wasn’t the way organized crime worked and if Tom actually attempted what she dreamed of doing, she would end up just as dead as Reina Shimizu.

“You have not given me a reason to change the fee. Our costs have remained the same.”

“We are not satisfied with the present arrangement.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Thirteen

Synopsis- Captain Slater takes steps to extricate herself from the world of the Watanabe Yakuza.

Rhysling's Rue - Part 1

...The cool green hills had gone the way of the Dodo. Now what was left was scrapping over the rest of the solar system, killing each other for the mineral bearing rocks of the Belt, fighting over ice for the volatiles needed to sustain life.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 1

By Theide



It wasn’t the sort of world spanning disaster portrayed in movies, it wasn’t even the sort of disaster you might find in many smaller stories. No, it was just a personal apocalypse. Just the sort of thing that rips out your very soul and makes you feel like someone has stomped you into hamburger on some sidewalk somewhere. The death of a dream.

There wasn’t anything I could do to stop it, to make it better, so I whistled and hummed a tune to myself as I packed up boxes and gathered items for disposal or storage. Somehow, the tune that was stuck in my head seemed to fit.

An Incremental Journey - Chapter 2

An Incremental Journey

Chapter 2

By Portia Bennet

Al, now Madeline (Maddy) finds herself living in a rather nice assisted living home. She is intent on finding The Wizard and confronting him about her transition; however, something strange is happening. Maddy finds she is able to help the other residents in many ways. She has a rather strange dream, but doesn’t pay much attention to it. Without realizing it, she is blending in, being accepted, and she is enjoying it.


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