Mature / Thirty+

Halloween Tricked and Treated

Before we start, there are 2 things I'd like to say. 1)Stories of my demise are grossly exagerated. 2) If you are not supposed to be reading this story,(you know whou you are) then please turn of your computer and go tell your parents that you were a bad boy/girl...... Now, GET ON WITH IT!!!!

Halloween Tricked and Treated

Written by Toni Trepasso

Oscar Night - Part 15

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

David Fine, a bestselling novelist and Oscar-nominated screenwriter, was sticking up for an insult directed at his friend fashion designer Claude Marsh when he made a flippant comment to an annoying television personality agreeing to show up at the Academy Awards ceremony in a gown instead of a tuxedo. He was convinced that it would be far less embarrassing to attempt to appear as completely and fully female instead of just looking like a man in a dress. To that end, he's had some facial surgeries as well as a sizeable pair of breast implants. Dee, as she's been calling herself is under the tutelage of Kay Thomas, a feminine deportment coach Claude hired to give her a month-long crash course in how to be a woman. In this installment, Kay helps Dee try to figure out what kind of girl she is.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 9

Tomatsu Ichikawa stopped looking at the glass in front of him and studied Hiromi Sato instead. He was fifty years old give or take a few years, and had a pockmarked face. A lit cigarette dangled from the man’s lips.

“Sato-san, how do you like my club?”

“It’s a club.”

Tomatsu grinned. “You would fit in well here.”

“I’m here to talk business.”

“So am I, Sato-san. If my bosses knew you were here....”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Nine

Synopsis– Agent Chrysanthemum’s body is located and Gabrielle Tanaka makes contact with Hiromi Sato.

The Secret Existence of Misty Walters

To all outward appearances Walter Stymis is a conventional upper-middle class American male. Fairly successful, a devoted husband and father.

But at any given moment he is likely to be lost in colorful daydreams, the nature of which would probably surprise the people around him...

The Secret Existence of
Misty Walters
by . Laika Pupkino

Wishes Fulfilled, Chapter Two-Jumping Right In

Wishes Fulfilled
Chapter Two
Jumping Right In

Aubrey used a magic book to change himself into Aubrey, a young woman. The new woman rediscovers friendship in her new identity as well as the glories of bikinis...even when no pool is around!

As we baked ourselves inside our SPF 15, I let my mind wander back to how strange it was to be here, so close to her, without any pretense.

For The Business

For the Business

By Karin Roberts

It started of innocently enough, an invite to a Halloween party for small business owners.

“Darling we really need to attend this” my wife said as she opened and sifted through the day’s mail.

“I hate Halloween, it’s just an excuse to get people to spend money” I replied

Wishes Fulfilled

A young professional explores his ultimate dream through the use of a magic book and finds that sometimes, dreams really do come true!

This is the first of several chapters and will get a bit dark toward the end, so readers beware. This is unedited, so if someone wants offer their editorial comments, they will be very much welcome:)

If you enjoy the story, you are invited to see it illustrated at Wishes_Fulfilled-cmp.pdf (3 MB)

Play Nice ~ Part 5

My sister and I had been living in each other's bodies for about 19 hours. Our grandmother had done this to us, hoping we might learn to empathize with each other and put an end to our lifelong feuding. The body swap had been a strange experience, and downright horrible at times, but in my case at least it seemed as if the old witch's lesson was starting to work. I began to see why my sister was the way he was, and to regret our not being closer. Until for no apparent reason he tried to sabotage the best thing in my life...


Another Wonderful Day In Paradise

Another Wonderful Day In Paradise

By Karen J. Taylor

Copyright 2008

Driving to work this morning, the traffic sucked, as it usually does in the Metroplex. I made up some time once I got past the inevitable fender-bender that had slowed everybody down; and arrived at work only a few minutes late. Joe, my supervisor, was waiting for me when I walked in.

“My office, please, Sharon.”

Calling Occupants....

Calling Occupants.....

by Susan Brown

As soon as I got home from work, I changed into Debra.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I sat down at my dressing table and put on my favourite makeup, just wearing my silky panties, bra and breast forms. After applying the foundation, blusher, mascara, eye shadow and lippy, I slipped on the sheer black nylons; put on my favourite royal blue silk dress, long blond wig and finally placed my feet in my black court shoes with three inch heels.

