Mature / Thirty+

Play Nice ~ Part 1

There was never any love lost between me and my sister. We fought constantly as kids, and now as adults we still drove each other---and everyone around us---crazy. When our spell-slinging grandmother decided to teach us a lesson by body swapping us, our bitter feuding soon led us to a grotesque new form of combat, which before it was all over would get crazy indeed...

"You are gonna have SUCH a headache tomorrow!" laughed my sister as he started banging his head against the wall, grunting with each impact, putting a row of jagged craters into the plaster.

Smashing the nearly empty whiskey bottle across the end of the table, I raised it toward my cheek, tittering, "Gee, it's a shame what happened to your pretty face-"

We should have listened to Grandma. Terrible things can happen when you don't...


Get Smart: Control Yourself - Part 2

Secret agent Maxwell Smart heads to Blackpool, England. He and fellow CONTROL agent Charlie Watkins pose as dancers competing in the British Open Dance Championship. They must prevent a rocket scientist from handing over American defense secrets to Charisma, the beautiful but deadly KAOS agent. Part 2 of 2.

by Laurie S.

Oscar Night - Part 10

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Last time, novelist/screenwriter David Fine and his girlfriend model Maritza Delgado attended a New Year's Eve party thrown by his friend fashion designer Claude Marsh, and later learned that Claude had organized a "cabal" of experts to help him get David into a gown at the Oscar ceremony. (A flippant comment to a fashion reporter at the previous year's event made him promise to wear one.) Claude was in the middle of showing him design ideas and had just said that David would need to accessorize with silicone before he passed out.

Timeless -1-


part one.


There is a difference you know
between fearing for someone's life
and wanting to share it while alive

she said

Sometimes caring is not enough

then what is love
I asked

A cry in the night
A sudden stop of time
the whisper of your breath

Timeout 4- Reel to Real - Chapter 11, it really is, honest: The Homecoming

The train trip continues. A VIP calls Joanie's private cell, providing her with multiple thrills. Joanie glimpses motherhood, in more than one way, her reaction surprises her. Suzy and Joanie have a happy homecoming, Joanie’s tusch stops traffic. Joanie travels to Iowa, gives Eric an ultimatum, “Now get those clothes off, and you’d better be up for it.”

Andy Warhol said, "In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

P.S. Never trust sneaky authors and their teasers.

And Loving It!

<In the Get Smart television series, CONTROL agent Charlie Watkins was a master of female disguise. Played by actress Angelique Pettyjohn, she/he was a sexy, gorgeous undercover spy. Maxwell Smart found blonde bombshell Charlie, much to his chagrin, disconcertingly attractive. Written a few years ago, an updated And Loving It! is presented on Big Closet in honor of the Get Smart film release.>


Drabble Theatre: The Wizard of Ozzfest

"Dude, we HAVE to get back there and see Zodiac!"

"Noone gets backstage without a pass." The security guard pushed the two overweight men back.

"Cummon, we'll do anything!"

Oscar Night - Part 9

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Novelist/screenwriter David Fine and his girlfriend fashion model have had some of their Christmas celebration, but not all of it. In this installment, they attend a New Year's Eve party thrown by his best friend clothing designer Claude Marsh. Maritza had promised David a surprise, and we find out what it is. A character shows up that we haven't seen in a while. Way back when, David had promised to wear a gown if he was nominated for an Oscar; in this installment, the nominations are announced. And finally, the conspiracy is revealed!



The chance of a life time, something I’d dreamed of since watching the movie “Splash”. I am attracted to the idea of mermaids and mermen, with so much of the earth covered in water, and yet so little that we can visit, a whole new world to be explored is just waiting.

Drabble Theatre: White Satin

White Satin

By Melanie Ezell

She was finally ready.

It had taken more than thirty years to correct God's little mix-up, but it was worth it. She still wasn't perfect, the severe cut of her dress working to hide the few traces of masculinity she'd never be rid of, but if he loved her as is, she could live with a few flaws.

As her march started, she donned her veil, and stepped out the door.