Play Nice ~ Part 4

I hadn't been home in years when I got the call from Grandma, that my father was in the hospital, and now suddenly here I was ....... Like a lot of families, ours had its share of secrets. My sexuality for example, which was known but never discussed, under a shadow of omerta. Or the fact that my grandmother was an actual witch. My sister Joy + I only found THIS out when Grandma body swapped us, in hopes that leaving us like this a while might teach us something. So when we visited my father's bedside he assumed that I was Joy, and I couldn't believe how awful he was being to me! But I had no idea what awful was until I was left alone with him, and learned another of our family's secrets...


Oscar Night - Part 14

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Novelist/Screenwriter David Fine promised to wear a gown to the Academy Awards in order to get an obnoxious fashion reporter to shut up about the tuxedo his friend fashion designer Claude Marsh had made for him. But since Claude felt insulted too, he assembled a team an worked with the assistance of David's girlfriend bisexual Venezuelan model Maritza Delgado to steer him in a more feminine metrosexual direction. But once the nominations were announced, they raised the bar and got David to agree that it would make an even bigger impact if he looked completely passably female in his gown. David went so far as to have his face surgically feminized and his breasts enhanced with implants. Claude hired Kay Thomas, and expert in teaching men to be women, to show David, now living around the clock as a woman she calls Dee, how to become all that she can be. In Part 13 the bandages came off, and in this installment Dee will venture outside her townhouse for the first time.



By Melissa Tawn
Sometimes I can feel him entering me ... How can I feel what I have never experienced and am not equipped physically to ever experience? … Perhaps this is what the monks mean, when they pose their riddle about the sound of one hand clapping?

Stand and Deliver - Part 7 - Conclusion

"One....Two....Three....." slowly counted Genevieve, cocking her pistols, " Four....Five....Six...."
She stood perfectly balanced, took aim and continued counting," Seven....Eight....."
Suddenly Captain Wilcox shouted out," Please don't shoot! I'll do it! Please don't shoot!"
Stand And Deliver - Part 7 - Conclusion

by Alys

Play Nice ~ Part 3


My father was in the hospital with- well they weren't sure what he had. Grandma, Joy and I all hopped in my truck to go visit him. Under ordinary circumstances I would be driving, but our circumstances were far from ordinary. I had been magically "transcorporated" into the 5'4" body of my sister, a less than upstanding citizen whose driver's license had been revoked. Joy now towered over me in my body; and while he was in physical possession of my license, this truck would have to be fitted with snow tires before he could drive it. On that cold day in Hell...

Oscar Night - Part 13

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

What started out with a flippant comment to an obnoxious fashion reporter has snowballed into an exploration of gender identity. Novelist/Screenwriter David Fine made a deal to wear a gown to the Academy Awards presentation, and took it much further by getting his face surgically feminized and his breasts enhanced. His best friend fashion designer Claude Marsh hired "Feminine Deportment Coach" Kay Thomas to train him how to act. Among her draconian rules were that his girlfriend Venezuelan model Maritza Delgado should stay out of contact for a month as he works to develop a new female identity, which she addresses by her initial D., or "Dee." So far, Dee has had a lesson in how to walk in heels, and had a house call from her nurse. In this installment, she gets a few more lessons and begins to worry about who she or he truly is.



Chapter 1

“Where are we going to get another person?” Pam Nolton asked Connie White. They were in the building cafeteria after work and had only 2 hours to come up with another woman to make the thirteen required for their Wicca Ceremony — but the ceremony was being held the same night as the full moon celebrations and all the Wicca friends had plans made for weeks.

'Reader, I married him.'

‘Reader, I married him.’*

“Okay, listeners, we have a sad story here…” Jane Bronte, hosted her usual radio show on a Sunday morning, playing pop classics that no one could remember, interspersed with audience participation.

Stand and Deliver - Part 6

"You stupid oaf!" yelled Genevieve, " I would rather die than give myself to you!"
Lord Vorace was visibly shaken by the vehemence of Genevieve's reaction. However he quickly regained his composure.
"In that case, Lady Osborne, your fate is sealed," he said coldly.
"I think not, Lord Vorace, it seems that your nemesis has arrived,........"

Stand And Deliver - Part 6

by Alys

Lost and Found

Lost and Found
By Missy Crystal

David Benton's parents couldn't understand his wanting to be a girl and sent him to a psychologist for behavior modification. They thought it was working, but, when David turned eighteen, he left home and they haven't heard from him for five years. Now Mrs. Benton has terminal cancer and desperately wants to be reunited with her son. Private Investigator Jack Blaine has been hired to locate him. What will he find?