Rhapsody, Chapter 7 - Allegro Con Furioso

Rhapsody, Chapter 7 - Allegro con Furioso

Detective Johnson looked thoughtfully distracted for a moment before finally replying, “We’ll set up a trap for him at your apartment.”

“But how?” I asked, confused by the sudden change in position.

Ms Frankenstein Part 2

Credence continues to search for clues about her past life. Fred becomes a much larger force; friend, protector, confidant. Will he be a lover? She begins to see that the evil forces in her life persist.

Timeout 4- Reel to Real - Chapter 10.5 AKA 11

Joanie's jury duty ends spectacularly. She makes new friends and enemies, maybe. The spring session ends. Joanie makes plans for summer. A new woman will be joining the staff in July, from Egypt. Carson gives out details. Joanie brushes up on her Steve Martin tunes. She and Suzy ride a train and tease the boys.

Andy Warhol said, "In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

Firefly: Connecting Flight | Part 5: Cleared for Departure

This is it, the end of the beginning of our newly-minted heroine's maiden voyage! Jayne's surrounded by guns like a kid in a candy shop, and the rest of the crew is riding a bit of turbulence. Hang onto somethin' -- we're goin' for hard burn! *grin*

Firefly: Connecting Flight | Part 4: Emergency Instructions

No more spoiler warnings, folks. If you've come this far, you already know what I've been trying to hide about the Firefly/Serenity universe, created by Joss Whedon. You know our intrepid heroes are in a bad way, but it's always darkest before the dawn. Unfortunately, the crew is on a space station, so who knows how that old adage works out?

On with the show!

Firefly: Connecting Flight | Part 3: Boarding Pass

SPOILER WARNING for you non-Browncoats, so enter at your own risk! This is a fan fiction set in the Firefly/Serenity universe created by Joss Whedon. It takes place after the events in the television series and the companion motion picture that followed, so you kin be sure it's chock full of spoilery goodness.

Wash finds an unexpected ally . . . but don't take my word for it, go on in and start readin'!

Firefly: Connecting Flight | Part 2: Lost Luggage

Again, here there be SPOILERS, folks! This is a fan fiction set in the Firefly/Serenity universe created by Joss Whedon. It takes place after the events in the television series and the companion motion picture that followed. So since the very premise of the tale reveals something major, PULEEZE please don't read this unless you get the chance to see the series and the movie -- both, in my opinion, some of the best science fiction ever created for the big or small screen.

Firefly: Connecting Flight | Part 1: Changing Planes

This is a fan fiction set in the Firefly/Serenity universe created by Joss Whedon. It takes place after the events in the television series and the companion motion picture that followed. This means it has SPOILERS, folks, and major ones at that. So please don't read this unless you get the chance to see the series and the movie -- both, in my opinion, some of the best science fiction ever created for the big or small screen.

But if you're already a Browncoat tried and true -- someone who knows what it means to have "done the impossible" -- read on!

You Are Mine, My Pet - Part 1

Please note: This is an incomplete story. For anyone who read this and expected more chapters, I do apologize. I think it was too sexually oriented for me to maintain enough interest to finish it.

And here is the start of another story. Please note that it has a slightly darker tone than my other writing, and a forced sex scene towards the end.

Comments, suggestions, and the like are welcome.


Oscar Night - Part 8

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Last time, we saw how novelist/screenwriter David Fine spent his Christmas holiday alone, as his girlfriend fashion model Maritza Delgado was back in Venezuela visiting her family. In this installment, we follow Maritza on her first full day back in town, as she prepares a surprise for David. (There's not a lot of TG in this one, and it's a little shorter than usual.)


Four wives fed up with the way their husbands treat them, decide the shoe or is that the high heel belongs on the other foot.

Copyright 1996,1998,2000 by Vickie Tern This story is not intended for anyone below the age of consent. They will have to be corrupted by their own erotic imaginations.

Oscar Night - Part 7

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

In this installment, we see how novelist/screenwriter David Fine spends his Christmas alone as his girlfriend, fashion model Maritza Delgado has gone home to Venezuela for the holiday. David explores his feminine side a little more, helped in part by the fact that Maritza took all his underpants with her, forcing him to spend two weeks in her panties.