Night Walkers: Opposites

Night Walkers: Opposites


Maggie Finson

Author's Note: I am using The Nightwalker world with ScramblerJ's kind permission. All characters appearing in Hunter's tale, the first story in this world, and the world set-up are ScramblerJ's property. Any characters appearing in this story (with the above-mentioned ones excepted) are mine. If you find a few things different, consider it my fault and my fault only. I hope you enjoy this one. Also, it has been a number of years since I wrote this one, so please forgive some of the grammar and other little glitches. I was learning then as I’m learning now, and only hope to improve my craft as I go.

Play Nice ~ Part 2

Grandma ran the brush through my long straight hair. It was sensual, soothing. "So. Any questions about all this girl stuff?"

"You said when you body-swapped us that you weren't going to give us any pointers."

"I just meant don't be running to me over every little thing. And I was pretty angry then. I'm still your grandma. I'm a witch, not an ogre."

I thought about that little white bulb-thing I had seen sitting in with Joy's things in the bathroom. "Well okay. Then about, um, cleaning. I was wondering. When, or should I say how often ......... am I suppose to, uh- what I mean is, um ......... douche?"


There's Life in the Old Dog Yet

A road traffic accident forces Alan Taylor to retire early. As a result of his injuries he uses crutches and a mobility scooter. He loves meeting people and jumps at the chance to join a welcome team at the new Health Centre. One of the people that he helps has much more to offer than he could ever suspect.

The Superstring Swimsuit

"Is there any way," I asked, "that we can talk about this subject so that *I* can understand it? without a lot of malarkey?"

"I don't think so," he replied. "You can have incomprehensible or you can have nonsensical. Those are the choices."

The Superstring Swimsuit by Kaleigh Way

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 8

“That’s....” Chuck began to say before he felt the building below his feet begin to move. The shaking lasted only a few seconds. “We just had an earthquake.”

“Yes, we certainly did,” Hiromi replied,“but it wasn’t anything to worry about. We have small temblors like that all the time.”

This was the third earthquake Charles McBride had endured since coming to live in Japan, and he wasn’t nearly as jaded by them as his fiancée seemed to be. “I won’t miss those things.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Eight

Synopsis – The Swan Song committee and Gabrielle Tanaka begin to worry as both agents Ripley and Chrysanthemum fail to report in as scheduled. At the same time, Hiromi Sato sets her personal plans into motion.

April and June

This was utterly perplexing to me as she’d been the motivating force to get us as far as we were physically. I asked her jokingly “you don’t have teeth in your vagina like in that movie do you?” She burst into tears and ran out outside. I sat on the couch stunned. What did I say that was so terrible?

All Things Being Equal, I'd Rather Have a Pepsi

All Things Being Equal, I'd Rather Have a Pepsi

By Bimbo Alison
July 2008

Rick is very thankful that Stan the Sprite showed up to save he and his family from a fatal car accident. But when a magical creature with a gambling problem asks you for "one little favor" in return for his help, you can be sure that there'll be nothing little about it!

Oscar Night - Part 12

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

After agreeing to wear a gown to the Academy Awards ceremony due to an offhand comment to a fashion reporter, our hero, novelist/screenwriter David Fine decided to go all-out and agreed to have his face surgically feminized and his breasts enhanced with implants. He thinks he might be able to get a book out of it. This is the last bit of romance for a while, as David and his beloved, fashion model Maritza Delgado, are separated following his surgery, under order from his new Feminine Deportment Coach, Kay Thomas, a member of the "cabal" put together by his best friend fashion designer Claude Marsh to assist in David's transformation. In this installment, David gains a new name, and begins her training with Kay, and a horrible mistake is made. We begin right where we left off, as Maritza and David were enjoying the morning after their last night together for a month.

Drabble Theatre: Foiled Robbery

The plan was brilliant — the three of them would dress up as hot chicks to rob the bank, so no one would have seen their faces. Plus, when they got to the boat, they’d ditch the disguises and no one would ever connect them to the three bimbos.

Oscar Night - Part 11

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Novelist/screenwriter David Fine got himself in an awkward position where he agreed to wear a gown if he was nominated for an Oscar. The nominations came out and he's stuck. But his friend Claude Marsh the fashion designer assembled a "cabal" of experts to help make David more feminine. Last time, they met with a cosmetic surgeon who convinced David that if he really wanted to look like a woman, he'd need to make a few changes to his face. David was also interested in seeing what he'd look like with breast implants, something his girlfriend bisexual model Maritza Delgado seemed very enthusisastic about. In this installment, David experiences his nonsurgical options, and one of the cabal members has some bad news for Maritza.


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