Rhapsody, Chapter 5 - Legato Grave

Chapter 5 — Legato Grave
By Jillian

“So you think…” I couldn’t bring myself to finish saying what I’d intended.

Detective Johnson turned his attention back to the road just as the light changed. As we pulled through the intersection, he muttered, “I knew I shouldn’t have let you go tonight.”

Ignoring his comment I asked, “What about my things? You know, my equipment? And I left my purse on a table in the club.”

Moog Story

Moog Story

by Miss K

Moog walked into the bar to meet his old friend Carlos. They'd for some time now been meeting on the odd occasion to discuss things - nothing world-shaking, though they would probably admit that deep inside they both wished to leave something of note to the world. They were still young. There was time.

Rhapsody, Chapter 4 - Scherzo Energico

Chapter 4 — Scherzo Energico
By Jillian

“Wait!” I said in a surprised tone. “A safe house? You mean like witness protection? What about my work? My apartment? What am I supposed to do with my stuff?”

“Slow down,” he said while holding his hands up to emphasize things. “We don’t know how long it’ll be, but I wouldn’t expect it to take too long. For now, anything you don’t have to have with you should stay here. I’ll have a uniform posted here as a guard, okay?”

“Will there be room for my upright?” I asked.

“I don’t know why not,” he responded before adding, “Which one is that?”

For King & Country: Colourful but Ordinary

Jane Masters, photographed tomorrow

For King & Country: Colourful But Ordinary...

a Jane Masters adventure
by Miss K

A short, complete adventure for Jane Masters, 004. A coda to her first story and a prelude to her next. Masters and Bond break off a sexy encounter in the Swiss Alps to investigate shady goings on with the Russian Mafia. Contains EXPLICIT depictions of oral sex at the end.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 7

Chuck was checking his watch when the stranger approached him. “Those were a couple of nice looking ladies you had.”

“Thanks.” Chuck said while not looking at the guy but in the direction of the ladies room door. ‘Come on Hiromi, we got to get going or we’ll miss the boat.’

“If you’re done with them, would you mind giving me their number?”

Chuck immediately turned around. “What did you just say?”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Seven

Synopsis- Hiromi sees a fortune teller and goes to a casino in Macau, Gabrielle has a chat with Dr. Wagner and meets a close friend, Midori and Stewart Slater get very bad news, plus Operation Swan Song takes an unexpected turn.

Heroes of Justice Part 4

“Their plan failed, but any chance of us surprising them is gone. We finish this and we do it now. I know you have to live with the consequences of what happened here tonight while, win or lose, we don’t know what will happen to us. Like the woman said, do what you feel you need to, and so will we.” She finished, and walked over to me.

“Do you know which way?” my friend softly asked me.

I nodded, and Cape lifted us up in flight, as we soared towards where a scared young girl waited for rescue.

Girl's Night Out

Henry agrees to attend his wife's Girls' Night Out birthday party appropriately dressed, not knowing she has her own special reasons for wanting him there dressed that way. This story is the origin of another much longer one, "The Birthday Present."

Oscar Night - Part 6

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Last time, novelist/screenwriter David Fine took his girlfriend model Maritza Delgado to a racetrack to learn to drive fast, and she loved it. In this installment, there are new developments in their relationship, and David's Friend fashion designer Claude Marsh reappears when it's time for the new movie's opening night.

To Touch a Palm, last part

A half an hour, 45 minutes outside town, the hills begin to lift, and
if you know just where to look, you see the first blue line of
mountains reaching towards the sky. That's where he left the highway,
dipped and swooped through steepening hills, past trees that seemed to
grow taller, deeper green as we climbed. A gravel road following the

To Touch a Palm, part 5

I watched deep blue lighten to gray, felt that extra stillness, extra
quiet of a weekend morning in a strictly-business downtown. Standing by
the hotel window, I stared down the long, straight, empty streets of
this place I didn't know, at all the hopes and happiness, despair and
desperation sheltering under the endless neat rows of roofs, beneath


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